Stairs 4 Utgave 2, kapittel 1

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Heidi Håkenstad Kristin Morten Marianne Undheim Vestgård

k o o b t M y Tex



My Textbook


Bokmål Heidi Håkenstad

Kristin Morten

Marianne Undheim Vestgård

Illustrert av Solveig Lid Ball

Utgave 2

© CAPPELEN DAMM AS, 2014 Føresegnene i åndsverklova gjeld for materialet i denne publikasjonen. Utan særskilt avtale med Cappelen Damm AS er all eksemplarframstilling og tilgjengeleggjering berre tillate så langt det har heimel i lov eller avtale med Kopinor, interesseorgan for rettshavarar til åndsverk. Bruk som er i strid med lov eller avtale, kan føre til erstatningsansvar og inndraging, og kan straffast med bøter eller fengsel. Stairs dekkjer alle måla i Kunnskapsløftet etter revidert plan 2012, i faget engelsk, og er laga til bruk på barnetrinnet i grunnskolen. Omslagsillustrasjon: Solveig Lid Ball Omslagsdesign: Mette Gundersen / Substans Design Design: Lilly Raknes / Lillyputt Design Illustrert av Solveig Lid Ball Repro: RenessanseMedia AS, Asker Forlagsredaktør: Ingar Ebbestad Biletredaktør: Kjersti Laake Trykk og innbinding: Utgåve 2 Opplag 1 ISBN Foto:

Velkommen til Stairs 4! I Stairs 4 er det to trinn. Vi begynner på Step 1. Her kan du øve på det du kan fra før, og du lærer litt nytt. Vanskelige ord står forklart nederst på siden.

I Step 2 arbeider vi videre med temaet. Her er det litt lengre tekster og flere nye ord. Du finner gloselister på hver side.

1 2

Du vil også møte faktatekster, som du skal lese og arbeide med på forskjellige måter. Bakerst i boka finner du «Vi leser mer» Det er lengre og mer krevende tekster. Noen av dem er utdrag fra kjente britiske barnebøker.


Innhold Innhold Welcome back! Chapter Welcomeone back!

Back to school .................................... page 00 ............................................................................... page 00


Chapter Chapter two one

It’s getting darker .......................... page 00 Back to school .................................... page 00


Chapter Chapter three two

Who am I? ............................................... It’s getting darker page 00 00


Chapter Chapter four three

Visit Whome! am ..................................................... I? page 00 00


Chapter Chapter five four

Making ....................................... page 00 Visit me!plans ..................................................... page 00


Chapter Chapter six five

Busy days .................................................. page 00 Making plans ....................................... page 00


00 Chapter six

Grammar ............................................................................... page 00 Busy days .................................................. page 00

Extra reading Picture glossary Glossary


page 00


NyttPicture i glossary 00 Utgave 2:



page page 00 00

............................................................................... ...............................................................................


page 00

Welcome back! Five new pencils, four new books, and your teacher, happy looks. Seeing friends is always fun, Hip hop hopscotch, jump and run!

Half past eight and school bell rings. Find your classroom, leave the swings. Listen, read, sing and write. And at lunchtime, take a bite.

One more lesson, home by bike. Biking fast is what I like. No more English, no more art, The football game’s about to start!

happy looks = glade uttrykk take a bite = ta en matbit always = alltid

leave = forlate lesson = skoletime biking = sykle

art = kunst og håndverk is about to = holder på å


Chapter 1

Back to school

First at school I like to be first in the playground. I like to slip down the slide. I like to have fun with our caretaker, Before we all go inside.

I walk from the tree to the dustbin, I walk towards the swings, I zig-zag back to the bushes, The minute I hear the bell rings.

I like to count up to one hundred, I like to eat lunch on the swing. But I always run back to my classroom, I can hear my class, they sing. 6

Dette skal vi lære: Read and listen • stories • recipes • poems and songs

Speak • about numbers, food and playground • counting • spelling and rhyming

Write • Ework with words • sentences with I like… He/she likes… I have … He/she has • poems

Phrases • I’m hungry / starving • Can you pass me the…, please? Here you are! • Mr / Mrs • I like …

Grammar • he/she is … • he/she has … I have … • I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they


boiled egg



skipping rope

fried egg





fish and chips














Stop that noise! Teacher:

Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!

The class: Sh! Sh! Stop that noise! Teacher:

Come on girls, tell all the boys. Tell all the boys, to stop that noise!


Please be quiet, stop that noise! Please be quiet, stop that noise!


Come on boys, tell all the girls. Tell all the girls, to stop that noise!


Shut up girls! Stop that noise! Shut up girls! Stop that noise!


Come on girls, come on boys. Tell everybody to stop that noise!

The class: Sh! Sh! Stop that noise! Sh! Sh! Stop that noise! Teacher:

Tell the whole class to stop that noise!

noise = brĂĽk


be quiet = vĂŚr stille

shut up = ti stille


Eachie peachie Eachie, peachie, pear, plum, When does your birthday come? Zero, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. YOU ARE OUT!

your = din zero = null

You are out! = Du er ute! out goes = g책r ut




Out goes the rat, Out goes the cat, Out goes the lady with the bog green hat. Y,O,U spells you, O,U,T spells out!


Out goes the rat

spells = staves


Schoolyard rhyme 2 Twenty-one boys at school Try on their teacher’s shoe. Along comes another one, and that makes twenty-two. Climb up the slide, play on the swings. Don’t use your skipping rope when the school bell rings! Thirty young girls at school Draw on the board with chalk. In comes Mr Donaldson and says he wants to talk. Climb up the slide, play on the swings … Look, our caretaker at school. He climbs up the tree. He wants to have a tiny break, Oh no! Help! A bee! try on = prøver climb = klatre use = bruk


makes = blir draw = tegne talk = snakk

along comes = her kommer another one = en annen tiny break = kort pause

Climb up the slide, play on the swings … Forty young boys at school, Eat fish and chips for lunch. They bake lovely cherry pies And pancakes for the bunch. Climb up the slide, play on the swings … Fifty young girls at school All say: We want to bake! With sugar, milk and eggs, We’ll make a lovely cake. Climb up the slide, play on the swings … Sixty young boys at school throw a stone so high. The stone goes through a window-pane, Into a cherry pie! Climb up the slide, play on the swings … window-pane = vindusrute lovely = deilig through = gjennom

add = legg til bunch = gjeng throw = kaster

hits = treffer


Grammar Up the tree The caterpillar is up.

I am up!

The bird flies up.

It is up!

Sophie’s cat climbs up.

Now, she is up!

Blackie, Sam’s dog jumps up.

He is up! 12

Then, Sam and Sophie are going up.

We are up!

Mum wants to help the pets, Sam and Sophie. She calls a firefighter.

You need help!

The firefighter helps the cat, the dog, Sam and Sophie down.

They are down.



Who stole the biscuits from the biscuit tin? Group:

Sophie stole the biscuits from the biscuit tin. Sophie stole the biscuits from the biscuit tin. Sophie: Who, me? Group: Yes, you! Sophie: Wasn’t me! Group: Then, who?

Sophie: Sam stole the biscuits from the biscuit tin. Sam stole the biscuits from the biscuit tin. Sam: Who, me? Group: Yes, you! Sam: Wasn’t me! Group: Then, who?

who = hvem stole = stjal


biscuit tin = kjeksboks wasn’t = det var ikke

then = da

Sing a song of sixpence Sing a song of sixpence,

A pocketful of rye;

Four 4 and twenty 20 blackbirds,

Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened,

The birds began to sing;

Wasn’t that a dainty dish,

To put before the king? pocketful of = lomme full av rye = rug

began = begynte dainty = lekker

dish = matrett


The king was in the counting-house,

Counting out his money;

The queen

was in the parlour,

Eating bread

The maid

and honey.

was in the garden,

Hanging out the clothes;

When down came a blackbird,

And pecked off her nose.

counting-house = pengebinge parlour = stue


maid = tjenestejente pecked off = hakket av

Soft spongy cupcakes Make delicious cupcakes, and invite your friends to taste. Easy to make and easy to eat! You will need: 2 large eggs 125 gram sugar 125 gram soft butter 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor 125 gram flour

How to make them‌ 1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and beat them together until the mixture is smooth and lighter in colour. 2. Half fill each paper cake case with the cake mixture. 3. Cook the cakes for 18 to 20 minutes. The cakes are done when they have risen up and are golden in colour. delicious = deilige teaspoon = teskje flour = mel a bowl = en bolle smooth = glatt

beat = rør half fill = halvfyll are done = er ferdige vanilla flavor = vaniljesukker

heat the oven = varm ovnen paper cake case = muffinsformer cook the cakes = stek kakene have risen up = har hevet seg


Decorate your cupcakes You will need: 250 gram icing sugar colourful sweets 125 gram soft butter Marshmallows 1 teaspoon water food colour

How to make the icing‌ 1. Sieve the icing sugar in a bowl. 2. In another bowl, beat the butter until creamy. 2. Gradually add the icing sugar to the butter and keep beating the mixture. 3. Finally, beat in the water. Decorate your cupcakes with sweets. 18

December 15th is a national cupcake day in USA. The record for eating the most cupcakes in the shortest time is 29 cupcakes in 30 seconds!

World’s largest cupcake is about 555 kg.

World’s smallest cupcake is 1,5 cm tall and 3 cm wide.

in another bowl = i en annen bolle gradually add = bland gradvis

sieve = sil creamy = kremaktig

the mixture = røra finally = til slutt


Back to school 1 The schoolyard is empty. There is no one on the swings. There is no one on the slides.

The caretaker paints the stairs grey. The caretaker paints the windows white. He paints the doors blue. He plants some pretty red roses by the fence.

– Sam! someone shouts – Hi, Sophie! It is good to see you!

empty = tom no one = ingen


paints = maler plants = planter

pretty = søte shouts = roper

– Riiiing!!!! The school bell is ringing. Sam hurries up the stairs. He cannot wait to see Mrs Heart, his favorite teacher. He gives her a big hug.


– Oh, Sam! I left my lunch box in the schoolyard. Can you get it for me? – No problem, says Sam as he runs off. Sophie is on the swing. – Can you help me? Sam asks. – I am looking for Mrs Heart’s lunch box. – I see it! I can see it! Sophie says. – Mrs Heart’s red lunch box! Over there, on the bench. Sam and Sophie run to the bench, but they are too late. The caretaker swallows the last of the bacon and egg pie. hurries = skynder seg cannot = kan ikke wait = vente

over there = der borte runs off = løper sin vei swallows = svelger

late = sein hug = klem left = la igjen

last = siste


Poems 1

Red The see-saw is red, and so is my head. I fell off and now I’m dead. by Peter

Blue In a cage; it is blue, I see a monkey, he looks like you. by Kate

poems = dikt fell off = falt av


dead = død monkey = apekatt

looks like = ser ut som ink = blekk

Writing poems 2

Mrs Heart tells everyone to pick a colour and write a poem about it. She says: If brown is your favourite colour, you can write: In the circus I see a clown. His eyes are sad and big and brown.

Sam puts up his hand. – I don’t know what rhymes with blue, he says. Mrs Heart gives him a few words: – Zoo, you, two, shoe! – How about glue? asks Sam. – Yes, that rhymes too, Mrs Heart says.

everyone = alle to pick = å velge

sad = trist puts up = rekker opp

a few = noen få


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