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Jay Jay Live
Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. Hello, my name is Jay I am a PR Rep and I live in Miami. I am from Australia. I started about 16 years ago as a musician/magician and this is what spring boarded me to. The point where I had millions of views online and really started to shine.
Q. So, let us talk about Ace of Spades and the motivation behind that.
A. Well, listen the motivation behind that was the pain of the pandemic. I was doing tv hosting and other things around 2020 I was not happy. I was not getting anywhere, and I felt like I was doing everything right. Then when the pandemic happened, and I could not do a lot of events I transitioned to the internet. I formed the Ace of Spades from my magic. It was like you can be a great runner but if you are running in the wrong direction, you are going nowhere, but if you just shift then elevation can happen.
Q. How did you come up with the name Ace of Spades?
A. Because I was a magician. Also, if you are holding the Ace of spades, you know you have a good chance of winning. Its classy, rolls off the tongue, makes sense, and it went very well. It is a great conversation starter. You must lead your audience into your world where you can move them. That is what people buy into your story what you stand for and what you believe, that is why they support you.
Q. How or why did you get into magic, what age did you start?
A. I started when I was five. I thought I would be either in entertainment or sports. I always wanted to play pro soccer, but I just went all in with entertainment at 15. I chose magic because it was intriguing, I loved it. Connecting with people and sharing wonders. Now 18 years later I am still working on me and growing and building my confidence. Just by learning new skill sets and take them with you to every endeavor and you are like a Swiss army knife. It gives you super confidence.
Q. What is the difference between the feeling you got doing magic in front of an audience vs helping your clients with Ace of Spades?
A. Enrique Iglesias said this, when you are on stage and 35,000 people sing your song you get a feeling of euphoria. The feeling I get now is a warm feeling. It makes me feel like what I am saying works. I get that validation from my peers when they take my advice and win. I feel like the grandpa that sit backs and watch things as they happen. The look in my clients’ eyes of the love and joy of them blossoming. It is a great feeling. Just go live and start talking. This can really boost your confidence. Just get yourself out there and be visible. The real reason people do not get out there and do it is because you are scared. Just get out and do it.
Q. What can we expect from you in 2022?
A. Hopefully, I will not have to wear a mask ha ha. It is crazy that we are still in the pandemic. I can say I really want to do more events, but I want to do something different because events are getting somewhat boring. People want more so for me it would be giving people an experience they have never had before. Instead of just making people feel good I want to give them a mood change. I want to tell whoever is listening, just put a little creative difference in your products, service or show and it’s not too costly.
Q. What is the number one thing you would tell someone who Is trying to get themselves or their brand out there?
A. I will give you two. First, it is the words you say to yourself. Stop saying you are shy or not funny she is prettier. Your words will make you fly or make you die. Your mindset is powerful. So, mindset and watch your words. Also just do lives. You do not have to do content just go live.
Q. What are your three tips on monetizing your business?
A. Generally, have a clear offer. Have a straightforward way for people to collaborate with you. Just create, take your thoughts, and give the people something they want and charge a small amount for it. Take the knowledge from your head and the message from your heart and give it out digital. The other thing is once you get some traction find a local company that wants to advertise and get and do a partnership with them. A win is better than no win and cash flow is better than no cash flow.
Q. What is a big challenge for you?
A. Just being too handsome! Ha ha. I said this before I have always tried to do everything myself. There are good and bad things about trying to take on all the weight. So, I need to allow other people to come into my ship and show me other ways of doing things. Also, to allow my ego not to come into play.

Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. JayJaylive send me a DM say you saw me on the show, let me know this stuff is working. Also, on www.
for all the people trying to make themselves visible and get themselves out there or get verified to have someone in their corner to show them how to brand themselves.
Q. What is your perfect customer?
A. Someone that is committed, coachable, and has cash. I call it the 3 C’s. first how can I commit to you if you are not committed to yourself. Need to be coachable you cannot come in and want to do it your way. You also need to invest in yourself that is where the cash comes in because that is the way we exchange currencies to get things done. Even someone that has built their business but they want to seem bigger or be the go-to person or they are struggling to get awareness, so I helped them get global attention.
Q. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A. Chicago style deep dish pizza!! A little Giordano’s extra cheese extra pepperoni extra stretched. I will deal with all the problems with dairy for the rest of my life. I love women but that deep dish plays a significant role.
Q. If you could go anywhere in the world at any point in time, where would you go?
A. Wow that is a good question. Cause you go back to chapters in your life that you wish you could do over. I would say back when I was 17 or 18, I feel like I should have gotten a mentor. I just jumped out there I feel like I should have had better direction. It bothers me when I feel like I should have known some things I know now back then.
Q. What message would you like to give out?
A. Every time you hit a wall ask yourself who is telling you that and you say I am telling myself that. Remember words will block you and you really have to be present to it. We need to condition ourselves to not talk ourselves out of things.