4 minute read
Attack the Sound

Q. Tell everyone who are and what you do?
A. Davo: I am the front man/guitarist for ATS. Viano: I am the lead guitarist and background vocals. Royce: Hey I’m Royce Harrington, trombonist and background vocalist of Attack the Sound. Vante’: I’m Vante’, saxophonist and background vocal for the band. Paris: I’m Paris J’Mal drummer and background vocals.
Q. How did you come up with the name “Attack the sound” and is it a meaning behind the name?
A. Davo: I came up with the name during a focus group with the band. We had a project we were working on called Effect the Sound or ETS which in the military mean Estimated Time of Service. I had hoped for it to be our break project for I could leave the military and tour, but we were that good and the project never got finished. In the focus group I remember describing the drummer as having too much attack and the rest is history.
Q. Let’s talk about your single “Pick up your phone” and the motivation behind the song?
A. Davo: I wanted to write about fighting for love. My interest is ignoring me, and we don’t like to be ignored. I’m begging and pleading to be back the way we were. The fact is though, that’s toxic lol.
Q. What has been one of your most memorable moments you’ve had in your career?
A. Davo: There was this time we pretended to have a show with celebrity guest Judges like Add 2 for Paris Jmal surprise Birthday. We did a full set then the judges were super harsh on their feedback. Paris got so mad. The code phrase so we could all break character was “…but you know this all-fake right.” Paris was ready to beat up a judge then we all said “SURPRISE” and brought out cake. This moment lives rent free in my head. Viano: We played navy pier and the weather and vibe were simply perfect. Wind blowing through our hair, and not a single care. Royce: Windy City Live in 2019. While our bandleader (Davo) was heading out for deployment, his final show for the year was my very first with the band. With only one rehearsal under my belt the band gave a stellar performance of our hit single “Bad News”.
Q. Who are some of your biggest influencers?
A. Viano: I would have to give it up to Hendrix, Santana, and John Mayer. Royce: JJ Johnson, Wycliffe Gordon, Slide Hampton, Joe Sample, Roy Hargrove, Bob Marley and EWF & plenty more. Vante’: J Cole, Hank Mobley, Kendrick Lamar, Johnny Hodges. Paris: my peers. Meaning a lot of Chicago creatives that have more skin in the game. Just to name a few Ami, Matt Skillz, Josiah & Leonard Maddox, & Jamiah Rogers.

Vante’: I’ll have to agree with both Royce and Viano, those were two shows that are at the top of my list!
Q. If you could go anywhere in the world and perform, where would it be?
A. Viano: definitely Tokyo, and London. Royce: Sydney, Australia would be awesome. My true answer is anywhere where our music brings joy to the people, and we can safely bring the party of music to our fans. Vante’: Would definitely love to visit and perform in Japan, which would be a first for me.
band in the next three years?
A. Viano: in the studio with Pharell and setting up for our European tour. Royce: I can see being the headline for popular bands on tours. hopefully a global tour…Attack the Globe baby!!!Hitting pop charts.
Q. What has been your biggest challenge as a band?
A. Viano: Well, we’re a large band and setting gigs and rehearsals up around everyone’s schedules has been the most difficult part. Royce: Our biggest challenge is getting our Sound to the people who will take us to the next level. As the band is closer to evolving into a music juggernaut, I’d personally love to have a sit down with generational talents like John Legend, Jay-Z & Beyoncé, and pick their brains on what we need to make the jump. Vante’: Everybody has their own personal ventures in music, and I’d say scheduling around it all is the hard part.
Q. Do you have any upcoming projects or events?
A. Davo: We just finished a project with Isaiah Sharkey so stay tuned for that.
Q. Where can the readers follow the band?
A. Davo: Follow us on all streaming and social platforms as Attack the Sound!