3 minute read
Adrienne Gates

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. Adrienne Gates is a serial entrepreneur whose career began as a tax specialist in 2014. After building her own successful business, she switched gears to teach business formation to other entrepreneurs. Now, she specializes in helping small business owners gain access to funding and establishing business credit. Gates is an Atlanta, GA native and has a passion for people which brought her to her purpose driven non-profit; Pathways of Wealth and Economic Resources (P.O.W.E.R. Atlanta, Inc.) that focuses on improving financial literacy in marginalized communities.
Q. Let’s talk a little about your journey and how you got to where you are today?
A. First and foremost I’d like to give glory to God for the many provisions he has made on my behalf. Also, if it were not for family and friends I don’t know where I’d be. I’m a little more seasoned and newer to social media. In the last 2 years I became more knowledgeable of the influence social media has and have since I hired a marketing team to aid me through it all. However, for so long my professionalism and relatable personality kept me thriving in business.

Q. Let’s talk about Real Estate and how you got started in this career?
A. When I purchased my home from a friend, she complimented me on my bubbly personality and mentioned that she thought that the real estate industry and I would be a good fit and for so many years it was just I and Real Estate.
Q. What has been some of the hurdles and hardships you’ve had to go through in life?
A. I try to find the positive in every situation, but for the purpose of this interview If I had to share a hurdle experience it would have to speak to me as a full-time single mother and full-time employee. Having a child at an early age and not having much support wasn’t easy for me growing up, but I always knew I didn’t want to live my life like this — so I decided to create opportunities for people that look like me.

Q. Can you give us three tips on Financial Literacy? A.
• Set Specific Financial Goals • Keep Your Credit Use Below 30% of
Your Total Available Credit • Spend on the real you, not the imaginary you.
Q. What are some of the benefits of credit restoration?
A. Credit restoration allows you to challenge data that was improperly placed on your credit profile which can be removed and can result in a credit score increase.
Q. How would you define your purpose in life?
A. “If I can do it, you can too”. “It is possible to be successful”. “Be kind to yourself”. My purpose in life is to remind as many people as possible of the statements printed above. As an entrepreneur daily operations change, literally every day and you have to be prepared for whatever the day may bring. With that said I feel it is equally important to be kind and also patient with yourself. You have to learn to give yourself grace and take a moment to regroup and hit the ground running again. It is always my hope that my testimony will inspire someone to change their life.

Q. What advice can you give to others that would like to be an entrepreneur?
A. Stay focused, remain humble and stay the course — for those that are working their traditional 9-5 jobs, use the same tenacity, if not more when working for yourself. It won’t always be easy, but you have to see the end goal and commit to working towards it every day, even if it’s one thing checked off your to-do list, your consistency alone will put you in a better position.
Q. Are you working on any new projects?
A. Yes — I’m currently working to create a step-by-step course to help individuals secure business funding and how to start a 6 Figure Business. Amidst other mini projects, my Funding Course requires the most attention because I’ve witnessed so many business owners like myself not thrive throughout the pandemic.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. On all platforms Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: @iamadriennegates @poweratlantainc @ezmoneytaxsolutions.