5 minute read
Victor Migalchan
Investing In Education, Kids And Mother Nature - Are The Best Investments You Can Make.
Today WIB magazine invited Victor Migalchan, Hollywood Director & Producer for another interview. We will discuss projects Victor’s team is preparing to launch as well as their innovations.
Q. Hi Victor, welcome back! How’s everything going in the Entertainment world?
A. Hi Cece, thank you for having me. Everything is going pretty well and intense for us. As I mentioned to you, together with my partner Edward Cologna we develop 2 educational shows for kids and teens and of course, as always, I work on efficiency for us, and other production companies can use our methods.
Q. Could you please share with us about your shows. What are their names and what are they about?
A. Sure! The first one is “Life Academy”, it is an educational reality show for kids and teens. Our students are learning with our celebrity mentors. Our mentor and Hollywood actress Adela Guerra taught about mental health & wellness. Hollywood actors & writers Ego Mikitas and Steve Jacques taught a master class on acting, stage performance and presentation (of themselves). It is very important to learn how to present yourself, how to work with your character, not only with other characters, right? Our students also learn how to work with cameras. With Alina Z - our next celebrity mentor, students learned photography and how to pose (again their own self presentation). We break the ice, break the barriers. A big part of our studies lies in education about health. Our mentor and celebrity doctor DC Marwan Chahayed taught our students about proper nutrition, spinal health, muscular health and development. Alex Mosendz, our next mentor, Hollywood actor and influencer taught students how to warm up, stretch and how to prepare their bodies for the day. With our next mentor Shifu Clark Tang, students learned traditional martial arts and it wasn’t about “how to kick ass” or “ no mercy”, but what martial arts

teach us for real. It is a process of learning about yourself, finding and building yourself. Physical skills and self-defense come along the way.
With our next mentor Wendi Lin Dixon our students learn about taxes, finance, credit and entrepreneurship. We have great support from many influential and respectable people. For instance, Mr. Cung Le, legendary MMA World Champion, kindly agreed to join our team and help students learn and be strong. You can’t be weak in this world. We also teach them about the importance of their families, as well as love and respect for their country. In order to make it more dynamic and entertaining we use comic book + MTV styles.
That is pretty impressive. These skills and knowledge, indeed, are very important.
Yes. None of these important lessons are taught at the school, which is why we created this show. We see that a strong generation builds a good life, good life creates a weak generation. Weak generation creates bad life. We don’t want that to happen. This is motivating our team. We develop these shows together with Cologna Productions, we have great relations and support from Mr. Edward Cologna. He takes investment in education very seriously! My other partner Sharon Tan has strong faith in new talents, she basically helps them to be seen. I also have to mention my co - host Will Roberts! Having kids, he feels the necessity of such shows on his own skin!
Q. That’s true! How about the other show you have mentioned?
A. Yes, the second show we are developing is called “OnAir”. It is a talent show, which is aimed to find new talents and help them learn and develop in Hollywood. We will collaborate with the ITDM Agency to help them develop. It is pretty hard to find management companies that care. We did and luckily for new talents they will have opportunities and more doors open.
Q. How can talents audition for these shows?
A. Well, they can send their portfolios and letters to submissions@itdmagency. com, and also reach out to us

via social media. In fact, we have a few very promising talents Mason DuMonte, Elsa Yu, Nicole Li, Josslyn Bahn, Samson Wu, Veronica Gnip and a few others. We are thinking of offering them to be hosts for “OnAir”.
Q. Which criteria’s are the most important for you in order to offer new talents important roles?
A. Work ethics, being diligent, disciplined, hardworking and respectful. They are showing good results so far and everything can always be improved! It’s a constant quest and competition for them. Plus, they are learning about team building, mutual respect and respect for others. It is very important in my opinion.
Q. How does the production process go now compared to how it was before covid? Is it more difficult?
A. I wouldn’t say so. As it is in business, the main investment is the idea. We can see now that many studios are re - creating (re - cycling) old stories. I see new opportunities now. Of course, ideas come on one side, and a proper business plan has to come on the other. We have to remember that we are in the business of show, not just show business.
Q. Last time we spoke you mentioned that you constantly work on improving efficiency. Is there anything new you developed and could share with us?
A. Yes definitely. I constantly work on efficiency plans for the production process. Creating scripts and schedules is a mathematical model for me. In 2022 I decided to focus on more ways of improving our production processes. Again, everything starts as an idea! With my teammates and partners, we developed an upgraded technology for portable power generators and solar panels. We were playing with ideas and came up with this name idea play! I love it. Now, we can charge our power stations when electricity is at lower cost and use it whenever we need. While we are using the generators, they are constantly being charged by the solar panels or if we are on the road - from the vehicle. We will be testing our methods more, but my calculations tell me now that our methods can be a big saver for production companies and studios.
That is pretty amazing and indeed, a dollar saved is a dollar earned!
Yes exactly, plus it is environment friendly. That is a very important characteristic for me. The further the more we need to provide energetic independence to our productions and our homes as well.
That is so true! We can use that in our office too, especially with our podcasts!
You definitely can!
Thank you, Victor, for coming today and sharing your news with us! We are looking forward to watching your shows!
Thank you for having me!