6 minute read
Chrissy Shorter-Arnold

Q. Tell Everyone who you are and what you do.
A. Hi, my name is Chrissy ShorterArnold and I wear many different hats. I am the Wife of Noel Arnold and Mother of 5. I am the Owner of Credit Master of Florida INC the parent company of a conglomerate of companies which includes: The Chrissy Shorter Foundation and Unveiled the Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Show.
Q. Let’s talk about your journey and how you got to where you are today?
A. Chrissy, a Transgender Female, was born with Klinefelter Syndrome which was undiagnosed until adulthood. Klinefelter syndrome (Klinefelter's, KS, or XXY) is where babies(as in Chrissy's Case), are born with male genitalia but the sex chromosomes of a female, i.e. XXY. Also, a former Federal Prison Inmate was released in February 2019. During her time, Chrissy taught one of Jesup FCI's largest classes, Personal Finance in the Education Department. Chrissy realized many inmates' crimes were financially driven and wanted to change that. Chrissy's motto; "if you handle your finances a certain way, you will not put yourself in a position where you will be incarcerated again." Keeping her motto in the forefront, Chrissy hit the ground running upon her release, establishing Credit Master of Florida INC the parent company of a conglomerate of companies which includes: The Chrissy Shorter Foundation and Unveiled The Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Show. Chrissy, primarily focuses on teaching the underserved community about personal finances and fixing credit issues. At this point having helped over 1056 families receive home mortgages, 1200 families with auto loans, 27 truck drivers purchase semitrucks, and 18 box trucks just to name a few. Chrissy's newest venture, Unveiled theChrissy Shorter-Arnold Show(podcast) is in its Second Season and is streaming on Facebook Watch Live every Wednesday at 6 PM EST.
Q. What made you want to pursue a career in Financial Literacy?
A. My passion for financial literacy started in 1998. After purchasing 2 houses I could not get anything else on credit. My logic was if I can purchase a house then I should be able to get anything. Unbeknownst to me the only reason I was able to get the houses was because I was putting down large down payments so in essence, I was buying my credit because my credit was bad. I began to start learning about credit which excited me, and I began to make better financial decisions whereas I started sharing this information with my loved ones. I started helping family and friends understand and get their credit right as well as assisting with the car/home buying process. Back in those days there was less of an appetite for those things within the immediate minority community, so I didn’t turn it into a business. When I went to Federal Prison for financial crimes I began to teach about the importance of Personal Finance as a Tutor within the Education Department. Upon my release from Federal Prison in 2019, I began to notice that the appetite within my immediate minority community had changed as far as learning about Personal Finance therefore my brainchild Credit Master was born.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?
A. I see myself on TV whether Reality TV or Scripted TV. My life, My Success and my Failures need to be displaced on the big screen for Transgender Women like me who have been suicidal and did attempt suicide, been to prison, been hidden and cheated on by downlow men, who struggled to fight their way back to life after giving up, who have fully transitioned, etc... There is a story to be told and I intend to tell it for girls like me!

Q. Let’s talk about your business “Credit Master LLC” & the motivation behind the company?
A. The structure of my business has been changed to a corporation therefore the legal name is now: Credit Master of Florida INC.
I started this company in March 2019 after my release from Federal Prison on 2/14/2019. The reason for starting this company is simple. I wanted to teach people about their relationship with money. After going to prison I realized that had I had a better relationship with money I would not have been in prison. Pre-prison I realized every time I got broke or low on money, I would put myself in a position to compromise thereby operate in criminality. I learned that if I could just get my finances in order, I would stop putting myself in a position where I would do anything to get money. I found this to be the case with most people I was incarcerated with that were incarcerated for financial crimes, which is why I became motivated to start my company.
Since March 2019 I have assisted over 1,000 families become homeowners and over 1200 families purchase vehicles with zero to low interest rates and zero to low down payments.
Q. Can you give us more details on your podcast show and how it’s different from other podcast shows?
A. Unveiled the Chrissy ShorterArnold Show streams on Facebook Watch every Wednesday at 6-7PM. You can follow the Unveiled Page to make sure you never miss an episode and/ or view past episodes at: Unveiled the Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Show.
On Unveiled as the Host I do exactly that, deal with issues that people are afraid to deal with. Being A Black Transgender post-op female with Klinefelter’s Syndrome I explain scientifically why many people are transgender and the difference in being trans and gay. I deal with every issue with a no houges bar approach in an open book method to really get down to the nitty gritty of the core of issues. The most obvious difference is there is only one Chrissy ShorterArnold!

Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?
A. Underneath my core I am a really funny person who really should have been a comedian.
Q. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A. I have always wanted to travel to the Eiffel Tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. I want to travel there with my Husband because we both believe it would be a romantic setting for a French Kiss, lol!
Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?
A. Season 2 of Unveiled the Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Show will start in July 2022. On August 6, 2022, I will be Hosting: The Unveiling---A Financial Empowerment Seminar! This seminar will have some dynamic speakers along with myself and will be a FREE event held at the New National Guard Armory in Quincy, Florida. For those who cannot attend it in person it will be streamed live on Unveiled the Chrissy ShorterArnold Show Page.
Q. Where can the readers follow you? A.
Instagram: @unveiledchrissyshorterarnold Facebook: @TheRealChrissyShorterArnold Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Chrissy Creditmaster Youtube: Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Twitter: @ArnoldShorter Website: www.chrissyshorterarnold.com Email: chrissy@chrissyshorterarnold.com
#unveiled #unveiledblgt #thechrissyshorterarnoldshow #teamchrissyshorterarnold #teamcreditmaster

Photographer: Gudrun Gabriel Stylist: Vivian Dinkins-Stith Make-up Artist: Yolanda Marshall Hair: Lisa Newton, Hair Game