4 minute read
Reec Swiney

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. Once again thank you for letting me come on and be on this great media platform. This is Reec, of course we do our show every day right here on Media Campus West. I am a radio personality; I have been on a couple of tv shows here and there. The main thing you will find me working is with the non-profit organization Positive American Youth.
Q. Before we get into that, when you think of 4/20 what do you think?
A. Well, I do not smoke, but I know the snack sales are going to go up and the traffic is going to be slow, and everyone will be mellow. On a more serious note, though I know there are a lot of medicinal purposes for marijuana. I just had someone on the show and learned about the first Black owned hemp farm in Ga. They do over 80% marijuana growth.
Q. Let's talk about your journey and how you got to where you are today.
A. Well, that is a great question. Long story short, I used to always get in trouble for talking in school now it is paying off. Take the other route, I played basketball in college fell in love with music and started releasing songs and transitioned from being an athlete into normal life. I was on billboard charts with a few songs and while I was touring in a few interviews, I was asked had I ever thought about doing radio because other artists do not really engage like you do and it was crazy because I majored in technical communications while I was in college. I started getting into it from then on doing interns and things of that nature. My major break was when we had a celebrity basketball game with Chris Brown. I took over the halftime radio show and it went from there. Went from show to show, weekend to weekdays, and my journey is still going.
Q. After leaving the major radio station, what was the expectation going into that move?
A. The game plan was just to win. I did not have a specific goal. We did not want to have a drop off we wanted the transition smooth. It was more of what kind of environment would I want to be in, and it evolved from there. It’s wonderful to have an idea and it to do well and people validate it.
Q. What goals and accomplishments do you have coming up in 2022?
A. Being consistent is one, with the show. Trying to put out more content on the podcast. Trying to keep growing in the terrestrial radio. Growing with our sponsors, and uplift and provide for our community. Participating in things such as feeding veterans and celebrity basketball games. Hosting free barbeques since it seems like outside is opened back up.
Q. Behind the scenes, what was the biggest challenge you’ve had?
A. Just getting people to come on the show. Some people did not come until they saw other celebrities come. So, thank you to all the ones that showed up for me.
Q. How did your non-profit organization come about and what is its mission?
A. It started out as a joke with my dad. It is an acronym PAY meaning Positive American Youth. Created the company in 2008. Since the pandemic we have been working on the food pantry. Anything that makes the home better. We attack anti bullying, fitness and healthy fitness. We work with older kids and help with money management.

Q. What do you do in your free time?
A. Always with the family, my chickens and my dogs lol. The chickens have their own TikTok page, and it is blowing up called BlackYardChickenz. You can have your own chickens just need about 3-6 square feet of yard. Just started off with getting a chicken coop. Stay on the lookout for updated content on our YouTube page. I also want to shout out Hen UP, company with organic chicken fee.
Q. If you could switch places with one person for one day,
who would it be? A. It would be one of my kids. I want to know if I am really having an impact on them. I want to know their perspective on how I am taking care of things.
Q. If you can talk to your chickens what would be the first thing they would say.
A. LOL it would be “What are we eating?” Cause they snack good on a regular basis.
Q. If you could give a positive message to the audience right now, what eould it be?
A. Stay consistent in whatever you are doing, and you are going to win. Most people do not have to be talented or have the most money they just stay constant. It is going to be people who are better than you, but will they outwork you? The game does not change the players do. Just stay consistent.
Q. Where can we follow you?
A. Reecradio.com reecswiney on IG and Twitter.