2 minute read
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. I go by JC but that’s just my name,
Justin Crowder, abbreviated; nothing fancy. (laugh) I’m from
Nashville, TN but have resided in
Atlanta, GA since 2007.

Q. What or Who inspired you to be a Singer?
A. I was inspired by my mother and being around a singing family.
Being the son of a pastor, I fell in love with singing.

Q. Tell us about your new single
“No Filter”? How was the experience on having it premiere on BET?
A. No Filter has a rich history. It started off as just a demo. I pitched it to a few major artists and a couple of them even cut the record; but politics kept it from landing. I linked up with Jacquees for a session about 6 months after recording the song, played him a few options and everyone in the room said that was the one. He loved it and after he put his verse down, everyone involved knew it was something special. The overall concept is a celebration of natural beauty.
Q. What is one of your favorite songs off your project?
A. No Filter is actually my favorite song, right now (laugh). But I love
“Way Too Much” ft. Eric Bellinger and “Worth It”.

Q. What do you think is missing in the R&B music world?
A. I think clean R&B is missing. That feel good, mainstream music that the entire household can listen to. That’s my niche. Motown did it best back in the day. I want to bring that back, but with today’s sound.
Q. How is your music and style different than others?
A. I mess with Hip-Hop and R&B. I always have, since day 1. And as
I stated, all of my music is clean.
I think it’s funny when DJ’s say,
“send me the clean version” and
I respond, “you already got it” (laugh).
Q. Let us know some of the things you like to do in your spare time?
A. I love songwriting. I could do it every day. I also enjoy working out, traveling, and basketball. I don’t watch much TV, but I love a good movie.
Q. Are there any other projects you working on right now? A. I’m sitting on 3 full albums, but
I stay working in an effort to replace every song on each project until my time comes to really reach the masses.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?
A. I see myself accepting a major award(s) and giving God all of the glory. My journey has definitely been unique, so I just want a bigger platform to gain more influence on planting positive seeds throughout the world; not just musically. I don’t care about being famous. I just want the platform.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. You can go to my website itsyaboyjc.com to link to all of my social media, music, videos, etc. Please make sure you drop a comment and click like, share, and anything else that can help build my audience. Thanks in advance!