2 minute read

Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. Well my name is Tony Snow and I’m a professional tattoo artist that has traveled the world tattooing. I’m
Cuban raised in Miami now residing on the south side of Atlanta.
Q. How did you get the name Cuban Gorilla and what is the meaning behind the name?
A. The name Cuban Gorilla kind of just fell on me lol being that I am Cuban and I’m pretty big in stature I’m 6’3 330 lbs. so I’m built like a gorilla. My cousin June
Dalink actually gave me that name.
Q. What or who inspired you to want to get into the
Tattoo Business?
A. I was always an artist. I basically started with graffiti and eventually spiraled off into airbrushing then tattooing. I really didn’t take tattooing seriously up until maybe 2010 which is when I dove in headfirst.
Q. Tell us about some of the conventions you have done?
A. I do about 20 conventions a year. Most of them are on the entire eastern seaboard. From Florida to New York.
The fun ones be like New Orleans because of the party factor. I also did one in Gettysburg which was spooky since there’s a lot of rumors of civil war ghost.
Q. What is the biggest challenge being a tattoo artist?
A. The biggest challenge in being a tattoo artist is not having artistic freedom when dealing with hard customers. The tattoo industry has taken a huge downfall because scratchers been undercutting professional artist and the music industry has been promoting horrible tattoos for years, so people rather have ink on their skin than actual art.
Q. What would you say have been one of your biggest accomplishments in life so far?
A. I believe the biggest accomplishment in my life has been my current one. The transition from being on the streets not caring for anything to becoming an awardwinning artist, successful and a proud family man.

Q. What are some of your other hobbies?
A. As far as hobbies I am a certified carpenter, so I play with that a bit. I’m also a food connoisseur. I like to eat and drink.
Q. Are you working on any new projects?
A. At the moment I’m currently assisting a friend in opening a second location of Pur Ink in Stone
Mountain. Also, I’ve been upgrading my home as well.
Q. Who are 3 of your favorite tattoo Artist?
A. Wow to limit my all-time favorite artist to 3 is hard.
I would have to say Poch, Timmy B and Jordi Pla.
Proud to say I’m friends with all 3 of these guys.
Q. Where can the fans follow you?
A. Fans can follow me on Facebook Tattoos by Tony
Snow. My Instagram is @tattoosbysnow. I can be reached thru text at 3059884484 or they can come by the shop Pur Ink 11890 Douglas road suite 103
Alpharetta 30005.