5 minute read
Q. It is an honor to Interview with you
Tell everyone who Justin Proulx is?
A. It’s a pleasure and thank you for having me. I’m Justin Proulx a 39-year-old music executive from West Palm Beach Florida originally from the Boston area in Massachusetts. I truly like to keep my hands in as many things as I can to keep busy from management, marketing, royalties and publishing collection, music finance, royalty advances, catalog sales, uncollected royalty collection, truly as much as I can. I have always had a strong passion for music since an early age and it’s always been a dream to work in the industry, so it’s truly been a blessing. That’s why
I try not to take it for granted for a moment. That and wanting to bring some change to the industry is what keeps me motivated to get up and go get it each day.
Q. Tell us about “JusMFMoney
Music” and how it got started and what was the motivation behind it?
A. JusMFMoney Music Group is a brand I started from the ground up and Actually something that touches a little bit on what I said previously and that I want to bring some change to the industry. The nickname came actually from a funny conversation Between me and two of my artists that I manage MaxxReallyReal and
Foxy Brown and just kind of stuck.
It’s really going to be a full-service music group/indie label which will have everything the majors offer from management to publishing production marketing etc. The change is There’s always been a reputation of how business is run in the industry and I want to build A brand and reputation that completely deviates from that.
Q. When finding artist what do you look for and what do you critique?
A. That’s a great question. Now before giving you my answer, I want to put a disclaimer that I am currently not looking for any more artist to manage. I want to keep my inbox somewhat manageable haha It’s really first foremost got to be an organic situation.
To really make the relationship and business work you have to spend so much time together you really have to genuinely like the person and get along with them. So, number one is chemistry. The obvious second is star potential. Does this person have the potential to become a superstar or are they just going to be a local performer. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a local performer but time is money and when it comes to a business there isn’t enough time to dedicate on that. 3rd thing I would have to say is uniqueness. Does this artist Does this artist sound and like everyone else that is out now or is this a fresh sound and look. I would say those would be the three main things I look for.
Q. What sorts of work and clients do you find most interesting?
A. I would have to say someone with a story and someone who is saying something with some substance.
It seems everyone can rap or sing nowadays but really, what is it that you are saying to make you different from the next artist. Those are the artist I find most interesting.
Q. Being in the industry what is 3 of your biggest pet peeves you have?
A. Great question haha number one biggest pet peeve in the industry
Is the absurd amount of DMs I get simply saying “Let’s work” .... Work on what?! Just for the readers that is the worst possible message an executive in the industry can get.
If you aren’t even willing to take the time to write out a complete message how are you really going to put in the “work”. Number two and three is number one that’s how bad number one bothers me haha.
Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?
A. Fun Fact that no one knows is I can play Nas “Ny State of Mind” on the piano. Literally The only song I can play on it haha.
Q. Tell us something challenging that managers go through behind the scenes?
A. I would say one of the most challenging things that nobody ever really talks about or a fan would ever be able to see from the outside looking in would have to be managing the personalities. You work so closely with the artist that you become family with them.... you have to be, to be able to be

successful at what you’re doing together. However, it’s a business at the end of the day and when You mix family and business it can get tricky. So, you have to navigate through that which can be difficult at times. At the end of the day though I love what I do and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world and nothing in life that is great comes easy.
Q. What are your goals for the next 3 years?
A. Some of my goals for the next three years really revolve around me bringing my artist
MaxxReallyReal to the next level and breaking him out to become the superstar he deserves to be.
So, step one we want that first gold record. Step two platinum.
Step three once this crazy Covid situation is over sold out tour. I have so many goals on top of that as well, like I was mentioning earlier I try to keep myself so busy but that’s priority number one to me right now.
Q. Are there any new projects you are working on right now?
A. Yes, I’m glad you ask. We are currently working on so much!
We have an entire project for
MaxxReallyReal with videos already wrapped up that I’m so excited about. This new project is going to have People going crazy.
It’s going viral. So yes, a lot of stuff in the pipeline I’m hype about.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. Thanks again for having me!
Everyone can go follow me on : IG:@jproulx21 FB: Justin Proulx
Also, everyone that wants to tune in and go follow @maxxreallyreal on all platforms as well and keep updated on the new projects.