3 minute read
Christon Jones
C H R I ST O N “The Truth” JO N ES
Q. It is an honor to interview you tell everyone who Christon, aka “The Truth” is?
A. My name is Christon The Truth Jones. I am an International Certified Les Brown Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, CEO of Return On Investment, and Successful Investor. I show people how to invest and day trade in the stock market. I’ve been investing for 4yrs and have spoken on 3 different continents before the age of twelve and was a 2018 Youth Entrepreneur of Year Nominee for Black Enterprise.
Q. Who or What inspired you to be an International Speaker?
A. What inspired me was when I first saw Les Brown at the age of 9 at a Let’s Get Motivated Seminar. He was the last speaker on the stage that day, and the way he was able to excite the crowd and the way he told his story was magnificent in his mastery of manipulating the crowd’s emotions. He just inspired me to take action and become the best speaker I can.
Q. Tell us your journey to educating people about proper investment?
Q. What is your favorite movie or Television show?
A. My favorite tv show is Family Matters, and my favorite movie is Black Panther.
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
A. I see myself 100% financially set and has 7 6 figure earning incomes and 100,000+ in passive income. Happy, Fit, and on my way to a D1 college.
Q. What are some of your other hobbies?
A. Riding my bike, playing football, going to a boxing gym, playing Madden and Fight Night, as well as working out.

A. I’ve been investing for 4yrs, and my goal is to educate my community as well as my peers to be able to create generational wealth in my community by teaching them how to invest and day trade.
Q. You have written 3 books where people can get these books at?

A. You can get them on my websites thetruthjones.com and truthplaymakers.com.

Q. What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
A. I don’t have the greatest accomplishment because I can always become better. However, what do people consider my greatest accomplishment is probably my whole image or basically my mission that I’m currently on.
Q. Tell us about a challenge you had been an International speaker?
A. I had days where I would almost pass out trying to walk after coming back from flights every month, taking 9-10-hour flights at least 2-3 times a month at 10yrs old going back and forth between countries.
Q. If you can go anywhere in the world where would you go?
A. Akon City in Senegal, but sadly, I have to wait a little bit for that opportunity.
Q. What are some things you working on and where can everyone follow you?
A. I am currently working on improving my course to give the best experience to my customers and growing myself as a trader. Everyone can follow me @ thetruth2024 on IG, Christon The Truth Jones on FB, and can Subscribe to my YouTube Channel @ The Truth Jones Channel.