2 minute read
Q. Tell us who Emmrose is?
A. I’m a 16-year-old high school student in New York City. I’m just another kid at school during the day. I’m a vocal major at La Guardia High School so you would hear me singing in Italian or some other language if you saw me there.
Q. Who or what inspired you to be an artist?
A. Nothing, nobody! Writing music came naturally to me. I loved pop music just like everyone else, but I really didn’t have anyone to say to me oh I want to be like them or sound like they do.
Q. Tell us about your single “Tonight”?
A. “Tonight” is based on a party I made up in my mind. It’s a party where you feel so alone, so isolated and uncomfortable, but all of a sudden you see your crush is there… so you tell yourself you need to shake off the insecure feelings and pretend that you are having a great time just in case they notice you there in the crowd. I wanted the production of the song to sound mysterious, so we made it almost like a James Bond theme song. I really love the way it developed.
Q. You just released your debut EP “Hopeless Romantics”, tell us a little about it?
A. It is about the struggle of being a teenager. Having a major crush on someone, getting your heart broken and then finding true love without even looking. It is about the anxiety and depression we experience, as well as the pressure at school both socially and academically.
Q. Who is your favorite artist?
A. At the moment, I’m really loving Clairo. She’s so inspiring!
Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
A. College? Maybe I’ll be a fulltime songwriter and performer, who knows!
Q. What are some of your other hobbies?
A. I really love fashion! Fashion history is super intriguing to me. I love to watch period movies and then research whether the costume design were historically accurate or not.

Q. What is one of your greatest accomplishments?
A. Coming out with my EP is up there. This whole journey has been incredible.
Q. Tell us about a challenge you had being an artist?
A. My music teachers have always wanted to change my music, my writing style! For awhile, I didn’t believe I was talented at all.
Q. What are some things you working on and where can everyone follow you?
A. I’m working on two new songs I am very excited about. I have an email sign up for news and updates on my website including messages from me about new songs and even previews of new music I’m writing. I like keeping everyone in the know, especially now that we have so much time to spend at home. I’ve been doing live stream shows from my home in NYC, so if you sign up you can be notified in advance of them. Go to www.emmrosemusic.com to sign up for my mailing list, and also find my social media.