4 minute read
Ella Destiny

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. I am Coach Ella Destiny. International Speaker, Women’s Health Advocate, Author and Life Coach. My mission and commission are to aspire women to live in their purpose, ON PURPOSE. I am also a brand ambassador for USA Fibroid Centers.
Q. Let’s talk a little bit about your journey and how you became the woman you are today?
A. I became the woman I am today by the way of trials, tribulations, hardships and struggles yesterday. Although my life wasn’t easy at all, and not because I was raised by a single mother or anything like that, that’s not my story at all. However, there were lots of things that happened “for” me as opposed “to” me.
Q. How would you define motherhood in your own words?
A. Whew...motherhood is a multitude of JOBS! When you become a mom, you take on so many roles and so many hats and like my dad used to always say, “95% of your life is gone.” It’s also a joy, an honor and a blessing. To think that God chose me to carry the responsibility of bringing his children into the world...wow. The fact that he even deemed me worthy. It’s a blessing.
Q. Can you talk to us about your life threating scare with fibroids and what kept you going?
A. I suffered with fibroids for many, many years beginning when I was in high school. I used to pass out a lot, I had very heavy menstrual cycles, I was soaking millions of pads and tampons per day. Always tired and drained; no energy. I remember going into labor with my oldest son and the doctors telling me I needed to have a blood transfusion right away or one of us wasn’t going to make it through the delivery. That’s when I knew it was serious. After my youngest son, I was told that my fibroids were so big and causing so many issues that the only remedy was a hysterectomy. Back then I wasn’t given any other options and I certainly didn’t know that there even were any. So, I did what I knew to be right. I had the procedure and that’s when all of the real problems began. In short details, as a result of the hysterectomy, I ended up with severed intestines, spending a week on life support, I no longer have a navel and I have a scar from hip to hip as if someone cut me in half.
What kept me going was my will to live. My children and my family but more importantly, GOD! I knew that there was a purpose for my pain and God was going to use me for the building in His kingdom.
Q. How has the experience been with your kids helping you get back to where you need to be?
A. I think for my children, they have mixed feelings about this experience. They were quiet young when all of the issues started, but as they grew to become older, there were lots of things they missed out on because they had to take care of me. My daughter’s entire senior year of high school was devoted to school, work, coming home, giving me a bath, changing my drain tubes, feeding me, paying the bills, and taking care of her brothers. My sons, I had to teach them to love, honor and respect their sister as if she were me just in case one of the many surgeries I had, I didn’t make it. She would be the closes thing to me that they would ever have, and so they needed to carry on as if she were. On the other hand, I think my illnesses were a blessing because none of my children have ever been in trouble. I say with the most humility, they were and are really good kids. I believe because of the situation and all that we went through, it allowed us to grow close. A bond that was built by God.

Q. What scares you the most about being a mother?
A. The thing that scares me about being a mother the most is getting in God’s way. We know that God is who he is, and he can do all things, and that we all belong to Him, but the natural mother instinct wants to fix it all, do it all, and give it all to our children and that can sometimes be dangerous.
Q. What is one of your most memorable moments you’ve had with your kids?
A. One of the most memorable moments I’ve had with my kids...I’d have to say the moment I was able to tell them NO MORE SURGERIES!! That I was healed, I was ok, and I would not leave them ever again.
Q. If you had to choose one parenting Mantra for yourself, what would it be?
A. “There Is Nothing Wrong with Saying So What!”
Q. Are you working on any projects for 2022?
A. Yes! I’m working on my second book and also teaching aspiring authors how to write and publish their own books. I have a huge health and wellness conference coming up spring of the year, and my continual 4-week purpose courses. I’m also traveling the world as an advocate for USA Fibroid Centers bringing awareness to women’s health and wellness.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. They can find me on FB and IG: @coachelladestiny. They can also visit my website: www.elladestiny.com.