7 minute read
Dr. Rachel & Ronald Wilson
Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. Hi, my name is Rachel Wilson. I have the pleasure and honor of doing several things. I like to say I am a woman of faith, and I am a wife and mother, I also have the honor of serving as a Pastor alongside of my husband, Dr Ronald Wilson at The Center in Greensboro, NC. I am also a national and international recording artist, executive director of Girl Talk International and a Certified Life Coach.

Q. How would you define parenting in your own words?
A. I would define parenting as being a leader, example, and template to one’s children. Just like everyone else, I’m not a perfect mom because I’m not a perfect person. I do make mistakes and have flaws that I show in front of my children. But I think being a good parent means to go back and apologize to your children and share with them your flaws and mistakes, then show them the way it should be done.
Q. Tell us a little about your journey and how you help others?
A. My journey in the area of being an artist and in ministry has been a long, slow dried out process. The strenuous and dry process has been a building mechanism to build me into the woman that I am today and still becoming. Along the way, I have been able to develop many wisdom keys.
Q. Let’s talk about “Marriage on the Rocks” and the motivation behind it?
A. Marriage on the Rocks is a marriage ministry that myself and my husband facilitate. God gave my husband the vision for it. Most times when you hear “marriage on the rocks” you can think of something bad or that a marriage is falling apart, but these rocks are not rocks as many would suppose, but rather the rocks mean foundational principles of God that we encourage couples to build their marriage on. Our motivation behind it is to preserve, rebuild, and reestablish marriages the Kingdom way, which simply means God’s way according to his word. I heard one of our mentors, Bishop Michael Blue, say that he has never seen a Kingdom Marriage that ended in divorce. This goes to show that doing marriage God’s way makes marriage divorce proof.
Q. Can you give us more details on the programs, retreats, and seminars that you’ve been doing in the community?
A. One thing we have done was established Girl Talk International 13 years ago. It is something that I am very passionate about because it is a Kingdom mandate for women to establish the mind, body, spirit and soul of women. As a result, we have been able to put into action multiple conferences, seminars, educational workshops in order to educate and support women. It is a building community mechanism and I am very excited about being a part of something that empowers women.
Q. How do you make a marriage last for over 25 years?
A. Wow, this is a big one. I know personally I didn’t make it last at all. For those of you who are married know that marriage is work and I like to even spell marriage as W-O-R-K. When you put God’s principles to work it will make a lasting marriage and it will be established. As a result of the principles of the Kingdom of God, we have been able to stay married for 25 years. I’m not perfect and my husband is not perfect. We are two imperfect people, but one of the things we have come into agreement with is working the principles of God and his way of doing things. Because of that agreement, I can definitely say our marriage is a prime example of marriage on the rocks due to building our marriage off of the principles.
Q. What has been the hardest period of motherhood for you and how did you deal with it?
A. The hardest part of motherhood for me was when my second pregnancy was terminated at three months. I absolutely love God, love life, love my family, and I absolutely love and enjoyed being pregnant. Other women may not feel that way, but that is something I have always looked forward to even as a young lady being married and having beautiful children that I can nourish in the Kingdom of God. In this particular pregnancy I got close to my third month and started hemorrhaging and I knew something was not right because I had been pregnant before. And I will never forget the moment when we got the news. The doctor took us in this big office with big chairs and made me and my husband sign papers of termination. The baby was terminated.
When I was signing the papers, I literally felt like I was not a woman of faith because it was like I was endorsing this termination, but I had to sign these papers. I was not signing to get a house, or signing a contract with a label, but it was literally signing papers of termination for a baby. So, any woman that has gone through that, knows that it was really a rough patch. But through Christ and knowing that he is the giver of all life, I allowed him to heal me and restore me and four months later I was pregnant with our son Gabriel. I am so amazed that after that God gave us another gift through me, who was named Gabriel. During the process I experienced some anxiety and torment that I would have to sign termination papers again in three months. I remember asking the doctor if I was going to deliver the baby or will it be another miscarriage? The doctor brought comfort and said that the baby was in there dancing, and at this point not even really have feet yet but was in there dancing with joy. I knew then that my son Gabriel at three months in the womb was a dancer and was so happy. I hope that this story is an encouragement to others.

Q. What is your best advice you can give other relationships and parents to keep striving?
A. I would definitely have to say, as I say a lot, to put Kingdom first! One thing that I have learned throughout my journey is that sometimes people go to church and say they love God, but he is not really first. Not to say that they don’t love God but he may not be first on the list. Really loving God is illuminated when you put him first. So, I would say to every family, that the recipe for my husband and I has been putting Kingdom first. I believe that principle has been proven in our life that when we put God first, he is going to, in return, make sure our marriage makes it and make sure our children make it and that we don’t lack anything we need. So, I encourage everyone to put God first! You are going to need him through the processes of life like miscarriage, as I mentioned earlier, and all the ups and downs of life. The King has always been first and always made a way for the Wilson family.
Q. Are you working on any projects or upcoming events?
A. I have a few songs coming up and there is one in particular that is pending. We are waiting for the right time to release it. My current song “I Can” is doing very well, thank God, so we don’t want to rush that process. Great things are still coming from that song, but I do have some amazing projects that are coming and I pray that all of you will join us in prayer for the right timing to release them. Also, my nonprofit organization, Girl Talk International will also be hosting our annual Unmasking Barbie Conference on July 29th and 30th. This year’s conference is for all men, women, teens and preteens! We have something for everyone. Unmasking Barbie conference is designed for women who grew up playing with Barbie and men who grew up desiring what Ken had. Both characters brought the & “Make Believe” into our reality, which caused a life full of hurt and disappointment. Women and men will leave the conference unmasked of the & “Barbie & Ken Mentality” and begin to live a life of healing, restoration, and fulfillment. We also have some phenomenal guest speakers! For more information and to register visit www. girltalkinternational.com.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. Readers can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube @rachelmwilson44. Thank you in advance for your support.