3 minute read
Wendy Jacob
Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. My name is Wendy Jacob, owner of Wayne Anthony (https:// wayneanthony.com/). I’m a mother, wife, daughter, niece and aunt.
My story can be summed up in four words: #Survivor. #Fighter.
#Relentless. #Power.
When life knocks you on you’re a**, you have two choices. You can give up. Or you can get up. I chose door number two. I chose to survive my heartache, fight the hopelessness, be relentless in the pursuit of my dreams and own my power. I did it for my son, and I created Wayne Anthony for him too.
Q. Let’s talk about your business and the motivation behind it.
A. Wayne Anthony is a black owned motivational brand that respects your life’s journey, and we aim to encourage others to never stop living with passion. Our goal is to provide you with inspiring products that keep your head and heart moving in the right direction. We celebrate and inspire anyone who’s looked life flat in the face and didn’t flinch. If that’s you, you’re my hero. Survive. Fight. Be relentless. Own your power. Wear your story.
Q. How does your brand inspire and motivate others?
A. Wayne Anthony reminds women, men and kids that they’re built to last…. that they should never give up even when they feel like quitting. Life is a demanding journey. More often than not, it demands an effort that seems to exceed our abilities. We as parents, mothers, fathers should instill the will to stand and fight in our children. As kids grow, they must learn to stand their ground even when it hurts to stand.

Q. Where do you see your shop in 3 years?
A. In 3 years, our goals are to do the following:
• Increase the total income of our company by 10%. Year over year growth is one of our top business priorities. • Increase your company’s share in its market. • Select a charity to begin sponsoring.
Q. How is your shop more unique than others?
A. I believe that Wayne Anthony belongs to a very specific niche and is filling a market gap for motivational clothing and decor companies. Izzy and Liv is a Blackowned t-shirt company whose target audience is black people. That is an important niche to be in, however, inclusivity is one of Wayne Anthony’s core values. Ban. do is another inspirational brand that focuses on encouraging its audience to have fun experiences throughout life. In comparison, Wayne Anthony is an inspirational brand that is centered around motivating consumers to never give up on anything they desire in this life –– or the next.
Q. When you think of celebrating life and everyday heroes what comes to mind?
A. It’s about time we celebrate our heroes, the everyday heroes. As a brand, we’ve chosen to celebrate the smaller moments in life – the little things that make life better. The everyday people who do extraordinary things in big and small ways that demonstrate amazing courage, kindness, compassion, and selflessness.

Q. Do you have any new motivational apparel that you’re working on?
A. Yes, we’re working on new motivational tees for the fall.
Q. What advice can you give others that would love to start a business
A. Tenacity and optimism are closely linked. Both lead to the constant, energetic striving that underlies successful businesses. You will encounter speed bumps and roadblocks, but you must persevere and overcome them. Many businesses fail because the founders simply quit when they could have punched through.
Q. Where can readers follow you?
A. Follow Wayne Anthony on social media @shopwayneanthony to keep up with our latest news and product launches. Also, subscribe to our newsletter.