5 minute read
Shanta Lana Hereford
Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
A. First off, Brand Rising to you and all of your readers. My name is Shanta Lana Hereford. I’m a mother of three adult kids and one teenager. I’m also a Business Development, Branding and Crowdfunding Consultant helping MSMEs and aspiring entrepreneurs to start, sustain, and scale their businesses with innovative strategies and digital technologies that align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Q. How would you define motherhood in your own words?
A. I would describe it as never-
ending. Your love for your kids is never-ending. No matter how old or responsible they are, your concern for them is never-ending. Motherhood is a never-ending series of tests and rewards.
Q. What has been the hardest period of motherhood for you and how did you deal with it?
A. The hardest period was when my ex-husband abandoned me and my kids. He couldn’t hold down a job and didn’t have any hustle in him. My savings were stolen by a former roommate who had done my taxes that year and had access to activate my debit card when it came in the mail. I didn’t have the money to pay the rent, so we were evicted. Instead of helping us get the money to move, he left.
At the time, I had my three small children, temporary custody of a younger cousin, and an 18 or 19-year-old cousin that was staying with us. I was working at Volume One Studios in Tucker, GA, managing and booking artists, and finding gigs online. I didn’t want to go stay in a motel initially, so I went on Craigslist, found a nice home with rooms for rent, and put my furnishings in storage until I found a small house in Decatur to rent.
Ironically, a few months later, we learned our new landlord was a con artist and ended up living in a motel anyway.
Q. Tell us one of the most memorable moments you’ve had being a mom?
A. My most memorable moment was the first time I was able to take the kids on vacation to Universal Studios in Florida as a single mom when they were younger. Seeing their smiles while we enjoyed the quality time together was everything. It’s moments like that that motivate me and keep me going.
Q. If you could choose one parenting mantra for yourself, what would it be?
A. I strongly believe in self-care. Taking time out for myself and my mental health. As a single mom, there are very few moments that you get to yourself so any time I’m able to escape and get some “me time”, I take advantage of it. Even if it’s something as simple as sitting alone at the park. It helps to keep me sane.
Q. Let’s talk about your business and the motivation behind your brand.
A. My primary role is a business development and branding consultant. I also recently added crowdfunding consulting as a new service since I have developed a wealth of knowledge in that sector as well. Until last month, I was the Primary Consultant for The Star Factor Effect (TSFE), an awardwinning agency recognized as the “Best Business Development and Branding Agency in the Southeast USA” by Acquisition International.
I started TSFE back in 2013 to help independent music artists access the help they needed to start, sustain, or scale their entertainment careers. Today, what motivates me is being able to take the lessons, experience,
and knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years to help MSMEs, nonprofit organizations, and government officials implement cost-saving strategies, digital tools, and advanced technologies that save them money and help their businesses to operate more efficiently and effectively.
My mission is to help prepare people today for the problems of tomorrow and the Future of Work.
Q. Looking back, if you could do anything differently in motherhood, what would you do differently?
A. Honestly, everything. It’s like that saying, “if you knew better, you would do better”. I wish I had known as much as I know now back then so I could’ve taught my children much earlier about our true history, financial literacy, civil rights, entrepreneurship, technology, and many other subjects. I would also exercise more patience and less aggression in certain circumstances. I grew up in an era where “children were to be seen and not heard” and when you would get your butt whooped. I’m not saying children shouldn’t be disciplined, it’s just better ways to do it. Unfortunately, many of us are unconsciously passing along centuries of trauma and toxicity.
Q. What are some goals you want to accomplish in the next couple of years?
A. I’d love to get my children more involved in the operations of the other businesses I’ve started. They are the main reason I have invested so much time, effort, and money into building the empire and legacy I plan to leave behind. I also would love to travel internationally to see the rest of the world, to train youth and young adults for the Future of Work, and to advocate for World Peace.
Q. Are you working on any projects or upcoming events?
A. Currently, I am working on multiple projects in various sectors including but not limited to tech, crowdfunding, real estate investment, international trade, workforce training, and entertainment.
My partner, Kathy McKinstry, and I are currently raising a pre-seed round of $350k to scale our tech company’s management team and for marketing our new QwikCare app.
I’m a Managing Partner and Chief Brand Strategist of Crowd WallStreet, which just became the 3rd Black-owned equity investment crowdfunding platform to register with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in February 2022.

Currently, I am collaborating with Producer Blessing Amidu and her company Hot Ticket Productions out of Nigeria to produce my animation film, Baby Trap. Hot Ticket Productions is responsible for releasing the first full-feature animation film in Nollywood titled “Lady Buckit and the Motley Mopsters,” which was recently added to Netflix.
Our nonprofit organizations, the Center for Truth and Healing (CFTH) and the East Memorial Drive Revitalization Foundation (EMDRF) have a number of events we are working on including our Clean the Block initiative, community meet and greets, Lunch and Learns, and workforce training workshops. In addition to the themed brunches, I am hosting in partnership with Atlanta tastemaker, CeCe Hymes of Where It Begins Magazine.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. Readers can follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by searching for “@Shanta Lana”. Readers can follow the business pages at @ shantalanallc @myqwiktrips @ crowdwallstreet @babytrapkids @beloitblackwallstreet and @ unite2build