Veterans days 2016the weakley county press special sections

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tuesday, november 8, 2016


A SOLEMN MOMENT — Members of Rolling Thunder, the Elks Lodge, the Dresden American Legion Post and others who helped organize the event gather for the


playing of “Taps” by Ron Cheatham to conclude the ceremony honoring Herbert J. Jones, a Dresden native killed in action during WWI.

Herbert J. Jones honored during Sunday ceremony at the Weakley County Court House By LINDA THURSTON Press Editor It’s hard for some people to comprehend, but next year will be the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entrance into World War I. The global war began in Europe in July 1914 and ended Nov. 11, 1918. It was known as the Great War at the time, although then-President Woodrow Wilson called it, optimistically, “the war to end all wars.” Two decades later the world was at war again. A Weakley County man who made his mark before he went to war and made it again in battle was remembered Sunday afternoon at the courthouse in Dresden.

Herbert J. Jones grew up in Dresden, and he started his life at a gallop. After attending local schools he enrolled in Vanderbilt at the age of 15 and graduated with his bachelor’s degree at 19. Active on- and offcampus, Jones was one of the select few to attain eligibility for the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship. By 1914 he had graduated from law school and worked in his father’s firm. He served as attorney general pro tempore, a Dresden alderman and a school board member. He started a Boy Scouts Troop in Dresden. But his country soon had needs far beyond little Weakley County, Tenn. Jones enlisted in the U.S. Army on May 14, 1917,

and after training at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., and in England, he was sent to the lines Jan. 17, 1918. He joined the First Division, also known as the Big Red One, which was the first group of troops deployed in the war. In March he was severely gassed and spent some time in the hospital recovering from the poisonous vapors. He was wounded again that summer and died shortly before midnight on the Fourth of July at the age of 25. He was buried in France with a marker bearing his name, but thanks to the diligence of a French family his body was later returned home. Herbert J. Jones received the Distinguished Cross,

LIVING HISTORY — County Mayor, Jake Bynum played the role of 1st Lt. William Bledsoe who fought alongside Jones. one of only three awarded to Weakley Countians, and the French Croix de Guerre.

Staff Sgt. Jordan L. Davis

Airman 1st Class Bennie Castleman United States Air Force 1964-68 Martin, TN

He was the first volunteer in World War I from Weakley County, and the first Weakley Countian to be wounded in the war. Sunday’s ceremony included a brief history of Jones’ life and a living history skit in which some of those who figured prominently in his life were portrayed by local actors. Cynthia Jones played his mother, Ella Jones, while Mark Maddox represented Joe L. Holbrook, then editor of the Dresden Enterprise; Lang Unger was Finis Garrett, a lawyer, judge and Congressman who knew Jones. Isaac Ball, a teaching colleague of Jones’ at Montgomery Bell Academy, was followed by Jake Bynum as First Lt. William

Bledsoe, who fought beside Jones, and Jenny Killebrew as Sue Mooney, president of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Dresden Methodist Church where Jones attended. Public Defender Joe Atnip read a list of Weakley Countians killed in World War I and County Commissioner David Hawks read a list of the missing in action from that war. The event concluded with the playing of “Taps” by former Veterans Affairs Officer Ron Cheatham and a prayer by the Rev. Keith Long.Sponsors of the event included Rolling Thunder, the American Legion, the Elks Lodge, the Boy Scouts and the Tennessee Great Wars Commission.

Master Sgt. John Cross

July 2006 - Present United States Marines Scout/Sniper Afghanistan, Iraq & Haiti Purple Heart Recipient Hometown: Martin, TN Son of Nelson & Lyn Davis of Martin TN and Holly Belian of Ferndale, MI, Brother to Taiga & Dusty, Married to Lynsey Davis Two sons Parker & Bradley Davis

Sgt. T. Joe Walker April 27, 1934 - Jan. 5, 1946 World War II Hometown: Dresden, TN

Thank you for your love of God and Country. You have always been a hero. Love, your daughters, Sylvia & Shelia

1993 - Present Tennessee Air National Guard Nashville, TN Operation Northern Watch Operation Noble Eagle Operation Fundamental Justice Operation Enduring Freedom Hometown: Sharon, TN

David Sudberry United States Air Force 1969-1972 TN Army National Guard 24½ years Martin, TN

MSgt. Zachary C. Pate James R. Huffstetler Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army Greenfield, TN

SGM Marty Ables Pvt. Glen Cooley United States Army Korean War Martin, TN

194 Eng. Brigade National Guard 1979-Present Iraqi Freedom Enduring Freedom Martin, TN

United States Air Force Operation Southern Watch Operation Iraqi Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom x2 Stationed at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea Hometown: Martin, TN

Odis Carmichael

Dan B. Elam

1943 - 1946 World War II Air Force Bomber Pilot Hometown: Martin, TN

Master Sgt. U.S. Army & U.S. Navy Greenfield, TN

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