Texas-Oklahoma Key Club
Division 24S Newsletter march 2017
Contents Divisional Election Conference- 4 Divisional Council Meeting -5 Task of The Month - 6 Suggested Prompts -7 Completion Forms - 8 DCON Contests - 9 DCON Registration -13 Contact Information - 14
DEC We had our Divisional Election Conference a couple weeks ago on January 28, 2017! We elected our new Lieutenant Governor for Division 24 South!
Congradulations to Katie S. of Bowie High School for being chosen to serve as our LTG!
*As you have elections, please be sure to fill out the COCI to make the transition from officers easier for Katie!*
DCM Our next DCM will be on April 1st at the same Twin Oaks Library from 12:45-2:00! I am hoping the majority of the clubs will have elected the officers for 2017-2018 by this date! I am also hoping to make this a meeting where we can discuss DCON a bit more in depth, how to transition officers, and other end of the year topics! I will be asking if you can attend in the week or two before the DCM! Hope to see you all there!
Task of the Month The Task of the Month is a great way to reflect on accomplisments, goals, and to simply get points for your club! The TotM for February is below: Spring is here! In what ways has your club participated in Operation Education, the 2017-2017 District Project? Fill out a District Project Completion Form with this information and follow the directions to submit it by March 17th*; include a copy of the form in your monthly report. If your club has not yet participated, an easy way to participate is hosting a book drive or reading with local elementary schools. *If your club has a project planned for after March 17th that fits the Project’s goals, or if your club would like to participate but needs more time to solidify a project, email ltg35@tokeyclub.com Remember to put your division number on the front of your Monthly Report when submitting. Remember to write the number of members on your activity sheet. Kennie Merbach 7980 Blue Bonnet St. Beaumont, TX 77713 6
Suggested Prompts Here are the February Suggested Article Prompts: 1. How does your club recruit and train future officers? 2. What are you most excited about for the 2017 District Convention “Wizarding World of Service?� 3. If you participated in DCON 2016, what was your favorite aspect of it? Were there any activities that you would like to see again? What was a surprise? 4. What is important to know about public speaking? What are some tips? What should you not do? 5. Why is it important to build relationships with your Kiwanis families? Why do you need to keep them updated? How can you involve your Kiwanis families with your club? 6. In your opinion, which is more important- doing things for the good of the individual or the good of the society?
Completion Forms The end of the Key Club year is nearing! Make sure to reflect on your club’s accomplisments and get recognition for it!
Annucal Achievement Report The Annual Achievement Report is a compilation of all monthly reports into one concise packet-- all activities, hours, member growth, etc will be turned into once checking into DCON. Must be signed by faculty advisor, president, & Kiwanis Advisor (if possible).
Governor's Project Completion Form If you completed any project dealing with the American Cancer Society, please make sure to fill out this form describing your project, hours, etc.
District Project Completion Form If you completed any project dealing with the reading and education, please make sure to fill out this form describing your project, hours, etc. 8
Contests Contests are a huge deal at DCON! If you are going, make sure to consider competing or submitting an entry for any of these contests! 1. Annual Video Game Contest: Super Smash Bros. Brawl! 2. Annual Themed Contest: A club house flag. 3. Club Newsletter Award 4. Club T-Shirt Award 5. District Project Award 6. Governor’s Project Award 7. Impromptu Essay Award 8. Most Improved Club Award 9. Outstanding Club President Award 10. Outstanding Club Secretary Award 11. Outstanding Club Treasurer Award 12. Outstanding Club Editor Award 13. Outstanding Vice President Award 14. Tex-O-Key Reporting Award 15. Distinguished Website Award 16. Faculty Advisor Award 17. Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor 18. T-O Quiz Bowl 19. Club Poster Award - Non-digital 20. Club Poster Award - Digital 21. Club Video Award 22. Major Emphasis Award 23. Oratorical Award 24. Traditional Scrapbook Award 25. Non-traditional Scrapbook Award 26. Single Service Award 27. Talent Award 28. Distinguished Club Award 29. Leader of Leaders Award 9
Since 1978, Key Clubs have been making a difference for babies everywhere. Key Club members, like you, continue to support the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating your community about the crisis of preterm birth. Honor the 15 million babies born too soon worldwide this Fall by Coloring Your School Purple to help end Prematurity during Prematurity Awareness Month in November. In the Spring, continue your efforts with March for Babies – our signature fundraising event.
The 2017 District Convention Theme is… The Wizarding World of Service! The idea of this theme was based on an adventurous tale loved by many – Harry Potter. The theme will invoke a sense of enchantment and will require a bit of wizardry as well and service will become thrilling for all attendees. For those who have yet to attend DCON, it is a multi-day event on April 20th-23rd, 2017 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Dallas, Texas. It’s a time for Texas-Oklahoma Key Clubbers to unite, celebrate a year of service, learn new ways to benefit the community, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Interesting aspects of the event include forums, district staff elections, the welcoming activity, service fair, contests and awards, and so much more! Start preparing today, and be ready to attend the unforgettable DCON 2017, a place where we can all be spellbound together at The Wizarding World of Service! 12
DCON Registration! DCON Registration is officially open! Clubs may reserve hotel rooms for DCON and register members! T-O District Convention 2017 will be held at the Sheraton in Dallas, Texas from April 20 - 23 or 3 nights total. Each night is $155 + taxes. Taxes are 15%, however, schools can get 6% removed. Thus, the cost of 1 hotel room at the Sheraton for 3 nights will appromixately be $506. The DCON registration fee is $120 from February 6thMarch 17th. After March 17th, the fee will be $150. The convention registration fee covers admission to all general sessions, including the Opening Session, Leadership Luncheon, and the Awards Banquet. Each attendee will receive a program book, souvenir convention bag, official convention t-shirt, and a T-O District convention lapel pin. The link to all DCON Resouces is HERE! For general convention-related questions, please contact the 2016-2017 T-O District Convention Liaison, Chris Do, at CL@tokeyclub.com. For questions specifically related to the convention registration process, email DCON@ tokeyclub.com. 13
Contact Information Dianna Cardenas
District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Kennie Merbach
District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Leia George
District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Sophia Tran
District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Chris Do
Convention Liasion CL@tokeyclub.com
Contact Information Walt Roetter
District Administrator & Region 11 Advisor administrator@tokeyclub.com
Cecilia Vega
Lt. Governor of Division 24S ltg24s@tokeyclub.com (512) 200-6952 Follow me on social media! Twitter: @cecilializbethx Instagram: cec.vega Facebook: /cecveg Snapchat: cecveg
Division 24SThank You So Much For Reading!