Texas-Oklahoma Key Club
Division 24S Newsletter september 2016
Contents Dues - 4 MUC - 5 YOF - 6 Suggested Prompts - 7 September TOTM - 8 Key Leader -9 COCI - 10 Governor’s Project - 11 Thirst Project - 12 DCM Schedule - 13 Convention Liasion -15 Contact Information - 16
Dues Hey Division 24S! If you not already done so, make a form for members to fill out to turn in with the dues. Give the form out at a meeting that at least includes: Name Address Grade Home phone / cell phone Email address Once you receive some applications and dues back, go to the membership update center (MUC) to input the information. Make sure to fill out the MUC as you collect forms to avoid applications piling up.
NOTICE: Dues cannot exceed $20 $6 for the T-O district, $7 for KCI and only up to $7 for any other club necessities. If your club would also like to accept money for t-shirts or other necessary expenses then that additional money must be accepted separately and is not necessary for that club member to spend that money in order to be an official member of Key Club International.
1. Go to www.keyclub.org/MUC 2. If you have the same faculty advisor, use the same login information as last year. 3. If you have a new faculty advisor click “Register/Reset Password.” 4. You will be prompted to enter an email address. Enter the faculty advisor’s email address. He/She will receive a confirmation email providing him/her with a unique hyperlink which will allow him/her to set a new password. 5. If the email is rejected, then email memberservices@kiwanis. org with a request to update your club’s faculty advisor contact information. 6. After a new password if set, you will be able to log into the MUC using your advisor’s email address and the created password. 7. For more details on how to navigate the MUC, please view the Kiwanis help video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gV47UE5uas Once you have input all of the member info into the MUC, print out the invoice and mail it along with a check or money order to Key Club International. The KCI address should be provided on the MUC or invoice, but contact me if you have any questions. Keep these dates in mind for dues: October 1st- Early Bird deadline November 1st- Regular deadline Febreuary 1st- Last chance before clubs get suspended 5
YOF The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through gifts to the G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. The basics you need to know:
- YOF grants are given only to Key Clubs and/or club members. - There is only one funding cycle for the Youth Opportunities Fund. The application must be received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST. - Clubs may request funding assistance ranging anywhere from US$100 to US$2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs who are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs who are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. There is one funding cycle for YOF grants per year. Applications received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST are reviewed by the Key Club International YOF committee at their November meeting. Funding notifications are mailed no later than January first each year. - Applicants must use the current YOF grant application. Previous years’ applications will not be accepted. - Guidelines for filing the application are also listed in the Key Club Guidebook under Board Policies. - Applications must be received by October 15 at 11:59 PM EST and can be mailed to: Kiwanis International Attn: YOF Application/Amanda Spice 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196, USA
Suggested Prompts Every month, the District Editor Sophia Tran will accept articles written BY YOU to be possibly included in the Tex-O Key publication. September Suggested Article Prompts will be found at the Editor’s Blog at http://tokeyclub.com/category/ediblog/ Anyone in your club is welcome to complete them, not just club editors. However, it must only be editors who submit them. Make sure that: - articles are 400+ words - they are about a suggested prompt or anything Key Club related - attached to an email as a Microsoft Word document - author, division, school, and article title at the top - at least 1 photo per article posted in Word document - all monthly articles need to be attached to 1 email in separate word documents
September TOT M Attention Secretaries! The Task of the Month for September: List three ideas that your club has for the Governor’s project! The upcoming Governor’s project will be centered around American Cancer Society! Jot some ideas and include it in your report for September that will be due October 5th. Remember to put your division number on the front of your Monthly Report when submitting. Remember to write the number of members on your activity sheet. Also, be sure to send your monthly reports to Kennie’s home address– not the Immediate Past District Secretary’s address. Thanks! Remember to mail your monthly reports to this address: Kennie Merbach 7980 Blue Bonnet St. Beaumont, TX 77713
Key Leader
Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed. Participants begin by attending a Key Leader conference, which is a weekend retreat. Large and small group workshops, discussions and team-building activities take place over the course of the weekend. Students have opportunities to learn leadership skills that will help them to change their schools, communities, and world for the better. While exploring leadership in a whole new way, participants will make amazing new friends and have experiences they will never forget. Positive, ongoing interaction with other Key Leader graduates offers continuing reinforcement, encouragement and growth of leadership skills. 9
COCI What is the COCI? It’s the Club Officer Contact Information on the T-O Key Club website! It’s super important. This is so I and future LTGs can easily contact you. If you are unsure of how to update the COCI, please consult our Regional Advisor and T-O District Administrator Walt Roetter at
Thank you Manor New Tech Key Club & Bowie Key Club officers for updating your contact information!
Governor's Project
As mentioned in the Governor’s greeting in my first newsletter, the 2016-2017 Governor’s Project is the American Cancer Society. Any project you do for awareness or a fundraiser for the ACS will count for this project and you’ll be eligible for a patch at the end of the year by turning in a completion form. Here are some suggestions for completing this project: - Volunteer at a ACS Relay for Life - Hold a fundraiser & donate proceeeds to ACS - Contact an ACS representative to talk to your club about how you can get involved in other ways! 11
Thirst Project
I am very excited to announce that the Thirst Project, a partner with Key Club, will be in our area as a part of their Fall tour! They are bringing their message on the road and will be in the Austin area from November 7th-11th. The tour will help raise awareness of the global water crisis and will help Key Club members understand how they can help. I really encourage you to fill out the form (can be found at http://thirstpro.je/29PKaal) if you would like for them to come speak at your club’s meeting or if you want more information. 12
DCM Schedule In order for our division to get the full bonding experience and for us to learn and grow as leaders, I will be having 5 more DCMs! The schedule is as follows: • September 24th, 2016 (immediately after FTC) • November 5th, 2016 • December 10th, 2016 • January 14th, 2016 (immediately after DEC) • April 1st, 2016 These DCMs will not all be the same and they will be really helpful, so please try to fit them into your schedule! 13
Convention Liasion: Chris Do What’s up, Texas-Oklahoma, If you’ve been keeping up with (the kardashians) what’s poppin’ in our district you may or may not know about me already. If not, it’s fine! I don’t bite! I am currently serving as your 2016 – 2017 Convention Liaison for our mighty Texas – Oklahoma district and hope to see you all at District Convention this upcoming year as I serve you all and celebrate a year of successful service. Most people say I can brighten the room, but I just want to brighten your lives through Key Club. If you ever see me don’t be afraid to talk to me or even contact me on social media! I’m an open book. As for myself, my name is Christopher Do, and yes, you pronounce my last name like ‘dough’ but mostly everyone calls me Chris for short. You can honestly call me whatever you’d like and I would be totally fine with it. I think I’d like to believe I’m a pretty sarcastic, laidback guy. I have a pretty dark sense of humor also so I am sorry in advance if my jokes slightly offend you. They usually suck anyways. Anyways back to myself. I currently live in Garland, Texas. A suburb of Dallas roughly thirty minutes away. I am an incoming senior and attend North Garland High School where I hope to plan to pursue in nursing in the future. I am also on my schools swim team as captain and have been a lifeguard these past few summers as well so If you ever need to be resurrected, ya’ boy’ has got your back. I also have an undying passion for adventure, food, snap chat, and obviously, Key Club. I like to think that I eat, sleep, and live Key Club but I think I’ve managed to control myself lately. I’ve been in the Kiwanis Family for three years now since joining Key Club my freshman year. Ever since joining Key Club it has lit a spark in me that forever has changed me as person wanting to serve and give back to our homes, schools, and communities. Key Club is not just a club it’s a lifestyle. Seriously. Being so addicted to Key Club I managed to successfully serve roughly 400 service hours since my freshman year. This passion shows how not only serving others is a gratitude I like to give but also a passion that is never undying. Being apart of Key Club has not only opened many doors for me, but has made me into a better person. Being a Key Clubber really does change lives. As for being Convention Liaison, my year has yet to begin and I hope I can make a change and make a great impact in all your lives. My goals for the year is to collaborate, interact, and take action. Join me on my fantastic roller coaster ride of service and hope you can hang on with me throughout the year! Yours in Service,
Chris Do
2016-2017 CL of T-O Key Club
Contact Information Dianna Cardenas
District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Kennie Merbach
District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Leia George
District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Sophia Tran
District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Chris Do
Convention Liasion CL@tokeyclub.com
Contact Information Walt Roetter
District Administrator & Region 11 Advisor administrator@tokeyclub.com
Cecilia Vega
Lt. Governor of Division 24S ltg24s@tokeyclub.com (512) 200-6952 Follow me on social media! Twitter: @cecilializbethx Instagram: cec.vega Facebook: /cecveg Snapchat: cecveg
Division 24SThank You So Much For Reading!