Texas-Oklahoma Key Club
Division 24S Newsletter july 2016
july 2016 Hello Division 24S! Most of us are fully immersed into the summer time fun and relaxation, and I hope you are all being safe and whot not. BUT do not, under any circumstances, forget about your responsibilites as Key Club officers that you have signed up for when you ran and accepted this position. This means to take advantage of the free time to plan activities for the year, to organize your club’s resources, and to prepare for the most successful year in the history of your Key Club by using said plans and resources. Use this time to clear up any confusions, any doubts, or anything else standing in the way of having a great year. Please use my resources, emails, and any other things to be prepared before regularly scheduled meetings happen.
Yours in Service,
Cecilia Vega
Lieutenant Governor of Division 24S Of Texas-Oklahoma Key Club
Fellow Key Clubbers donating blood and volunteering their time to help others.
Contents Texas Peach Sale - 6 T-O Distict Website - 7 Tech Produce App - 8 Suggested Prompts - 9 COCI - 10 Officer Tasks - 11 Summer To-Do - 12 Yearly Planning - 13 District Treasurer - 15 Contact Information - 16 Reminders - 18
Texas Peach Sale Hey Division 24S! North West Austin Kiwanis Club is in need of YOUR help! They will be having their annual Texas Peach Sale on July 9th and are in need of volunteers! Here is some more info: “We are in need of volunteers for the unloading of boxes directly from the delivery truck and then to the customers’ cars. These are 22-pound boxes, so please be aware of your ability to lift that weight. This event will take place on Saturday, July 9, 2016 from 8am-1pm in the Anderson High School parking lot located at Steck Ave. and Mesa. Please dress for the weather (usually warm and sunny) and be sure to wear closed toed shoes. Drinks will be provided to all volunteers, but feel free to bring your own water bottle. Sign up for as many shifts as you would like. Please sign up with your name, organization’s name and a valid email address. Please email cortneyferris.kiwanis@gmail. com with any questions!”
I doesn’t have to be just you! Invite other officers to go with you, club members, or advisors! NW Austin Kiwanis sponsors Anderson Key Club, but that does not mean you cannot do it too! In fact, it is encouraged to help out another fellow K-Family club as they try to fundraise for an amazing year! If you are intested, check past emails from me or let me know!
tokeyclub.com a quick start guide
Home The T-O website’s home page feautures all of the recent anouncements, upcoming dates, and the progress the district has for the membership goal.
News - Any applications, deadlines, DCON announcements, or updates will be found here! Projects & Events - ICON & DCON info will be found here along with District & Governor Project updates! Links - Links to see all of the clubs in the district, all of the districts in KCI, and links to other Kiwanis-Family websites will be found here. Resources - Forms, Advisor & Officer resources, and T-O Bylaws will be found under this tab. Staff Officers - Any posts made by staff officers wil be found here under their position: this includes suggested articles prompts and task of the month. Members Only - Updating the club officer contact information (COCI) will be under this tab if you are logged in! 7
Tech Producer App Are you interested in media? Are you creative? Do know how to use different types of software? Do you love to design graphics? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you might have what it takes to be our 2016-2017 District Tech Producer! Visit the T-O website for the application: tokeyclub.com/apply-to-be-the-district tech-producer/
APPLICATION IS DUE JULY 10TH to governor dianna at governor@tokeyclub.com 8
Suggested Prompts Every month, the District Editor Sophia Tran will accept articles written BY YOU to be possibly included in the Tex-O Key publication. July’s Suggested Article Prompts are below. 1 - As a new officer, what are your goals for the upcoming year of service? 2 - If you are a returning officer, what have you learned from your past experience? How do you want your new term to be? 3 - Why is a summer of service important? 4 - How is your club fundraising for ICON? What are some tips for raising money to attend ICON? 5 - How do you plan to encourage your members to be active during the summer, and what are your goals for the summer?
Anyone in your club is welcome to complete them, not just club editors. However, it must only be editors who submit them. Make sure that: - articles are 400+ words - they are about a suggested prompt or anything Key Club related - attached to an email as a Microsoft Word document - author, division, school, and article title at the top - at least 1 photo per article posted in Word document - all monthly articles need to be attached to 1 email in separate word documents JULY ARTICLES ARE DUE BY AUGUST 5TH TO DISTRICT EDITOR SOPHIATRAN.KC@GMAIL.COM 9
COCI What is the COCI? It’s the Club Officer Contact Information! It’s super important. This is so I and future LTGs can easily contact you. If you are unsure of how to update the COCI, please consult our Regional Advisor and T-O District Administrator Walt Roetter at administrator@tokeyclub.com.
Thank you Manor New Tech Key Club & Bowie Key Club officers for updating your contact information!
Officer Tasks PRESIDENTS/VPS - Runs meetings - Makes sure officers are doing their job - Finds and/or develops service projects
SECRETARIES: - Records minutes at meetings - Makes & distributes monthly reports
EDITORS: - Records doings of clubs & publicizes club - Makes & distributes montly newsletter - Assigns & submits Key Club related articles
TREASURERS: - Keeps track of dues & money - Prepares and maintains club budget - Organizes fundraisers
- Recruits & retains members - Communicates with Kiwanis & Key Club divisonal/ district people like LTGs (me!)
Summer To-Do Staying active in the summer is vital! Although, of course, the summer time is the time to relax, running you Key Club is still your priority and being active will help immensely and is seen as the standard for all Key Clubs. Here is a to-do list for this summer that should be the basis- feel free to do more!
BASIC CLUB DUTIES: - ONE Officer Meeting per month - ONE Regular (member) Meeting per month - ONE Service project/activity per month - Record & Report each month! It will be difficult to get all officers in attendance to the officer meeting, but the majority will work and absent officers and always call into the meeting to be able to contribute. EXTRA DUTIES: - At the officer meetings, plan ahead for the year! A guide on this will be on the next page. - Meet up with me with your fellow officers BEFORE mid-August. If you will be away all summer, plan a call with me.
Yearly Planning
1 Have many opportinities to serve!
2 Be unified & consistent!
3 Set Goals!
Plan events based seasons & fit in annual events! Do a themese service event during Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. For example, that one event that went really well last year? Do it again.
Schedule 4 total meetings (2 general member meetings & 2 officer meetings) and be sure to be consistent to retain members. Also make & order club t-shirts earliier in the year to be a unified! For example, you can set goals like: - 15 members @ DCON - 5 members @ ICON - $800 raised for Eliminate - 20 total service projects!
This is so you have have something to work for and be proud of achieving at the end of the year! 13
District Treasurer: Leia George Hello Texas-Oklahoma! My name is Leia George, yes spelled like Princess Leia from Star Wars but pronounced like Lee-uh, but I will respond to either pronunciation so don’t worry. I am so honored to have been elected irto this position and am so excited to be working with you this year! Key Club has been my favorite challenge, my best friend and the greatest way to serve my community. I cannot wait to see what we accomplish together his year. Key Club has been my rock these past three years. Starting out as a lost freshman with too much time on my hands, I learned how to use my time to serve, lead, and continuously grow which inevitably lead me to falling head over heels in love with Key Club. A little bit about myself: I consider myself an amateur coffee drinker, occasionally find myself swinging a racquet but usually end up tripping and falling, and am a proud Houstonian. I live in the suburbs of Cypress and currently attend Cy-Woods High School. You can often find me, when not working with Key club, eating ice cream or skyping one of you lovelies. My goals for our district next year is something I hope we can collaborate together towards. I want to ensure that all of our clubs are in good standing and all club dues are paid! If your club is suspended I encourage you to turn in your dues before your club becomes officially inactive, which will happen on October 1st of this year if they are not paid already. I hope we can work together to make sure that all inactive clubs are reactivated so that more members can be official members of our mighty T-O district, I will also be providing all information and aid needed for anyone who applies for the Y.O.F. ard I encourage every single club to apply! Lastly, I hope you all reach out to me in some form or fashion whether it’s on twitter or through email. Let me know what you have planned for this summer, how you plan or ensuring each member turns their dues in on time, or any questions in general. I also encourage you to invite me to any events or fundraisers you have planned. I am so excited to get to know you all and work with you this year! Yours in Service,
Leia George
2016-2017 District Treasurer
of Texas-Oklahoma Key Club
Contact Information Dianna Cardenas
District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Kennie Merbach
District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Leia George
District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Sophia Tran
District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Chris Do
Convention Liasion CL@tokeyclub.com
Contact Information Walt Roetter
District Administrator & Region 11 Advisor administrator@tokeyclub.com
Cecilia Vega
Lt. Governor of Division 24S ltg24s@tokeyclub.com (512) 200-6952 Follow me on social media! Twitter: @cecilializbethx Instagram: cec.vega Facebook: /cecveg Snapchat: cecveg
Lastly... join to receive reminders! Editors, text @toeditor17 to 81010 to receive deadlines, suggested article prompts, and tips from District Editor, Sophia Tran! Treasurers, text @totr to 81010 to receive reminders from District Treasurer, Leia George!
Text @20162017c to 81010 to reminders from me, your LTG!
Division 24SThank You So Much For Reading!