Division 24S June 2016 Newsletter

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Texas-Oklahoma Key Club

Division 24S Newsletter june 2016


june 2016 Hello Division 24S! I hope your summer if off to a good start with great friends and great memories! Even though summer break has started and you are off to relaxation and fun, do not forget your duties and responsibilites to Key Club as club officers. Now is also the time to meet to plan ahead, but to also dive in further into Key Club by learning more about T-O District and International expectations. It may be difficult and a bit to get used to, but I am here to make everything easier. As always, I have included many inportant things in this newletter and I hope you take the time to read through it! Yours in Service,

Cecilia Vega

Lieutenant Governor of Division 24S Of Texas-Oklahoma Key Club


Fellow Key Clubbers donating blood and volunteering their time to help others.





Contents Installations & Banquets - 6 T-O Distict Website - 7 COCI - 8 Officer Tasks- 9 Summer To-Do - 10 Yearly Planning - 11 District Secretary - 13 Contact Info - 14 Remind - 16


Installations & Banquets Congradulations to Akins Key Club for hosting an amazing banquet along with recognizing the 2016-2017 officers back in early May.

Props to Manor New Tech Key Club for having a great induction ceremony in April. They recognized incoming officers and even had a guest speaker from Kiwanis come in!

Incredibly proud of Lake Travis Key Club for having their induction! Here are the officers!


tokeyclub.com a quick start guide

Home The T-O website’s home page feautures all of the recent anouncements, upcoming dates, and the progress the district has for the membership goal.

News - Any applications, deadlines, DCON announcements, or updates will be found here! Projects & Events - ICON & DCON info will be found here along with District & Governor Project updates! Links - Links to see all of the clubs in the district, all of the districts in KCI, and links to other Kiwanis-Family websites will be found here. Resources - Forms, Advisor & Officer resources, and T-O Bylaws will be found under this tab. Staff Officers - Any posts made by staff officers wil be found here under their position: this includes suggested articles prompts and task of the month. Members Only - Updating the club officer contact information (COCI) will be under this tab if you are logged in! 7

COCI What is the COCI? It’s the Club Officer Contact Information! It’s super important. This is so I and future LTGs can easily contact you. If you are unsure of how to update the COCI, please consult our Regional Advisor and T-O District Administrator Walt Roetter at administrator@tokeyclub.com.


Officer Tasks PRESIDENTS/VPS - Runs meetings - Makes sure officers are doing their job - Finds and/or develops service projects along w/VP

SECRETARIES: - Records minutes at meetings - Makes & distributes monthly reports

EDITORS: - Records doings of clubs & publicizes club - Makes & distributes montly newsletter - Assigns & submits Key Club rekated articles

TREASURERS: - Keeps track of dues & money - Prepares and maintains club budget - Organizes fundraisers


- Recruits & retains members - Communicates with Kiwanis & Key Club divisona;/ district people like LTGs (me!)


Summer To-Do Staying active in the summer is vital! Although, of course, the summer time is the time to relax, running you Key Club is still your priority and being active will help immensely and is seen as the standard for all Key Clubs. Here is a to-do list for this summer that should be the basis- feel free to do more!

BASIC CLUB DUTIES: - ONE Officer Meeting per month - ONE Regular (member) Meeting per month - ONE Service project/activity per month - Record & Report each month! It will be difficult to get all officers in attendance to the officer meeting, but the majority will work and absent officers and always call into the meeting to be able to contribute. EXTRA DUTIES: - At the officer meetings, plan ahead for the year! A guide on this will be on the next page. - Meet up with me with your fellow officers BEFORE mid-August. If you will be away all summer, plan a call with me.


Yearly Planning

1 Have many opportinities to serve!

2 Be unified & consistent!

3 Set Goals!

Plan events based seasons & fit in annual events! Do a themese service event during Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. For example, that one event that went really well last year? Do it again.


Schedule 4 total meetings (2 general member meetings & 2 officer meetings) and be sure to be consistent to retain members. Also make & order club t-shirts earliier in the year to be a unified! For example, you can set goals like: - 15 members @ DCON - 5 members @ ICON - $800 raised for Eliminate - 20 total service projects!


This is so you have have something to work for and be proud of achieving at the end of the year! 11



District Secretary: Kennie Merbach Hello Texas-Oklahoma! My name is Mackenzie Merbach, but I go by Kennie so don’t be confused if you see or hear someone call me by that. I am excited to serve alongside all of you as the 2016-2017 District Secretary for Texas-Oklahoma! It is an honor and privilege to be able to serve amongst the best Key Club has to offer.

Secretaries: If you have not already done so, go email Kennie & introduce yourself to her; she is very cool and super nice! Also if you have not done so, mail your club’s monthly report to her: Kennie Merbach 7980 Blue Bonnet St. Beaumont, Texas 77713

Key Club, to me, is a second family. I would not have been able to grow this much as a person without Key Club and the amazing people who are in it. Key Club may just sound like another one of those clubs that you will eventually lose interest, but that’s where you are wrong. After joining Key Club my freshman year, I created stronger bonds with my friends and met new people who eventually became my friends and family who shared the same devotion to serving the community and making an impact. After almost 3 years in Key Club and serving my own community, I am a Junior soon to be Senior at West Brook High School. Whenever I’m not serving my school or community, I practice my Saxophone, hang out with friends sharing our latest pun jokes, and finding “the memes.” As District Secretary, I have set some goals for the year. My main goals are to increase reporting within our district, communicate effectively to club secretaries across the district, and to give back helpful and useful feedback on reports to help better clubs. I am glad to be able to continue my service to the world, district, and my community as your 2016-2017 District Secretary. Yours in Service,

Kennie Merbach 2016-2017 District Secretary

of Texas-Oklahoma Key Club


Contact Information Dianna Cardenas

District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com

Kennie Merbach

District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com

Leia George

District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Sophia Tran

District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

Chris Do

Convention Liasion CL@tokeyclub.com


Contact Information Walt Roetter

District Administrator & Region 11 Advisor administrator@tokeyclub.com

Cecilia Vega

Lt. Governor of Division 24S ltg24s@tokeyclub.com (512) 200-6952 Follow me on social media! Twitter: @cecilializbethx Instagram: cec.vega Facebook: /cecveg Snapchat: cecveg


Lastly... join to receive reminders! Editors, text @toeditor17 to 81010 to receive deadlines, suggested article prompts, and tips from District Editor, Sophia Tran! Treasurers, text @totr to 81010 to receive reminders from District Treasurer, Leia George!

Text @20162017c to 81010 to reminders from me, your LTG!


Division 24SThank You So Much For Reading!


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