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Deparfmenf 01 CUy and Regional Plannlng






September 25, 1963

~.~ ..

Proíessor Eduardo Sacriste Cml Diaz 2755 Buenos Aires Argentina 0'-


Dear Proíessor


Tbank you ver¡- much íor the copies you sent me oí your book, 1 gave one copy to our Library oí our Inst1tute and the others to people ",ho are ver¡- much intere sted. o



Today 1 received a letter and a recommendation form írom the Organization oí American States concerning your íellowship. 1 wrote these people about 1'ou. -';'¡~.

1 hope 1'ou'\get tbe soholarship

and 1 will then

see you again in Chicago. ¡. :.

Sincerel1', .~'

L. Hilberseimer LB/le P. S.

/ 1 am enclosing 1'0\1_,

a copy oí m¡y recommendation íor





September 25, 1963

For about four years, li3 l.ectured at our schooIl.(Department of Arohitecture, Illinoia Institute of Techno10gy) and stayed severa1 daya in Chicago. 1 had a long oonversation with him and have oorresponded with him sinoa then.

w of no 008 better qualified than Profeasor Sacriste to write on tbe subjeot, ses and Temples" whioh be has chosen as tha theme of his beok, He ia a deeplyi ue aoho'lar , wide1y-versed in tbe hiatory of architecture. The book which he lready produced are an important contribution to our know1edgein the field. ork, Huellas de Edificios (for which 1 wrote the introduction) ia a unique book t Tery greatest signifioanoe.

ill o

'T''1_ .••ubje c't

of bis proposed book, humandwe11ings and teJlIplea i9 of basic importanae. Nnb ok exista which covera thia subject in the br oad and thorough manner in ""hich #O ssor Saoriste La able to dea1 with it. Such a book could we11 be of majar imt) rtance so that 1 hope you ",,111grant hí.mtha FeLl.cvehf.p vhí.ch w111enable h1mto plete it. 1 can think of no ona more deserving of such assistance than Professor ~Ilfilli-ste. It Ls a1so ttnderstandable that be \lisbes to pursue the research necessary e complet10n of the book here in the United Statea for much of the informati.on. quires ls to be found dlnly in the American libraries he mentione. 1 very atrongl1' e mmendtbnt you avard bim tbe fellowship he is eeeking.

To the best of my bellef, P,ofessor Sacriate ia in exca1lent hea1th. He is a person both of great charra and of dynamic energy. ~ possesses all of the personal qualificatlons needed to carry his proposed project through with outstanding suocess.

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