David Fedrick Funeral Program

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Lifes ’ Journey

david fedrick

Psalm 37:23 says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. The life of Brother David Fedrick exemplifies this scripture. From humble beginnings in Aragon, Georgia, Brother Dave, as he was affectionately known, was born on March 9, 1941, the second of five children of Postell and Madeline Langston Fedrick. The product of a loving home, Brother Dave learned hard work and discipline as he observed his parents navigate multiple low wage jobs to provide stability and support for the family. He would occasionally remark that they never knew they were poor because God provided everything that the family needed. When Brother Dave was two years old, the Fedrick family relocated from Aragon, Georgia to Akron, Ohio. There the beginnings of his entrepreneurial spirit began to take root. As a young man, he worked many odd jobs, including managing a paper route, washing cars and doing yard work. No matter what tasks he embarked upon, Brother Dave proved himself to be dedicated, committed and trustworthy. These traits would serve him well in later life as he excelled in business, community and church leadership. He found himself increasingly promoted as he acquired skills and expertise in the automotive, engineering and manufacturing industries. Brother Dave enhanced his education by completing Draftsman and Engineering classes at the University of Akron. With the support and encouragement of his wife, Gwen, Brother Dave would eventually start his own company, Syscom Development, Inc. The company grew to employ over 300 people, including several church members. In turbulent and challenging times, Brother Dave always relied on his faith. He had been reared to trust God and to adhere to His teaching. He brought that sense of integrity and spiritual direction to his many leadership roles held at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church since he joined in 1980. They included: Trustee board member (12 years; 3 years as chair), deacon, president of the Brotherhood (26 years), choir member, Bible Study and New Members teacher and Kitchen Ministry. In the position of Trustee, Brother Dave initiated policies and procedures to insure transparency and fiscal safeguards. He further sought to encourage strength and accountability among the brothers by creating the Malachi award to recognize men of valor. Brother Dave valued education and led the way in creating a college scholarship fund that evolved into the Antioch Educational Services Foundation, Inc. To date, more than $200,000 in scholarships have been awarded to Antioch graduates and beyond. Always civic minded and community engaged, many organizations have benefited from the benevolence and generosity for which Brother Dave was known. These include: the Santa Maria Hostel (serving women in crisis); the United Way, the Sickle Cell Foundation, the Houston Minority Business Development Council, and establishing the Palm Center Farmers Market, to name a few. A firm believer in giving back, Brother Dave and his wife, Gwen, enriched the lives of many through their selfless devotion to God and community. On Thanksgiving Day, 1981, Brother Dave married the love of his life, Gwendolyn “Gwen” Carey. They were inseparable and rarely, did you see one without the other. They travelled the world together but always remained down to earth. As a devoted and loving father, not only did he love and provide tirelessly for his biological children, but he embraced his grandchildren, great grandchildren, step-children and two adopted daughters. He extended his support to family and friends, far and near. Indeed, the steps of this good man were ordered by God and he followed in His path. Along with his wife, Gwen, Brother Dave is survived by his children Pamela Hogans and Duane Fedrick (Mary Angelina) of Atlanta, Georgia; Madeline Fedrick and Trevonne Fedrick of Houston, Texas; and Erika Carey of Dallas, Texas; grandchildren Ricky Fedrick of Columbus, Ohio; Richard Corey Simmons of Detroit, Michigan; Matthew Fedrick stationed in Germany; Patrece Hogans, Sydney Fedrick, Lyndsy Fedrick of Atlanta, Georgia; great grandchildren Rianna, Dezeraye and Olivia Fedrick of Columbus, Ohio, Mason Davis of Atlanta, Georgia and Danielle Elizabeth Ojumah of Missouri City; brother Charles Larry Fedrick of Akron, Ohio; uncle, Clarence (Dorothy) of Akron and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins.

Order of Service Saturday, July 8, 2017 • 11:00 AM Antioch Missionary Baptist Church • Houston, TX Organ Prelude Processional Hymn of Praise....................................................................................................................Total Praise Choir and Congregation Reading of God’s Word The Old Testament (Jeremiah 1:5—10).................................................... Deacon Nathaniel Stover The New Testament (John 10:10)..................................................................Deacon Patrick Wilson Intercessory Prayer..................................................................................... Pastor Bryan Norsworthy Associate Pastor, The Church at Bethel’s Family The Lord’s Prayer Solo......................................................................................................................... Soon I Will Be Done Sister Yvonne Washington Statement of the Church.......................................................................................Sister Janean Bacon Proclamation............................................................................................ Dwight Boykins, District D City Council Member Musical Selection......................................................................................................... Order My Steps Antioch Choir Expressions Deacons........................................................................................................... Deacon Vincent Griggs Deacon Board Chairman Men’s Ministry.....................................................................................................Deacon Marcus May Men’s Ministry Chairman Former Trustees/Friend................................................................................Sister Gwendolyn Mami “Brother”................................................................................................. Deacon James Edgar Burton “My Daddy”..................................................................................Sister Trevonne Fedrick, Daughter Other Expressions and Words of Comfort May Be Offered During Repast Hymn of Grace..............................................................................................................I Surrender All Choir and Congregation Sermon....................................................................................................Rev. Charles Washington, Sr. Benediction The Recessional........................................................................................ Let the Church Say “Amen”

Tributes For Richer, For Poorer, In Sickness and In Health ‘Til Death Do Us Part Thank you, Father, for blessing me with my husband, David Ray Fedrick. I prayed for a husband to LOVE ME, and that’s just what you sent me. He never disappointed me. He spoiled me rotten with his love, time, talent and treasure. Even on his last day with me, he never stopped watching my every move. When I saw how much he loved his children, his sibling’s children and my sister’s children, I knew he had to be a tremendous man. I am so grateful that we shared a true partnership in everything we did. It was 100/100 for us. We both gave all we had to each other. Thank you for using us to role model for other couples. Thank you for giving us parents who knew how to be married and grow a family. Thank you for giving him his rest now. I am really going to miss him, but I am eternally grateful that he was mine and I was his. Love, Gwen

To my brother, I hate that you left this world before me but they say that I’m not far behind. You and I thought a lot alike when it came to our children because we only want the best for all of them. I’m going to miss talking to you every day but I know that I’m going to see you on the other side. Love you always! Your brother, (Charles – Larry Fedrick) (AKA The Cadillac Boys…..smile).

Dear Daddy, This is the hardest letter that I have had to write in many-many years. I lost Mommy and now you. What makes me feel okay with your transition is that I know that you have made peace with your GOD, I have made peace with your GOD, and my GOD. I know that you tried so hard to be strong for all of us (YOUR CHILDREN) but your body couldn’t take any more. I know that you are in a better place now and you are no longer in pain. One thing I have to say is that you were a true FEDRICK-WARRIOR and the strongest man that I have seen in my life. I love you soooo much Daddy and I am still crying for you but these are “tears of joy and not sorrow”. Take care until I see you again on the other side. I LOVE YOU!!!! Your oldest child, Pam

Dear Daddy, As we look back over time We find ourselves wondering….. Did we remember to thank you enough For all you have done for us? For all the times you were by our sides To help and support us….. To celebrate our successes To understand our problems And accept our defeats? Or for teaching us by your example, The value of hard work, good judgment, Courage and integrity? We wonder if we ever thanked you For the sacrifices you made. To let us have the very best? And for the simple things Like laughter, smiles and times we shared? If we have forgotten to show our Gratitude enough for all the things you did, We’re thanking you now. And we are hoping you knew all along, How much you meant to us. Love, Trevonne



Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free, I’m following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard his call, I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work, to play. Tasks left undone must stay that way, I’ve found that peace at the close of the day. If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My Life’s been full, I savoured much, Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch, Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your heart and share with me, God wanted me now, He set me free.


david fedrick 1941-2017



Randy Braxton Ryan Burton Reginald Dean Earl Jimmison Reginald Pearson Kenneth P. Rutland, Sr. Kenneth P. Rutland, II Cedric Stover

Antioch Deacons Antioch Trustees Antioch Men’s Ministry

Family Acknowledgment

The Family of Deacon David Fedrick sincerely appreciates the loving kindness, prayers, calls, flowers, food, hugs and the many expressions of love shown during this period of illness and bereavement. We are eternally grateful for the constant and tireless love and care provided by Mama Betty Dean and the steady bedside encouragement of Dr. James Burton. The value of friends can never be underestimated and our hearts are bursting with gratitude for each of you.


Houston Memorial Gardens Pearland, Texas

FINAL ARRANGEMENTS BY Johnson Funeral Home 5730 Calhoun Rd., Houston, TX 77021

Funeral Programs Designed & Printed by Cedric Stover (713) 922-5282 • cedstover@gmail.com

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