Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – N. Macedonia
2. The Professional & Business characteristics Key findings: Only small number of survey participants have their own business Most of them have small businesses, with 1 -9 employees One third (2 participants) of the business owners are family successors, one third (2 participants) are second generation successors of family business, while one third (2 participants) established their own business (companies) Most of the respondents claim that their strong side in business establishment is having a good idea, having competences for business management and having business supporters The survey participants are mainly interested and want to invest in traditional entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. The least of them are interested or want to invest in Circular economy respectively. In the survey section for business characteristics, respondents had to answer several questions regarding the activity sector, the business’ size of employment, in terms of number of employees, the most important strong side they have to obtain in order to establish a business, as well as their interest in learning about and investing in particular business. As shown on Chart 7, the survey participants with their own business, come from different area of business sector, such as manufacturing, tourism, ICT services and social services. Most of them (2 participants) didn’t specify their area of business.
Chart 7
As seen in Chart 8, most of them (4 interviewees) possess small companies with up to 9 employees, 1 interviewee stated that possesses a company with up to 50 employees while 1 of them stated that possesses a company with more than 50 employees.
15 GET YES 2 – February/March 2021