Second Style Issue 39

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Issue #39


issue 39

Main Features Fresh Faces 14 Fashion Furnishings 16 Editor’s Pick 29 Mini-Guide | Cowboy Boot Round Up 74 The Look 88

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14 The Silece of Fall by James Holden

36 The Interview 64 Style Icon: Winter Jefferson by Sophia Harlow 76 Second Style Look Book | Fall 2010 by Strawberry Singh

editor’s note The best of Second Life clothing, hair, skins, accessories, and more

Issue #39 Publisher, Editor-in-Chief Senior Layout Designer HeatherDawn Cohen Managing Editor Advertising Director Felicity Blumenthal Senior Staff Writers James Schwarz Staff Writers Rylan Carling Elysium Eilde Jennaa Loire Alicia Chenaux Sophia Harlow Fayne Khandr Guest Contributors Strawberry Singh Founder Josie Hamilton

***EDITED*** We interupt our regularly scheudled issue to bring you a special INTERVIEW. London, Hudson, Juju and Aidan are back, just in time to provide all the fashionistas with a new fall wardrobe, be sure to check out their special insert. Across the world this month everyone is getting a glimpse of what the designers have in store for Fall Fashion 2010. Fashion week will take place in places like New York, Paris, London, Milan, etc., and include runway shows featuring some of the most brilliant designers. To celebrate Second Style is taking a look at what there is to offer in our virtual world as far as Fall fashions go. While, planning in a virtual world has its own timeline, and doesn’t necessarily revolve around seasons, we did manage to pull together a very wide range of upcoming and current fall releases. James Schwarz heads things up with a look at Men’s fall fashion, yep, that’s right guys, we’ve managed to remember you for ONCE! Alicia Chenaux puts together a terrific selection of seasonal boots that will be all the rage in her Mini Guide, and Rylan Carling takes on some HIGH fashion with The Look. We’ve got a special guest photographer / stylist this issue; Strawberry Singh, and she’s worked with me to put together an entire spread full of great looks for you this fall ladies! In addition to that Sophia Harlow’s risked her life to interview Winter Jefferson for our September Style Icon, you will not want to miss that entertaining article. And of course, what would your wardrobe be, without a lovely place to photograph yourself? So Jennaa Loire is back again this issue with just what you need to accessorize your fall home, in Fashionable Furnishings. But if you are looking for accessories to adorn your body with, I did manage to sneak in some Editor’s Picks. Don’t miss next months always anticipated Halloween edition, we’ll have lots of eye candy for all of your trick-or-treaters!

~Felicity 10 | Second Style Magazine

Fresh Faces | Fayne Khandr by Fayne Khandr “I love getting an idea. That little spark of creative energy which sets the ball rolling, transforming into cuts and textures and details.” Some people you speak to in Second Life seem very ‘real’. Valena Glushenko is one of them as I discovered when I started talking to her about her work in the virtual world. ORTA is Valena’s new venture, a boutique offering simple, chic and classic designs. “The current collection is (i hope) a representation of what I want ORTA to mean - it’s only a taster of what’s to come, but it is certainly a very pure representation of my style and vision.” Before ORTA Valena worked on the LeLutka team, but she started out with a small jewellery store of her own. Her talent was noticed by fellow designers who invited her to work with MMS/Cachet producing an accessories collection, leading later to clothing design. “I had a fantastic time in the LeLutka team - I learned so much and was given so much help that most creators don’t have the opportunity to get. I was nurtured there and developed both a sense of style and the skills to realise my designs.” When asked about why she left and set up her own lines, Valena tells me: “ORTA was born from a combination of my need to adhere to my own time constraints and the urge to maintain my own aesthetic. We parted very amicably - in fact I still work in my same workbox, and still harass them on a daily basis.” Valena’s personality shines through whenever she speaks, talking at a mile a minute with intelligence and passion. She is nothing but complimentary about others, although humorously doubtful of her own abilities at times. Talking about establishing ORTA, she said: “I imagined an empty store with no subscribers in all honesty. Maybe with me in the corner, crying and clutching on to an unwanted handbag.” Of course she had no reason to worry. ORTA boasts some beautiful hand drawn pieces, casual and formal, with considered details unique to her style. A creative at heart, Valena confesses to a real life interest in photography and speaks openly on her own philosophy of the art of fashion. “Fashion is multi-faceted, and subject to as many interpretations as the more conventional or traditionally accepted forms of art like painting, as an example. Experimentation is fantastic, and designers that really go the extra mile to be as fresh and original as possible should be admired and congratulated for that. This should not and does not discount the more reserved and classic designers however, who may not reinvent the wheel, but make beautiful pieces. Saying Viktor & Rolf is better than Armani Privé or vice versa is like comparing 14 | Second Style Magazine

the Mona Lisa to a Damien Hirst; they are simply too different, but who is to say that one is not fashion, or art? There is only opinion, style and personal taste.” To my delighted amusement, she adds: “Of course there are some who simply have diabolical taste, but we’ll gloss over that.” Spirited and inspired as she is, I could quite happily have spoken to Valena all day, but decided that perhaps I could instead spend some time alone in front of a full length mirror with some of her collection. The future promises exciting things from ORTA, including jewellery and shoes - Valena recommends joining her subscriber group in store as she intends to give away fortnightly gifts as well as keeping us updated on new releases.

In brief with Valena: If I weren’t talking to you right now I’d be: Watching TV while completely ignoring my work My personal style is: Classic, chic, elegant, polished. My favourite SL designer/store: So many, but LeLutka stands out, as well as the amazingness that is Marni Grut of Royal Blue. A phrase I use too often is: “I’ll finish it tomorrow!” Something most people don’t know about me: On a dayto-day basis, my RL look is considerably less polished than my SL one, as i’m rather lazy. I’m good at: Procrastinating, singing, sarcasm. I’m not so good at: Finishing things, technology, thinking of good interview answers. The temptations I can’t resist: Pizza, beer, sleep. My most treasured virtual possession: My shape! Clothing comes and goes but its my one constant, even if it changes. In a nutshell, my philosophy is: Do what you love and do it well, but not to the point that your enjoyment suffers.

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Fashionable Furnishings | Autumn by Jennaa Liore This Autumn, home décor is breaking the mould from previous years’ vogue and celebrating the season with new trends and styles. Expressed through simplicity in design and a growing demand for eco-conscious products all show that for this fall, home decorating is about slowing down and enjoying a more basic approach to better living. SL is a unique environment that absorbs all of the Worldwide fashion trends and generates an individual and distinctive style for each season. Autumn is no exception and some of the emerging trends in SL Home and Décor this fall include creative looks with bold and bright colors, eco-luxury designs featuring earthly and natural tones, simple yet imaginative designs that celebrate the beauty of the harvest season. Autumn is decked with the beauty of nature so it is no surprise that it is also a season that inspires creators to do some of their best, most creative work. These collages display some of the amazing designs currently available in SL and incorporating some of these pieces to your home décor, will help inspire you to create a truly beautiful home full of life, heart and vitality.

1. (Jewell Lamourfou) - The Natural Textures - Texture 1. 2. (Cherelle Capra) - “Elite” Crystal Touch Lamp - Tan Diamond. 3. (Pamela Galli) - Gold Trim & Shine3 Tall Vase Sculpted & pewter Vase MING2. 4. (Elle Kirshner) – All From The Glam Cabana Full Set. 5. (Mo Miasma) Bianca armchair (iitomo Allen) calla with glass vase. (Cherelle Capra) - “Starlet” Perfume bottle - Frosty Ovalet & “Starlet” Perfume bottle - Frosty Flute. (Minnu Palen) -Saffron Pumps (Soft Blush) 6. (Frasha Boa) - Tanto chair Leather Beige 7. (Cherelle Capra) - “Decades” Fireplace with Bronze candles. 8. (kit Pizzicato) AVALON Bench. 9. (Dendre Benelli) - Smooth Pillows All Modify. 10.(Jewell Lamourfou) - The Natural Textures - Texture 8. 11.(Jewell Lamourfou) - The Natural Textures - Texture 9.

1. (Jewell Lamourfou) - Soft Organic Textures Texture 2. 2. (tunes Meness) :: minimal bedset forrest. 3. (Charlotte Bartlett) - Ubon Light. 4. (Kasabian Beck) The Cosgrove. 5. (Charlotte Bartlett) - Scarlet Leather Chair. 6. (pitch Parx) - Vases from the “Earthly” set. 7. (Sergio Botha) - Couple Swing 8. (pitch Parx) - Vase & Orchid “Pagan Poetry”. 9. (Pjter McDowwll) - Modern benches. 10 (Jewell Lamourfou) - Soft Organic Textures Texture 19. 11.(Jewell Lamourfou) - Soft Organic Textures Texture 4.

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Fashionable Furnishings | Autumn

1. (Accel Foxtrot) Glossy Set - Yellow 2. (Zedellbee Zuhal) - The Soho Squatter - Colour Scripted. 3. ( Colleen Desmoulins) - Cushons from Kervern Sofa White. 4. (Yelo Uriza) - Apple Simple ::VIVID:. Bed. 5. (Pandora Popstar) - Squinty Lilly Lamp - Blinking Lamp. 6. (Yelo Uriza) Apple Simple book pile 2, [ARIA] Apple Simple Book pile 1 & [ARIA] Apple Simple picture frame type 2. 7.(Yasuki Beck) Square stool Green, (Pandora Popstar) - Lemon & Lilac Pastel Plant &LISP - Lemon & Blue Pastel Plant. 8.(Colleen Desmoulins) - Addison Frame in Yellow, Lime, Pink & Orange. 9.(Accel Foxtrot) Glossy Set - Pink. 10. (Accel Foxtrot) Glossy Set - Turquoise. 1. (Jewell Lamourfou) - Just A Dream - Texture 19 2. (Yuki Aabye) Wood Chair 1. 3. (Esmee Isbell) Paintbrush Collection Teal V2. 4. (Saeya Nyanda) - Memento Jar I, II & III 5. (Manna Yoshikawa) Desserte Dessin II (S) 6. (Ivy Graves) Crafty Cabinet – Light Brown. 7. (sato Yifu) elephant chair new with bonus little elephant. 8. (Kao Sands) simple leather trunk 9. (Kao Sands) cushion-6,7,8,9 & 10. 10. (Jewell Lamourfou) - Battered Rodeo Suede Leather. 11. (Jewell Lamourfou) - Just A Dream - Texture 23,

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Style Icon

Winter Jefferson by Sophia Harlow

Photography by Winter Jefferson

Writing the intro to this interview was a bit difficult. Not because there isn’t much I can say about our September Fashion Icon, Winter Jefferson but just the opposite. I can tell you all about how inherently kind he is, but I am afraid he would hate that. I can write about how when he first read my questions he felt a bit uncomfortable because he doesn’t see himself the way so many of us do. I can tell you how he kept our first conversation, when I IMed him to tell him I loved his blog, on a note card because it made him laugh and he gave it to me about a year later, but that would horrify me. So instead of all that, I will let Winter Jefferson tell you all about himself in his own, eloquent words.

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SH: Describe yourself in 50 words or less: WJ: I’m an impetuous atypical extroverted arcane subversive archaic predatory debonair antipodean effervescent passionate dilettante irreverent sybaritic provocative recidivist eldritch parlous urbane intrepid legerdemain deviant introspective chivalrous pallid senescent hibernal perceptive cheeky flamboyant ebullient impulsive spoiled dogmatic evasive roguish persuasive poetic incendiary loyal loquacious compassionate multifarious incorrigible vainglorious paradoxical vampire. May I buy another 50 words please? SH: You push the envelope, even for SL when it comes to fashion and that is extremely rare to be able to do in a world where you can run into just about anything your imagination can dream up. You still manage to come off highly original and never boring. How? WJ: Thank you. I love genius in design, especially in regards to fashion and I’ve made sure that I know all the basic elements and laws of style so I can break them gleefully. Long ago I made the decision to not allow any fear into my Second Life - sounds great in theory, doesn’t it? I still have to work through a paralytic terror of the possibility of letting everyone down whenever I take on a project, but what this translates to in personal style terms is that I’m never afraid to make myself look potentially foolish. There’s no point in being hung up on the dignity and seriousness of your appearance in a world where your shoes are more likely to be lodged up your ass then on your feet; or as I call it the “Maitreya Enema.” I know that what I throw together doesn’t always abide by the rules of fashion or even acceptable taste. But I will strut it for all it’s worth and try to convince everyone through sheer verve and personality that oh yes, it totally does work. It’s always been the tragedy of my life that although I’m creative I have zero talent. So I use my avatar as my ongoing work of art, and to curate all the best that our SL designers offer... as well as playing a frighteningly large part in keeping the linden economy afloat. SH: Share with us about the events you have organized, shows you have put on…give us a glimpse into your SL career. Which one made you the proudest? WJ: I started out swearing that no way was I ever going to work in SL. It was my downtime only... we’ve all said that, right? After entering an alternative modelling competition with Rezzable for shits and giggles they invited me to join them as a blogger. This is when I made the decision to never pass up any opportunity offered to me, no matter how daunting. It was time to evolve on the inside because in this world there’s no risk to my outside. Somehow this led to me stepping up when the Digital Alchemy - Egypt showcase hit a crisis and I took over the running of that. After getting a hang of what was involved I was ordered to dream something up an inspirational theme for a new fashion event and make it reality - this became the final Black Swan show, “Swansong.” I based that around the elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air and it made me so incredibly proud to see what beauty this challenge inspired within the creators involved. In January this year I flung a style event of cyberfashion set at Greenies; “The Future Is Now.” These shows both came off beautifully and I put a ton of work into each one, with months of preparation and some insane hours involved. Along the way I started up my own blog “In Cold Blood”; rediscovered my love of writing, fell off a few catwalks, scribbled for a couple of magazines, and also did some freelance styling and makeover work. And when I say “work” it truly isn’t because I have a passionate love for what I do. I stumbled into this aspect of Second Life like Alice down the rabbit hole, and I simply never wanted to leave. This being said about my Second Life career; nothing has been better than the Date For Down Under auction which I cobbled together in five days with the help of some wonderful people. It was February 2009, and there had been devastating bushfires throughout the state of Victoria in Australia which had killed 173 people and destroyed over 2000 homes. Not being able to contribute anything tangible to the relief efforts set up by Dakota Buck and Autumn Hykova - I can’t build, script Continued on page 69 >

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Style Icon | Winter Jefferson < continued from page 66

or design for crap - I realised that the best help I could provide was to forcibly wrangle good humoured people onto an auction block and sell their asses off for a good time. Thanks to everyone’s efforts we raised around AU$15k, which I understand was enough to rehouse three families in emergency accomodation. Nothing can beat knowing that you have helped to make a genuine difference in the lives of people who truly need it. SH: I have a huge dilemma when it comes to your blog; I will read the latest and usually say to myself “this is the best one yet!” until a few days later when you outdo yourself. One of my faves was your fashion transformation of a certain Linden…who is your next victim and when can we expect to see it? WJ: I’m glad you like it; I never know when I’m writing if it’s going to be as amusing to anyone else as it sounds inside my head. I try my best to keep my format fresh and interesting; it’s rare that I’ll do two posts in a row of the same type. I like to mix up LOTD’s with reviews, feature a designer, throw in the odd bit of snark - sorry, “social commentary” - and then enter the realms of TL;DR with personal musings or the odd bit of fanfic. Hopefully people have figured out and accepted by now that I’m always going to be random; and the only rule I impose upon myself is that if I don’t love it, it doesn’t get blogged. The Philip Linden makeover blog - I’m still waiting to get banninatored for that one, especially now that he’s back. In the post you are referring to I threatened James Wagner (Hamlet) Au of New World Notes with being next. He actually contacted me when he saw it and asked if we could work together to upgrade his avatar. Events got in the way for a while but we’ve finally just completed Hamlet V2.0. As a result of this I’ve been asked by a few people if I’ll help them create the avatar self that they’ve longed to look like, and it’s terrific to find something helpful that I’m good at and enjoy doing! I also love mimicry and to set myself the challenge of imitating some poor soul in the public eye and poke gentle fun at them on my blog... a “favour” that gets returned often to my great amusement. However, at the moment I can’t think of anyone that I want to forcibly seize and re-dress. I’m usually pretty mindful of my manners and people’s feelings, but luckily we all agree that Lindens are open season. SH: First thought typically when you log in-world? WJ: First thing in the morning? “Ahmagahhh so many messages - what’s new - accept accept accept ew ew ew decliiiiine accept accept - oh yeah I kinda like that, I’ll grab the fatpack - what’s my linden balance like - world slowly rezzing in - people here, wtf? - oh crap that’s right I logged straight in to the huge sale that I saw on the feeds - and of course I logged out naked, didn’t I? DAMNIT. Eh... big whoop, I suppose. Not like everyone hasn’t seen it by now, anyways...” Yeah, I really need to stop doing that. SH: What would be your perfect SL day? WJ: Firstly - logging in to great news about RL or SL from any of my friends. Finding a fantastical new build to photo and ‘splore with my girl, then discovering a private hidden corner so we can christen it properly. Please sim owners, make your places rez enabled I BEG YOU. Then being dragged to an impromptu party and arriving to find great music with a DJ that takes requests; a whole stack of my favourite people and lots of interesting new ones to taste - I mean... meet. Later on that day I’d stumble across a completely undiscovered store of exquisitely hand drawn menswear or amazing skins to blog the living hell out of and managing to find a fresh and fun way of writing them up that makes people smile. When I’m finishing this someone contacts me and offers me a really intriguing project that I can sink my fangs into and won’t involve me getting out of bed at 3am my time. Just before I leave... I remember what happened earlier that morning and make sure that I’m dressed as I log out. This is all subject to change if Angelina Jolie ever enters SL, of course. Continued on page 70 > Second Style Magazine | 69

Style Icon | Winter Jefferson < continued from page 69

SH: Tell me three things about yourself that anyone would be shocked to know. WJ: Why, what have you heard? I didn’t notice her adam’s apple, honest; and the circus midgets were just taking that yak out for a walk. I’ll stand by my story in any court. I have nothing truly shocking that I’d want to reveal because I’m an intensely private person, no matter how socially bombastic I am in SL. But I can toss some quirknuggets at you quite happily. I firmly intend to go through my entire life without ever watching “The Sound Of Music.” And you can’t make me. Also I spend more in real dollars on my SL wardrobe than I do on my RL one. Don’t tell my wife about this, please. And I can recite the epic Lewis Carroll poem “Jabberwocky” in just under twenty seconds through a mouth full of water. Classy, I know. SH: What is the first thought that comes to mind when I say the following things: Bare Rose WJ: I haven’t been there in four days, I must have missed at least 37 new releases. SH: Edward Cullen WJ: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA - who? SH: Elves WJ: Give me gas. But totally worth it. SH: Plurk WJ: (nottalking) SH: David Hasselhoff WJ: Don’t hassle the Hoff. SH: What did you have for breakfast today? WJ: Some random fashionista that was hanging around my coffin when I woke up. Then several espresso to wash her prim eyelashes out of my throat where they were tickling... learn how to fit those properly, will you please Gidge? SH: Three stores that you simply adore, and always are your go to. WJ: Definitely Zaara for one. I’ve tried wearing other jeans, I really have... I honestly don’t think that anyone creates better clothing textures than Zaara Kohime, and she knows exactly what to do with them too. Her artful and studied imperfections are what makes her clothes perfect. I’d also say that a good 10% of my 90k+ inventory pops up just by putting an “@” symbol in the search field. I’ve been a fan of SN@ TCH from the first time I found Ivey Deschanel’s store, her flameworked latex pants originally hooked me and I’ve never wanted to escape. The bonus is that she and her partner Roblem Hogarth are both terrific people and I’m honoured to know them. I no longer bother to demo any hairs that Wasabi Pills put out, as they are usually exactly what I never knew I always wanted. When MissAllSunday Lemon sent out a notice about her Aerendir hair 70 | Second Style Magazine

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Style Icon | Winter Jefferson < continued from page 70

she watched in bemusement as I walked past her with a cheery wave and bought up everything she had ever made in white and silver. She mixes up her releases between long romantic styles and contemporary coifs, but all of them are interesting and well made. SH: Let’s dump modesty out the window…what do you think it is about you that makes women want to meet you in dark alley ways? WJ: I’d say it’s not so much me as the pure romance of the old school vampire that draws the ladies. I’m not going to emo at you that this would be a bad thing and we shouldn’t do this... I prefer to just crook my finger with a flash in my eye and catch you as you swoon. I’m not going to toss you over to a werewolf to be their chewtoy, and I’m certainly not going to get sparkles all over your bedlinen. Women know that I’m going to seduce their minds and souls as well as their bodies with charm, wit and passion... and still respect them in the morning. Plus being better dressed than the average Nosferatu I’ve been informed by a particular beautiful swedish blonde that my shirts are really good to steal off the floor. SH: How similar is Winter Jefferson to the man behind the keyboard? WJ: Physically we aren’t alike at all. I look a helluva lot more like George Clooney... in fact even more so than

George does himself. On the inside to be honest I’m also a lot moodier than Winter is. When I log in I try to just bring my best self and leave all the crap behind. (Vampires are emo enough by default, believe me.) Then when I hit the quit button I take all the good parts of this life with me, and hold them close for as long as I can. I’ve also been stealing some of Lord Winter’s audacity, I’m planning on changing my career soon and I just may let him take over for the interviews. I think I’ll either end up as the CEO or be looking at ten years behind bars. SH: I believe we all have a life song, what is yours? WJ: “Never Gonna Give You Up” - my life is one giant rickroll! No, really it’s “Under Pressure” by David Bowie and Queen. A reminder from two awesome men that as tough as times may get, you need to count your blessings because there’s always people who have it worse. One of my personal credos is to always keep things in perspective in this way; and that’s why this song speaks to me so much. Plus it’s still relevant and totally badass even thirty years after it was sung. SH: Do you bite on the first date? WJ: Date? Understand, this is not romance. Your trusting presence within my arms is for my uses alone. Dazzling smiles, tender kisses, hypnotic whispers that this will not hurt, oh no my sweet... believe. Close your eyes and soar with me, Winter will not let you fall. These here are my predator lies. My nature is to rend. To raze. To ruin. And then to cast aside. No backwards glance. No regretful sigh. I leave no mote behind to shepherd that which was your life as it crosses into unlife. /Pretentious vampire off. Nope, on an actual date I’m going to ply you with as much liquor as I possibly can to get you into bed. I mean, I may be dead but I’m not DEAD. And if I was to bite you then, how would I drive home? SH: Is there any style that you think you could NOT pull off? WJ: Something I can’t pull off - I genuinely can not do “hipster.” Not only do I not have the right build or face; but the zeitgeist and aesthetic completely escapes my grasp. Someone tried to drag me kicking and screaming into that world recently but it just didn’t take. I just leave that up to the guys who do it well like the SLipsters; rather than attempt it and make people wince. SH: So there you have it....all the bits and pieces that Winter Jefferson is willing to share with us. Is there there more to him that he is keeping under wraps? Oh yes, I am sure but that just adds to his charm, don’t you think? Winter, thank you so much for taking the time to be interviewed by me for Second did not disappoint.

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Fall’s Western Boot Round-Up By Alicia Chenaux

Miel Shiny Things G Field


It’s time to hang up your bikinis and flip flops, because autumn is upon us! One of my favorite of the new fall trends this year has got to be the western look. You don’t have to go head to toe cowgirl, but you will definitely want to add some western flair to your autumn wardrobe with some of these great new boots! From one of Second Life’s dearest shoe stores, Shiny Things, comes these great Ginger boots. A slim, flat, mid-calf boot, these look great with almost any outfit. The sweet flowers are etched into the leather, and you could easily dress these up or down. Although they are not exactly western, any cowgirl would be proud to wear them on her feet. The Ginger boots come in 6 colors, have both average and wide sizes available, and have Viewer 2 compatibility. $500L You may only know Miel for their wonderful accessories, but they are definitely on the road to shoe success with their new Dandy boots. A slouchy, flat boot with a great lacing up the back, these sweet things are also highly modifiable with color change scripts so that you can get the best look. The Dandy boots are available in both the solid boot shown here, and with a floral print. $420L 74 | Second Style Magazine

From the amazing J’s comes the simply named Western Boots. These boots are what you would definitely see on any cowboy or cowgirl out on the ranch. They have a standard western print and a great shine to them. The Western Boots come in several different colors and both the male and female sizes are included in the package. $400L And last up in our round up are the oh-so-cute Short Western Boots from G Field! Oh, these little beauties would do any Rodeo Princess proud. A slouchy ankle boot, these darlings have a nice stacked heel, great floral print, and a cute rose on the sides. They also come in several colors and are incredibly affordable. Definitely a great girly boot! $180L

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THE LOOK | Glam It Up! by Rylan Carling Recently, while exploring for new designers and unique creations, I was lucky enough to find Ms. Eshi Otawara and her store. I was awe struck by the incredible designs, the pieces of art that she creates. And, I’m not exaggerating when I call these dresses pieces of art, because they truly are just that. We always see lavish designs down the runways of the greatest fashion cities, ones that take your breath away and usually leave you asking, where would I ever wear that? I gave THE LOOK this month a bit of an extra pizzazz twist to it, adding a daring make up by Glam Affair and spicing it up with lashes from [glow] studio. The perfection that is Aria Pampadour is that this one ensemble can be transformed into many different ones. It even comes with a matching purse, could I girl ask for anything more? Glam it up! 88 | Second Style Magazine

OUTFIT - Aria Pompadour (Rouge Full Ensemble) by Eshi Otawara SKIN - -Glam Affair- DAPHNE Skin - DARK A EYES - -Glam Affair- DAPHNE Skin - DARK A LASHES - [ glow ] studio - False. eyelashes - Attraction HAIR - [LeLutka] - ECLAT HAIR_03/dark_FAIR (hair attachment pack) BOOTS - I.O. - Coquette Noir: Addiction Boots Black Second Style Magazine | 89

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