Celestial Light Energy Magazine
Enlightened Healing Energy August/September 2016
Inside this issue: Classes Offered
That’s What They Say
What is Access Bar?
Akashic Records Corner
Doterra Oils
What Are Essential Oils? If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils provide plants with protection against environmental threats and play a role in plant pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and healthcare practices.
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About the Editor Ruth has fully awakened to her gifts and her journey into the healing arts. To better assist people to heal the light within, Ruth has studied multiple healing methods. Ruth is a practitioner of Magnified Healing ÂŽ, Integrated Energy TherapyÂŽ Master-Instructor, Dowser, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master. She is also an Akashic Records Reader, Certified Angel Reader by Doreen Virtue program, she has a great connection with the Angelic Realm. Ruth is excited and grateful to put her gifts to the service of others and help them through their own personal journey.
Welcome to the Enlightened Healing Energy in Pittsburgh. We offer a world of total comfort, relaxation, and healing. Treat yourself to a luxurious experience...you deserve it! Our Holistic Healing services will make your stress fade away into a distant memory. Our friendly, professional staff will help you to balance your mind, body, and soul. Indulge yourself with anyone of our specialty healing modalities that will perfectly transform your body, mind and spirit. Our first-class service includes: Reiki Healing treatments, Magnified Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy sessions and Healing with the Angels. 466 Castle Shannon Boulevard Suite 203 Second Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15234
Phone: 412-600-1269 E-mail: Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com
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CLASSES OFFERED Psychic Develpment Level 2—Class 3 with Paul Meditation, Visualization, and Intention - Connecting with universal energy and the true self for expansion, clarity, and healing. Developing Psychic Sensing - Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), Clairaudience( Clear Hearing), Empathy (Psychic Feeling), and Intuition. August 19th 2016 at 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Next Class September 2nd 2016
Energy Exchange $40.00
To sign up for this class email Paul at: 2Paul@comcast.net
Working with Crystals For Energy and Healing: We will start with sensing the different frequencies and properties in various crystals and gems. Once attuned to their various vibrations, using them to send healing energy to balance the chakras and remove blockages will be experienced. We will assist in choosing crystals that work well with your aura and chakras and show you how to do this yourself. Connecting with spirit to receive guidance on how to use the chosen crystals in meditation will be covered. This class is intended for both beginners and those with more experience. August 26th 2016 at 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00 To sign up for this class email Paul at: 2Paul@comcast.net
Crystal Layouts For Healing and Advancement: Crystals will be chosen by their color and energy to resonate with each chakra. We will learn how to program clear quartz with any color frequency to have a similar effect to a colored gem. We will arrange the layout along auric and meridian grid lines to amplify the intended effect. Clairvoyant feedback will be given about how each layout has effected each person’s aura and chakras. As your own psychic senses begin to open more through crystal resonance we will help you tune them for your own insights. This class is intended for both beginners and those with more experience. September 23rd 2016 at 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. To sign up for this class email Paul at: 2Paul@comcast.net
Energy Exchange $40.00
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MORE CLASSES OFFERED Dream Drum with Stephanie Charles Dreams are a language often times not understood, but there is a language within us worth exploring. Please join us to discover your inner dreams that you may not be aware of within yourselves waiting to be heard. We will be using the drum to relax and distress, with instructions of how to enter into your dream world and journey to the realm of dreams you have within you where you may experience some of the most wondrous places you will not find here on earth. Accessing our dreams provides entertainment, healing and insights and will allow you to experience your own magical being. We will be dreaming and sharing (voluntary). August 27 2016 from 1pm until 3pm
Energy Exchange $35.00
To Sign up for this class call Stephanie at: 724-799-4200
Ascension Ceremony This Ceremony is for those of you aspiring for Ascension. Are you ready to become LOVE? The grace of Ascension is offered to you at this time with the assistance of Saint Germaine, he will be present during this ceremony and he will bring the atomic accelerator that will allow you to experience the Ascension flame. This flame contains the frequency and color of all the other Flames. You will see it or experience it as a brilliant white Light. Once you are expose to this energies during the ceremony you will never be the same, transformation is going to occur in your consciousness. Are you ready to have a quantum jump? Are you ready to work in your ascension? If you answer yes to any of this then this ceremony is for you. September 9th 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Energy Exchange $50.00
To sign up for this class email Ruth at: Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com
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Healing with the Angels with Ruth Lorena You will learn how to call upon the healing angels with a special prayer of invitation. You will then learn how to use an angelic heart-link to connect with the angels’ energy. You will discover the special healing gifts that each angel brings and you will invite each of the healing angels to support you in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing journey. October 1st 2016 From 9 to 5 pm
Energy Exchange $ 95.00
To sign up for this class email Ruth Lorena at : Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com
Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level with Ruth Lorena In the tradition of Caroline Myss’s “Energy Anatomy”, IET is one of the next generation—hands on— power energy therapy systems that gets the “issues out of your tissues” for good. Our IET training classes are each powerful days of self-healing and energy therapy certification training. In our basic class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA. You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. You will learn how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET integration power points to clear them. No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself, pets and others, and unlock your soul’s purpose. October 8th 2016 From 9 to 5 pm
Energy Exchange $ 205.00
To sign up for this class email Ruth Lorena at : Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com
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Celestial Light Energy Magazine
Visit us on Facebook at: WWW.Facebook.com/TheMysticSisters We do parties and events
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That’s What They Say- Thought provoking insights on common quotations “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Friedriceh Nietzsch Have you ever done something that made you feel so alive you lost track of time? Or participated in something you believed in so strongly that you didn't care what anyone else thought? These things can reveal to us what our life purpose is. When you find your life purpose you may say something like this; I could do this for a living and not care if I got paid a dime, or I could do this forever and never feel like I worked a day. As souls incarnate into the physical, they are given purpose. So, if you have life you have purpose. When you discover your purpose you will feel as if nothing else matters. If you are living out your life purpose you will not care if anyone else believes in what you believe in or if anyone else can “hear the music”. If you are living your life purpose then you will feel like life itself is being expressed through you right now. The universe has a wonderful way of helping us all “hear the music” when it is reaching right through us and into the world. If you would like to know more about how to bring the music to you and through you check out these books on life purpose:
1. - A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. by Eckhart Tolle.
2.- The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place In The World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, And Uncommon Sense. by Carol Adrienne
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What is Access Bars? Access Bars速 are 32 points on the head that align with different areas of your life you've made significant. When you have your Bars run it is like hitting the delete button on a computer which allows room for more awareness to create change in your life. This simple body process has helped thousands to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. During a Bars session a practitioner lightly touches the 32 points on your head over the course of an hour or more. Each Access Bars速 session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. Brittany Rogozinski This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitations in 412-853-8058 all aspects of your life that you are willing to change. Accessbrittany@gmail.com I have personally had such dynamic change since I have started with this process. In the months leading up to my transition to an Access Bars速 Facilitator, I had hit what I considered rock bottom. I was depressed, miserable, jobless and functioning at a very low energy level. Everything has skyrocketed since then! Having my bars ran regularly has caused a massive change in my way of thinking and life. I now awaken every morning motivated & happy (and making money). I see everything as a beautiful opportunity to create more. Things & people that used to bother me, don't anymore! BUT WAIT! Access Bars速 sessions are not just about saving you from depression or "problems". It is so much more! It's about enhancing your life for you. It's about allowing more in every aspect of your life! It's about having more money, having better sex, & breaking down limitations you don't even know that you have! ARE YOU READY FOR CHANGE? DO YOU WANT TO SEE HOW YOU CAN CREATE MORE? Contact me to find out more! We can destroy & uncreate anything that is holding you back together!
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Mystical Psychic Fair September 11th, 2016 from 12 to 5:00 PM
Skyview Fire Hall #3 660 Noble Drive West Mifflin, PA 15122 Message Circle Stephanie Charles will be giving the Akashic Record Message Circle at 1:00 p.m. -2:15 p.m. NOTE: If there is low attendance for the circle, the time will be adjusted. Not everyone is guaranteed a message. Workshop Patricia Lockley will be doing a Workshop on Chakra Balancing and Energy work. This will include a guided meditation for you to use on your own leisure. She will also talk about QHIHT and past life regression. Prepaid tickets for either event is $26.50 through paypal to tarotqueen_1313@yahoo.com or $25 by check if received by Sep. 9th and $30 at the door. Call Deborah Ann at 724-348-8063. There will also be a variety of :
Readers — Vendors — Massage Reiki Healer — Chinese Auction
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Celestial Light Energy Magazine
The Akashic Record’s Corner Greetings, Recently I had a discussion with a friend who has been going through some trialing times. During this time she read the Dali Lamas 8 mundane concerns. The one she brought up was the one she disagreed with and the statement was: Whenever I interact with another, may I view myself as the lowest among all and, from the very depths of my heart, hold others as superior.
To schedule an appointment with
My friend’s response to this was that she would not be looking at the individual who has been going out of their way to hurt her as superior.
Stephanie Charles call
724-799-4200 At the time of this discussion I was extremely tired and I commented that the Dali Lama does not say anything for no reason. I have learnt in my life that wise men and women say things for a very specific reason and that is to think about the reaction we have to it. Which I expressed to her but as conversations go in that moment my answer was just not sufficient. Having gained a good night sleep the following morning out of nowhere spirit said to me “ Of course you want to come to the understanding of why they are superior to you! Your friend’s friend for example who is seeking to create as much harm as possible is superior. This person is superior in creating harm and chaos and discord. Why would you want to be superior to another in the category of creating harm?!” I smiled.
I left the house for the day, where my mind was occupied with many other things. Hours later on my drive home, enjoying the blue sky and white clouds and the sun starting to set I started to feel a great sense of joy and was thinking again on the answer I received in the morning. It was a moment of coming to understand that it would be more than appropriate to sing hallelujah to the heavens for feeling inferior!! This brings us to the Akashic Record Keepers who have repeated over the years, “Words are nothing more than words, however your reactions to certain words are based on how you fill the word with your emotions and these emotions are based on your passed experiences that are stored within you and are the integral part of how you interpret your environment.” How many people react closed to the word Stephanie will be at God for example? It is a word spelled G-OD. Nothing more. The reaction to the word God is not because of the word but based Enlightened on the emotion you feel when hearing the word God. These strong types of reactions are also telling you there is something that should be looked at deeper. That needs to be let go. A word cannot harm you, however the reaction of the emotion can harm you and hold you back. Take the Dali Lamas words to heart. There is a time when it is glorious to be inferior.
Namaste, Stephanie
Healing Energy 466 Castle Shannon Bvd. Suite 203 Pittsburgh, PA 15234 August 21st, 2016
From 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.
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Enlightened Healing Energy
TO ORDER OILS GO TO https://www.mydoterra.com/ruthkrauss
InTune is a proprietary blend of essential oils carefully selected for their ability to enhance and sustain a sense of focus. The carefully selected essential oils in dōTERRA InTune Focus Blend work together, supporting efforts of those who have difficulty paying attention and staying on task. Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Lime promote a sense of clarity, while the benefits of Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Roman Chamomile are calming and soothing.
Uses: Apply to wrists or back of hands and inhale deeply to promote a sense of clarity. Apply to wrists or back of hands and inhale deeply to promote a sense of clarity. Use InTune at work to stay on task or when feeling tired mid-afternoon. Wholesale: $34.50 Retail: $46.00 34.50 PV 466 Castle Shannon Boulevard Suite 203 Second Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15234
Phone: 412-600-1269 E-mail: Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com
We are on the Web WWW.EnlightenedHealingEnergy.com