May 2017

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MAY 2017


Inside this issue: Classes


That’s What They Say


Akashic Records Corner


Self-Steem Meets The Shadow



About the Editor her gifts and her journey into the healing arts. To better assist people to heal the light within, Ruth has studied multiple healing methods. Ruth is a practitioner of Magnified Healing ®, Integrated Energy Therapy® MasterInstructor, Dowser, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master. Ruth has fully awakened to

Records Reader, Certified Angel Reader by Doreen Virtue program, she has a great connection with the Angelic Realm. Ruth is excited and grateful to put her gifts to the service of others and help them through their own personal journey.

She is also an Akashic

Breaking The Cosmic Ceiling with Sara Sachs “I will be very open to student’s requests to work on specific areas. What I want the class to understand from the beginning is, This is your workshop!”

Taking your Mediumship to the next Level. This is a three-part series for healers, mediums, psychics and all other light workers. All three will be provide intense class participation. We will be doing exercises, paired readings and public demonstrations.

based on the course work done by Sara in classes at Arthur Findlay School of Psychic Studies in Stansted, UK. Sara’s intention to have participants: Get Connected to Spirit Stay in the power. Build stamina.

Wednesday May 10th, 2017 From 7 to 9:00 PM Energy Exchange $ 35.00 Please pre—pay for this event we have limited spaces. Enlightened Healing Energy 466 Castle Shannon Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15234

Much of the content is

Channeling with Paul Meidinger Channeling is bringing through words and energies from higher spiritual beings by becoming a conscious conduit or channel.

Channeling is a form of mediumship directed to higher realms. In this class we will learn how to reach an elevated state that al-

lows knowledge and energy to flow through us. By meditating with intent and connecting with our higher self we become receptive to these higher energies. We will practice embodying higher beings to bring through clear and powerful messages. This class is intended for

both beginners and those with more experience. To sign up for this class Email Paul at Saturday May 20th, 2017 From 1 to 3:30 PM Energy Exchange $ 40.00

MAY 2017 Page 3

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level Our IET Basic Level class is a powerful day of selfhealing and energy therapy certification training. In this basic class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA. You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. We will cover how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET power angelic energy to clear them. We are going to be working with the 9 Angels of the Energy Field. No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself, pets and others, and unlock your

soul’s purpose. After this class you will be qualified as an IET practioner. You will received a Certificate and a manual. In this basic class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA. You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. We will cover how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET power angelic energy to clear them. We are going to be working with the 9 Angels of the Energy Field. No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy pat-

terns in yourself, pets and others, and unlock your soul’s purpose.

After this class you will be qualified as an IET practioner. You will received a Certificate and a manual.

May 27th 2017

From 10 to 5 pm

Energy Exchange

$ 205.00

To sign up for this class email Ruth Lorena at : ruth@enlightenedhealinge

“You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. “


That’s What They Say

Rev. Marjorie Rivera 412-804-8010

“There is a simple wisdom that can be found in taking a single breath”

One of life's best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you've got a problem. Everything else is an inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. A lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat and a lump in the breast are not the same kind of lump. One needs to learn the difference. ~ Robert Fulghum Have you ever stopped to figure this sort of thing out? I have found lately that so many things are hitting us simultaneously, the news, social media, the opinions of others, the needs of our parents, spouses, jobs and children, not to mention our constant inner chatter (which can seem to run rampant inside of most of us) most of the time. It rings true to me that there

are many things competing for our attention at any given moment of any given day. Those are just a few things that make noise, what about the things we worry about? the family dramas, our reputations, money, childcare, schooling, the list could go on and on... I stop for a moment several times per day and take a nice deep breath just for the sake of breathing. Just for the sake of breathing is a nice enough reason to stop, but for sanity too. I like to remember to be intentional about things at some point in the day and slow down my pace and just check in with myself. It doesn’t take long. I just breathe deeply, let the air fill my lungs as I say “I, take a breath, “Love, take another breath, “You” slowly while concentrating on my heart space. This centers and helps me focus on giving or getting a more loving response to whatever comes next. It’s just that simple. There is a simple wisdom that can be found in taking single breath ( or two, or three) Sometimes it can make all the difference be-

tween letting yourself make a knee jerk reaction, and a well thought response. If you take the time to figure out if you have a problem, then you can begin a plan of action to fix it. If you realize it's just an inconvenience, perhaps you can decide to wait it out, or pass altogether. My suggestion this month dear reader, is to take a moment a few times per day to check in with yourself and see what REALLY needs your attention, and why? Is it something that is important? Is it something that is urgent? Do you know the difference? Does it require immediate attention? Can it wait? In other words, what sort of “lump” is it? If you slow down for a moment, can you figure it out? Suggested reading: Transforming Problems into Happiness by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

MAY 2017 Page 5

Mystical Psychic Fair June 11th, 2017 from 12 to 5:00 PM

Skyview Fire Hall #3660 Noble Drive West Mifflin, PA 15122 Rev. Marjorie Rivera will deliver Evidential Messages from the other side from 1:00 p.m. - 2:15p.m. If there is a low attendance the time will be adjusted and not everyone is guaranteed a message. Rev. Marjorie Rivera will also be teaching a workshop from 3:00 - 4:30 pm Tickets for either event is $25 if prepaid by June 7th, and $30 at the door. For more information call Deborah Ann at 724-348-8063 or 412-927-9679. We will have a variety of vendors selling unique items.


$ 5.00 $25.00 $25.00 $20.00 $25.00


Akashic Records Corner To Love Ourselves

Stephanie Charles To make an appointment

“No matter our age, selfacceptance is one of the greatest gifts you can give your heart ….”

When I first started on my personal journey with the Akashic Records one of the most consistent messages that came through for myself and those in my study group was how we feared our inner light, our inner pure essence and that we also feared our shadow side. That somehow we all believed deep inside us are terrible secrets and deeds we may have done. It was better to avoid both at all costs and to be successful at such a task meant to look outwards for the solution and changes we hoped for. I remember those days well and how my fear held me back like a set of doors that had many bolts denying me access. This evening I had a conversation with several young people to see what they thought of self-love and I wanted to share this with you. My first question to them was: What does self-love mean to you? It was amusing to watch how their eyes got big and embarrassment rose within them. Here are some of their answers.

To Love yourself but not be full of yourself. Not accepting other

people’s judgments of you. Believe in yourself and know you are a good human being. Encourage positive characteristics. My second question was: How do you implement the practical aspect of selflove? With a resounding voice I heard them ask me to please dumb that question down so they understood what I was asking. After a good laugh I asked how they practiced loving themselves? Here are their answers. Being judged is the worst thing and is hard to get through. Being confidant in who I am. Knowing I have a purpose even if I do not understand it yet. Surround myself with positive people. Burn Incense because it lifts my mood. Hold my crystals. Play with crystals that enhance my positive attributes.

some changes he now has hope he can be fixed. How many people believe they need to be fixed, that they are broken. The very first step of loving the self is about giving yourself permission to accept yourself the way you are, with all your self perceived faults and glories. The voice of self-judgment, of constantly comparing yourself to others is like a poisonous dart that sabotages the true language of the heart. No matter our age, selfacceptance is one of the greatest gifts you can give your heart to start on the journey of self-discovery that is not about fixing yourself but about letting go of the fear that is in a constant state of judgment. You see one of the greatest secrets is that everything was created of love, and so are you!

Stephanie Charles will be at Enlightened Healing Energy 466 Castle Shannon Bvd. Suite 203Pittsburgh, PA

Having a conversation with Ganesh.


Try to eliminate selfjudgment by learning to be confident inside and out.

May 21st, 2017

When I feel physical or emotional pain I start to chant. It really helps me. One of them said to me that since he started making

From 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.

To make an appointment call her at 724-799-4200

MAY 2017 Page 7

Self-esteem Meets the Shadow In the previous article, I wrote about the ego. We now take it to the dark side. The growth of selfesteem doesn’t mean we're on a course to perfection. Perfection is an illusion.

In the USA, one aspect of its shadow would be its earlier history with slavery. Many thought it was necessary for economic survival, regardless of cost to the soul of society.

As part of gaining the greater sense of self, we must come to terms with, as psychologist Karl Jung would say, our shadow side. We all have it. It is that dark place within us all where the lower portion of our ego resides. It is that corner of our soul that calls for survival, no matter what it costs or who it hurts.

People with a low sense of self try to negate the shadow and pretend it doesn't exist. Many Americans wish to rewrite history to say slavery had nothing to do with the cause of the Civil War. It doesn't change what happened, no matter how much they hope that it would. This thinking only drives the shadow deep into the subconscious mind, only to have it surface inappropriately.

It's the part of our primitive nature that directs us to be the predator, lest we be prey. It was what we needed to survive in the cave dwelling days. There are rare times of extreme danger when we need the shadow. It's the fright, flight, fight adrenaline kicking in for protection. However, this doesn't work well on a daily basis in the civilized world.

Those with a greater sense of self will embrace it knowing that it's part of our psyche. Eventually, the more fully evolved person sits between the lighter and darker sides of his /her humanity, like the High Priestess of the Tarot sits balanced between the lighter and darker pillars of

her soul. She acknowledges her shadow self, knowing that it's a part of her. She also knows that she doesn’t have to act upon it. The shadow awareness is a vital aspect of spiritual work. As lightworkers, we can't help the client come to grips with their shadow if we haven't done so within ourselves. That also applies to feelings considered "negative," such as fear and anger. They drive the shadow. Not only do we need to embrace them to get through them, but in mediumship, we need to understand them as part of what spirit people experienced in their lifetimes to present evidence of their existence. In this way, we shine our light on the shadow to understand and come to grips with it.

Sara Sachs Psychic Medium 412-298-4051

“People with a low sense of self try to negate the shadow and pretend it doesn't exist.“

Join us on facebook: Join our meet up group at: WWW.Meetup.Com/Spiritual-growth


Holistic Healing Services

466 Castle Shannon Boulevard Suite 203, Second Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15234

Phone: 412-600-1269 Email: Ruth@EnlightenedHealingEnergy.Com


Indulge yourself with: Readings:


Angel Healing Readings

Reiki Level I and II

Akashic Records Readings

Reiki Master Magnified Healing Phase I

Services Offered

We offered you a variety of services, from readings, healing sessions and classes.

Healing Sessions:

IET Basic Level


IET Intermediate Level

Magnified Healing

IET Advance Level

Integrated Energy

13 Steps to Transformation

Therapy Healing

Healing with the Angels

Crystal Healing

Manifesting Workshop


Ascension Workshop

Aromatouch Technique

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