January 2017

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Celestial Light Energy Magazine Enlightened Healing Energy

January 2017

Inside this issue: Akashic Record’s Corner




That’s what they say


Poetry’s Corner


The World Peace Violin


About the Editor Ruth has fully awakened to her gifts and her journey into the healing arts. To better assist people to heal the light within, Ruth has studied multiple healing methods. Ruth is a practitioner

Services Offered We offered you a variety of services, from readings, healing sessions and classes. Readings: Angel Healing Readings Akashic Records Readings

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of Magnified Healing ÂŽ, Integrated Energy TherapyÂŽ Master-Instructor, Dowser, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master. She is also an Akashic Records Reader, Certified An-

Healing Sessions: Reiki Magnified Healing Integrated Energy Therapy Healing Crystal Healing Clearings Aromatouch Technique

gel Reader by Doreen Virtue program, she has a great connection with the Angelic Realm. Ruth is excited and grateful to put her gifts to the service of others and help them through their own personal journey.

Classes: Reiki Level I and II Reiki Master Magnified Healing Phase I IET Basic Level IET Intermediate Level IET Advance Level 13 Steps to Transformation Healing with the Angels Manifesting Workshop Ascension Workshop

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Mystical Psychic Fair February 12th, 2017 from 12 to 5:00 PM

Skyview Fire Hall #3660 Noble Drive West Mifflin, PA 15122 The Mystical Psychic Fair will give people a place to be themselves and experience the energy of psychic readers, energy workers and healings! Come shop and find those unique items for Valentines Day with our awesome vendors. We have a lot of great energy, messages, and healings to share. We have Readings, Massage, Accessing the Bars, Reiki.

Come and join us

December 2016


$ 5.00








$25.00 Page 3

Akashic Records Corner’s grudges, less wishful thinking, less self judgment.

Greetings Dear One, Take a deep breath, breathe out the old, the stale and let it go. Take in another breath and invite in the new, freshness and look at today and what you wish to come into your life. Happy 2017!!! Do not hold onto grudges, regrets and old wishes. If your wishes and hopes and desires remain the same as last year, breathe new life into them. Build on what you have learned and what you have accomplished from last year . The only reason to look back is to remind yourself of what worked and what did not. You have heard often enough, you only have the “NOW”. This is true we never know what tomorrow will bring. So living and practicing of being in the NOW means less worries, less regrets, less Page 4

These are all actions and emotions that hold you back. Much better to look and observe and study a bit, like opening a history book to learn from how the last year, the last month, the last week or even the last hour has unfolded. This is the only way to learn and move into a new direction. Everyone wishes to be happy, to be joyful. Ask yourself how often have you created your own unhappiness because you where overly hard on yourself. Your mind becomes the judge, the jury and the executioner. Ask yourself why you are doing this. So please take a deep breath, start a new page and write a different story for yourself.

So out with the old, in with the new and allow yourself to unfold like a beautiful rose who is shining for today.

We see the rose you are, we see the bright light you are, and we see YOU! In this New Year forgive and let go. Allow yourself to be present in the moment; this is where you will discover what it means to BE. We wish you all a very beautiful and loving New Year. With much love for you,

The Lords of the Akashic Records .

Stephanie will be at Enlightened Healing Energy 466 Castle Shannon Bvd. Suite 203 Pittsburgh, PA 15234 January 15th, 2017 From 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. To make an appointment call her at724-799-4200

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

NEW Psychic Development Class with Paul Level 1

To sign up for this class email Paul at: 2Paul@comcast.net

These classes are for those who wish to bring out the psychic intuitive that is within each of us. The classes are intended for those who wish to develop their psychic reading skills into a practical, useful, healing tool. This could be to read professionally and/or to use intuition for guiding aspects of one's own life such as health, relationships, and career. Each class is for beginners as well as

those more advanced, and each class can be taken independently of the others.

Lives and Precognition - Integrating past experiences and sensing future probabilities.

Students who complete four classes will receive a certificate of completion. Psychic theory will be balanced with direct experiential activities.

Distance Reading - Reading from photographs, phone reading, and remote viewing

Class 1: Meditation, Visualization, and Intention - Connecting with universal energy and the true self for expansion, clarity, and healing.

Class 5: Make-up - We'll cover the main topics that were missed by class members and add to those topics as well. Make-up for any who miss a class along the way or additional for those who have attended all of the others.

Developing Psychic Sensing Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), Clairaudience (Clear Hearing), Empathy (Psychic Feeling), and Intuition. Class 2: Reading the Aura and Chakras - Interpreting information, self-development, and Kundalini. Class 3: Sensing Time - Past

Class 4: Mediumship - Communicating with spirit guides and those that have crossed over

Class 2 Level 1 January 20th 2017 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00 Class 2 Level 4 January 27th 2017 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00

Join our meet up group at: WWW.Meetup.Com/Spiritual-growth December 2016

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Exploring your Inner Dreams Please join us to discover your inner dreams that you may not be aware of within yourselves waiting to be heard.

To Sign up for this class call Stephanie at: 724-799-4200 Dreams are a language often times not understood, but there is a language within us worth exploring.

We will be sing the drum to relax and distress, with instructions of how to enter into your dream world and journey to the realm of dreams you have within you where you may experience some of the most wondrous places you will not find here on earth.

sights and will allow you to experience your own magical being. We will be dreaming and sharing (voluntary).

January 29th 2017 from 1pm until 3pm Energy Exchange $35.00

Accessing our dreams provides entertainment, healing and in-

Visit us on Facebook at: WWW.Facebook.com/TheMysticSisters We do parties and events Page 6

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing.

Our IET Basic Level class is a

We will cover how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET power angelic energy to clear them. We are going to be working with the 9 Angels of the Energy Field.

tion training.

In this basic class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA.

January 28th 2017 From 9 to 5 pm Energy Exchange

powerful day of self-healing and energy therapy certifica-

After this class you will be qualified as an IET practioner. You will received a Certificate and a manual.

No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself, pets and others, and unlock your soul’s purpose.

$ 205.00 To sign up for this class email Ruth Lorena at : ruth@enlightenedhealing

Join us on facebook: www.facebook.com/EnlightenedHealingEnergy

December 2016

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Good stuff for one and all

Linda & Bobby Joyce 412-841-4437 lindajoyce@gmail.com

Crafty Rock Hounds Page 8

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

That’s What They Say—Thought provoking insights on common quotations

Rev. Marjorie Rivera www.PittsburghMedium.com 412-804-8010 RevMarjorieRivera@gmail.com

"Barn's burnt down… now I can see the moon." Masahide, Japanese poet Who even knew that the barn was in the way? Sometimes we get so used to the things the way they are, that we don’t even realize what may be on the other side of those things is a “possibility”. I love the idea of a possibility being hidden behind something very familiar . When I was in seminary school, there was a story/joke that went around , so I will share it with you to the best of my ability now: “The joke concerns twin boys of five or six. Worried that the boys had developed extreme personalities – one was a total pessimist, the other a total optimist – their parents took them to a psychiatrist.

December 2016

First the psychiatrist treated the pessimist. Trying to brighten his outlook, the psychiatrist took him to a room piled to the ceiling with brand-new toys. But instead of yelping with delight, the little boy burst into tears. 'What's the matter?' the psychiatrist asked, baffled. 'Don't you want to play with any of the toys?' 'Yes,' the little boy bawled, 'but if I did I'd only break them. Next the psychiatrist treated the optimist. Trying to dampen his out look, the psychiatrist took him to a room piled to the ceiling with horse manure. But instead of wrinkling his nose in disgust, the optimist emitted just the yelp of delight the psychiatrist had been hoping to hear from his brother, the pessimist. Then he clambered to the top of the pile, dropped to his knees, and began gleefully digging out scoop after scoop with his bare hands. 'What do you think you're doing?' the psychiatrist asked, just as baffled by the optimist as he had been by the pessimist. 'With all this manure,' the little boy replied, beaming, 'there must be a pony in here somewhere! !”I propose that if one is willing to look beyond the structure of what they already see, ie: the toys or the poop, they can find the possibility within. Sometimes, you just have to look beyond what is right in front of you to see something more grand. Have you ever heard that saying “Can’t see the forest for the trees.”? This saying means if someone is

too close to a situation, they can’t see other options. I’d like to share another insight. The “field of infinite possibility” is a metaphysical concept which dictates that dwelling within you, is your “true self”, or your “pure awareness”. The field of infinite possibility is where your inner silence expands into a greater sense of connection to all that exists in the entire universe.

When you become willing to look beyond the limited construction of your earthly awareness and begin to engage with this infinite field of possibilities inside of you, then you are moving towards the most truthful expression of who you are. When you are willing to burn down the barn, or what is comfortable, you can begin to see the possibilities. That’s when things get really interesting ! Burning down the barn could be a greater metaphor for tearing down the constructs of crystallized habits and behavior patterns so that we can gain new possibilities in life.

If you want something different, then try something different.

Connect with me: www.Pittsburgh Medium.com www.facebook.com/ PGHmedium

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SITE NITE PEACERAISER Join us in our PeaceRaiser event to help raise funds to bring the Ven. Rev. Patrick McCollum and Scarlet Rivera to Pittsburgh for Earth Day weekend in April 2017. Patrick is an international peace activist who is dedicated to causes such as civil rights, the environment and religious discrimination. He is also the creator of the World Peace Violin. You can also check out his website at: www.patrickmccollum.org. Scarlet Rivera, the official violinist of the World Peace Violin, has worked with Bob Dylan, Duke Ellington, Indigo Girls & many more. Each reader, healer and vendor will have their own prices for their services and merchandise. The fundraiser will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2017 at the First United Methodist Church 5401 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15232 From 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm DOOR ADMISSION $ 5.00 READINGS VENDORS MASSAGE HEALING SESSIONS CHINESE AUCTION 50/50 RAFFLE BAKE SALE MUSIC Page 10

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Poetry’s Corner THE WAYS By Iris Urka How do I love ME? Let me count the ways With the breath of the ocean and coolness of waves I surround myself with friends of support Respect and accept never bring me to short

I banish exhaustion and mental fatigue And allow myself the blessed rest that I need I guard myself from negativity and fear And inspire myself keep books of faith near.

The food I take in does fill my need My body is strong with good healthy deeds. to appreciate my worth and the gifts that God gave Not hide my uniqueness in a barrel or cave.

How do I love me ? Let me count without sin And I will do better, let the new year begin

We come together to explore, experience, and support each other’s spiritual, intuitive and telepathic gifts and to expand upon them in a safe and sacred space. www.sitenite.org December 2016

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Enlightened Healing Energy

The World Peace Violin is coming to Pittsburgh http://www.patrickmccollum.org/world-peace-violin.php 

Handcrafted by Ven. Rev. Patrick McCollum.

Initiated on the Winter Solstice of 2012.

Official violinist, Scarlet Rivera.

Now considered one of the top 100 violins in the world.


- Created from diverse woods and impregnated with materials collected from sacred sites and events connected to both world conflict zones and areas where peace has been realized. - Contains woods from a resolved conflict in Africa and from a tree said to carry the voice of peace gifted by Native Americans. - Inlays are carved from a tree growing from a sacred well in Ireland during the signing of the Irish peace treaty.

466 Castle Shannon Boulevard Suite 203 Second Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15234 To make an appointment Call us At 412-600-1269

E-mail: ruth@enlightenedhealingenergy.com

- The varnish is comprised from the ashes of the white buffalo gifted by an Anaswabi Chief during the Buddhist celebration of Weisak in Bangkok, Thailand, and from sand collected from the baptism site of Jesus during Arab-Israeli peace talks in Jordan. - There are fragments of shell casings from the battle of Iwo Jima and debris resulting from the bomb dropped at Hiroshima.

The Meaning of the World Peace Violin - The World Peace Violin serves as a powerful metaphor for both the beauty and diversity of our planet and for the successful integration of its religions, cultures and peoples. - The World Peace Violin represents the coming together of all peoples and cultures and the many different belief systems they represent. It stands as a powerful symbol that together, we the people of the planet, have a voice, and that together with that voice, we can make beautiful music! - The World Peace Violin isn't perfect. It broke numerous times during its construction and had to be continuously patched up and reworked to refine its sound and appearance... much like the peace process itself. - Rev. McCollum is not a violinmaker. Like the peace process itself, it is only through faith and understanding and a vision of what you are trying to accomplish that success is possible.  The World Peace Violin has now been blessed by many of the world’s spiritual leaders and infused with the energy of many ordinary people.  In 2015, the “peace violin” was officially enlisted to open the World Summit of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates in Atlanta, Georgia. It was also played at the International Day of Peace at the UN in New York as well as during the first United Nations International Yoga Day. On September 16, 2016, the violin was again heard at the UN and also at the grand gathering in New York’s Central Park.

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