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Celestial Light Energy Magazine Enlightened Healing Energy

Inside this issue: Akashic Record’s Corner


Learning to love, support, and take care of yourself.


That’s what they say


Poetry’s Corner


February 2017

About the Editor

Ruth has fully awakened to her gifts and her journey into the healing arts. To better assist people to heal the light within, Ruth has studied multiple healing methods. Ruth is a practitioPage 2

ner of Magnified Healing ÂŽ, Integrated Energy TherapyÂŽ Master-Instructor, Dowser, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master. She is also an Akashic Records Reader, Certified An-

gel Reader by Doreen Virtue program, she has a great connection with the Angelic Realm. Ruth is excited and grateful to put her gifts to the service of others and help them through their own personal journey. Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Mystical Psychic Fair April 9th, 2017 from 12 to 5:00 PM

Skyview Fire Hall #3660 Noble Drive West Mifflin, PA 15122 Pamper yourself with a relaxing afternoon of readings, massage, reiki healings, and shopping with our awesome vendors for those perfect Easter gifts. For more information or to pre-book appointments call Deborah Ann at 724-348-8063 or 412- 927-9679.

Come and join us

December 2016


$ 5.00








$25.00 Page 3

Akashic Records Corner’s

Loving Yourself Unconditionally To understand unconditional love we first need to explore conditional love. What is conditional love? You learn conditional love from a very early age on. It starts at home as a young child being rewarded for having been good. Maybe it was sweets you received, or a trip to the playground. You where told if you behaved you would be rewarded in one form or another. If you didn’t do well enough the result was the opposite. There was no trip to the park, no sweets. You may have been put to bed early or had to sit in time out. Some of you may have been paddled or scolded. Being at such a young age the message is “if I am really, really, really good…mom or dad will show me their love with a reward!” Happiness flourishes through you and you stretch yourself to do your very, very best. Than you received your reward and you see your mom or dad smile when they gave you that lollipop or when they pushed you on the swing. This is where you start to learn that love is often conditional. Parents certainly do not do this on purpose, they themselves where raised this way. And of course there are moments when a parent just loves you for who you are. Than off to school you go and a whole new layer of expectation is placed on you at an early age. The “reward” program in school leaves a lasting impression. You already gained lasting impressions from home of being praised and rewarded for being good, loving or quiet. In school, stickers, praise and grades are added to the learning curve of what it means to be loved, to be acPage 4

cepted, and to be ok. While the love of a parent differs from the love or graciousness of a teacher and other pupils you have already been molded or versed in being good, bad or lovable and not so lovable.

ing something in return.

As you continue to grow up this message happens over and over again, to the point where now your own inner voice is added to the mix. You scold yourself and praise yourself. You punish yourself and reward yourself deepening the sense of conditional love.

To receive uncondiotnal love you need to love yourself unconditionally. To love conditionally means to receive conditional love. How do you start breaking the pattern instilled for generations? You start with accepting yourself fully just the way you are right now in this very moment. How do you start doing this by no longer judging yourself. Listen to your own inner voice and start discerning in how many ways you are hard on yourself and putting yourself down.

Conditional love is the expectation of receiving something in return. You do this because you where taught this, just as your parents where taught and their parents where taught. From generation to generation. However what is the real message? What is the real motivator of conditional love? The answer is simple it is the deep cry from within for the search of unconditional love. To be conditioned means to feel inadequate in one area or another in your life. This is not a truth; it is like a disease from being conditioned by so many different occurrences in your life. It has confused you and the journey of peeling the layers away like an onion begins. You start your journey of healing and wanting to let go, to quiet the voices that keeps you trapped in the old pattern of conditional love. During this process you realize how many things you have taken on as being true about yourself and so you work on forgiveness, healing, energy work, a variety of different modalities that speak to you as well as help you. This we say is only half the work or half of the truth. The true step is to realize how you have adopted the art of conditional love that you place on others, and why do you do this? Because you where taught to express your love this way. Conditional love is the expectation of receiv-

What are you expecting in return? To be fully and utterly accepted and loved. You are searching for unconditional love.

Observe and recognize this voice. Do not put a name to it, do not judge the voice. Instead listen to discover how often this particular voice of yours is influencing your belief about who and what you are. Practice this for a month. Practice to not judge the voice of judgment within you. Next month we will build on this message of what you can do once you have become familiar and more at ease with not judging a part of you that has been criticizing you for a very long time. With all of our Love for you, The Akashic Record Keepers

Stephanie will be at Enlightened Healing Energy 466 Castle Shannon Bvd. Suite 203 Pittsburgh, PA 15234 From 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. on March 19th, 2017 To make an appointment call her at 724-799-4200

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Learning to love, support, and take care of yourself. grow and joyously expand our lives. If we want to make the world a better place to live. OR if we want our families to be better it all starts with loving and caring for ourselves.

Carol A. Briney

As a speaker, I often talk about transforming your life from ordinary to extraordinary. There are many ingredients to living an extraordinary life, and one of them is learning to love, support, and take care of yourself. So often we spend our time criticizing and belittling ourselves. In fact, we often don't do what is best for ourselves because we have been taught to take care of what others need first. We forget that the Universe and our body hears EVERYTHING that we think. We say things to ourselves that we would never say to another person. We jump on the tiniest flaws in our bodies, and we often say hateful things to ourselves for the smallest mistake. Today I challenge you to rethink how you treat yourself. Give some thought to your self-talk. Remember the fact that we cannot hate anything, or criticize anything or anybody including ourselves into manifesting happiness or change for the better. The only way to change anything or anyone and this includes ourselves is through love, kindness, and compassion. It stands to reason that if we want to December 2016

About 25 years ago I heard one of the most profound and life changing statements I have ever heard. “You cannot give away what you do not already own.” These words have helped me to manifest some truly lifechanging things into my life as well as helped me to impact a lot of other people's lives too. Loving ourselves first and taking care of our needs is a critical step in creating the life we want to live. When I speak about loving ourselves first, many people, especially women physically cringe, and I often hear “ I can't do that. I can't be selfish; I have a family, a friend, a job to take care of and I simply don't have time to take a shower let alone do nice things for myself. In fact, I know that some of you who are reading this are saying “that woman is writing crazy stuff. Who has time to take care of themselves first?”

do you best for yourself. You must feed yourself with loving feeling, thoughts, and actions. You must speak kindness and love to yourself. You must make it a practice to surround yourself with love and light. When you fill yourself up with loving energy, you will then have love, kindness, compassion, and patience to give to others. When you fill yourself up first and spend some time being appreciative of what you have you will do things for others out of a sense of love and gratitude. You will be able to turn things around and instead of complaining that you have to do things out of a sense of obligation, you will be able to be grateful for all you have and that you get to do things for those you care about. Yes, my friends putting you first is not selfish it is indeed self-full. Because you cannot give away what you do not already own. Carol A. Briney is an international inspirational speaker, author, and #1rated podcast host. She joyfully resides in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Here's my answer and it is more than just a suggestion it is a fact. You do not have time to not take care of yourself. Yes, YOU the person reading this article. Think for a minute, how do you treat people when you are tired, stressed and cranky? When you are cranky, you are most likely short tempered, impatient and doing things from a victim mentality. How do you treat people when you are rested, joyful and calm? You are most likely loving, joyful, and patient. If you want to do your best for others, you must first Page 5

Exploring your Inner Dreams Please join us to discover your inner dreams that you may not be aware of within yourselves waiting to be heard.

To Sign up for this class call Stephanie at: 724-799-4200 Dreams are a language often times not understood, but there is a language within us worth exploring.

We will be sing the drum to relax and distress, with instructions of how to enter into your dream world and journey to the realm of dreams you have within you where you may experience some of the most wondrous places you will not find here on earth.

sights and will allow you to experience your own magical being. We will be dreaming and sharing (voluntary).

March 26th 2017 from 1 pm until 3 pm Energy Exchange $35.00

Accessing our dreams provides entertainment, healing and in-

Mandala Drawing Workshop with Kimberly Minardi represents the micro and the macro, the individual and the collective. They heal and bring us all joy.

Can you write your name? Then you can draw mandalas! Come learn how to create these healing meditative tools for relaxation and creative expression. Inspired by repeating patterns in nature, the mandala Page 6

Bring paper (smooth drawing paper, card stock or plain copy paper will do. You may want a variety to try out.), index cards, a mechanical pencil, an extra fine point felt-tipped pen such as a Sharpie pen or Micron, and an old CD/DVD. Optional supplies- colored pencils, water color cakes and brushes, markers, crayons, and a gum eraser.

Use the contact form at with subject “March 25th Mandala class� to register, you can secure your spot with a credit card payment for the class. This workshop is limited to 8 people, so be sure to sign up to insure your participation.

March 25th 2017 from 2 pm until 4 pm Energy Exchange $25.00

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level You will then learn how to heart link to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing.

Our IET Basic Level class is a

We will cover how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET power angelic energy to clear them. We are going to be working with the 9 Angels of the Energy Field.

tion training.

In this basic class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA.

April 1st 2017 From 10 to 5 pm Energy Exchange

powerful day of self-healing and energy therapy certifica-

After this class you will be qualified as an IET practioner. You will received a Certificate and a manual.

No prior energy therapy experience needed. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself, pets and others, and unlock your soul’s purpose.

$ 205.00 To sign up for this class email Ruth Lorena at : ruth@enlightenedhealing

Join us on facebook:

December 2016

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NEW Psychic Development Class with Paul Level 2

To sign up for this class email Paul at:

These classes are for those who wish to bring out the psychic intuitive that is within each of us. The classes are intended for those who wish to develop their psychic reading skills into a practical, useful, healing tool. This could be to read professionally and/or to use intuition for guiding aspects of one's own life such as health, relationships, and career. Each class is for beginners as well as

those more advanced, and each class can be taken independently of the others.

Lives and Precognition - Integrating past experiences and sensing future probabilities.

Students who complete four classes will receive a certificate of completion. Psychic theory will be balanced with direct experiential activities.

Distance Reading - Reading from photographs, phone reading, and remote viewing

Class 1: Meditation, Visualization, and Intention - Connecting with universal energy and the true self for expansion, clarity, and healing.

Class 5: Make-up - We'll cover the main topics that were missed by class members and add to those topics as well. Make-up for any who miss a class along the way or additional for those who have attended all of the others.

Developing Psychic Sensing Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), Clairaudience (Clear Hearing), Empathy (Psychic Feeling), and Intuition. Class 2: Reading the Aura and Chakras - Interpreting information, self-development, and Kundalini. Class 3: Sensing Time - Past

Class 4: Mediumship - Communicating with spirit guides and those that have crossed over

Class 1 Level 2 March 17 2017 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00 Class 1 Level 5 March 24th 2017 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Energy Exchange $40.00

Join our meet up group at: WWW.Meetup.Com/Spiritual-growth Page 8

Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Medical Intuition Class with Paul getic cause of illness or imbalance within the body. In this class you will learn how to tune in to our body’s organs and systems to evaluate their condition and how to encourage them to heal.

Each student will receive a mini-reading from Paul to assess their intuition level and what may be blocking it, or to reveal masked physical conditions. .

To sign up for this class email Paul at:

April 2nd 2017 from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.

This class is for those who wish to get more in tune to their own bodies.

Energy Exchange

Medical intuition involves psychically sensing the ener-


Angel Tarot Card Course with Ruth Lorena deck .Major and Minor arcanas, and the different suits. Lesson 2: How to interpret the meaning of the cards. One card and three card readings. Are you curious on how to give a tarot card reading using Angel Cards Deck? Then this class is for you. This class is developed in 5 lessons, each every 2 weeks so you have time to practice.

Lesson 3: How to give a reading to your clients. How prepared yourself and your cards. How to decide which spread use in a reading.

You will learn :

Lesson 4: We will explore different types of spreads according to the clients questions.

Lesson 1: Getting to know your

Lesson 5: How to develop your

December 2016

own communication with your cards. How to used any kind of deck to give a reading. To sign up for this class email Ruth at:

March 18th 2017 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Energy Exchange $35.00

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That’s What They Say—Thought provoking insights on common quotations would be willing to listen. This is my theory behind Mediumship. People have a message, and just because they don’t have a body any more, does not stop the desire to convey a message.

Rev. Marjorie Rivera 412-804-8010

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” Helen Keller There is something about a quote that can fit on a bumper sticker that really attracts me. Bumper stickers, as I see it were the tweets of old. They had to be short and direct, and usually funny or profound. After some research , I can tell you that bumper stickers existed in some way even before bumpers did. People have been putting messages on their vehicles since long before the invention of the car. Why did this not surprise me at all? Advertising slogans were printed on canvas wheel covers, horsefly nets, and painted signs. These advertising pieces laid the groundwork for the bumper stickers we know today. As long as people have had a message, it would appear we people have also had a desire to convey that message to anyone who Page 10

We are not bodies that have a soul, we are souls that have a body. Being a professional Medium for almost two decades now, I have made some observations; Folks are opinionated. Moms want to tell us how they perceive what we are doing no matter where they are currently living. If they are currently living in Heaven, they will want to give you a heavenly perspective on things. Everyone has something to say. Question is, who is listening? Mystics have long been engaged with cosmic conversations, talking with and listening to the heavenly realms, and to God. Mystics pay attention to the

our souls live on, and our love lives on. When we love someone, we want to know they are ok, that they still exist. Edison reasoned that it could be accomplished through scientific means – a device that could do the job that mediums advertised. He wanted to industrialize what he saw as useful and yet undefinable. It makes perfect sense on some level, to seek scientific proof of the “continuity of the soul”. Until such time that science catches up to the mystics, and I am sure it will come, enjoy and deeply love everything, so that it will become part of you. If you allow something to become part of your soul, your bond will also become eternal. For as long as we people have had something to say, we have been trying to help other people get our message. Whether it was a cave drawing, a bumper sticker, rock n roll, tweets, or the messages of a medium. Messages are just a language of love. Question is, are you listening? Suggested reading: Body and Soul: A Sympathetic History of American Spiritualism Robert S. Cox

subtle vibrations of the Universe and how energy works. Scientists are just now beginning to study the things that have been on the minds of mystics for centuries. Nikola Tesla was quoted to have said: “The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Scientists like Edison, even wanted to create a machine that would allow us to talk to the other side.

Connect with me: www.Pittsburgh PGHmedium

So why would Edison the scientist be interested in such a thing? Because Celestial Light Energy Magazine

Poetry’s Corner THE LIGHT By Iris Urka I accept you For what you count as shortcomings For where you see as falling short For what you deem as inadequate I accept you for where you are at And what you are trying to do. I understand you Why you made a left instead of a right Why you stopped instead of forged ahead Why you hide instead of shine Your sparkle still meets my eye. I understand I appreciate you In your fears and struggles Trying to come to terms Make a point, make a difference I appreciate a soul who has come to a place Of realizing, you can't give up. I allow you To make your mistakes Develop your challenges, To fall short and try again To blame, lie and make excuses And then to realize. I welcome you With your flaws and imperfections Your ups, downs and rounds I welcome you to rest To regroup and recharge For you are one of my lights, on your way home to me. December 2016

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Enlightened Healing Energy

Services Offered We offered you a variety of services, from readings, healing sessions and classes. Readings: Angel Healing Readings Akashic Records Readings Healing Sessions:

466 Castle Shannon Boulevard Suite 203 Second Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15234 To make an appointment Call us At 412-600-1269


Reiki Magnified Healing Integrated Energy Therapy Healing Crystal Healing Clearings Aromatouch Technique Classes: Reiki Level I and II Reiki Master Magnified Healing Phase I IET Basic Level IET Intermediate Level IET Advance Level 13 Steps to Transformation Healing with the Angels Manifesting Workshop Ascension Workshop

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