Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2019 Celine Jyanti
1000565 Dan Parker - Studio 10
Critical Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental types of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling.
The three fundamental types of fabrication techniques described by Kolerevic are subtractive, additive, and formative fabrications. Subtractive fabrication removes volumes from solid materials using electro-, chemically- or mechanically-reductive processes. Additive fabrication is the opposite of subtractive fabrication where materials are added layer-by-layer by slicing the model into two-dimensional layers. Formative fabrication is a process of reshaping or deformation through mechanical forces, restricting forms, heat or steam. Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) fabrication works with geometries that can be described precisely as NURBS curves and surfaces. This allows designs to have legible data in computing machines, thus unlocking direct access from design to fabrication. With one language used in the design parameters and machines, design to fabrication transitions become seamless and more effective.
Scripting task A consisted of two parts, the surface panels and the waffle structure. The main iteration exploration happens in the surface and panel part, developing relationship between surfaces and supporing it with combinations of panels. The chosen iteration is then brought to the second part to produce a waffle structure that supports and holds the design together. 3
Surface Creation
In the process of developing the surfaces, connecting the two surfaces was a main and constant idea throughout. Here, the two iterations show results of connecting the surfaces at one edge and one corner. The first iteration is different but it limits possibilities of use (e.g. what happens when it is rotated or oriented differently). The second iteration is more flexible in that there is no specific orientation that was pre determined.
Deciding to go with the surfaces that touch at one corner, the scripting became more about choosing panels. The panels were made in rhino and plugged into grasshopper for manipulation with point attractors and vectors. The 3D panels used in this design are variations of basic pyramid forms. The apex of the pyramids form illusions of curves on the surface. Iterations of this were made and compared to each other to find which describes the character of the surface well. The 2D panels used in this design are flat panels without any perforation to continue the solid look of the pyramids. The challenge is to combine 3D and 2D panels into one coherent design. In that, the panels were developed in the idea of curling inwards for one surface and curling outwards for the other.
Isometric View
The main ideas in developing the panels are growing in and growing out. In that, 2d and 3d panels were used and put together to create movement from the changes of height and orientation.
The waffle structure demonstrates the relationship between the two surfaces and how they t at one ofthe corners.
Laying the panels and waffle components on a flat plane shows the amount of material needed to construct the design. It also gives information on how to build the model, whether lines are cut completely or etched for folding. The process of creating the laser cut file mainly involves nesting and labelling. Nesting is done to be efficient in terms of materials and cut times which makes it cost effective. Labelling is done to help the building process. In the waffle file, labels are put near each component while the panels are not labelled (but kept in original file) to allow more compact nesting.
Exploded Isometric
3D panels curling inwards diagonally following the curve of the surface. Three types of pyramids are used in this design to create effects of movement
2D Panels arranged diagonally, separating the two corners with 3D panels. Panels are plain with a diagonal folding which goes the opposite way of the 3D panel diagonal.
Different angles of orientations to create a look of explosion, combined with greater heights to create more volume.
{0,120,150} {60,150,150}
1.4 {0,90,150}
{150,150,150 }
{120,150,150} {150,90,150}
{0,0,120} {150,30,150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Grid Points
{150,0,150} {0,0,105}
{75,150,0} {150,0,90} {150,150,0}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{34,-125,180} {35,-40,100}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
Task A Matrix
Iterations of the surfaces are the main drivers for the design by testing relationships between the two surfaces horizontally, vertically and connecting edges and/or corners. Testing 2d and 3d panels also describes and emphasizes characteristics of the sufaces. The final design uses the 1.3 surfaces with combinations of 4 panel shapes.
The final model attempts to create two different but coherent surfaces. With one surface showing panels growing in and the other growing out, the two are connected at the touching corner of the surfaces. The transitioning between 3D and 2D panels is done through changes of height, size and shapes of the modules. The arrangement of surfaces also allows different possibilities of orientation. The model can be rotated to stand and take on different silhouettes. The waffle structure inside also creates its own atmosphere of space by mirroring the curves of the surfaces.
Visual Scripting of Parametric Model
Scripting task B firstly involves creating grids in a 150x150x150 box and manipulating them by using attractor points. Geometries are then put to eventually boolean out volumes from the box. The geometries used in this script are from lunchbox and manipulated in terms of size.
SOLID AND VOID Surface Creation
Comparing spatial posibilities, the iterations above are the main two that were explored. The first boolean iteration was made of tetrahedron shapes from lunchbox. This creates spaces with sharp definitions and often found very narrow corners. The second booelan combines tetrahedron shapes with spheres, the spheres help to soften out the narrow corners mentioned before.
Sectioned Isometric
Boolean creating a more enclosed space for more private functions. Smaller openings act as physical thresholds, changing the atmosphere of the spaces.
A defined area as part of the exterior that can be used as an outdoor point of interest, inviting people to interact with the building.
Various spaces overlapping into one larger area for communal activities. The absence of physical borders creates a softer threshold, transitioning gradually form outside to inside.
Semi private spaces created by the boolean geometries with openings for sunlight and angled walls for shade
SOLID AND VOID Isometric view
Developing iterations of solid and void This iteration was chosen because it has various qualitites of spaces due to the contrasting use of sharp and rounded geometries. Choosing fragments to 3D print was a lot of testing different parts. The goal was to capture both sharp and soft edges in the print to show the characteristics and possibilities of usage. While the spheres are set to cut out larger areas so that some can overlap and create combined spaces, the tetrahedron shapes are set to cut out smaller chunks of volume to create enclosed spaces. Different qualities of thresholds are formed to allow transition between the two types of spaces.
The chosen fragment is then considered in different scales to establish the use. In the first scale on the image to the top left, it starts showing thresholds or entryways that is formed by the geometry. The image on the top right shows similar scale but smaller, showing possibilities of sheltered and more secluded area formed by the sphere cut outs. The other image considers the fragment on a body scale, exploring posibilities of benches as part of a bigger design.
SOLID AND VOID Matrix and Possibilities
Grid Manipulation
Key {0,0,0}
{157,58,230} {55,260,103}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z)
{125,-112,250} {-53,163,107} {-166,27,227}
{Point Attractor}
{204,310,-285} {Point Attractor}
Shape Distribution
Shape Exploration
{Point Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
Task B Matrix
The geometries were the drivers for making iterations in this task. After testing different shapes, the tetrahedrons and spheres are chosen to be in the final design. The grids are adjusted using point attractors, they then determine the positioning of the geometries. The maximum and minimum sizes of the shapes are changed to create different volumes of space.
Photography of Model
Although the 3D printed parts are from totally different iterations, the process is still very continuous. The first print was showing potetial for comunal space which works well with the goal of a pavilion. The second print came out as being a more monumental structure. The third print was a look into possibilities of different scale, granted it works well on a body scale and not so much as a building. The last print combines ideas of the previous ones together. It shows a monumental block facade with the small triangulated threshold. On the other side lays possible communal space, contrasting the small access of entry.
Process: Rhino
Task A
Making iterations of the surface by trying out different modules and changing attractor points/ vectors. Iterations laid out in sequence to help compare one to the other.
Unrolling panels for fabrication. Unrolling is done in strips, however they came up as groups of two, three and individuals.
Task B
Making iterations of boolean geometry and testing out fragments to 3D print.
Using rhino to export lines for matrix purposes, showing the process of thinking in the iterations.
Process: Digital Fabrication Laser Cut
Unrolled panels are nested and sorted into cut or etch layers in the laser cut file.
Instead of cutting all edges and needing taping, some parts are left as etches. Labels are put outside of the components for a more clean result.
3D Print
Applying Digital Design print setting. The preview analyzes the paths, time and support needed for the print.
Printing paths can be great help to do nesting and orientation, when done right can greatly decrease print time.
Process: Assembly Laser Cut
3D Print
The first laser cut, the panels were unrolled individually. This caused problems in assembling the surface because of confusion in orienting the pyramids. Unrolling was then done in strips which was better eventhough they can curl up quite bad.
The 3D printed models came with rafts of support which have to be taken off. 3D printed models help a lot in imagining possibilities of use, what types of spaces are formed and establishing thresholds.
The waffle structure was built with the help of glue to make it stronger. Mountboard was found to be quite easy to get bent hence requiring more careful handling. Panels are then put together with the waffle by gluing tabs or surfaces that touch.