1 minute read
from INTERNSHIP GUIDE 2022/2023
School support
CEMS Host students have access to select career resources offered through Dyson’s Career Management Center. Resources include access to select online tools and subscriptions, participation in select career education programming, and one appointment per semester with a Career Management Center career advisor for discussing resume review, job search strategy and other aspects of career planning. Host students are not eligible to participate in company-sponsored recruiting events or to apply to summer internships or full-time jobs through the Career Management Center.
CEMS Home students have full student access to both the Dyson Career Management Center and the Cornell Career Management Center. Home students are eligible to participate in recruiting events and to apply for internships and full-time positions through Handshake, Cornell’s career platform.
Students wishing to work in the US should comply with visa regulations. CEMS International students at Cornell study on an F-1 visa. Cornell home students may be eligible to apply for CPT (Curricular Practical Training) or OPT (Optional Practical Training) to work in the US. Host students are NOT eligible to apply for CPT or OPT, as the programs require study in the US for one full year.
CEMS students may contact: Ellen Murphy, Associate Director, International & Masters Programs Career Services eam353@cornell.edu
Company support:
Internships in the US are only allowed for international students on an F-1 visa who are granted CPT. A student must secure the internship first and then apply for CPT through the Office of Global Learning. An employer who hires an international student without CPT has the responsibility to sponsor the work visa. This is extremely rare.