The MIM Programme consists of three terms: two academic terms (Term 1 & Term 2) and the intern ship term (Term 3). The two academic terms must be consecutive (August–July), while the internship (Term 3) can take place at any time during the gra duate period of studies, but not overlapping with Term 1 and Term 2. Students must spend at least two out of the three terms abroad. Certain schools’ term dates conflict in the January/ February period. The schools do their best to avoid the overlapping of terms, but students should contact their home school Programme Manager if in doubt. For exact term dates, please go to the “Programme Offer” section at http://www.cems. org/am. To complete an academic CEMS term, students must successfully pass a minimum of 24 ECTS credits during each term. Students are
lock Seminars
EMS MIM Terms responsible for taking a sufficient number of cre dits in each term. Failing to fulfil the minimum credit requirement will result in failing the MIM Programme. Please note: based on the structure of the specific local M.Sc. & MIM combination at the home schools, students spend one or two academic terms abroad.
LOCAL SPECIFICITIES In certain cases students may need a visa to be allowed to study in the country of the host insti tution. Schools provide all necessary information and guidance through the process. However, stu dents are responsible for obtaining the visa them selves. Please contact your host school school Manager, if in doubt.
The Block Seminar is a one-week course that takes place at the beginning of Term 1. Block Seminars bring together professors and students from various CEMS institutions. Subjects derive from different cultural and aca demic perspectives; many topics are not a part of the universities’ standard curricula. Depending on when Term 1 begins at different CEMS institutions, Block Seminars can take place between August and mid-October. As the Block Seminar is a mandatory element of the programme that can under no circumstances be postponed, class attendance is mandatory. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they will be able to attend a Block Seminar at the beginning of the programme. The Block Seminar accounts for 3 ECTS credits and students receive a grade.
As a starting point, students are automatically assigned to the Block Seminar of their Term 1 school. However, as long as places are available and with the permission of the school hosting the student during Term 1, students may apply for a Block Seminar different from the one held at their “Term 1 school” (Subject to decision in 2021). Topics, dates and exact locations are announced in the “Programme Offer” section on http://www. cems.org/am during Term 2 of the preceding aca demic year.
The CEMS MIM Guide
The CEMS MIM Guide