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a global bridge between the academic and corporate world
C O R P O R A T E PA R T N E R S H I P What is the CEMS Global Alliance? // 29 leading business schools, 65 multinational companies and 4 non-profit organisations, who together in a strategic alliance offer the CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM) // 1000+ high-calibre, multi-lingual students of 67 nationalities with a global mind-set // 8700+ alumni working in 75 countries across the globe – many within CEMS Corporate Partners The CEMS MIM has been designed as a bridge between the academic and corporate world with a focus on academic excellence and the development of responsible leadership skills. The programme has been top-ranked by the Financial Times since 2005.
CEMS GRADUATES are employed or continuing 94% their studies 3 months after graduation 92% are fluent in 3 or more languages 45% begin their career abroad 49/51 female/male ratio
What is a CEMS Corporate Partnership? CEMS Corporate Partnership is an exclusive academiccorporate partnership based on Corporate Partners contributing to the Alliance and its MIM programme and benefitting from privileged access to a global pool of top talent from the world’s leading business schools.
1. RECRUITMENT OF TOP TALENT Recruit directly through online job posting and CV book tools, privileged access to each member school as well as the global CEMS Career Forum. CEMS Career Forum: 2 days, 900+ students of 60+ nationalities, 500+ pre-scheduled interviews
2. EMPLOYER BRANDING ACROSS 29 LEADING BUSINESS SCHOOLS Enhance your brand through targeted mailing to students, visibility on CEMS social media with over 13,000 subscribers, as well as print and online editorial and advertising.
The best leaders seize opportunities, innovate, know how to adapt, focus on results, communicate and share, and think locally and act globally. CEMS is the only organisation that is nurturing all these skills.
Cristina Nunes de Abreu Human Resources Director European Region Daymon Worldwide
3. DIRECT INTERACTION WITH CEMS STUDENTS Enhance your visibility and image through a direct contribution to the education of CEMS students from their selection to offering business projects.
Interacting with students during the CEMS MIM programme provides a wonderful window into the kind of talent Novo Nordisk wants to interact with and recruit as ‘key people to be’.
Ove Munch Ovesen Senior Advisor and Head of Graduate Recruitment Centre Novo Nordisk
4. KNOWLEDGE-SHARING AND NETWORKING WITH LEADING BUSINESS SCHOOLS AND MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES Participate in a unique knowledge-sharing and networking platform through Corporate Benchmarking Meetings with professionals from across the community as well as numerous regional and local student events across 29 campuses.
Want to become a Corporate Partner? If you would like to learn more about the CEMS Corporate Partnership, please contact us at or visit