Istanbul sneak peak

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Sneak Peek

Student Board Meeting & CEMS Club Conference

Istanbul, September 24th – 27th, 2014

Executive Team An exciting Student Board meeting in beautiful Istanbul has come to an end and the Executive Team, on behalf of all SB Representatives wants to thank our hosts from Koç University, our generous and ever-appreciated corporate partner ABB, all CEMS Club Presidents flying in from all over the globe and our 25 Student Board members doing fantastic and ground-breaking work for our CEMS community. Focus points were the cooperation between the CEMS Head Office and our newly found Corporate Partner Relations team, the Student Board initiative Local Governance Structure to strengthen local communication within the alliance and knowledge retention within all stakeholders of the CEMS community. Best regards from Istanbul and see you soon at the Annual Events in Brussels!

MIM Affairs MIM Affairs distributed team roles and drafted a preparation plan of the Local Governance Structure (LGS) project. The Corporate Benchmarking Report (CBR) project was re-opened to rewrite the executive summary and implement small content changes. MIM Affairs’ goal is to communicate the CBR report as soon as possible to PMs / CRMs. Moreover, MIM Affairs passed the Virtual Engagement Project onto the newly established Corporate Partners Team, ensured knowledge transfer and shared team insights. As to further globalization of CEMS, MIM Affairs defined a rollout scope and structure for collaboration with African schools. Finally, the team finalized its mission statement and new strategic direction, incorporating 3 strategy pillars: developing expertise in curricular topics, ensuring knowledge transfer and further globalization of the CEMS MIM program.

Global Sustainability In this Student Board Meeting in Istanbul, the Global Sustainability Team (GST) held three presentations at the CEMS Corporate Partners Benchmarking Event at Koç University. These allowed us to increase our visibility in CEMS and present our vision and opinions regarding sustainability. Besides these presentations, the team has focused its efforts in two directions: 1) Move forward with the existent projects - New Generation Consulting (NGC) and The Global Sustainability Week (GSW). As GSW is coming soon (20-24 October), we have mainly coordinated with Marketing & Communications to design an effective Social Media campaign to maximize the impact of the event. 2) Present the first draft of the Carbon Footprint Project as a project to make CEMS become a more sustainable and conscious organization.


Corporate Partners Relations Within the Istanbul meeting, our CP Team was officially launched. The first main project will focus on the IT landscape facilitating the relationships amongst Corporate Partners and Students as well as the Head Office. We expect this project to equally benefit Students and Corporate Partners as it aims at enhancing the communication means making CEMS even more attractive for all the stakeholders. This is a very exciting project as there are many opportunities arising for us. We are looking forward to facing the challenge of this complex project and are happy to work closely with Tara Miller from the Head Office.

Alumni Relations It was time to look back at the achievements and challenges the team faced in its first year. The team and the Executive director of the CEMS Alumni Association (CAA) Wieteke Dupain came to Istanbul to work on an even better inclusion of alumni in the CEMS community. After having conducted a workshop with the CEMS Club presidents we gained a clear picture of what are the needs on the local level and the actions that must be taken. Clarify the local governance, facilitate the communication within stakeholders and increase the visibility of the CAA were the most important topics that we tackled during the week. We are happy to have defined a very actionable plan for the weeks ahead. Concrete results will be tangible starting from the graduation ceremony of this November.

CEMS Club Support For the CEMS Club Support team the Istanbul meeting has been incredibly important in several aspects. We started off with a successfully productive CEMS Club Conference, where the discussions focused on how to build sustainable organizations on the local level. Based on the input from the conference regarding the needs of the clubs, we reviewed the main objectives of the CCS team to make sure we work on relevant projects. The most important result was the idea of a new account management system, were we tie the clubs closer to the CCS team members. With this set-up, we hope to increase the communication between the clubs and us in the Student Board.

Marketing and Communications The Istanbul meeting has been a great platform for the M&C Team since we were able to present our Social Media efforts to the CEMS Club Presidents and got valuable feedback from them, and also because we had Rebecca Rosinski from the Head Office to work with us. During the meeting, we have had the opportunity to collaborate closely with other teams within the Student Board and get their insights as well as a more detailed plan on how we can support their own projects. In addition, we came up with some more campaigns to keep and increase the CEMS spirit across the alliance and together with the Head Office we wish to make CEMS as know as it should be. Just remember to keep an eye for CEMS in the media and like, tag and share our posts to increase the value of the brand!

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Team Members Executive Team Rimli Das Gupta – CBS / Robin Vlaming – UCD

Corporate Partners Relations Carla Külby – USYD Valerie Kovalenko – GSOM Omar Itani - IVEY

MIM Affairs Dominik Bold – HSG Romain Martignier – FGV Sofiene Marzouki – RSM Konrad Semsch – SGH Bianka Borcsickzy – WU Wini Yung - HKUST

Alumni Relations Dominik Tartler – UCD Tutku Altinbas - CBS Andrea Marino – UB Diana Ho - NUS

CEMS Club Support Nelli Gyöngyösi – CUB Antoinette de Hennin – LSM Clara Nordlander – SSE Arthur Brun – HEC Saurav Nandi - IIMC

Marketing & Communications Leda Rivero – NHH Sara Montonen – Aalto Maria Teresa Montiglio – UAI Dominik Gerber - HSG

Global Sustainability Sergi Capdevila – ESADE Philip Kettelhodt – UoC Filipa Correia – NOVA Karel Kotoun - VSE Merve Önbas - KOC

Hosted by

More information on each Team and other news will be published in the Student Board Newsletter

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