Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
CEMS Student Board
NEWSLETTER Istanbul 2014
Student Board Meeting
CEMS Club Conference
Student Board Newsletter
The Student Board would like to thank the CEMS Club Presidents
Istanbul 2014
who attended the CEMS Club Conference
Table of Contents
3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18
Executive Team Marketing & Communications CEMS Club Support MIM Affairs Corporate Relations Interview: Tara Kristina Miller Global Sustainability Alumni Relations
Student Board Representatives
Student Board Newsletter
Istanbul 2014
Executive Team Dear Reader, Welcome to our latest issue of the Student Board (SB) Newsletter. We kicked off this academic year with our fall meeting in Istanbul, kindly sponsored by Koç University. Our meeting took place at both campuses, at the lively Taksim Square but also in the picturesque Koç campus outside the city, in the green lungs of Istanbul’s suburbs. The Student Board was also privileged to be part of the Corporate Partner Benchmarking Meeting which was hosted by Koç University.
The Fall SB Meeting set a focus on improving the communication with all different stakeholders in the CEMS Alliance. We introduced the concept of the Local Governance Structure which is targeted at enhanced communication within every CEMS School and the Alumni and Corporate Partners in that country. We hope this initiative to translate into better communication with the CEMS cohorts and enable the implementation of their ideas on a local level first to apply them further on an academic & executive level globally. At this meeting we also inaugurated the Corporate
Partner (CP) Team within the Student Board that will work more closely with the CEMS Head Office in respect to CP related issues. We were also privileged to have our highly active CEMS Corporate Partner ABB involved in a workshop with us, discussing virtual teams. As the Student Board is spread over 28 countries, this workshop helped us in understanding how to increase productivity when working together virtually and implement these ideas in the work of the Student Board.
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Acknowledgements We want to thank Burçak Cullu, Ece Akman, Nida Bektaş & Prof. Dr. Zeynep Gürhan Canlı for supporting and hosting us at Koç University. Moreover, we extend our gratitude to ABB for collaborating on a dynamic & practical workshop on virtual team work, which we see as a milestone in implementing Blended Learning in the CEMS Curriculum, but also in the work of the Student Board.
We also want to thank Wieteke Dupain, Tara Miller and Rebecca Rosinski for their support and time to guide us in our projects. Finally, we want to thank all CEMS Club Presidents who took out time to join us in a highly productive CEMS Club Conference that resulted in great discussions and ideas for the future of the CEMS Alliance as a whole.
The following pages of this SB Newsletter give you a more detailed insight into what the individual teams of the Student Board have achieved in this meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to redirect them to As a Student Board, it is your voice that counts the most. We therefore ask for your support in giving us your ideas, suggestions and thoughts on improvement and also to direct all questions to us. With the Local Governance Structure, we expect to channel your ideas even more locally to ensure that everyone’s CEMS Experience becomes the best. Therefore, please reach out to us with any ideas that you have and want to see shared with the entire CEMS alliance.
We look forward to meeting you at the CEMS Annual Events in Brussels. Best regards, Rimli Das Gupta & Robin Vlaming President & Vice-President/Treasurer, Global CEMS Student Board
Student Board Newsletter
Istanbul 2014
Marketing and Communications The Istanbul meeting was extremely valuable for the M&C Team as we had to chance to interact with many important stakeholders, including the CC Presidents, the Head Office as well as the CEMS Alumni Association (CAA).
M&C Workshop – CEMS Club Conference The M&C Team organised a workshop for CC Presidents to discuss the importance of social media and to give some tips & tricks that would help us coordinate social media efforts across the alliance. We showed some tools we have found useful in increasing the reach of our posts. We hope that these tips & tricks will help CCs reach wider audiences too.
To facilitate the M&C Team’s task of sharing what is going on across the Alliance, we decided that the easiest way for CC Presidents to share information with us would be to use #CEMS in posts on their pages. This way the M&C Team will have a clear overview of what is going on in all corners the Alliance.
The M&C Team is active in social media, print and merchandise, but we will continue to focus our efforts on social media and merchandise in particular.
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Current Projects We had the chance to discuss our efforts with the Head Office Marketing Manager, Rebecca Rosinski, the Head Office Corporate Relations Manager, Tara Miller, and the Executive Director of the CAA, Wieteke Dupain. We are extremely pleased with our discussions, as we were able to come up with new campaigns to coordinate our marketing efforts with the Head Office’s and CAA’s goals.
Catching up with CEMSies will focus on talking to current students and recent graduates, while Throwback Thursday will focus on alumni. Both of these campaigns will be featured on the CEMS Facebook page and In addition to these, we have two short term campaigns coming up to promote the Global Sustainability Week and the launch of a new round of New Generation Consulting projects.
On the social media side, we have three big ongoing projects: Catching up with CEMSies, promoting the online job market and Throwback Thursday.
On the merchandise side, our first priority is working on re-launching the online store. We want to coordinate points of sale in different regional events as well as the annual Career Forum. As the 2014 Career Forum is quickly approaching, we are working hard to organise some merchandise to be sold there.
Best from the M&C Team Sara, Leda, Tere & Dominik
Send us an email to: marketing.studentboard if you have any ideas or comments!
Student Board Newsletter
Istanbul 2014
CEMS Club Support For us in the CEMS Club Support Team, the Istanbul meeting was an incredibly important experience. We refined the strategy of our team to ensure we are working on projects that are relevant for our main purpose - being a source of support to all CEMS Clubs out there. Basically, we aim at, through facilitating knowledge-sharing and providing support to the CEMS Clubs, strengthening the local CEMS communities.
CEMS Club Conference – The Istanbul Edition In line with our newly stated mission, we started off the week in Istanbul by arranging the CEMS Club Conference (CCC) for the Presidents of the local Clubs. During three intense days we had workshops and discussions on topics ranging from leadership and team management, to corporate partner
relationships and the upcoming Global Sustainability Week. All in all, we were amazed by the energy of the group of Presidents attending, and enjoyed a productive and fulfilling couple of days together with them.
If you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can help and support your CEMS community locally, do not hesitate to reach out to any of us, or the whole team as
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Knowledge Management for CEMS Clubs One of the topics mostly discussed during the CCC was how to share best practices among CEMS Clubs. As each school and local community operates independently and under different conditions related to curricula, size of school and CEMS cohort, local engagement and interest from students as well as faculty, this is indeed a challenging topic.
We in the CCS Team consequently decided to prioritise this need in the upcoming months and re-think how to optimise the current knowledge management tool. In addition, we will pilot a new account management system where we in the CCS Team will act as contact persons for each Club. We hope this will enable us to provide the support needed at each school, and develop closer relationships to the Presidents we are working with.
Global Ambassador Program We also decided to continue and update our Global Ambassador Program, through which CEMS Clubs can get support from incoming students who have relevant CEMS Club experience from their home school. The program will, just like previous semesters, be focused towards schools where CEMS is new
All the best, Your CCS Team Antoinette, Clara, Nelli, Saurav, & Arthur
and in cases the Clubs meet specific challenges. We strongly believe that the program is a way to further facilitate knowledge transfer and networking across the CEMS schools. Keep your eyes open for the next round of applications for the spring semester.
Student Board Newsletter
Istanbul 2014
MIM Affairs During the Istanbul meeting, the team finalised its mission statement and new strategic direction, incorporating 3 strategy pillars: developing expertise in curricular topics, ensuring knowledge transfer within the alliance and further globalisation of the CEMS MIM program.
Local Governance Structure (LGS) During the Istanbul meeting, MIM Affairs Team distributed team roles and drafted a preparation plan of a new project - the Local Governance Structure (LGS), which will be conducted in cooperation with the Alumni Relations Team. LGS aim is to collect best practice examples of CEMS year organisation from different schools and create a unified
semester structure and communication plan to implement in all CEMS member schools within the association. Finally, the workflow and timeline of the project were set, as well as the implementation of a LGS project taskforce was discussed to ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the project.
Corporate Benchmarking Report The Corporate Benchmarking Report project was re-opened after the Dublin meeting to rewrite the executive summary and implement small content changes. MIM
Affairs’ goal is to communicate the CBR report as soon as possible to all member schools' Program Managers/ Corporate Relations Managers.
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Virtual Engagement MIM Affairs passed the Virtual Engagement project onto the newly established during the Istanbul meeting - Corporate Partners Team, ensured knowledge transfer and shared team insights from previous 3 months of work.
The Virtual Engagement is a long-term project on establishing a strategy of engaging Corporate Partners and CEMS students via different media channels such as: the 'Job Market',, social media and LinkedIn.
As to further globalisation of CEMS, MIM Affairs defined a rollout scope and structure for collaboration with African schools. The MIM Affairs Team proposed two preliminary cooperation forms: Skill Seminars and Business Projects, and will engage in their future implementation.
Finally, during the Istanbul meeting the MIM Affairs Team went through major changes in terms of its team members. Three pillars of the team for whom Istanbul was the last meeting had to leave the team: • Dominik Bold, former team leader • Bianca Borciczky • Sofiène Marzouki
Currently the MIM Team members are: • Konrad Semsch, team leader • Romain Martignier • Chiu Wing Yung, who joined in Istanbul • Tamás Petrovics, who will join in Brussels
Send us an email to:
All the best from the MIM Team Sofiène, Bianca, Dominik, Konrad, Wing, Tamás and Romain
Student Board Newsletter
Istanbul 2014
Corporate Relations In Istanbul, the Corporate Relations Team was founded. Working closely with Tara Miller, Corporate Relation Manager of CEMS, Omar, Valeria and Carla, aim at further enhancing the communication between Corporate Partners, Students and CEMS. Omar Itani will lead the team. Since Corporate Partners play a crucial role in the alliance and hence in all our careers, the team is excited but also aware of the responsibilities taken onboard.
Communication Channels Benchmark As a first project the new team will analyse the existing communication channels used for communication with Corporate Partners benchmarking them against global best practices. The project will not only analyse social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter but also focus on the Job Market platform as well as e-Mail communication. In the long run, the project tries to devise a
strategy to engage Corporate Partners and foster relationships by improving the means by which communication is conducted. Given the multiple ways of communication at hand the scope of the project is still very wide. However, the team aims at providing first insights at the next meeting which will be hold in November in Brussels.
The CR Team is just an email away, write them to
Best from the CR Team Omar, Carla & Valeria
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Tara Kristina Miller  Corporate Relations Manager, CEMS Head Office
Tara joined the Student Board meeting in Istanbul and shared her experience with us. While previously present at several Student Board Meetings, her participation was particularly valuable in this meeting due to the creation of the new Corporate Partners Relations Team. We asked her about the CPs and what their role is within the alliance. Here is what she told us!
How are the CPs currently managed by the HO?
What is the purpose of a CP in the alliance?
Our CEMS Corporate Partners interact with the CEMS Head Office with regards to global services such as the CEMS Career Forum, the online Jobmarket, the CV search tool, the CEMS Magazine, social media and so on. We also manage some of the partnerships directly, whereas others are managed on a more local level by the CEMS schools. Any local activities and service a CP would like to get involved in, such as MIM curriculum elements or social events, are organised on a local level.
CEMS is dedicated to educating and preparing future generations of global business leaders, which cannot be done just with theory. The idea of the CEMS Global Alliance is based on bridging academia with corporate know-how and having CPs engaged in the curriculum is a key aspect of the CEMS MIM. Furthermore, the CEMS community prospers with the multitude of stakeholders including CPs that exchange ideas and practice whether in the classroom, at student events or corporate benchmarking meetings. We also have Social Partners in the alliance - currently counting Transparency International, Fairtrade, United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and Care International - to positively influence both students as responsible business leaders and the strategies of the CEMS Global Alliance as a whole.
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
What do you think about the creation of the new SB Team?
A major stakeholder group is of course our students, who are represented by the CEMS Student Board, and we are really pleased to see the formation of a new working group on Corporate Relations. I look forward to working on some key projects with them and receiving not only good ideas and perspectives from the students but also valuable support for the advance of the projects themselves. Generally, I think that the student perspective is vital in the efforts of better linking Corporate Partners and CEMS students and continuously improving the offer we provide with the CEMS network. I hope that the new CP Team will function not only as the voice of students on this area but also as excellent consultants able to deliver valuable results that can be implemented by the CEMS Head Office.
What can you tell us about the CF in Vienna? Why is it such an important event within CEMS? One of the strongest links we create between CPs and students is through the CEMS Career Forum - our 2-day headline recruitment event of the year with skill seminars, prescheduled interviews, company presentations, job fair and networking events for over 1000 CEMS students and young alumni and over 200 representatives from our Corporate Partners. It showcases the community and essence of CEMS and I would recommend all to come...
What is currently going on with the CPs? Any news? As CEMS is constantly growing, we have a challenge in building the strengths of CEMS everywhere alike and the non-European countries - particularly in Asia - are in focus right now. We encourage our global Corporate Partners to engage across the alliance and we are setting up three stakeholder meetings, including a Corporate Benchmarking Meeting, in Asia for 2015. Additionally, the Corporate Relations team of the CEMS Head Office has been working eagerly on the admission and welcome of 7 new CPs to CEMS in the last months - including Dropbox, Groupe SEB, Hilti, Universum, Azoty, Coloplast and Facebook!
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Global Sustainability The Student Board meeting in Istanbul has been extremely fulfilling for the Global Sustainability Team (GS Team) as Koรง University gave us the opportunity to participate at the CEMS Corporate Partners (CP) Benchmarking Event, which was related to Sustainability. We gave two presentations about students prospective on two specific topics: CSR and Sustainable Procurement. Besides, we also presented what is our team currently doing and what is our mid and long term purpose. This was very important to give visibility to our task. Currently we have three main projects going on: New Generation Consulting (NGC), the CEMS Global Sustainability Week and the CEMS Carbon Footprint Project.
New Generation Consulting (NGC) (NGC) is our oldest project and its purpose is to give a new approach to consulting. CEMS students create international, virtual teams and act as consultants giving advice to social enterprises to overcome a business-related
problem. For this fall semester 2014 we have three or four new projects to be released and our main focus for 2015 is to grow this project and professionalise the management of NGC.
You can learn more about NGC at: or also by liking our Facebook page:
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
CEMS Global Sustainability Week (GSW) A one-week CEMS event related to Sustainability will take place from 20th to 24th of October, 2014. For this project, the CCC workshop was extremely useful as we had the opportunity to personally present it to the CC Presidents and adapt the structure after their feedback and ideas. The GSW is then going to be structured on two pillars: 1) Local events organised by each of the CCs participating in the GSW. The CCs will organise one or more events at their school
related to one of the three pillars of the Triple Bottom Line: Economic, Social or Environmental sustainability. 2) A Global CEMS event called CEMStainability Challenge. This event will create daily personal challenges through the week related to personal energy consumption and habits. The purpose is to raise awareness on how us as individuals can do small efforts to live more sustainably.
Like our Facebook to get updated on everything that is going with GSW
CEMS Carbon Footprint Our newest project and currently in development. The purpose is to design a comprehensive framework and tool that allows CEMS to assess its Carbon Footprint, based on CO2 emissions. Once we are able to measure this, the Alliance will be able to start
offsetting it. We have already started thinking about it and we are working towards having a CEMS Forest. The next step is to present the project to the CEMS Board and move it forward.
If you want to send us any ideas related to the projects we currently manage or if you have any idea for a new project, please send us an email to:
Best from your Global Sustainability Team Merve, Filipa, Karel, Philip and Sergi
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Alumni Relations The first Student Board Meeting without a founding member of the team was the next milestone for the Alumni Relations Team since its establishment almost a year ago. After having worked together on a virtual basis and having brought many new faces on board, the entire team and the Executive Director of the CEMS Alumni Association (CAA) Wieteke Dupain came to Istanbul to work on an even better inclusion of alumni in the CEMS community
Creating common ground
The team benefited from the participation of Wieteke Dupain, Executive Director of the CAA
In order to enable working on projects across time zones in the future, creating common ground was the basis for a very productive Istanbul Meeting. It was also time to look back at achievements and challenges of the last year to build on in the future. Furthermore, insights gained in a workshop with the CEMS Club presidents were used to narrow down urgent needs on a local level and identify future projects. Eventually, an action plan leading up to the Annual Events in St. Petersburg 2015 was established.
Local Governance Structure Clarifying the Local Governance Structure and facilitating communication within stakeholders was identified as the most pressing issue that has to be addressed immediately. Hence, a guide with predefined roles of all stakeholders involved will be
created in order to facilitate in particular the initial contact between students, alumni and corporate partners. This guide will be presented to the CEMS Executive Board at the Annual Events in Brussels and could be incorporated next spring.
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Value and Visibility of the CAA Further improving the value provided by the CAA and increasing its visibility are in the team’s focus at the moment. After having conducted the “Idealumni survey“ with students last year, this year’s survey will aim on evaluating where alumni could imagine improvements. A magazine outlining functions and responsibilities within the CAA
and concrete value of the CAA that will support Alumni relations is in a final revision cycle at the moment and will be distributed to all CEMS students soon. Furthermore, a notable part of the CAA’s presence at the Annual Events in Brussels will be planned by our team.
In the future, we plan to establish a Global Alumni day in order to create a new basis for student-alumni interaction. Bringing even more alumni into classrooms and encouraging alumni to become business project coaches are upcoming projects that will support this aim as well.
In conclusion, we can and do help forming the CAA of the future. This is a great opportunity given the fact that we all will be alumni at some point.
If you have any comments or ideas related to Alumni, send us an email to
Best from the AR Team! Diana, Andrea, Dominik & Tutku
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
Student Board Representatives AALTO Sara Montonen sara.montonen
CBS Tutku Altinbas zubeyde.tutku.altinbas
CUB Nelli Gyöngyosi nelli.gyongyosi
EAESP – FGV Romain Martignier romain.paul.martignier
ESADE Sergi Capdevila sergi.capdevila.vilaprino
GSOM Valeria Kovalenko valeria.kovalenko
HEC Arthur Brun arthur.brun
HSG Dominik Gerber
HKUST Wing Yung chiu.wing.yung
IIMC Saurav Nandi
IVEY Omar Itani
KOC Merve Önbas
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
LSE Jaime Perez-Maura jaime.perez-maura
LSM Antoinette de Hennin
NHH Leda Rivero
NOVA Filipa Correia de Araújo
NUS Diana Ho
RSM Sofiène Marzouki sofiene.marzouki
SGH Konrad Semsch Konrad.semsch
SSE Clara Nordlander clara.nordlander
Tshingua Di Bian
UB Andrea Marino andrea.marino
UAI Maria Teresa Montiglio maria.teresa.montiglio
UCD Dominik Tartler dominik.tartler
UoC Philip Kettelhodt philip.kettelhodt
USYD Carla Külby carla.alina.kuelby
VSE Karel Kotoun karel.kotoun
WU Tamás Petrovics tamas.petrovics
Student Board Newsletter Istanbul 2014
We want to extend our gratitude to
for hosting the Student Board Meeting
October, 2014