6/11 Student Board newsletter

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NEWSLETTER Vienna Meeting April 2011


SB Meeting

A word from the Executive Team Dear CEMSie, In light of the CEMS Student Board meeting which took place in Vienna between April 27-30, we welcome you to the 2nd Student Board newsletter of 2011! Vienna in the Spring is not to be underestimated: the parks are in blossom, the temperature has risen to that pleasant level between winter and summer, and the streets are full of people. It is easy to imagine how such an atmosphere would benefit the Student Board during our meeting - motivation and inspiration were at an all-time high. The meeting‟s four days brought about discussions on all relevant issues the Student Board has been facing since the Annual Events in Rotterdam in December 2010, and challenges and projects that we will face this year. All four teams contributed to updating each other on their progress, and objectives for the months to come were redefined. Two days were spent at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Moreover, sessions were held at Procter & Gamble‟s offices, and at A.T. Kearney. Discussing topics that are relevant to our work is not the only objective of our meetings; we also take the opportunity to interact with the local students and Corporate Partners, so as to foster our relationship with all stakeholders. We are very happy to have spent time with these stakeholders. In this newsletter you can read the updates from CEMS Social Responsibility, CEMS Club Support, Student Relations and MIM Affairs, in addition to contributions from other stakeholders involved in our meeting. We wish to give special thanks to WU for hosting us in Vienna, and to Procter & Gamble and A.T. Kearney for their availability to spend time with us. Your support is invaluable to the success of the Student Board, and we hope to always maintain the good contact we have established. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any question you may have. Enjoy the newsletter! Kind regards, Marco Proto (NHH) President

Fredrik Ahlberg (CBS) Vice President/Treasurer


The Alumni Association CAA’s who’s who ?

Alberto Frisiero CAA President

Torsten Röwekamp CAA Vice-President

Blandine Avot CAA Executive Committee

In order to strengthen the relation between the students and alumni communities, cross participation to board meetings has been systematized and the CEMS Alumni Association was kindly invited to join the Student Board in Vienna. This very professionally organised event provided the CEMS Alumni Association with an update on the impressive achievements of the Student Board, whose energy and commitment seems boundless. Intensive work was done over the week-end, to share ideas and understand mutual interests, to identify potential synergies and win-win opportunities between Students and Alumni. Out of this fruitful think-tank came the first actions to be taken: an increasing number of students/alumni joint events will be organised on a local basis, supported by both boards. A first example has followed quickly in May with the presence of CEMS alumni at the rotation diner of the Louropa forum in Paris. The summer will see this kind of common initiative flourish, as most students will be in the CEMS cities for their internship, as the workload on the alumni will get a bit lighter and as beautiful and long days will make relaxed nights out easier. Some joint events are already planned by Alumni Local Committees: you can check them on line on cems.org and save the dates! In addition, priority will be set on the Student Alumni Mentoring Programme (SAMP), an appealing and aspirational initiative both for mentors and mentees, which is already showing great results in some countries. The goal now is to generalise this scheme in most of the countries of the CEMS footprint to meet the wishes of the community everywhere. Another new field which is seen as potential source of tighter cooperation between Students and Alumni is Corporate Social Responsibility. Some joint actions should be communicated very soon. So check your mailboxes and join the Facebook group of your Local Committee (just type in the Facebook search engine “Official CEMS group” + the name of the country you are interested in) to be sure not to miss your next meeting with the Alumni and maximise the potential of the CEMS network!

Nicola Spano CAA Executive Committee

Alberto Frisiero President, CEMS Alumni Association Executive Committee

Update from MIM Affairs The Student Board Vienna meeting was a crucial event for the MIM Affairs team. It was a moment to touch bases and shape its dual strategy for the forthcoming months. Firstly, to guarantee the successful implementation of the projects that are in progress and secondly to brainstorm for future initiatives. Three ongoing projects were presented during the Vienna meeting. First, the Course Mapping Tool was concluded and it is ready to be used! This tool consists of a Microsoft Excel based tool to aid the Academic Directors in the course portfolio formation. It gives valuable insights for both the supply side (in this case the schools) and the demand side (students selecting their host schools) and hence generates a more efficient matching of the two. Second, the MIM Affairs team presented the developments inside the Language Task Force. We worked closely in order to create future scenarios of improvement regarding the Communication & Language aspects of the CEMS MIM curriculum. The student voice was represented based on the main findings of a Language survey conducted in the beginning of the year. Changes are coming for the enhancement of the CEMS community. As a third point, the Feedback Process project was presented, which aims to collect feedback from the schools regarding the relevance and applicability of the recommendations outlined in the reports written by the MIM Affairs last year which tackled Cross-Cultural Management, Skills Seminars and Internships. In order to keep moving forward, a brainstorm session was conducted, the results of which were five possible projects for the coming months, described below.     

Internship Assessment : Make more use of the CPs and fortify their link with students through better communication and information systems Academic Rigour : Develop an opportunity for a group Research Project with clear intellectual focus, that can yield ECTS Academic Quality : Assessment of quality of course offer Satisfaction : Evaluate quality of the courses and the satisfaction of the students with the offer at hand Grading system : No consistent grading systems throughout the schools. Map them to apply normal curve.

The next step for the MIM Affairs team will be the evaluation of the relevance and applicability of the initiatives described above and we will start working hard on these issues. Last but not least, the MIM Affairs and the Student Board gave a warm goodbye to our fellow MIM Affair members that were leaving: Markus Thomas and Youssef Iraqui. Great job guys, and thanks for all your effort; the MIM Affairs team will miss you. Get in touch with MIM Affairs? Contact Alvaro Lenza (alvaro.lenza@cemsmail.org)

CEMS Club Warsaw

CEMS Social Responsibility Team The mission of the CEMS-SR Team is to encourage social responsibility, learning and bringing people together to support good causes! The meeting in Vienna was a great time to share knowledge between the four experienced members that are at the end of their mandate and the two new enthusiastic members who joined the group. The new team who took over is looking forward to receive new colleagues in order to ensure the realisation of the projects we are currently working on. SENStation As you might have picked up SENStation is an online platform where people who are interested in social business and in actively solving some of the worldâ€&#x;s social problems can come together, share their ideas, support each other and work on projects with like-minded individuals. Since it is only the beginning, the platform still needs support to attract more users and positive ideas in order to leverage the network benefits and to achieve social impact. Moreover since its debut the constant feedback as well the exploration of new ideas are welcomed to assure its continuous improvement. Join the change and get more info on the next page. CEMS Club social initiatives The CEMS-SR Team encourages every CEMS Club to organise at least one event in the Fall term and a Humanitarian week consisting of activities to create awareness and support a cause during the Spring term. The SB will provide guidance and support in view of organising these events. Social Responsibility Package for CEMS Clubs Since some of the CEMS Clubs seem to have more expertise in the social responsibility area than others, it is important to offer support to the new CEMS clubs by creating a Social Responsibility Toolkit as well as Humanitarian Event best practices, facilitating the communication between CSR teams in each university and multiplying the successful events.

Social Partners CEMS included in its organisation since December 2010 two Social Partners: CARE International and Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International. Hopefully these are the first in a series of NGOs that will be integrated in the CEMS alliance in the identical way to Corporate Partners (selection and admission of students, governance, curriculum delivery, proposal of internships and employment opportunities). This new initiative is part of the major CSR drive from within CEMS who as a token of its determination signed the PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education)

If you want to get in touch with CEMS Social responsibility: Mihaela Pisau (mihaela.pisau@cemsmail.org) Riikka Pieviläinen (riikka.pievilainen@cemsmail.org)


SENStation, an online platform for social business and positive news, was launched on 10th May. The name is short for Social Entrepreneurship Network Station. It was the subject of an article in the last CEMS Magazine and, as a CEMS partner, was open to CEMS students and friends at all 26 CEMS schools on the same day. It was a big day for our team and most importantly for SENStation. Only during the opening week we had almost 1000 entries from 41 countries. Over 80 members, mostly CEMS students, had joined SENStation to submit positive news and share wonderful ideas. Additionally, we were positively surprised with the number of social entrepreneurs that got interested in the platform and decided to join us as a partner. How often do you meet people that know exactly how to make SENS out of their lives? If you really want to get inspired and get to know this kind of people, take a look at the partner section on www.senstation.org. Arnaud Blanchet and the Discovery Notebook will take you on a trip around the world to meet great social entrepreneurs. Fernando Mistura and Dois e Meio are producing the movie “The 2.5 Sector” to promote the concept of social business in Brazil. CEMS alumnus Rick Vinken and his Kembé Foundation have built a chicken farm in Haiti last year and are starting a farmers‟ cooperative project in North India in July. Alexandre Ponthier and Alex&Alex started an ambitious program to give children access to education financed by the sale of fruits in offices in France. Besides them SENStation is developing a small community of passionate followers and contributors, who also want to work on social projects.

What are the next steps for SENStation? We have found an IT partner – ADEO company in Krakow, who decided to help us and further develop SENStation. We are in the process of signing agreements and finding interns for the summer that will improve user interface. Together with the CEMS student board, we are setting up a CEMS Social Business Competition that we plan to launch in September. It will be the next huge event for SENStation, our members and CEMS. In the meantime we will be increasing the partner network and community. We will also be applying for scholarships and subsidies to increase our potential. On behalf of the team I would like to thank the SENStation community, CEMS Student Board Representatives and CEMS Head Office for the huge support they have been giving us. Bringing SENS to Life is a joint effort and we believe that more and more CEMS students and alumni will be joining to read positive news, share ideas and support social entrepreneurship! Bring SENS to Life at www.SENStation.org

More info? Go to the website or if you have specific questions, Rafal Siepak will be very happy to answer them Rafal Siepak (rafal.siepak@senstation.org)

Student Relations The Vienna meeting marked and sparked an important development in the structure of the team. A more focused and prioritised approach was presented, narrowing the scope of the team to three core constituencies. In order to ensure maximum impact of the efforts that the team undertakes, projects relate to written marketing, event marketing or product marketing. Each category contains well developed initiatives but also leaves room for new ideas. A good example of a well-established – and generally well-perceived – project is the CEMS Online Store, where students can buy CEMS branded items. Student Relations takes care of the challenging task of promoting, shipping, and distributing of the goods and tracks the whole process. The spring sales period recorded an all time high sales level. The student board is not making any money on this, meaning that the revenues cover production and logistic costs. The CEMS Magazine, a semi-annual edition, features unique articles about the current state of the alliance. The latest edition of the CEMS magazine, „CSR – a new world of business‟ features many articles driven by the Student Relations team. The Student Relations team traditionally provides a member for the editorial committee. This edition also featured a special section on the regional events that were held in Warsaw, Lisbon, and Copenhagen. The regional event in Paris unfortunately came just after the launch and could not be incorporated. Also, after every Student Board meeting, Student Relations provides a Newsletter which discusses the content of the meeting, its main outcome and achievements. This proves to be a great tool to update stakeholders about the work of the Student Board. Since you are reading it now, we hope you enjoy the work we‟ve put into it. During the course of the past five months, Student Relations has, together with the Alumni Association and CEMS Head Office, dedicated a lot of work to social media related activities. The new and improved CEMS Facebook page not only profits from a revamped design, the content is also richly filled with activities organized by both students and alumni, illustrating our active relationship. The wide variety of events hopefully accommodates everyone‟s interests. Questions regarding Student Relations? Contact István Mag (istvan.mag@cemsmail.org)

The Student Relations team aims to improve communication, raise awareness and enhance relations among students, alumni and corporate partners by managing projects affecting stakeholders on a global level. The first five months of 2011 have also been characterised by a flourishing cooperation with the CEMS Alumni Association. A student relations delegate joined the CEMS Alumni Association Meeting in Warsaw, providing the ex-students with the voice of the alumnito-be. Likewise, the Vienna Student Board meeting welcomed the President of the CEMS Alumni Association to speak about fostering and increasing the good relationship between student and alumni. The Student Board and Student Relations, representing the voice of all students throughout the alliance, remain extremely active in the curriculum and development of CEMS. You can witness a special anniversary newsletter a decade of raising student voices 10 year anniversary newsletter - in the student board section on cems.org During the Vienna meeting, the Student Relations team said goodbye to some leaving members. They have vividly contributed to the current state of the team and their invested time and energy has been appreciated by many. Simultaneously, new and equally motivated people have joined the team. The combination of experienced and new members gives Student Relations a unique edge to take on the challenges of the coming months.

Online Presence You may have noticed it. CEMS has revived its online presence with focused initiatives on the web aiming to provide a tool to connect with other students, alumni and stakeholders. A vivid cooperation between the CEMS Alumni Association, CEMS Student Board and CEMS Head Office has resulted into a number of new and improved online platforms filled with information, events and news from all stakeholders to accommodate everyone‟s interest. You are warmly invited to join in and stay up to date. During the course of the past five months, the Student Board has, together with the Alumni Association and CEMS Head Office, dedicated a lot of work to social media related activities. The new and improved CEMS Facebook page not only profits from a revamped design, the content is also richly filled with activities organized by both students and alumni, illustrating a vivid relationship. The wide variety of events hopefully accommodates everyone‟s interests. The Facebook page offers plenty of opportunities, such as local sports events, professional fora, regional updates and news from the alliance. The Facebook page has over 2800 members and if you are not one of them, we warmly invite you to join. To advance professional networking opportunities and stimulate communication with previous generations of alumni, a lot of time has been devoted to the LinkedIn CEMS presence. The Alumni Association took the lead in updating, tracing and boosting CEMS LinkedIn presence. The result has been overwhelming, with the current member count at over 2500 members. The LinkedIn page purely focuses on professional content such as job- and internship offers, corporate news and opportunities to connect with CEMSies in other parts of the world. CEMS provides an interesting glance of its global activities on Flickr with an extensive and constantly updated photostream. The stream offers pictures from regionaland annual events, career fairs, student board meetings, Alumni Association meetings and stakeholder gatherings. With over 2250 pictures, odds are that you are on one of the them . Recently, the new cems.org website has been launched. This has been a topic of discussion and debate by many. If you would like to provide constructive feedback, please don‟t hesitate to do this through feedback.cems.org and we‟ll take your comments to continuously improve the website. If you have questions about CEMS‟ online presence, please contact: Student Board: Tobias Rauscher (tobias.rauscher@cemsmail.org) Alumni Assocation: Torsten Röwekamp (Torsten.rowekamp@cemsmail.org) Head Office: Kevin Titman (kevin.titman@cems.org)

CEMS Club Support Three of the newly elected Schools‟ Representatives joined the CEMS Club Suport Team: Sarah Unkelbach, Fabian Schrank and Tomasz Nowowiejski. They reinforced the team formed previously by: Evgenia Popova, Carlota Cabral, David Hmaidi and Gui Deng Sebastian Say. As the majority of the current team members are leaving the Student Board after Vienna, we‟ll be waiting for the successors to continue their great work. During the Student Board Meeting last month, the CEMS Club Support Team was taking care of the following initiatives: The CEMS Club Conference will take place on 17-18 October 2011, during the Career Forum and will be hosted by the Corvinus of Budapest. The event will constitute a great opportunity to exchange experience, share best practices and ideas of CEMS Clubs‟ Presidents and Vice-Presidents from many Member Schools of the Global Alliance. The publication of the Hand-over Package concludes the set of materials for CEMS Club Presidents prepared by the CEMS Club Support Team. The “CEMS Club Support Five” – a kit composed of the CEMS Club Start-up Kit, Stakeholder Package, Alumni Package, Corporate Partners Package constitute a thorough theoretical background for a new team taking over a CEMS Club. As the team finished preparation of the set, the focal point will be set on its practical application in the local Clubs. CEMS Club Support identified a need for verification of the standardised approach towards all the Clubs. The members of the team identified 4 groups of Clubs basing on their activities and level of organisation. From now on, the Clubs will be supervised in a customised manner according to their needs. We continue to encourage CEMS Clubs to make use of CEMSshare. Secondly the team decided to run a test of a Facebook group including Clubs‟ Presidents. As most of the people use Facebook on a daily basis, the group might serve for the exchange of information, experience, ideas and views and to contribute to the coherence and effectiveness of the cooperation among these entities. CEMSshare will still remain a vital part of communication and knowledge management between CEMS Clubs with its depository of files and discussions boards. The possible application of the Facebook group would depend on the results of the test phase and feedback from the Presidents.

The team will also encourage the Student Board Members to take a greater stake at the local CEMS Clubs, both in their Home and Host Schools. The CEMS Clubs should constitute the most important information channel between the Student Board and the Students.

If you want to get in touch with CEMS Club support, want to learn more about the information packages that were sent to your club , please contact: Tomasz Nowowiejski (tomaszadam.nowowiejski@cemsmail.org)

Who is your Rep?

Counting down to … Lisbon 2011

The next challenge for the CEMS Annual Event is launched. NOVA University and its CEMS Club invite you to participate to the OUR WORLD Award. Ignore the boundaries, explore your creativity, and imagine your world with your dreams. Create any piece of art you would like to, inspired by an astrolabe and the Portuguese influence in your country, city or region,... Reminiscent of the times where the stars were everything... Use them, Enjoy them. This award will be a way for students to create something to remember the amazing CEMS experience they had by showing it to all. The Astrolabe has started its journey around the world to arrive in Lisbon in December for the Annual Events. Check out with your CEMS Club when it will be in your area and leave your mark on the CEMS community. If you need any further info, do not hesitate to contact us on cems-club.portugal@cemsmail.org. The videos, pictures, plays, photos or any other form of art you choose to create can be uploaded on the Facebook group and will be uploaded to the main event's webpage. Final voting will be around the last week of November and the winner will be rewarded. Rest assured, the winning entry will not regret it ! Be creative, be bold & see you in Lisbon!

Who’s your rep’?

This is an astrolabe, a tool Portuguese Sailors used while discovering the world? Will you find your way?

AALTO Riikka Pieviläinen


Finn K. Harung


Mihaela Pisau


Gui Deng Say


Istvan Mag


Janhavi Paranjape

EAESP Alvaro Lenza


Tomasz Nowowiejski

EGADE Jose Cruz


Markus Thomas

ESADE Nienke Vonsée


David Hmaidi

GSOM Evgenia Popova


Marco Van de Beek


Youssef Iraqui


Sarah Unkelbach


Fabian Schrank


Wei-Chieh Chuang


Hannes Klaeger


Robert Gnauck


Melis Zipkinkurt


Tobias Rauscher


Cleo Biron


William Coupé

President: Marco Proto Vice President: Fredrik Ahlberg

NOVA Carlota Cabral Any comment or suggestion concerning the newsletter? Please do not hesitate to contact william.coupe@cemsmail.org

AALTO Natalia Velikodnaya

NOVA Carlota Cabral


Fredrik Ahlberg


Jia Jun Zhang


Kornelia Bodnar


Tanmayi Gummaraju

EAESP Eduardo Caimbro


Maciej Sewerski

EGADE Jose Cruz


Filip Goldmann

ESADE Ludovic Manjot


Marina Marchese

GSOM Evgenia Popova


Gwilym Williams


Youssef Iraqui


Miriam Olivia Scharmach


Andri Hinnen


Wei-Chieh Chuang


Matthew Zajac


Robert Hnauck


Cleo Biron


Nina Poxleitner


Nicola Romano

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