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Vivian Atienza
Vivian Atienza is a Spanish-German painter, born in 1983, in Düsseldorf, Germany. Descending from an Andalusian family of painters, and growing up surrounded by art, she began painting with oils at the age of 10.
During her studies of art history and philosophy at the Heinrich-HeineUniversity Düsseldorf (2008-2013) she deepened her painting skills under the influence of various perspectives of the humanities.
This served her as a reference point from which she developed her own view on art, philosophy, human existence and spirituality, all resonating in her paintings and forming a fundamental part of her work.
She dedicated herself to finding her individual artistic expression, incorporating the fusion of colour frequency, movement of textures and metaphysical thought. This is reflected in her figurative and abstract paintings.
By using neon pigments, she repeatedly plays with intense colors and adds an extra dimension to her paintings by exposing them to UV-light, thus expanding the perceptual field. Her paintings can be experienced in two ways: Under natural light or under UV light, which tansforms them into fluorescent objects, inviting the viewer to look at the hidden layers of reality. The visible and the vibrant invisible, which symbolize the internal human experience and the struggle for consciousness.
The leitmotiv in Atienza´s art is the theme of transformation. As part of the alchemical processes of life, matter, and the human being itself, constantly undergo various states of consciousness on the way to sublimation of Self.
The artist’s motivation is to create an expansive perceptual space in order to touch that gap between the “Untransformed” and the “Yet to be Transformed” space within us. Sometimes tenderly, sometimes roughly.
A gap in which different dimensions of our inner realities and paradoxes are invited to be felt during contemplation and colour exposure, or may inspire a moment of self-perception.
As life contains a cataclysmic element of transformative cycles, the artist’s paintings contain a glimpse of this inner journey that can resonate with the viewer’s own experience and the dissolution of stagnant structures in the subtle.
• 2022 Digital group exhibition, “Visceral”, M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Milano (Italy) & Canary Islands, Spain
• 2018 Group exhibition, “GRL GAZEFragments of Female Self-Expression”, Gallery W57, Düsseldorf, Germany
• 2018 Group exhibition, “Abweichende Blicke / Divergent Views”)
• 2018 Education, “Artes Visuales”, Facultad de Arquitectura y Artes, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile
• 2017 Charity auction, “House Ethiopia” E.V., Düsseldorf, Germany vivian.atienza@icloud.com www.vivianatienza.com