Who are these students? Identify the students above, submit your guess, and the winner will be chosen in a random drawing in December.
Contact Sara Wright, Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement with your guess: swright@centralcatholichigh.org or 503.230.1056 ext. 1243.
Congratulations to Janae Jurkowski ’92 who correctly identified the individuals (below) in the summer issue of the Central Catholic Magazine as Adam Holscher ’91 and Erica Justis ’92.
August 5 was a wonderful day for golf at the 2022 Ram Open! We had sunny skies and a sold-out course of 55 foursomes of alumni, parents, and friends. Our Ramily gathered once again at Glendoveer Golf & Tennis for a noon shotgun start, with some fun hole challenges along the way. At the end of play, the group gathered for a celebratory BBQ dinner and awards ceremony to connect with old friends and classmates. Awards were presented by our emcee, Paul O’Malley, and one of our 2022 Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship recipients, Arinze McGee ‘26. Proceeds from the tournament go toward the scholarship, allowing more students access to a Central Catholic education.
A special thank you to Pacific Office Automation and all of our sponsors and donors!
Presenting Sponsor Pacific Office Automation
Golf Cart Sponsor Badger Electric • Todd and Anne Gaber
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Tom ’57 and Rosemary Franz Class of 1973 • Remembering Dennis Sykes ’73 and Vic Jacobson ’73
Long Drive Sponsor Korkers • John Chaney ’60 and Brian Chaney ’93
Hole Sponsors
Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon Cascade West Insurance Partners • Laura Minus and Michelle Saruwatari Catholic Schools Endowment Foundation • Peter Corrado ’80 Class of 1973 • Mike Noonan ’73
The Corrado Family Dwell Realty • Corey Allen ’05 Floor Solutions LLC • Jason Beam Tom ’57 and Rosemary Franz gEvents • Patrick Siver Jacobs Heating & Cooling • Amanda Jacobs ’06 JGP Wealth Management • Will Paustian ’15 Musulin Boys • Mike Musulin ’60 Northwest Pump • Mark Mathews ’73 and Bill Mathews ’80 NW Sign Solutions • Marshall ’81 and Jennifer Pinder, and Louis Pinder ’12 Pacific Ridge Roofing • Mike Bianco ’05 Parr Lumber • Dwight Parr ’48† Pavelcomm, Inc • Jim and Bonnie Pavel Roloff Construction • Nathalie Pillsbury Rosenbaum Law Group • Mike Rosenbaum ’68 St. Vincent de Paul Society • Brian Ferschweiler Stevens IS • Rich and Susan Stevens
The Hasson Company • Gene Moreland ’88
Timmco Insurance • John Timm ’68, Susan Ames ’95, Brian Timm ’98 Windermere Real Estate • Aimee Virnig ’83
Cascade Seismic • Cascade Wholesale Hardware Inc. Kenai-Red Fish Legacy Golf Course • MacKenzie Golf Bags McKay Creek Golf Course • Migration Brewing Parr Lumber • Quail Valley Golf Course • SakéOne ShedRain • Tony’s Garden Center
Mark your calendars for next year’s Ram Open: August 4, 2023!
Seniors pose for a photo with their teacher, Aric Ward, during their class retreat at The Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island on September 16, 2022.
Volume 29 • Number 3 2021-2022 Year in Review
President’s Report on Advancement
Central Catholic Magazine is a publication of Central Catholic High School 2401 SE Stark Street • Portland, Oregon 97214 503.230.1056 • centralcatholichigh.org
Rev. Msgr. Timothy Murphy ’58, President Emeritus Colin McGinty, President Danyelle Ramsey, Principal Ellie Dir, Vice President of Advancement
Board of Directors
Molly Paustian ’85, Chair Dena Dooney ’88 Dave Gorretta ’87 Colin McGinty, Ex-Officio Phil Moran ’76 Connie Ozyjowski Sarah Petrone ’94 Peter Rauch ’95
Jeannie Ray-Timoney, Ex-Officio Paul Scarlett Jo Willhite, Ex-Officio
Publisher/Layout and Design
Jolyn Winczewski Director of Scholarships and Publications
Contributing Writers Ellie Dir Colleen Newell Jasmin Ruiz
Editing Team Cindy Hart Alaina Hill Colleen Newell Elaine Payne Jasmin Ruiz Sara Wright
Contributing Photographers
Kayla Hambley Colleen Newell
Central Catholic High School is accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, The Western Catholic Education Association, and The Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Notice of non-discrimination as it applies to students and employees at Central Catholic High School: Central Catholic High School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school administered programs. Likewise, Central Catholic High School does not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or gender.
A couple weeks before writing this, I had lunch with a good friend. Like so many friendships, these past few years have made it difficult to see each other as regularly as we would like. We used the time to get caught up on our families, friends, and careers. As I am now beginning my sixth year at Central Catholic, he asked me what I have learned throughout those years. What a question! I am incredibly fortunate to have learned so much during my time at Central Catholic.
One of the great blessings of working in a school is that we all are students. Whether you want to or not, you learn something new every day. I know I learn something new each day from a co-worker, parent, alum, or student. It’s a humbling and exciting experience to be in a space where I receive new ideas and perspectives so frequently.
But, as I thought more about that question, I shared with my friend that I have learned that virtues such as creativity, intellect, curiosity, compassion, hope, and strength live in everyone. However, not everyone has the same opportunity to explore, develop, and put these gifts to use. One thing I have come to understand about what Central Catholic does so well is that it provides students with opportunities.
Over my five years, I have heard from countless alumni and learned their stories of how they ended up at Central Catholic. The common theme from these stories is that the school provided the structure and support they needed to become prepared for their lives. There is a long list of teachers, priests, and nuns—some names are mentioned more frequently—who challenged these alumni to explore and deepen their faith, strengthen their intellect through their studies, and be a part of something greater than themselves. What our alumni have gone on to do is extraordinary.
Today at Central Catholic, we are still focused and committed to providing that chance, or opportunity, to those who seek it. Over the past four years, we have begun seeing more and more families who want their children to attend Central Catholic. Through the enrollment process, we get to know these families and their students and we see so much potential in them—some just need that same chance we’ve provided others in the past. With the increase of applications for enrollment, there is also an increase in the financial assistance that is needed. Because of the incredible support of so many of our alumni, past and current parents, and other friends of the school, we are able to say ”Yes” to them. This is such an impactful gift to these families and to our school. I am so grateful for the generosity shown by our community because I see firsthand every day the difference it makes to our students now and what it will mean for their future.
Looking back, I have learned so much during my time at Central Catholic. In many ways my experience has not been too different from our students, and I am a better person today because of it.
Thank You Fundraiser Partners
Central Catholic’s Partner Fundraiser Days began in the fall of 2020 as both a way to supplement our annual Students 4 Students Fundraiser and to support local Portland restaurants throughout the pandemic. Each month, we partnered with a local Central Catholic-connected restaurant and the featured restaurant donated a percentage of their sales from that day to benefit our Tuition Assistance Program. These Partner Days quickly grew in popularity with hundreds of Central Catholic families and supporters stopping by to order take out. Over the course of two years, we have partnered with more than a dozen restaurants and raised thousands of dollars for our Tuition Assistance Program.
2020-2021: 11 restaurants/14 days $6,954 raised
2021-2022: Seven restaurants and one theater/13 days $6,582 raised
Amalfi’s Restaurant (2020-2021, 2021-2022) Big’s Chicken (2020-2021, 2021-2022) Harlow Cafe + Juice Bar (2020-2021, 2021-2022) Hoda’s Middle Eastern Cuisine (2020-2021, 2021-2022) Hopworks Urban Brewery (2020-2021) Joy Cinema and Pub (2021-2022)
Miss Delta Restaurant and Bar (2020-2021, 2021-2022) Noho’s Hawaiian Cafe (2020-2021, 2021-2022) PaaDee (2020-2021) Panda Express (2020-2021) Pepino’s Fresh Mexican Grill (2020-2021) Roux Boi (2020-2021)
Marcus Oliver, owner of Miss Delta, says they participate in Partner Days because “My family believes in giving back to the community we are a part of!” Marcus’ son, Mason, is currently a freshman at Central Catholic.
New to participating in Partner Days this fall, Judy Rompa, former parent and owner of Crumbl Cookies—Cascade Station, says, “[Attending Central Catholic] was such a wonderful experience for both Max and Claire that we want to give back to the Central Catholic community. Crumbl Cookies are all about family and the love of cookies!”
Shelley Marchesi, owner of Noho’s Hawaiian Cafe, says, “Central Catholic students, parents and alumni have always been great customers in good times and bad. They were there for us during the pandemic, for which we are so grateful.”
Would you like to become a fundraising partner? Know someone who might want to be a restaurant partner? Email Alaina Hill, Manager of Events and Volunteers, at ahill@centralcatholichigh.org
Save the Dates!
Crumbl Cookies (Cascade Station) • November 2 Miss Delta Restaurant and Bar • December 8 and 9
Colin McGinty PresidentChair
Windermere Realty Trust Real Estate Agent
DDI Benefits Owner/Insurance Consultant
Phil Moran ’76
Tonkon Torp LLC
Retired Law Firm Administrator
Dave Gorretta ’87 Deloitte Audit Leader, Pacific NW Group
Sarah Petrone ’94
RealWear, Inc. Chief People Officer
Ex-Officio Central Catholic High School President
After graduating from Central Catholic followed by the University of Oregon, Chuck A. Hoff ’58 spent his professional life working in and co-owning car dealerships in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho with his brother Kay while raising his family. Like most Central Catholic graduates, he has fond memories of his high school years, and we are fortunate that Chuck sat down with us to share some of them. We also learned about why he supports Central Catholic, and not just with cash gifts. Chuck and his wife, Karen, as members of our Legacy Society, had the foresight to plan ahead and include Central Catholic in their will.
CCM: Thanks for talking with us, Chuck! What motivates you to support Central Catholic High School?
CAH: My mom was a very strong Catholic and as the youngest of five kids, I was the apple of her eye, of course. [Laughs.] I was the only one she could afford to send on to a Catholic education, which she did, starting me in the fifth grade at St. John the Baptist in Milwaukie, Oregon, and then to Central Catholic in 1954. It was the fulfillment of a dream for her, but also a sad story as it involved my older brother Bud who was killed during the Korean War. He was 16 years older than me and in the Air Force; a bombardier/ navigator on a B-26. He had taken out a G.I. insurance policy and my mom, who’d received the proceeds of that policy, used them to pay for my tuition.
Of course, at that time, Central Catholic was all boys and there were about 1,000 of us. We all needed the supervision that Central provided. That education set the pace for me going forward. I feel I owe Central Catholic a debt.
There was also that meaningful attachment to Monsignor Tim Murphy, my “Reg Room” classmate for four years. Tim never “put the arm on me” for donations, but he always maintained contact and kept me in touch with the CCHS spirit. He’s a catalyst for our class. My class organizes monthly luncheons which has been great because it helps me keep in touch.
CCM: What made you decide to support Central Catholic High through an estate gift?
CAH: Sainthood–for me–was highly improbable, but education was certainly a beacon to follow. In reflection, I came to recognize the giant impact education had on me and I developed a strong sense of payback–not only to CCHS but also for my grade school, St. John’s in Milwaukie, and my university in Eugene. Go Ducks! Those schools put me on a better path, a better path than I would have found on my own.
I encourage everyone to think about including Central Catholic in their estate plans. Thinking about it and planning ahead can make it less nerve-wracking to talk about what happens when you’re gone. How so? It gives you the reassurance that the people and causes closest to your heart are taken care of. If you’ve already included Central Catholic in your will, I’d encourage you to let the school know of your intentions.
CCM: That’s right, Chuck. Letting us know about your bequest intentions helps us with planning, plus it gives us an opportunity to say thank you. To date, we’ve received about $2M from estate gifts, some with no specific designations, but others designated for scholarships or tuition assistance. It’s a great honor for us to be the beneficiary of someone’s thoughtful planning and generosity!
Shifting gears a little bit, can you share a favorite memory or a funny story from when you were a student at Central Catholic?
CAH: Aahhh. Clearly it was my “Harry Houdini Act” in 1956. I was fortunate enough, at age 16, to have my own car, a 1954 Chevy Sedan. That sedan, a four-door, could cram 13 students at $1 per week for their ride to school. Boy, was I rolling in clover with that revenue–gas was only 29 cents per gallon! Occasionally, I ran a little bit late getting to school for the first bell roll-call and I thought Father Maloney, the Prefect of Discipline, would lose his mind trying to figure out how all these kids (my passengers) could be late for roll call when I wasn’t! The Houdini Act was as follows: My first period was a study hall in the main library (which combined three reg rooms with lots of noise and distractions–I felt sorry for that poor nun who was trying to supervise). I could give a whistle from the sidewalk below on Stark Street and my buddies, who were sworn to secrecy, would create a diversion. Then they would drop the venetian blind cords to me below and hoist me up in time for roll call. Eventually, Fr. Maloney solved the mystery and consequentially, took me under his wing as my permanent counselor. Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted.
CCM: Good one! Sounds like you were involved in some shenanigans and managed to evade detection, at least for a while. Was Monsignor Murphy involved in this plot?
CAH: He might have been, probably the part about the distraction, but he usually stayed on the straight and narrow. He wasn’t as far off the rails as the rest of us. [Laughs.] Anecdotally, there were two of us named Charles Hoff in the CCHS Class of 1958. Charles J. from All Saints and yours truly, Charles A. When the voice on the PA system requested the presence of Charles Hoff in Fr. Maloney’s Office, I would sit paralyzed in my desk until the ultimate clarification came. You can guess as to who was being called most often.
CCM: Hmmm. I think I can guess and it wasn’t Charles J. Hoff. Am I right? Tell us about one of your favorite Central Catholic teachers. Why were they your favorite? How did they inspire you?
CAH: There were a lot of great teachers, but without question, that person was Father Frank Campbell, USMC Retired. (In those days, almost all the teachers were priests or nuns.) Father Campbell was the master of the verbal “Pop Quiz” for his World History class. Woe to the individual who failed to read his assignments the night before. Fr. Campbell instinctively knew who that person might be. He called him to his feet, asked the pertinent question, and summarily embarrassed him in front of his classmates if they weren’t prepared. I’m not sure you would call this “inspiration,” but it certainly prepared me for the things to come in life. He made World History interesting and he was fearsome. But, a really good guy as well!
CCM: Character has always been an integral part of our school’s charism and in recent years, we have been infusing character education into the school through our curriculum, our sports and activities, our publications, and so on. This year (2022–2023) our virtues for focus are Compassion, Humility, Loyalty, and Self Discipline. Of those four virtues, which one resonates with you the most?
CAH: I have an opinion on all of them. I would hope that Compassion lurks somewhere in my heart and being. But not even my closest friends would ever accuse me of humility. Loyalty, yes, I do put loyalty high on my list of values. And definitely selfdiscipline; although the hardest to attain, it is what I consider the most important, euphemistically from my old Boy Scout Motto–Be Prepared. (I was on track to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout before girls and dating derailed that process. [Laughs.])
CCM: Thank you, Chuck, for your thoughtful, and entertaining comments. We are grateful for your generosity and commitment to helping Central Catholic continue its mission of providing a rigorous education, and developing critical thinkers, prepared for where their gifts meet the world.
The following donors have made significant cumulative gifts in support of Central Catholic and its mission and are honored on our Hall of Friends donor board inside the front entrance of the school. We are pleased to honor and thank all those listed below for their faithfulness to Central Catholic.
Bob ’67 and Anne Arns
Marty ’53† and Sharon Arrigotti
Michael ’59 and Sally Bacon
Frank ’53 and Joyce† Bastasch
Paul ’60 and Kathleen Bastasch Vic Bellaschi ’57
Jim Berchtold and Amy King-Dundon-Berchtold†
Tony ’84 and Misuk Beseau
Ron ’67 and Terri Best
Rev. Edmond Bliven†
James and Carol† Bluhm
Todd and Mary Beth Bowman
Pat and Cathy Boyer
Tim and Mary Boyle
Sam Bradach ’79 and Patricia Murphy Bradach
William J. Brady, M.D. ’49†
David and Julie Brands Ken and Carol Bray
Jack ’53 and Charlisa† Burns
Thomas ’48† and Lydia† Byrne
Henry Casey
Richard ’53 and Kathy Cavalli
Joseph Cereghino†
Mario Cereghino†
John ’60 and Patty Chaney
Peter ’58 and Judy Chaney
Matt ’68 and Lillian Chapman
John ’65 and Kelly Christen
Louis† and Bertha† Christen
Maurie Clark†
Vince and Kathy Cooney
Dr. Carl ’60 and Linda† Gorretta Dave ’87 and Julie ’87 Gorretta Rick and Nancy Green
John ’45† and Helen† Greene
Don ’83 and Leslie Gritzmacher
David ’55 and Amelia Grove
David ’62† and Marlene Guasco
J. Michael ’57 and Erin Hagan
Mike ’70 and Melissa Haglund Matt ’78 and June Hainley
Harry ’54† and Patsy Hanna Joe ’56 and Judy Hanna Bob and Sue† Harold Joey ’97 and Emily ’99 Harrington
John ’66 and Valerie Harrington
Robert ’42† and Rose† Harris
John and Michelle Hart
Howard Hedinger†
Jeff and Bev Heller
Elliott and Gina Hill
Chuck A. ’58 and Karen Hoff
John ’80 and Jackie Holland
Al ’51 and Sue Corrado
Peter ’80 and Mary Corrado Jim ’67 and Karen Corso James ’51† and Elaine† Cozzetto John Crawford and Jody Stahancyk Con Cremer† and Joan Murphy Cremer Dan and Cathy Cronen Linda Dakin-Grimm and Gary Grimm
In Honor of Gloria H. Dakin Lucio ’75 and Marta Dalla Gasperina Zechariah and Angela Davis Tony ’73 and Laurie DeFazio Msgr. Arthur Dernbach ’44† Bud ’62 and Kitty Dietrich Jeff Dilley ’66 Dan ’74 and Sue Ellen Dolan Robert Donnelly† Brian and Margaret Dooney Jim ’58 and Mary Dooney Frank Dulcich ’73
James ’52 and Jean Duyck Mike ’60† and Mary K Eilers William† and Marie† Elkins John ’60 and Jane Emrick Mike ’52 and Gloria Fader John ’56 and Marilyn Faherty
Beth Faherty
Larry ’57† and Nancy Farrell Joe ’52 and Laurie Ferguson Pat ’75 and Cindy Ferguson Tony and Michelle Ferroggiaro James and Maxine Forkan Norm ’48 and Patricia Foster Dr. Thomas ’57 and Rosemary Franz Fred and Libby Gast Mike and Kathy Gemmet Jerry ’52 and Dolores Gianotti Frank and Mary Gill Jim ’47† and Sylvia Gix
Archbishop Edward D. Howard†
Chet Howlett ’53
Bill ’66 and Cindy Hunt
The Jacobs Family
Steve Janik ’65 and Sheryl Manning
Nigel Jaquiss and Meg Remsen
Lester John†
John and Suzanne Jelineo George ’55 and Shirley Kane In Memory of Bernard and Norabelle Kane Chris and Louise Kardas
Marty and Allison Kehoe Family
Jim ’64 and Diane Kiley
Mike† and Mary Jo† King
Jim King ’79 - In Memory of David C. King ’90 Donna Kirkmire
William ’54† and June† Klein
Phil Knight
John LeDoux ’66
Walt LeDoux ’67
Ron ’52 and Mary Legg
Tony ’62 and Heidi Leineweber Bob† and Jo Ann† Leipzig
Archbishop William Levada†
George ’57 and Anna Mack
Maurice Maertens ’60
Paul ’78 and Mary Mardesich
Georgia Leupold
Tim Lundell ’68 and Penny O’Neill†
Tim ’72 and Kathy Mahaffy
Ted ’59† and Marilyn Marx
Mark ’73 and Amy Mathews
Patricia Mathews†
Ted McCall
Natt ’61 and Karen McDougall
Jonathan ’92 and Heather ’97 McGowan
Rev. Donald P. McHugh ’47†
Gregg Miller ’66 and Christine Howell-Miller Michael J. Miller, M.D. ’51†
Julie Mitchoff
Dave ’69 and Beth Moffenbeier
James ’58 and Lorna Monaghan
James Montgomery, Sr.†
Ian ’85 and Mary Ellen Montone
Bill ’46† and Rosemary† Moore
Steve Morse
Tom Moyer†
Dennis Murphy ’56 and Shirley Whitehead
Msgr. Tim Murphy ’58
Bill ’58 and Jane Murphy
Mike ’60 and Linda Musulin
Joe ’55 and Kathy Neher
Emil ’46† and Kathleen† Nemarnik
The Nisbet Family
Dennis Nollette ’69†
Jim and Bonnie Pavel
Vince Paveskovich†
Thomas ’52 and Olga† Perry
The Dean Phillips Family
Bob† and Joanne† Pinder
Rick and Mary Potter
Jim ’60 and Suzanne Price
Helen B. Regan
Ollie Renner ’51
James ’64 and Leslie Repman
Bob ’45 and Pat Reverman
Jim and Kate Rice
Mark and Charlene Riley
Harley ’58 and Kristin Roberts
Dr. Don Romanaggi
Mike ’68 and Sherie Rosenbaum
Billy ’58 and Kathy Ryan
Molly Sanders
Rev. Msgr. Francis Schaefers†
Chuck Schlosser ’60
Don† and Holly Schoenbeck
Keith ’69 and Bernita Schoenheit
Dwight ’75 and Lisa Schwab
Gerald and Mary† Segal
Chris Shepanek and Suzanne Sarin Shepanek
John† and Sandra Shepanek
Jerry ’57 and Sharon† Smith
Karl and Peggy Smith
Eugene Snyder†
Carl ’59 and Terry Spitznagel
Peter ’62 and Julie Stott
Lou ’67 and Nancy Stremick
Marko ’47 and Betty† Susnjara
James Svoboda†
Hank Swigert
George Temme ’64
Pat ’73 and Susan Terrell
Rick ’67 and Carol Terrell
Msgr. Martin Thielen†
Roger Tragesser ’57 and Shelley Sandifer
Fred ’58 and Ann Van Domelen
Joe Van Haverbeke ’58
George and JoAnn† Vennes
Ed ’48† and Mary† Vranizan
Ed ’67 and Debbie Wallo
The Bill and Margaret Walsh Family Dave ’74 and Linda Weber Bill ’54† and Patty† Weber
Jennifer and Blaine ’72 Werner
Jeff Weston ’94
Joe Weston ’56
Marilyn Weston Rev. Willis Whalen Art† and Vivienne† Wiese
Les ’58 and Mary Williams Bruce and Gretchen Willison Bill ’58 and Carolyn† Winter Rick Wojtasek ’70
B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation Bank of America Foundation Clark Foundation
E.L. Wiegand Foundation
ESCO Foundation
Eton Lane Foundation EWS Foundation Ford and Hilda Watkins Trust
The Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation Harrington Family Foundation Harry C. and Dorothy S. Murphy Foundation Intel Foundation
Juan Young Trust
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Marilyn Moyer Charitable Trust Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Meyer Memorial Trust OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation
Regina M. John Trust
The Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust
Robert S. & Anne Marie Arns Foundation
Sanders Family Foundation Silver Family Foundation Storms Family Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Wheeler Foundation
Archdiocese of Portland
Campbell Global Chartwells/Compass Group
Command Management Services Inc.
Brandon Anderson ’92
Brian Andersen ’92
Communication Workers of America
US West Communications
Danna Brothers Properties
Joe Danna ’63 and Jerry Danna ’66
Nike Inc.
Northwest Pump & Equipment Co.
Mark Mathews ’73
Pacific Fence & Wire Co. • Joe Schoenheit ’69
Pavelcomm, Inc.
Portland General Electric Co.
Sause Bros, Inc. • Matt Hainley ’78
We salute our Bricks and Mortar Club members for their generosity and willingness to help Central Catholic build and sustain a solid financial foundation. Through their monthly giving, which creates a predictable revenue stream, they help lower our administrative costs, and improve our long-range planning and decision making.
Jim ’68 and Janet Beard Chuck Blickle*
Dan* and Cathy Cronen Liz* and Ivan Danek
Anne ’93 and Reginald Daniels Sandy Dickerson*
Mike Duyn ’61
Michael and Jane Finnegan Ole Forsberg ’86
James Friedhoff ’72
Phil ’71 and Diane Garrow
Joe ’80 and Joan Gartin Jerry ’79 and Kathleen* Gianotti Tom ’57 and Karon Gilles
Angel Gray and Eric Weeks Steve ’76 and Diane Holmes
Matt ’88* and Chrissy Horne Laura Jaeger*
Ray ’62 and Judy Kelly
Jim ’64 and Diane Kiley Donna Kirkmire
Mike ’88 and Teresa Kirkmire Philippe Kreiter*
Michael and Kimberly Litchman
Marie ’03 and Mike Lundahl Marie Marckx
Colin* and Robbie McGinty John ’62 and Trudie Metschan
Brian ’98 and Laura Miskimins Chris and Eileen Mooney
Msgr. Tim Murphy ’58* Paul* and Kim O’Malley John ’98 and Sarah ’98 Paul Chris ’84 and Miriam Paulus Jim and Elaine* Payne Tom Phelan ’73
Mark ’74 and Karen Pinder Mary Beth Pinder ’85* Matt ’75 and Megan Pinder Mike ’77* and Stacey Pinder Daryl Prevo ’75
Danyelle* and Kevin Ramsey
Gail* and John Saltveit
Larry and Darby Sitter
Jerry ’59 and Priscilla Stewart Cork Stickel ’50
Jeremy ’94 and Melissa ’94* Stupfel Rick Susnjara ’79
Don ’70 and Peggy Tomlin
Mike ’88 and Leilani Van Hoomissen Al Weber ’50
Tom* and Chris Welter Scott ’73 and Wendy Wilson Steve* and Mary Workman
*Current or former Faculty/Staff member
The Loyalty Society recognizes supporters who have contributed annually for ten or more consecutive years. Their generosity has provided critical support for our students and has helped Central Catholic sustain our mission to develop critical thinkers who are the best versions of themselves. We are profoundly grateful for their loyal and consistent generosity and proud to honor them in this publication.
Frank ’57 and Sue Amato
Ed ’59 and Carol Andersen
Dick ’56 and Jan Andersen
Tom ’65 and Catherine Angerilli
Bob ’56 and Barbara Aquino Archdiocese of Portland
B.P., Lester & Regina John Foundation
Eleanore Baccellieri
Frank ’71 and Martine Baccellieri
Paul ’69 and Judy Bachman
Mike ’59 and Sally Bacon
Jane Barfield
Brian ’07 and Morgan Barkdoll
Mike ’76 and Carol Barnes
Dick and Debbie Barsotti
Paul ’60 and Kathleen Bastasch
John ’59 and Nancy Battilega
Ken ’62 and Gay Bauman
Paul Bedard
Vic Bellaschi ’57
Dave ’61 and Billie Bergman
Dennis Berry ’58
Robert Bigoni ’57
Steven and Colleen Bingold
Chuck Blickle
Len ’57 and Jerri Blodgett
Ron ’56 and Carola Blubaugh
Mary Jo Bolton
Sam ’79 and Pat Bradach
Joel ’75 and Kathleen† Bradach
John ’69 and Cathy Bradach
Dr. Ted ’71 and Lauri Braich Mike ’65 and Debby Brands
Gary ’58 and Norma Brandt Ken and Carol Bray John ’59 and Fran Breiling Emmett Brennan ’73
Bill ’64 and Patti Bucher Bob ’61 and Kathy Burtchaell Dick Buscher ’51
Arianne ’93 and David Cakarnis Teri Calcagno ’85
Kathy Calhoun Frank and Suzanne Callan
Esther Camden
Tom ’79 and Amy Campbell Jim ’55 and Marcy Carleton
Tom and Anne Caruso
Richard ’53 and Kathy Cavalli Mike ’75 and Cheryl Cebula
Gene ’54 and Michelle Cereghino Sergio ’61 and Julie Cettina
Chuck and Sheri Chambers
Pete ’58 and Judy Chaney
Matt ’68 and Lillian Chapman
Ricky ’05 and Emilee Chapman Gilbert and Julie Child Paul E. Christen ’65
Dick ’78 and Liz Clark Gordon Clifford ’76 Paul and Susan Collins
Jim Colombo ’67
Bryan Concannon ’73 and Debi Dereiko Bill and Mary Cone
John ’78 and Terri Cook
Len ’51 and Jo Cooper
Al ’51 and Sue Corrado
Chris ’77 and Kimra Corrado
Peter ’80 and Mary Corrado
Paul Costello
Jay Coulter ’75
Don Creitz ’56† Trust
Dan and Cathy Cronen
Gene ’46 and Sylvia Crucchiola
Kevin ’72 and Merilee Culligan
Tom ’63 and Cynthia Curran
John Dalrymple ’66
Liz and Ivan Danek
Anne ’93 and Reginald Daniels
Mike ’67 and Rene Dernbach
Sandy Dickerson
Jim ’53 and Karen DiNucci
Patrick ’75 and Anne Dolan
Brian and Margaret Dooney
Jim ’58 and Mary Dooney
Tim ’87 and Dena ’88 Dooney Bill Downey ’61
Jim ’67 and Janice Draper
Dcn. John ’54 and Carolyn Driesbach
Ed Elliott ’64
Joe ’56 and Judy Etzel
Mike ’60 and Chris Etzel
Rick ’75 and Colette Evers
Mike ’52 and Gloria† Fader
John ’56 and Marilyn Faherty
Jeff and Koo Rye Fantazia
Tom ’79 and Anne Farrell
Dick ’62 and Alice Fay
Mark ’81 and Kim Feller
Joe ’52 and Laurie Ferguson
Pat ’75 and Cindy Ferguson
Michael and Jane Finnegan
Tom and Janet Fitzgerald
Tim ’79 and Pamela Fleischmann
Terry ’74 and Diana Fleskes
Tim ’74 and Linda Flynn
Jim and Marjie Foglesong
Lt. Col. Jim Ford ’55
Ole Forsberg ’86
Tom ’57 and Rosemary Franz Ardel Frick
James Friedhoff ’72
Don† and Mary Fromwiller
Mark Fucile ’75 and Geri Ritchie-Fucile
Malcolm and Susan Fylan
George Galati ’50†
Greg Galati ’79 and Colleen Arnold
Frank ’60 and Pat Galluzzo
Patrick ’61 and Mary Garrett
John ’76 and Debbie Garrow
Phil ’71 and Diane Garrow
Joe ’80 and Joan Gartin
Fred and Libby Gast
Jerry ’57† and Carol Gatto
Cary ’97 and Jennifer Geist
Jerry ’79 and Kathleen Gianotti
Jerry ’52 and Dolores Gianotti
Maria Gianotti ’86
Rick ’69 and Debbie Ginter
Gerry ’46 and Sandra Gix
John and Suzanne Glasgow
Mike ’72 and Jean Gleason
Mike Gorman ’78
Dcn. Tom and Mary Jo Gornick
Dr. Carl ’60 and Linda† Gorretta
Dave ’87 and Julie ’87 Gorretta
Tracy A. Graham
Rick ’71 and Debbie Grbavac
Rick and Nancy Green Don ’83 and Leslie Gritzmacher
Dave Hagerty ’67 and Amy Chen
Mike ’66 and Kathy Hagerty Mike ’70 and Melissa Haglund Tom ’82 and Elizabeth Haglund
Matt ’78 and June Hainley
Pat ’69 and Jan Hainley
Steve and Terry Halligan Jim ’68 and Linda Haney
Steve Hankins ’58
Kathy Hardie-Williams
John ’58 and Carol Hardiman Dan† and Anne Marie Harrington Dan Harrington ’79
Harrington Family Foundation John ’66 and Valerie Harrington
Pat ’68 and Kelley Harrington
John and Michelle Hart Bob ’73 and Cindy Hart Dave ’66 and Lonney Hauck
Larry Hauth ’78
Kevin and Debbie Healy Ken ’53 and Sharon Henzler Ed ’58 and Janet Higgins Elliott and Gina Hill
Bill Hoberg ’58
Chuck A. ’58 and Karen Hoff John ’80 and Jackie Holland Steve ’76 and Diane Holmes
Marlene Hopman
Matt ’88 and Chrissy Horne Pat Horne
Archbishop Edward D. Howard† Trust Chet Howlett ’53
Vince and Shelley Huffstutter Dick ’56 and Doreen† Hune
Bill ’66 and Cindy Hunt Len ’63 and Linda Illias Brent ’72 and Mary Jacobs Ray and Julie Jensen Tal and Patti Johnson Gary Kather ’58
Peggy and Glenn Kays Dennis ’65 and Diana Keenan
Marty and Allison Kehoe
John and Mary Keith
Ray ’62 and Judy Kelly
Jeff ’76 and Laura Kent
Leo ’45† and Angelina Keppinger
Jim ’64 and Diane Kiley
John L. Kimbrough M.D. ’64
Jim King ’79
Sue Kirkman
Donna Kirkmire
Mike ’88 and Teresa Kirkmire John Kovach ’51
Philippe Kreiter
Greg and Chris Kresek
Jim and Kathy Kuffner
Glenn and Chris Kugel
Rick Kuhn ’74 and Karen O’Kasey
Al ’56 and Anna Kurkoski
David ’64 and Mary Kurkoski
Johnnie ’75 and Linda Lagana
Ken and Julie Lance
Ed ’69 and Linda Landauer
Pat ’73 and Kathy Laskowski
Jim ’60 and Carol Leineweber
Tony ’62 and Heidi Leineweber
Bill ’76 and Therese Leineweber
Frank ’79 and Nicole Leipzig
John ’47 and Elaine Leslie
Michael and Kimberly Litchman
Cathy Lobb
Tim ’68 and Penny† Lundell
Ben ’85 and Molly ’85 Lyons Pat Mackin ’68
Marie Marckx
Richard and Barbara Marineau
Jeff and Nanette Martin
Mark ’73 and Amy Mathews
Dennis ’63 and Katy Mayer
Tom Mayer ’75
John and Alice McCarthy
Bill ’57† and Pat McDonald
Jonathan ’92 and Heather ’97 McGowan John McKenzie ’60
Emily ’88 and Dan McKnight
F.X. ’57 and Carole McLellan
Tim McNeil
Dick ’54 and Adele McQuade
John ’62 and Trudie Metschan
Brian ’98 and Laura Miskimins
Julie Mitchoff
Chris and Eileen Mooney Mac Moorad ’53
Henry ’59 and Cora Moore
Brian ’77 and Melissa Moran
Phil ’76 and Laura Moran
Jim ’66 and Toni Mountain
Jack ’62 and Carol Mumford
Dennis James Murphy ’56 and Shirley Whitehead
Rev. Msgr. Tim Murphy ’58
Bill ’58 and Jane Murphy
Jeff Murray ’76
Jim ’64 and Carolyn Murtha
Mike ’60 and Linda Musulin
Jon ’88 and Kris ’89 Myers
Joe and Joan Myers
Jim and Merianne Nagae
Reza and Anna Nassib
Ron Neiger ’61
Mike Nelson ’61
Ray Niehaus ’45
Garth and Mary Nisbet
Kevin ’67 and Kathleen Oakley
Barbara O’Brien
Mike and Janelle O’Gara
Dennis ’77 and Alice Oliver
Paul and Kim O’Malley
Ozzie and Connie Ozyjowski
John ’58 and Jeanie Paque
Jerry and Sandy Parsons
John ’98 and Sarah ’98 Paul Molly ’85 and Jeff Paustian
Jim and Elaine Payne
Ed ’59 and Charleen Peri
Tom ’52 and Olga† Perry
Dan and Nancy Peterson
Jaime Petrjanos Malensky ’94 and Jeff Malensky Dick ’57 and Carol Petrone
Dave ’70 and Joanna Pienovi
Mark ’74 and Karen Pinder Marshall ’81 and Jennifer Pinder
Mary Beth Pinder ’85
Mike ’77 and Stacey Pinder
Mike ’70 and Kathy Plass Dennis ’61 and Lael Prazeau
Jim ’60 and Suzanne Price
Julie Pronovost
Bob Puncochar ’52
Steve and Erica Pyne Wally ’56 and Gloria Raab Danyelle and Kevin Ramsey Jim and Sharen Rees
Larry ’67 and Julie Reilly Skeeter ’64 and Ralane Reis Scott Reis ’93
Greg ’66 and Jan† Repman Jason and Michelle Rodarte Scott ’95 and Michelle Rom
Pat ’72 and Amy Roth Lisa ’83 and Mike Rowan Michael ’68 and Carol Ann Rowley Roger and Kathy Russell
Billy ’58 and Kathy Ryan
Dick Safranski ’50
Gail and John Saltveit Tom ’87 and Angela Sanchez
Molly Sanders
Mark ’79 and Sarah Santangelo
Sause Bros, Inc.
Steve Schechtel ’61 Tony Scheeland ’58† Trust Bill ’60 and Elaine Scheeland Denny ’61 and Nancy Schiffbauer Mike and Fran Sciaraffo Tom ’65 and Diane Sciarretta Patrick and Cheri Shea Wally ’56† and Mary Shepard John Sherrett ’68
Christopher Simone Larry and Darby Sitter Jerry ’57 and Sharon† Smith Walt Spriggs Cork Stickel ’50
Peter ’62 and Julie Stott
Tom ’67 and Debbie Stout
Lou ’67 and Nancy Stremick
Jeremy ’94 and Melissa ’94 Stupfel
Marko ’47 and Betty† Susnjara Ed ’52 and Sharon Sweo
Joan Taylor Jack ’53† and Mimi Taylor
Greg Thelen ’73
Jim ’48 and Rita Thomas
John ’68 and Ann Timm
Sara ’95 and Ray Trevino
Steve ’73 and Julie Turina
Rich and Mary Anne Ulring
Fred ’58 and Ann Van Domelen
Joe Van Haverbeke ’58
Margaret Van Hoomissen
Champ ’55 and Maria Vaughan
George and Joanne† Vennes
Katie and Michael Vining
Thuy Vo ’97 and Duy Nguyen
Thomas Volk ’67
John ’54 and Carole Vranizan
Ralph Vranizan ’53
Susan Wandtke
Phil Webb ’58
Tom ’58 and Joan Webb
Al ’50 and Doreen† Weber
Dave ’74 and Linda Weber
Don ’52 and Lois† Weber
Dave and Marsha Wellnitz
Ron Welsh ’67
Tom and Chris Welter
Jennifer and Blaine ’72 Werner Hal ’54 and Jerri† Westby
Paul ’69 and Rosemary Westby Jeff Weston ’94 Joe Weston ’56
Marilyn Weston Dick ’58 and Chris White
Mark ’76 and Danelle Wiese Bob Williams and Catherine Degnin Bill ’58 and Carolyn† Winter
Steve and Mary Workman
Daryl and Karen Zarosinski
Leo ’05 and Kelly ’05 Zarosinski
Zupan’s Markets
For Jon and Kris (Kocher) Myers, attending Central Catholic High School has provided more than just great academic and athletic opportunities. It has formed their values and aspirations, influenced their careers, and become an important part of their family and relationships. Today, more than 30 years after graduation, the impact of their experiences has remained integral to their lives, and it’s become one of the driving reasons behind their decades-long support of the school.
As students, Jon and Kris took advantage of all that Central Catholic had to offer. They both were heavily involved with athletics—Jon played basketball and baseball, while Kris played soccer, basketball, and softball—as well as participated in Student Council, National Honor Society, and Peer Ministry.
All of these activities helped them to learn and grow as individuals outside of the classroom. But most importantly, they forged lifelong friendships with teachers and fellow students, many of whom they still see regularly to this day. These relationships, as they put it, “Are the most important thing to our family,” and the “greatest outcome of our time there.”
Central Catholic also played an important role in guiding their career journeys and vocations. For Kris, she recalls how her time as a student was vital to her path to becoming a physician. “Central Catholic certainly prepared me academically for college,” she shares. “But more importantly, the values Central Catholic placed on community, service, and inclusivity influenced my decision to become a family physician
for the underserved.” Kris now serves as a Family Practitioner at Providence Medical Group-Gateway, and has been in practice at Providence for 22 years.
Similarly, that Central Catholic influence also rings true for Jon, who is now entering his fifth year as Principal of All Saints School in Northeast Portland, after serving as a teacher there for 22 years prior. Jon shares, “Central provided an inspiration for my career in Catholic education, an emphasis on a family and a community atmosphere that I have tried to carry into my work at All Saints.” His time at Central Catholic continues to help shape Jon’s vision as an educator.
Looking back on their time at Central Catholic, they reflect on how the school and its “vast community of amazing people has been a pivotal part of our lives and as parents,” and they were eager for their sons Patrick ’15 and Andrew ’18 to experience this as well. Patrick and Andrew became third generation Rams when they joined the community, as Kris’ father, Greg Kocher, was a member of the class of 1965.
The lifelong friendships, influence on their career pathways, and strong community are all reasons they support Central Catholic— and have continued to do so every year for over 20 years. “We want Central Catholic to continue to be a school that is available to all students,” they explain. “Central Catholic has had a profound, positive affect on our family. By donating, we can ensure that the same opportunity is open to all students.”
Additionally, supporting Central Catholic is a way for them to say thank you to those who made their time at the school so special. Steve Halligan, Rick Potter, Kit Kryger, Sr. Mary Kay Lampert, Sr. Rosemary Parker, and Bob Osburn are people they name as being some of the most influential teachers and coaches. “It is a privilege to share resources and pay it forward (and back) in some sense,” they share.
Jon and Kris made their first gift just five years after graduation, and they continue to give, year after year, to ensure the continued success of the school and so that other students may be able to have the same type of impactful experiences they had. “It is a place that we want to do well and be there for others to experience, and giving is one small way to help with that.”
Gifts to the Legacy Endowment for Operations
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 $135,178
Legacy Endowment Total Balance as of June 30, 2022 $1,848,916
The Legacy Endowment was established to provide support in perpetuity for school operations. Endowment revenue allows Central Catholic greater flexibility to maintain a reasonable tuition, provide better resources for the learning environment, and offer tuition assistance to help cover the stated needs of students and families.
The Legacy Endowment Fund is comprised of the General Legacy Endowment and of named Legacy Endowment funds for the same purpose, Legacy funds are established when the principal balance exceeds $25,000. The principal balance of each fund is listed below.
The Sally Christianson Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $30,142
The Class of 1960 Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $112,564
The Class of 1962 Legacy Endowment Fund $29,680
The Albert ’51 and Susanne Corrado Legacy Endowment Fund $109,700
The Helen Greene Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $12,167
The Robert ’42 and Rose Harris Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $339,313
The Glenn W. ’46 and Joanne A. Hittner Legacy Endowment Fund $25,720
The Sister Mary Justitia, IHM Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $61,536
The George ’55 and Shirley Kane Legacy Endaowment Fund In Memory of Bernard and Norabelle Kane $116,000
The William ’54 and June Klein Legacy Endowment Fund $20,000
The Lorenz Family Legacy Endowment Fund $26,200
The Rev. Donald McHugh ’47 Legacy Endowment Fund $217,686
The James Montgomery, Sr. Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $78,950
The William ’46 and Rosemary Moore Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $55,409
The Rev. Joseph J. Neuville Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $35,557
The Eugene Edmund Snyder Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund $246,531
The Student Support Services Legacy Endowment Fund $8,000
The Arthur and Vivienne Wiese Legacy Endowment Fund $15,200
To learn more about how you can include Central Catholic in your will or trust and make a powerful impact on tomorrow’s students contact Ellie Dir, Vice President of Advancement, at 503.230.1056 or edir@centralcatholichigh.org.
Including Central Catholic High School in your long term financial plan allows you to:
• Make a significant gift without affecting your current income
• Provide a charitable tax deduction for your estate
• Ensure the best possible education and opportunities for future generations of Central Catholic students
The Legacy Society is comprised of 123 generous benefactors of Central Catholic who made a planned gift or have included provisions for a testamentary gift from the assets of their estate. Gift opportunities range from very simple to complex, but all of the uniquely tailored gifts provide great benefit to both the donors and the school.
Bob ’42† and Rose† Harris Barney ’43† and Marge Becker Bill ’43† and Fran† Keller
Robert ’43† and Dorothy Shindler Rev. Msgr. Arthur Dernbach ’44†
Dick ’44 and Evelyn† Pizzo John ’45† and Helen† Greene
Bill ’45† and Rosalie† McDowd
Glenn ’46† and Joanne† Hittner
Bill ’46† and Rosemary† Moore
Emil ’46† and Kathleen† Nemarnik Jim Vranizan ’46†
Jim ’47† and Sylvia Gix Rev. Donald McHugh ’47† John Rich ’47†
Marko ’47 and Betty† Susnjara Marty ’49 and Helen Hilgers Jerry McElligott ’49†
Steve Kelley ’50†
Al ’51 and Sue Corrado Ralph ’51 and Martha Rogers Jim ’52 and Jean Duyck Joe ’52 and Laurie Ferguson Lud ’53† and Beverly Hartung Chet Howlett ’53
Bob ’53† and Marilyn Stark John White ’53†
Bill ’54† and June† Klein
Walt ’54† and Barbara Regan Pete ’54† and Kit Ryan Bill ’54† and Patty† Weber
George ’55 and Shirley Kane
Joe ’55 and Kathy Neher Don Creitz ’56†
John ’56 and Marilyn Faherty
Allan ’56† and Shawneen Quick
Leon ’57† and Molly† Benson
Dennis ’57† and Margie Fisher
Tom ’57 and Rosemary Franz
Bert Garner ’57† and Janet Niles Garner
Jerry ’57† and Carol Gatto
Mike ’57 and Erin Hagan
David Hattrick ’57†
Ralph Hoffman ’57†
Rev. Joseph Baccellieri ’58†
Chuck ’58 and Karen Hoff Gary ’58 and Mary Kather
Joe Kremers ’58
Msgr. Tim Murphy ’58 Bill ’58 and Jane Murphy Gerald Nibler ’58† Andy ’58 and Kathleen Sadowski Bill ’58 and Carolyn† Winter Mike ’59 and Sally Bacon John ’59 and Nancy Battilega
John ’60 and Patty Chaney Ray Sutton ’60 Timothy Burke ’61† Bill Downey ’61 Ken ’62 and Gay Bauman David ’62† and Marlene Guasco Peter ’62 and Julie Stott Jim ’64 and Peggy Hietpas Mike ’65 and Debby Brands John ’65 and Kelly Christen Paul E. Christen ’65 Ed ’66 and Kathy† Lemma Jackson ’67 and Sharon Roholt Ed Curtin ’68
Tim Lundell ’68 and Penny O’Neill† Dennis Nollette ’69†
Mike ’70 and Melissa Haglund Dan ’71 and Michele Driscoll Jim McIntosh ’72† Bryan Concannon ’73 and Debi Dereiko Pat ’73 and Susan Terrell Greg Thelen ’73 Terry ’74 and Diana Fleskes Pat ’75 and Cindy Ferguson Robert ’76 and Merilee Fahlman Dick ’78 and Liz Clark Sam ’79 and Pat Bradach Sean ’79† and Sheri Dooney Tom ’79 and Anne Farrell
Peter ’80 and Mary Corrado Jim Liebertz ’80† Lisa Baker-King ’86 and Brian King JP ’88 and Julie Ditty
Peter ’95 and Colby Rauch Bryan Aalberg ’96
Jerod ’96 and Maria ’00 Fitzgerald Chris ’04 and Libby Hatfield
Parents, Grandparents, and Friends
Julie Amato†
Tim and Mary Boyle Sally Christianson†
Americo P. “Benny”† and Florence DiBenedetto John† and Mary Jane Dietrich Rev. Wayne Forbes†
Mary Fromwiller
Mary Ann Grbavac Dick† and Joann† Hudson Howard Keever†
Marty and Allison Kehoe Adele Kendall†
Philippe Kreiter
Bill† and Mary† Mackin Bob McQuarry†
James Montgomery, Sr.† Willard† and Cyril† Murphy
Rev. Joseph Neuville† Kevin and Sharon O’Connell
Vince Paveskovich†
Rick and Mary Potter Ed† and Dawn† Schechtel Karl and Peggy Smith Eugene E. Snyder† James Svoboda† Til Sylvester† Msgr. Martin Thielen†
Bill and Margaret Walsh Rev. Ted Weber† Art† and Vivienne† Wiese
For more information or to discuss a gift opportunity, please contact Ellie Dir
Vice President of Advancement. 503.230.1056 ext. 1258 or edir@centralcatholichigh.org
Central Catholic Federal Tax ID: 93-0391557
In the summer of 1955, the Central Catholic student body swelled to a record-breaking 1,015 students when, without warning, cross-town rival Columbia Prep, an all-boys, Catholic high school located in southwest Portland, closed. The October 1955 issue of the Rampart welcomed these students–there were 76 transfers total–in an article entitled “New Men of Central.” The first sentence read: “This year to the doors of Central have come students of many surrounding schools. Some may have come reluctantly but they have come. To these and the likes of these, we offer our hearts and hands in friendship.”
The men of the Class of 1957 took that invitation seriously and embraced the 28 boys who were joining their class as rising juniors. For all of them, those years were pivotal and laid the foundation for lifelong friendships as well as strong connections to the school. Like many other Central Catholic classes, this group stays in touch. They share memories via email, and when they can, they meet up in person. They enjoy coming back to campus. And, they give back to Central Catholic.
“One thing that always comes up whenever we get together is the rivalry we had between the guys from All Saints and those from The Madeleine. In eighth grade, our All Saints football team annihilated the eighth grade team from The Madeleine. The score was something like 42-0,” remembers Tom Franz ’57, who quarterbacked the All Saints team.
Indulging in some gentle trash-talking, Franz adds, “Maybe they were compensating for their lack of football prowess. But truly, that group of guys from The Madeleine, they were the ones who really made our class scholarship happen.”
“The guys” to whom Franz is referring include the late Bill McDonald, along with F X McLellan, Mike Hagan, and Jerry Smith, all of whom remember the Class of 1957 Scholarship conversation beginning over a game of golf.
Jerry Smith recalls, “Tom Franz might have been a bit harsh, but we Madeleine boys can take it. Funny, he didn’t mention baseball where the “Mighty Mites” of The Madeleine steam-rolled the entire league. But, I digress.”
“I remember our class scholarship as being the brainchild of a small group of us that played golf together. Bill McDonald was the instigator and he hosted the Hagans, the McLellans and the Smiths one summer. Bill said, ’We really need to do this.’”
Jerry continues, “I jumped on that because in 1955, my sophomore year, I received one of Central Catholic’s first scholarships. I think it was $300–it funded my tuition for that year. It was started by the parents of a Central Catholic student who’d died when he tried to save a friend from drowning. I just think it’s so important to give back and this was a great way to make sure that other students are able to benefit from a Central Catholic education.”
F X McLellan (one of the transfer students from Columbia Prep) also remembers the Madeleine and All Saints rivalry. “Regarding the All Saints football shellacking, I have vivid memories. Marty Gill, the All Saints mega-star was a man, 150 plus pounds, with excellent speed against the likes of me, a gutless 90-pound safety whose primary task was to stay out of his way so I didn’t get hurt. The truth is painful, but now I feel better.”
He also recalls the golf game as being the springboard for the scholarship. He adds, “I think Marty Gill was involved, and maybe Bill Powers and Jim Comerford. Marty and Bill made phone calls to a bunch of the guys. But, it never would have happened without Bill McDonald.”
Vic Bellaschi was one of the first classmates to receive a phone call about the Class of 1957 Scholarship. He was also the first to step up and make a gift. Bellaschi, who went on to attend Santa Clara University and built a successful career in financial services said, “My brother Julius ’52 and I got a great education at Central Catholic, plus my parents (the late Peter and Maria Bellaschi) loved the school. Central Catholic gave Jules and me our grounding in the
Catholic faith, and set us on the path to fulfilling our potential, as well as to rewarding careers. It was a no-brainer to make a gift to my class’s scholarship.”
The Class of 1957 was not the first class at Central Catholic to establish a scholarship–that honor belongs to the Class of 1952, whose scholarship was established in 1999. However, they were the second, endowing their scholarship in 2005, and today theirs is the largest of the seven class scholarships, with a principal balance now surpassing $112,000. Since its inception, the Class of 1957 Scholarship has awarded almost $50,000, impacting about 40 students.
Other class scholarships include the Class of 1950, Class of 1951, Class of 1952, Class of 1953, Class of 1958, Class of 1971 and the Class of 1987. In addition, the Classes of 1960 and 1962 have both endowed legacy funds, designated for school operations.
“To this day, I mourn the loss of my good buddies, Jim Altenhofen, Marty Gill, Frank Adler, Bill McDonald, and Gene Comfort,” McLellan says. “When I make a gift to our class scholarship, I do it in their memory. I do it in the hopes that today’s students can benefit from their time at Central Catholic in the way I have.”
Hagan concurs. “How lucky we were to have attended Central Catholic. Not only do we owe a big thank you to our teachers, parents, and friends, but also to our Church and its leaders, which guide us to be aware of what Christ has taught us. Together, we learned not only what was taught in the classroom, but also the meaning of friendship. The support we received from one another then, we continue to enjoy today, 65 years later.”
Jerry Smith agrees, “Our class was always close. We worked together, whether it was on a sports team, the school newspaper, a school project, or more recently, our class scholarship. I strongly encourage other classes who might have an interest in starting their own endowed funds to contact the Office of Advancement. They can help you get started. It’s well worth the effort and who knows? You might even have fun doing it.”
“Central Catholic was such a memorable time in my life. Those years were full of incredible development and growth. I learned so much about the world, about life and about myself and I made friendships that have lasted for decades.”
He adds, smiling, “Yes, the Class of ’57 was small, but we were mighty!”
Endowed Scholarship Gifts
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 $818,945
Total Gifts to General and Named Endowment Funds
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 $1,359,982
General Endowment and Named Scholarship Balance as of June 30, 2022 $16,622,376
Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship $40,091
Cecilia Ashenbrener Memorial Scholarship $25,000
Janice Baccellieri Aichele ’84 Memorial Scholarship $59,965
Bacon Family Scholarship $47,000
Bruno and Catherine Barsotti Endowed Scholarship $36,530
Cleo Baunach and Catherine Niedermeyer Ferguson Memorial Scholarship $29,640
Leon ’57 and Molly Benson Memorial Scholarship $25,633
Dick Bergman ’68 Memorial Scholarship $34,509
Mario ’67 and Anne Bisio Family Scholarship $54,330
James ’45 and Jacqueline Bobzien Scholarship $15,310*
Todd and Mary Beth Bowman Family Scholarship $35,012
Throughout its history, Central Catholic High School has maintained a deep commitment to providing a college preparatory Catholic education to students regardless of their family’s ability to meet tuition requirements.
The school’s General Endowment Fund provides a sound financial foundation, which in turn provides significant scholarship money and tuition assistance for students in the future. Only a portion of the earnings on the principal amount is used annually for scholarships and tuition assistance, making this a perpetual gift.
# Scholarship became fully-endowed during 2021-2022 fiscal year
* Fund was “grandfathered in” at the lower $10,000 level during the early years of our Endowment.
Dr. William J. Brady ’49 Memorial Scholarship $101,021
Brands Family Scholarship $89,092
Kevin Bruer ’70 Memorial Scholarship# $25,750
Rudy and Jadwiga Buliavac Scholarship Fund# $30,000
Monsignor Frank Campbell Endowed Scholarship $27,645
Lawrence Carney ’66 Memorial Scholarship $28,630
JudyLee Cavalli Memorial Scholarship# $26,320
Central Catholic Honors Scholarship $89,284
Cebula Family Scholarship $16,309*
Louis W. and Bertha C. Christen Family Scholarship $19,200*
Class of 1950 Endowed Scholarship for Children with Special Needs $50,305
Class of 1952 Endowed Scholarship $98,462
Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship $66,100
Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship $112,028
Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship $48,407
Class of 1971 Memorial Scholarship $33,040
Class of 1987 Endowed Scholarship $33,589
Joe Clovis Memorial Scholarship $16,935*
Robert Patrick Concannon Memorial Scholarship $63,106
John W. ’57 and Linda M. Condon Scholarship $15,860*
Brian Craig ’95 Memorial Scholarship $29,548
Donald Creitz ’56 Family Endowed Scholarship $29,393
Graziano Dalla Gasperina ’72 Memorial Scholarship $101,235
Victor Dalla Gasperina Memorial Scholarship $120,725
Dr. David DeBiose ’72 Catholic Scholarship $26,170
Reverend Leland DeJardin Memorial Scholarship $19,943*
Msgr. Art Dernbach ’44 Endowment Fund $182,908
John and Mary Jane Dietrich Family Scholarship $104,238
Richard ’52 and Claudia Ditter Endowed Scholarship $26,331
John and Florence Dolan Memorial Scholarship# $25,000
Daniel E. Dooney III ’78 Memorial Scholarship $249,822
Sean Dooney ’79 Memorial Scholarship $61,527
Faherty/Morse Family Scholarship $161,100
Friends of Fine Arts Endowed Scholarship $50,043
Donald R. Fromwiller Memorial Endowed Scholarship $44,790
Leo A. Garrow ’45 Memorial Scholarship $44,130
Gast Family Scholarship $75,000
Gianotti Family Scholarship $46,300
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Scholarship# $25,400
Don ’52 and Anna Marie Graham Family Scholarship $33,876
Mark Joseph Graham ’75 Memorial Scholarship $93,356
Gritzmacher Family Endowed Scholarship $95,430
Grove Family Scholarship in Memory of Carlton and Jennie Grove $34,075
Halligan Family Scholarship $28,717
Albertina S. Hankey Memorial Scholarship $34,310
Joe Hanna ’56 Endowed Scholarship $35,000
Reverend Emmet Harrington Memorial Scholarship $82,738
John ’66 and Valerie Harrington Scholarship $35,646
Mary Catherine Harrington Scholarship# $25,000
Hart Family RAMS Peer Mentor Endowed Scholarship# $32,500
Hedinger Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship $142,500
David J. Heller Memorial Scholarship $67,153
Holy Family/Central Catholic Scholarship $15,631*
Robert J. ’56 and Matthew C. ’86 Hopman Memorial Scholarship $47,624
Richard Fraser and Joann Maloney Hudson Memorial Scholarship $22,343*
Jacobs Family Memorial Scholarship $132,003
Lester M. John Endowed Scholarship $229,065
Rick Kapranos Memorial Scholarship $76,541
Dorothy C. Keber Memorial Scholarship $35,335
David King ’90 Memorial Scholarship $129,902
Jim Kirkmire Memorial Scholarship $60,715
Franklyn L. Kremers ’51 Memorial Scholarship $25,000
LeDoux Family Scholarship $25,000
Alan B. Lee ’46 Memorial Scholarship $29,750
Legg Family Scholarship $95,198
Missy Mack Memorial Scholarship $64,856
Bill and Mary Mackin Endowed Scholarship# $25,351
Virginia Maloney Welch Memorial Scholarship $14,762*
George and Patricia Mathews Scholarship Fund $162,482
Edwin and Eva Mayer Memorial Scholarship $122,928
Margaret Mary McCarthy Hoffman Memorial Scholarships and Grants $399,139
Marilyn Kay McPheeters Fader Memorial Scholarship $93,887
H. Joseph Merkle ’45 Memorial Scholarship $22,441*
James Carr Moran ’52 Family Memorial Scholarship $109,559
C.L. and Gertrude Murphy Memorial Scholarship $43,808
John A. Murphy ’66 Memorial Scholarship# $26,450
Maureen Murphy Memorial Scholarship $42,785
Monsignor Timothy Murphy ’58 Scholarship $151,954
William Paul Murphy ’58 Scholarship $71,141
Murphy, Cremer, Bradach Family Scholarship $67,020
Steve Nado ’76 Memorial Scholarship $35,454
Ethel “Toni” Nelson Memorial Scholarship $15,981*
Candace Newland-Holley Endowment Fund# $282,135
Jarrod Nickoloff ’03 Memorial Scholarship $26,050
Penelope O’Neill Memorial Scholarship for Girls Rising Above $40,700
Remo Pagni Memorial Scholarship $30,024
Vincent Paveskovich Endowed Scholarship $72,469
Bob and Joanne Pinder Memorial Scholarship# $31,327
Presidents’ Dinner and Auction Scholarship $76,220
Religious/Clergy Scholarship $38,215
Jack ’67 and Sharon Roholt Endowed Scholarship $35,500
Don V. Romanaggi, M.D. Endowed Scholarship $25,000
Harry Scarff Memorial Scholarship $58,758
Monsignor Francis Schaefers Memorial Scholarship $30,182
Jake Shearer ’00 Memorial Scholarship $22,875*
Shepanek Family Scholarship $100,419
John and Donna Shepard Family Scholarship $22,295*
Richard Shindler ’46 Endowed Scholarship $716,478
Frost and Margaret Snyder Foundation Scholarship $442,071
Evan Sprague ’95 Memorial Scholarship $15,704*
Peter ’62 and Julie Stott Endowed Scholarship $31,901
Morris and Elaine Stremick Memorial Scholarship $271,768
Student Council Spirit Scholarship# $25,000
James E. Svoboda Endowed Scholarship $99,820
Matthew Taylor Memorial Scholarship $119,986
Robert L. Taylor ’53 Memorial Scholarship $87,052
George and Julia Temme Endowed Scholarship $45,000
Monsignor Martin Thielen Memorial Scholarship $96,076
Kevin Turina ’75 Memorial Scholarship $87,809
Jim Waters ’76 Memorial Scholarship $51,040
Weber Family Scholarship In Memory of Tom ’52, Scott ’78, and Greg ’81 $67,768
Wehrley Family Scholarship $27,800
Arthur and Vivienne Wiese Family Scholarship $100,021
Sr. Jerome Zerr, OSB Endowment Fund# $26,600
Pending scholarships have not reached the minimum $25,000 principal balance to be awarded. Once the minimum has been achieved, the fund must accrue interest for one year or more before being awarded.
Class of 1951 Endowed Scholarship $2,680
Harry M. Hanna ’54 Memorial Fund $2,900
Chris Kelly ’25 Memorial Endowed Scholarship $6,750
Edwin ’69 and Linda Landauer Endowed Scholarship $11,500
Michael Macallister Endowed Scholarship $2,100
Wildcats to Rams Josh Lukosh Memorial Scholarship $2,685
Currently there are over 120 established endowed scholarships at Central Catholic High School, many of which have been created in honor or memory of loved ones. A new scholarship is established when the individual fund balance reaches or exceeds a principal balance of $25,000 and has accrued interest for a minimum of one year. Only a portion of the interest earned on the principal amount is used annually for scholarships, which allows annual awards to continue in perpetuity.
Typically a $25,000 fund will produce one $1,125+ scholarship per year, although the interest amount may vary slightly from year to year. As the principal balance increases, the amount and number of scholarship awards also increases.
The following donors made gifts between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 in response to various efforts including, but not limited to, the Central Catholic Fund, the Parent Investment Program, the Presidents’ Auction, and the Students 4 Students Fundraiser. The list also includes donors who made estate gifts, pledge payments, memorial gifts, and unsolicited gifts—as well as companies that matched these gifts. These donors include current students and those who are making their first gifts, to alumni going all the way back to the Class of 1945. They include past parents whose children graduated from Central Catholic in the 1960s and current parents who made gifts while paying full tuition.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to all who have made contributions to Central Catholic High School over the past fiscal year, both financial and in-kind. We would not be the school we are without you. Thank you for all the ways you contribute, for the role you play in the Central Catholic tradition, and for ensuring our mission continues today and into the future.
We strive to correctly recognize each of our generous donors. Please notify the Office of Advancement at 503.230.1056 of any corrections or omissions. We are profoundly grateful for your support.
† Deceased
Christ the King Society
$100,000 and Above
Ford and Hilda Watkins Trust
Phil Knight
OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation
Joe Weston ’56
Tom Perry ’52
Seat of Wisdom Society
$50,000 to $99,999
Anonymous B.P., Lester & Regina John Foundation
EWS Foundation
Archbishop Edward D. Howard Trust Maury Maertens ’60
Rev. Msgr. Tim Murphy ’58
Dennis Nollette ’69†
Dr. Don Romanaggi
Sanders Family Foundation Lou ’67 and Nancy Stremick Joe Van Haverbeke ’58
Marilyn Weston
Archbishop Howard Society
$25,000 to $49,999
Anonymous Archdiocese of Portland David and Julie Brands
Jack Haddad
Harrington Family Foundation
Jerry McElligott ’49† Trust
PAE Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Molly Sanders
Dwight ’75 and Lisa Schwab
Silver Family Foundation
Monsignor Schaefers Society
$10,000 to $24,999
Mike ’59 and Sally Bacon
BDT & Company
John ’60 and Patty Chaney Matt ’68 and Lillian Chapman
Kent and Laura Craford Florence DiBenedetto Dolan and Company, LLC Jim ’52 and Jean Duyck Bart and Jill Eberwein Eton Lane Foundation Norm ’48 and Patricia Foster Fred and Libby Gast Frank and Mary Gill Rick and Nancy Green Don ’83 and Leslie Gritzmacher Joe ’56 and Judy Hanna Chuck A. ’58 and Karen Hoff Bill ’66 and Cindy Hunt Juan Young Trust Ed ’69 and Linda Landauer Mary Mackin† Trust Mark ’73 and Amy Mathews MBS Direct Ian ’85 and Mary Ellen Montone Garth and Mary Nisbet Jim ’60 and Suzanne Price Jim ’64 and Leslie Repman Sause Bros, Inc. Marko Susnjara ’47 Rand Thomas and Amy Starr Thomas Fred ’58 and Ann Van Domelen Bill and Margaret Walsh Jennifer and Blaine ’72 Werner Bill Winter ’58
Central Catholic Society
$5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous All Saints School Ann and Rob Armstrong Vic Bellaschi ’57
Todd and Mary Beth Bowman Sam ’79 and Pat Bradach Barry and Jennifer Bradie Mike ’65 and Debby Brands Ken and Carol Bray Al ’51 and Sue Corrado
Sheri Dooney
Joe ’52 and Laurie Ferguson
Tom ’57 and Rosemary Franz
Dr. Carl Gorretta ’60
Mike ’66 and Kathy Hagerty
Naomi and Peter Hand
Harry ’54† and Patsy Hanna
Bob Harold John ’66 and Valerie Harrington
John and Michelle Hart
Joaquin Hidalgo
Immaculata-Marycrest Alumnae Assn. Jeanne and Doug Jackson
Nigel Jaquiss and Meg Remsen
Peter Kallen and Jeff Stuhr
Jim ’64 and Diane Kiley
The Kinsman Foundation
Al ’56 and Anna Kurkoski
Lara Media Services, LLC
Tony ’62 and Heidi Leineweber Tom ’71 and Joan Leslie
Jay ’70 and Debbie Lundell
Tim Lundell ’68
Tim ’72 and Kathy Mahaffy
Joann Maletis
Bob ’82 and Stephanie Mathews
Ted McCall
Ned and Lora McCall
Robert and Dinah McCall
Natt ’61 and Karen McDougall
Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP
This report is intended to provide general information to the Central Catholic community on Advancement activities and dollars received from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
The report has not been audited and should not be regarded as an official financial report of Central Catholic High School.
Mountain West Investment Corp.
Joan Murphy Cremer
Bill ’58 and Jane Murphy
Northwest Pump & Equipment Co.
Molly ’85 and Jeff Paustian
Laurel Power
Peter ’95 and Colby Rauch
Jack ’67 and Sharon Roholt
Vic ’88 and Meegan Rust
Billy ’58 and Kathy Ryan
Sanctuary for Sacred Art Susie and Ralph Schultz
Katrina and Michael Scotto di Carlo St. Agatha School St. John Fisher School
Geoff Stuckart and Amy Edwards
Michael ’71 and Linda Terrell
Jason Tokarski
Helena Valdez
Steve Watson
Dave ’74 and Linda Weber
President’s Club
$1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (6)
Mark and Chie Alleman
Beth Allen and Christine Cress
Susie ’95 and Derek Ames
Stefan Amling
Dick ’56 and Jan Andersen
Aaron ’91 and Molly Angelo Donald and Tracy Arney Eleanore Baccellieri
Badger Electric, Inc.
Mike ’76 and Carol Barnes
Benj ’94 and Jennie Barsotti
Dick and Debbie Barsotti
John ’59 and Nancy Battilega Ken ’62 and Gay Bauman
Beaverton Toyota Guy ’58 and Laurel Bernard
Marion Bernards
Tony ’84 and Misuk Beseau
Michael Best
Domonic Biggi
Byron and Amy Biggs
Black United Fund of Oregon
Carol Blatner
Ron ’56 and Carola Blubaugh
Jacqueline Bobzien
Tom ’58 and Diane Bohan
Matthew and Gail Bolte
Mary Jo Bolton
Jeff Bowden
Pat and Cathy Boyer
Dr. Ted ’71 and Lauri Braich
John ’59 and Fran Breiling Tim ’75 and Peg Bruer
Peggy ’84 and Blair Bubenik
Carol Bunten and Daniel Rosenberg Dick Buscher ’51
Rev. Msgr. Don Buxman ’62 Adam Campbell and Carrie Godlee-Campbell Katie ’01 and J.D. Campbell
Christine Carr
Jorge Casimiro Robb ’71 and Barbara Cason Mike Cavalli ’59
Richard ’53 and Kathy Cavalli Mike ’75 and Cheryl Cebula Gene ’54 and Michelle Cereghino Fadi Chehab and Laura Minus Chehab David and Maria Ciaverella Thomas and Rachel Cody Jim Colombo ’67
Columbia Bank
Bryan Concannon ’73 and Debi Dereiko Tracy Cone ’90 and Andres Kohn Vince and Kathy Cooney Aaron and Megan Cooper Jim ’67 and Karen Corso Paul ’60 and Judy Corso Jay Coulter ’75
Don Creitz ’56† Trust Ray Crino Dan and Cathy Cronen Kieran Curley CYO/Camp Howard John Dalrymple ’66 Jay ’83 and Jane Daniel Anne ’93 and Reginald Daniels Jerry Danna ’66 Cindy Davis Cherril Decker Tony ’73 and Laurie DeFazio Galen Deiz ’07
Andy Delaporte and Pam Cornetta Trina Denson Bud ’62 and Kitty Dietrich Jim ’53 and Karen DiNucci Florence Dolan† Brian and Margaret Dooney Jim ’58 and Mary Dooney Tim ’87 and Dena ’88 Dooney McCallester Dowers
Bill Downey ’61
Jim ’67 and Janice Draper Dcn. John ’54 and Carolyn Driesbach Frank Dulcich ’73 Anastasia and James Economy Doug and Dawnn Eikenberry Buzz and Catie Ellis
Terry Emmert ’62
Mike ’60 and Chris Etzel Rick ’75 and Colette Evers
John ’56 and Marilyn Faherty Tom ’79 and Anne Farrell Al Fazio ’54
Jiro Feingold and Ellen Tilden Jennifer Ferrero Steve Ferrero
Terry ’74 and Diana Fleskes
Tim ’73 and Kay Fleskes
Tim ’74 and Linda Flynn
Justin and Erika Fogarty Jim Ford
Wes ’66 and Marcy Forman Ole Forsberg ’86 Michael and Susan Foster
Cynthia Fraser Fred Meyer, Inc.
Mary Fromwiller Anne and Todd Gaber
Game Day Media Inc.
Robert and Nancy Garnero
Pete ’73 and Pam Garrow
Phil ’71 and Diane Garrow
Bryce Gartrell
Andrea Garza
Cary ’97 and Jennifer Geist
Alan Gianotti ’80 and Valerie Sarma
Jerry ’79 and Kathleen Gianotti
Jerry ’52 and Dolores Gianotti
Rick ’69 and Debbie Ginter
Gerry ’46 and Sandra Gix
Stephen Gomez
Carla Gonzales
Mark Gordon and Marta Mena-Gordon Sandra Gorger
Dave ’87 and Julie ’87 Gorretta
Brien and Melissa Gray Christian and Victoria Grorud
Dave ’55 and Amelia Grove
Don ’61 and Erlene Grove
Ann Haffner
Dave Hagerty ’67 and Amy Chen
Mike ’70 and Melissa Haglund
Pat ’69 and Jan Hainley
Steve and Terry Halligan
Steve Hankins ’58
David Hapeman and Kathleen Fox-Hapeman
Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation
Pat ’68 and Kelley Harrington
Richard Hart
Tom Hartman ’74
Shane Hawkins ’94 and Jeana Kats
Christina ’91 and David Hayes
Steve ’77 and Marypat Hedberg
Mike ’58 and Gayle Heffernan
Jeff and Bev Heller
Andre Leger and Amy Henninger
Rita Sue Henningsen
Ed ’58 and Janet Higgins
Martin ’49 and Helen Hilgers
Todd and Courtney Hodnett
Anna and Brian Hoffert
John ’80 and Jackie Holland
John Holley and Candace Newland-Holley
Sam Holmes
Chet Howlett ’53
Brooke Hoyer
Russ and Jennifer Humberston
Steve ’89 and Deme Hunt
Richard ’56 and Kathleen Imper
Brent ’72 and Mary Jacobs
Steve Janik ’65 and Sheryl Manning
John ’57 and Patty Joyce
Jim Kalvelage ’75 and Barbara LaMack
Paul and Lynn Kelly
Ray ’62 and Judy Kelly
John and Lisa Kern
Hani and Hoda Khouri
John L. Kimbrough M.D. ’64
Jim King ’79
Steve and Colleen Klein
Dan and Tami Klupenger
Curtis Knapp
Knights of Columbus #2325
David and Cassie Kottkamp
Bruce Kramer ’59
Rick Kuhn ’74 and Karen O’Kasey
Mike Laber
Ernie Lamb
John Lance ’86 and Kellie Chauncey-Lance
Salvatore LaRocca
Mike ’59 and Maxine Lavin
Estelle LeBlanc
Sally Lee
Rick ’72 and Mary Leipzig
Russell and Christina Lieblick
Barbara Lolich
Seth ’91 and Connecticut Longaker
Rob Longo
Charles ’71 and Margie Loprinzi
Frank Loughney ’57
Danny Lundell and Jennifer Perisho Lundell
Patrick Lundell and Grace Shem Lundell
Lowe, Brockenbrough & Company
Lyon Family Fund of Hamilton County Community Foundation
Ed Mackin ’55
Pat Mackin ’68
Tim Mackin ’69
Madeleine Knights of Columbus
Gary Maffei ’62
Ron and Kerrie Mart
Jason and Tasha McDonald
Pat McDonald
Colin and Robbie McGinty
Jonathan ’92 and Heather ’97 McGowan
Anjanette and Brue McHayle
F X ’57 and Carole McLellan
Rev. Pat McNamee ’62
Bill ’88 and Allison Medak
Stephen ’99 and Kimberly ’99 Meyers
Barbara Miller
Julie Mitchoff
Mike ’95 and Amy Mitchoff
Chris and Eileen Mooney
Henry ’59 and Cora Moore
Steve ’73 and Cheryl Moore
Mike Moran ’80 and Susie Hunt Moran
Sue Moran
Rick and Mary Potter
Bob Puncochar ’52
Doug and Heather Raab Trip and Darcie Randall
Jared and Randi Ray Ollie Renner ’51
Bob ’45 and Pat Reverman
John and Chris Richards
K.C. ’77 and Linda Rogers
Anne and Adam Rohosy Don Rose ’94 and Sarah Petrone ’94 Michelle ’99 and Joe Roseborough Mike ’68 and Sherie Rosenbaum
Patrick Rowley ’12
Linda Ruhnke
Dick Safranski ’50
Tom ’87 and Angela Sanchez
Tony Scheeland ’58† Jim ’81 and Kathy Schlotfeldt
Tom ’65 and Diane Sciarretta
Stan Morin ’62
Kerri and Greg Morisey Josh and Erica Mullen Jack ’62 and Carol Mumford
Dennis James Murphy ’56 and Shirley Whitehead Jim Murphy ’68
Jim ’64 and Carolyn Murtha Mike ’60 and Linda Musulin
Jon ’88 and Kris ’89 Myers Greg Nado
Jim and Merianne Nagae Nikki Neuburger ’99 and David Schriber Christie Newland Lucas and Lisa Newman Jeff Nichols Stein and Martha Nielsen Noho’s on Fremont Northwest Control Company Kevin and Sharon O’Connell
Chandra Oleksiewicz and Alex Jenkins Dave ’76 and Diane Olsen Paul and Kim O’Malley Ozzie and Connie Ozyjowski Pacific Office Automation
Matthew Palmer and Renee Rothauge Craig and Sara Parker Jerry and Sandy Parsons George ’62 and Nancy Passadore Will Paustian ’15
John and Meghan Pence Dan and Nancy Peterson Dick ’57 and Carol Petrone Tom Phelan ’73
Mark ’74 and Karen Pinder Marshall ’81 and Jennifer Pinder Mary Beth Pinder ’85 Matt ’75 and Megan Pinder Mike ’77 and Stacey Pinder Kenneth and Mayanna Pogson
Stephen Scott Will and Sonia Shelby
Chris Shepanek and Suzanne Sarin Shepanek
David Siddons Mike ’53 and Joanne Simmons
Chad and Misty Slater
Rick and Amy Slavin
Jerry Smith ’57
Jeff Smith ’63 Whitney Snyder Don and Rachel Sowieja
Amanda Spencer Eric and Blair Sprunk St. Agatha Knights of Columbus St. Martin de Porres Trust
Bridget Starkey State of Oregon Grant
Jerry ’59 and Priscilla Stewart
Cork Stickel ’50
Eric and Michelle Stolberg
Jenny ’99 and Mike Streb
Diana Stromme
Bob and Paula Stuckart
Jeremy ’94 and Melissa ’94 Stupfel Dave Sweo ’56
Pete ’62 and Eloise Szambelan
Mimi Taylor
Bud Taylor ’45
George Temme ’64
Joe Tennant
Donnie Thomas
Seth ’62 and Suzanne Thompson
John ’68 and Ann Timm
Gerry ’71 and Kathy Tinkle
Kevin Toon ’86
Joe ’95 and Lisa Towle
Jason and Melanie Townsend Stuart and Terry Trebelhorn
Mark Turner
The University of Portland
DJ van Hameren
Dennis and Lisa Van Oossanen
Hendrick and Kristin Van Schelt
Ann VandenBerge
Kelly and Paul Vanderwal
Ken and Carol VanDomelen
Anne Friis Vestergaard
Chabre Vickers
John ’54 and Carole Vranizan
Ralph Vranizan ’53
Al ’50 and Doreen† Weber
Phyllis Weber†
Rob ’68 and Ann Wehrley
Ron Welsh ’67
Tom and Chris Welter
Hal Westby ’54
Mike ’76 and Patti Westby Jeff Weston ’94
Jack ’57 and Barb† White
Mark ’76 and Danelle Wiese
Les ’58 and Mary Williams
Michael Williams
Brian and Stephanie Wilson
Keith and Katherine Wilson
Scott ’73 and Wendy Wilson
Janet Wizer
Roland Wolfram and Patricia Zebrowski
Daryl and Karen Zarosinski
Judith Zeh Mark and Mary Zipse
Cardinal and Gold Club
$250 to $999
Bill and Kathy Abel Corey ’05 and Kimberly Allen Frank and Vickie Altenhofen
Amalfi’s Restaurant
AmazonSmile Foundation
Pete and Susie Andersen
Marguerite and Richard Angelo
Tom ’65 and Catherine Angerilli
Liza and David Anzellotti
Bob ’56 and Barbara Aquino
Greg Arquit and Rachel Barry-Arquit
Stan Arrigotti ’82 and Monika Gold
Andrew Baccellieri
Frank ’71 and Martine Baccellieri
Jim Bachman ’66
Greg and Tracy Bair
David and Terry Bakker
Matthew Ban
Brian Barkdoll ’07 and Morgan Powers
Jerry Bass and Milree Latimer
Paul ’60 and Kathleen Bastasch
Jason and Allison Beam
Beaverton Black Parent Union/ Charitable Partnership Fund
Larry Beckius ’52
Lisa ’89 and Steve Behrndt
Hunter Belgard and Grae Rose
Felicia Bell
Joseph and Marsha BeLusko
Brian and Cadie Bennett Jim Berchtold
Mindy ’95 and Sam Berg
Dave ’61 and Billie Bergman Michael and Elaine Bergmann
Brad Berman and Janice Slonecker Berman
Bob ’55 and Karen Bernhardt Shannon and Thomas Berry Eileen Bertrand†
Robert Bigoni ’57
Big’s Chicken Steven and Colleen Bingold Peter and Barbara Black Dan and Amanda Blaufus
Chuck Blickle Dick ’60 and Jan Bocci John and Joan Bollier Jim ’73 and Francie Borquist Ken and Patty Borst Richard Botteri
Jocelyn Boudreaux
Denny ’58 and Pat Bourdeau Jane and David Boyd
Joel Bradach ’75
Blake Brandel ’15
Jim ’61 and Phyllis Braun Gary Brentano ’71
Mike Bresee and Jan Ferguson-Bresee Matt and Mary Brinkley Robert and Molly Briscoe
Corey Broughton
Margaret Brown and Glenn Giere Geoffrey Bruce and Susan Parke Henry Bruce and Mairi Burns Basil and Erica Bullard C&C Flagging Mike ’67 and Linda Cahill Arianne ’93 and David Cakarnis
Tom ’79 and Amy Campbell
Philip and Jennifer Cappalonga Frank ’61 and Jerianne Carbone
Jim ’67 and Patti Carlin
Paul ’94 and Maureen Carlin
Sheryl Carrubba and Mark McClure Cascade West Insurance Partners
Cascade Wholesale Hardware Inc. John ’82 and Tanja Cebula
Kent ’93 and Lisa Cebula
Craig Cedros and Martha Flotten Kevin ’75 and Kathleen Cerri Chuck and Sheri Chambers
Jeffrey Chan and Shannon Tocchini
Rob Chandler and Libby North Pete ’58 and Judy Chaney
Lis Charman and Bradley Trost
Leslie and Kevin Chigbrow
Dan Christ ’74 and Mary Darragh
Brian Clare
Dick ’78 and Liz Clark
Janet Clay Mike Clinton ’64
CollegeBoard AP Program
Matt ’84 and Heidi Collins
Concannon Lumber Co. Michael Connell ’71
Jessica ’01 and Ross Connor
Michael and Elizabeth Connor Steve and Cathy Conwill John ’78 and Terri Cook Mark and Rebecca Coplin
Mary Costantino
Paul Costello
Dick Crisera M.D. ’50 Mike and Sue Cruz Kevin ’72 and Merilee Culligan
Charlie and Angelina Davis
John Deering ’58
Richard ’55 and Dorene Dehen Kevin and Pam Demer
Lisa DeNatale
Jeff DiBenedetto ’69
Shelley Dickie Jim ’68 and Sherri Dille Ellie Dir
Paul and Nicole Dirksen JP ’88 and Julie Ditty Bryan ’90 and Michelle Doherty
Patrick ’75 and Anne Dolan
Phil and Marge Doleac
Jack Donnelly ’57
John and Carol Donnelly
Emmett Dooney ’15
Dick ’51 and Dorothy Dougherty
David ’67 and Linda Dowhaniuk
Bob ’67 and Georgina† Dubay Mike Duyn ’61
Joby and Danielle Easton
Jay Edwards
Julie Edwards
Rev. Jeff Eirvin
Gary and Kathy Eisenzimmer
Tim ’75 and Mary Eivers
Rich ’67 and Cheryl Elardo
Steve ’75 and Lisa Ellefson
John ’60 and Jane Emrick
Catherine and Doug Epstein
Todd Ernst and Amy Newton-Ernst
Jennifer ’89 and Dennis Estep
James Fadden and Connie Blumhardt
Mike ’52 and Gloria† Fader
Bob ’76 and Merilee Fahlman
Jeff and Koo Rye Fantazia
William Farnum
Darren ’82 and Trish Farrell
Marc ’84 and Kathy Fazio
Robin and David Fee
Steve and Kim Feltz
Pat ’75 and Cindy Ferguson
Tony and Michelle Ferroggiaro
Ed ’58 and Ann Fessler
Tom Ficker ’68 and Roberta McDonald
Nancy and Shane Fierling
Barb Fisher
Ed ’72 and Kathi Fitzgerald
Kelley Flatters ’86
Tim ’79 and Pamela Fleischmann
Floor Solutions, LLC
Suzanne Flotten
Jim and Marjie Foglesong
Meleah ’86 and Chuck Follen
Ryan ’99 and Krystal Foote
Lt. Col. Jim Ford ’55
Robert Forster
Fred Shearer & Sons
Mark Fucile ’75 and Geri Ritchie-Fucile
Malcolm and Susan Fylan
George Galati ’50†
Larry Gallagher ’55
David ’66 and Linda Galligani
Eric Gambee ’69 and Chris Creviston
Dan Garrow ’69
John ’76 and Debbie Garrow
Joe ’80 and Joan Gartin
Michelle Garza
Carol Gatto
Lou ’72 and Linda Gellos
Maria Gianotti ’86
Jeff ’94† and Vicky Ginter
John and Suzanne Glasgow
Mike ’72 and Jean Gleason
Bob ’59 and Eunice Goetz
Maria Gollnick
Lane Goodell
Eric ’91 and Christine Gorger
Ann M. Gough
Anna Marie Graham
Tracy A. Graham
Angel Gray and Eric Weeks
Emma Gray
Michele and Ryan Gray
Rick ’71 and Debbie Grbavac
Gerry ’77 and Kathleen Gregg Phyllis Gress Doug ’84 and Beth Gritzmacher Mike Kern and Daniela Grogro
Bill Gwynn ’59
Michele Haberlach Ivonne Hachiya Tom ’82 and Elizabeth Haglund Eric and Kim Hagstette Chuck and Terry Hall Joe Halsey ’20
Don ’80 and Kelly Hanna Harry ’93 and Julie Hanna Tom ’66 and Sue Hannibal Harlow Cafe + Juice Bar Harrang Long Gary Rudnick PC Dan Harrington ’79
Chris ’04 and Libby Hatfield
Scott and Molly Hawkins Kevin and Debbie Healy Dan ’62 and Lora Hecht Terry ’58 and Joy Hegstrom
Treasure and Eric Heinle Ken ’53 and Sharon Henzler
Emily Hetrick and Christian Parkinson Dan ’67 and Ann Heuvel Jim ’64 and Peggy Hietpas Bill Hoberg ’58
Joseph ’68 and Susan Hoffman Mark ’75 and Shannon Holland Steve ’76 and Diane Holmes Jim Honish and Coleen Carey Shawn and Sara Hood Danny ’60 and Carlene Hopman Marlene Hopman
Pat Horne
Morris Horning ’60 Mike ’67 and Terri Hudson Vince and Shelley Huffstutter Tom ’74 and Teresa Hulett Richard ’56 and Doreen† Hune Tom Hutson III ’84
Abe Ichinoe ’07
Ronan and Meaghen Igloria Mark and Connie Illias Matthew and Celeste Ingram Doug ’88 and Jill Irish Eric Jackson and Karolina Kowalewska
Amanda Jacobs ’06
Mike and Teresa Jefferies
Clyde Jenkins ’72
Cliff ’71 and Dodie Jensen
Eric Jensen
Neil ’68 and Deena Jensen
Thomas Johnson and Yoona Park
Kimberly Jones ’88 Kevin Kaufman ’96
Dennis ’65 and Diana Keenan Tom Kelly and Barbara Woodford Kathy ’87 and Paul Kern
Ken Kim and Jennifer Lee
Meagan ’96 and Chris Kimball
Mike ’77 and Diane King
Tiffany Kingery
Donna Kirkmire
Mike ’88 and Teresa Kirkmire Mark Kissell
Dianne Klein
Marty ’76 and Joan Klinkhammer
Candy Klupenger
Philippe Kreiter
Greg and Chris Kresek
Arrow Kruse
Belinda Kubalek
Sean Kuni
Bud and Alice Laber
Andy ’82 and Tammy LaFrazia
Brian and Mary Lally Dave ’78 and Robin Lamkin Ken and Julie Lance Pat ’73 and Kathy Laskowski John ’64 and Christi Laws
Ai Le and Kim Vu Courtney Lee ’02
John Leineweber ’99 and Natalie Ash-Leineweber Tim ’70 and Terry Leineweber
Bill ’76 and Therese Leineweber
Frank ’79 and Nicole Leipzig
John ’47 and Elaine Leslie
Philip and Meredith Lewis
John and Kim Limb
Ronda Lindsay
Michael and Kimberly Litchman
Peter and Hope Lizotte
Cathy Lobb
Jonathan and Mariko Locke
Nancy Locke and Donald Harris Jeanne and Blair Loftis Bill ’58 and Patty Long Melanee Lucas Glenn and Kim Luft
Marie ’03 and Mike Lundahl Nels Lundgren ’75
Jack ’58 and Kaye Lynch
Mike ’69 and Susan Lynch
Ben ’85 and Molly ’85 Lyons Cindy and Kelly Madigan
Greg Maffei and Donna Prosser
Robert and Barbara Magee
Jack ’57 and Joanell Malady
Dan ’77 and Robin Malone
Jim Manning ’79
Ron ’68 and Cheryl Mantia
Marie Marckx
Scott and Kathryn Marsal
Darlene Martin
Jennifer Marx ’92
Denise Mathes
Dennis ’63 and Katy Mayer
Tom Mayer ’75
Jesse McCollum
Jane and Duncan McDonald
Mike and Kathy McDonald
Doug and Connie McDowell
Jane McFarland
Lynn ’90 and John McFarland
Tom ’84 and Libby McGee
Harvey and Kathy McGowan
John McKenzie ’60
Judy McKinney
Emily ’88 and Dan McKnight
Dick ’54 and Adele McQuade
Richard and Jennifer Melo
Mitch and Susan Menendez
Laurie Merlino and Therese Lavallee
Chris and Sara Merten
John ’62 and Trudie Metschan
Wayne Meucci ’65 and Jane Schott
Clem ’62 and Patricia Meyerhofer
Sarah Mirkin
Ken ’66 and Crystal Mischel
Brian ’98 and Laura Miskimins
Bob and Teresa Moore
Pablo Morales and Teresa Cortez
Phil ’76 and Laura Moran
Gene Moreland ’88
Greg ’64 and Sandi Mottau
Jim ’66 and Toni Mountain
Joe Mozena ’68
Tom and Cindy Mulflur
Jeff Murray ’76 and Kristi Hansen
David and Susan Musgrave
Neal Naigus and Monica Rodal
Ryan Nall ’14
National Catholic Society of Foresters
Randy ’67 and Danielle Navarra
Liesl ’95 and Thomas Nebel
Ron Neiger ’61
Mike Nelson ’61
Graham Neuburger ’02 and Nicole Sprunk Neuburger
Paul Niedermeyer ’62 and Kristin Sivesind
Ray Niehaus ’45
Stein and Martha Nielsen Mike Noonan ’73
NW Sign Solutions
Dan and Georgia Obradovich
Chris and Lynne O’Donnell
Kristen O’Halloran ’98
Dennis ’77 and Alice Oliver
Tim ’52 and Cynthia O’Neill
Teresa and Alan Osborne
Marianne Panowicz
John ’58 and Jeanie Paque
Marcus and Stephanie Parker
George ’62 and Nancy Passadore
Jovanna Patrick
John ’98 and Sarah ’98 Paul
Chris ’84 and Miriam Paulus
Tony ’61 and Rosemary Pausz
Pavelcomm, Inc.
Jim and Elaine Payne
Pepino’s Fresh Mexican Grill
Thomas and Penny Pettey Dennis ’59 and Valerie Phillips Therese Piazza
Dave ’70 and Joanna Pienovi Eric Pierce
Joseph Polen ’08
Pete ’59 and Matilda Pongracz-Bartha Grahm Porozni Amanda Power and Rick Berry Derek Price
Julie Pronovost
Providence Health System Steve and Erica Pyne Paul ’71 and Lisa Quimby Reegan ’98 and David Rae Jennifer Raleigh Ernesto Ramirez and Sofia Orozco Danyelle and Kevin Ramsey Regis and Rosalie Raujol REDe Print Bill and Suzanne Reed Jim and Sharen Rees Jane Reeve Jim Reynolds Karen and Greg Rice Byron and Ellen Ridgeway
Brian ’74 and Rylla Riverman Pat ’66 and Lynda Riverman Jeff ’68 and Marie Roake Robert Half Jeff Robertson and Evelyn Bian Denny ’67 and Jo Robinson Eileen Rodriguez ’85 Dan and Sharon Rom Robert Rosenberg and Barbara Sestak
Patricia Ross Rev. Dick Rossman ’61 Pat ’72 and Amy Roth Rollie Rousseau ’54
Judy Rowan
Lisa ’83 and Mike Rowan Marty ’78 and Masami Ryan Pete ’54† and Kit Ryan
Thomas Ryan
Gary Rydout and Nancy Vuckovic
Patricia Salimena
Fred and Primrose Salter Gail and John Saltveit Dale Sanders Nick ’55 and Nancy Santangelo
Marshall Santos and Nancy Taffera-Santos
Adam and Jackie Sappington
Paul and Suzy Scarlett
Tanya Schaefer and Kyle Johnson Jean and Dick Schallock
Steve Schechtel ’61
Bill ’60 and Elaine Scheeland Margaret ’90 and Joe Scheffler Missy ’96 and Dustin Schellinkhout
David and Theresa Schierman
Denny ’61 and Nancy Schiffbauer
Keith ’69 and Bernita Schoenheit
Darrell and Cathy Schuh Claire Schulte ’89
Sean and Lynn Schutte Mike ’63 and Virginia Schwab Bob and Teresa Seeley
Daniel Serres
John ’72 and Elese Sewell
Mary-Catherine Sewell ’86 Tim and Karen Shannon Rev. David Shaw
Patrick and Cheri Shea
The Sheerin Family
Emma Shepanek ’11
Joe Sherman ’63
John Sherrett ’68
Peter and Vida Shore
Ed ’56 and Roxanne Sienkiewicz
Christopher Simone Larry and Darby Sitter
Steve Slater ’60 and Mary Monnat
Ed Sloop Most Rev. Peter Smith
Tim and Liz Smith Nathan and Jamie Snell Dan Snyder
Rachel Solotaroff and Tony Iaccarino Greg and Roselle Soriano Cathy Sparks
Don and Maddy Sprague
St. Rose School
St. Therese School
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Paul Stanton ’66
Jim and Mary Stempel
Greg Stevens ’70 and Teri Seaton
Roxanna Stevens
Santa Stone
Peter ’62 and Julie Stott
Tom ’67 and Debbie Stout
Robert and Barbara Sulek
Kelli Sullivan
Rick Susnjara ’79
Ed ’52 and Sharon Sweo
Joan Taylor
Todd ’64 and Joyce Taylor
Jeffery Temple and Jennifer Olson-Temple
Lara ’84 and Robert Tennant
Melissa ’97 and Nicolas Tenorio
John ’79 and Kathy Tercek
Pat ’73 and Susan Terrell
Greg Thelen ’73
Jeremy Thiessen and Eden Mullins Thiessen
Thompson’s Estate Services
Thrivent Action Team
Kathy Tibbot
Timmco Insurance, Inc.
Mark Timoney and Jeannie Ray-Timoney Trisha Todd
Don ’70 and Peggy Tomlin
Matt ’06 and Michelle Trebelhorn
Sara ’95 and Ray Trevino
Pat Turina ’76
Steve ’73 and Julie Turina
Christel Turkiewicz
Rich and Mary Anne Ulring
Ruth Van Beek
Margaret Van Hoomissen
Mike ’88 and Leilani Van Hoomissen
Beverly VanderPlaat Champ ’55 and Maria Vaughan
Rob and Erica Vaughn Dr. George Vennes
Aimee Virnig ’83
Jose Vithayathil ’83
Thomas Volk ’67
John Wahlert and Tamra Wiggins-Wahlert
Zac Wahlert
Rick ’71 and Gail Waibel
Mike ’50 and June Walsh
Sue Waters and Steven Cheek
Phil Webb ’58
Don Weber ’52
Jimmy and Jolene Weber
John Weber ’85
Ann Weisensee
Tiffany Weston-Mork ’96 and David Mork
Bernie ’54 and Linda White
Dick ’58 and Chris White Tom ’68 and Barbara White
Alyssa Widmer ’23
Colton Widmer ’25
John and Julie Widmer
Dennis and Rhonda Williams
Larry and Hilda Williams
Bruce and Gretchen Willison
Larry and Julia Wilson
Dan Winczewski ’72
Kate and Hans Woicke
Chris Wold and Sue Fisher
Ron ’56 and Dottie Woldrich
Lou Wood ’66
Luke ’96 and Jessica Woodruff
Edward and Beth Woods
Steve and Mary Workman
Thomas Workman
Sara and Steve Wright
Sam and Kathi Yockey
Mitch and Shelley Yoder
John and Christine Zavage
Helen Zich
Mark and Mary Zipse
Dean and Karlyn Zografos
Zupan’s Markets
The Rams Club
$100 to $249
Anonymous (6)
John and Kadee Acree
Joe and Melanie Adrian
Rajashree Baskaran
Dianne Battrick
Janet Baurle
Ryan and Amanda Beall
Jim ’68 and Janet Beard
María Beardall
John and Kathleen Beaulieu
Paul Bedard
Judy Bell
Mike and Pat Bell
Shaun ’82 and Mary Benson
Gus ’50 and Kay Benz
Melody and Ben Berman
David ’66 and Linda Bernard
Gary Berndt ’73
Dennis Berry ’58
Michael Bigelow
Debbie and Greg Bishop
William and Margaret Bitar
Barbara Blackhurst
Blanchet House
Ainslie Orthodontics
Shakir Akbar
Joe Albrich ’77
John ’62 and Marji Alderton
Raymond Allen Jeff ’92 and Jessica ’92 Allen
Joelle Allen
Rick Altishin ’71
Lina Alvarez Ebony Amato Troy Amato
American Backflow & Plumbing Services
Susan Ames Ed ’59 and Carol Andersen Alison Anderson Joe and Heidi Anderson Robert and Ann Angelo Terry Angelo Melanie ’93 and Casey Arena Erin and Ian Arlow Bill Arndorfer ’57
Karoline and Wick Ashley Atrium Salon Charles Auch ’62
Megan ’98 and Chris Augeri David and Jennifer Austin Vince ’60 and Sally Avolio Andrew Baccellieri
Paul ’69 and Judy Bachman
Jim Backenstos ’60†
David and Emily Bagwell Janice Bahns
Pete ’89 and Jennifer Baker
Doug Baldridge and Kim Hart-Baldridge
Brett and Dana Barkdoll Kara Barkdoll ’11
Kristina Barnes
Jeff Barron
Arturo Barroso-Mendoza and Margarita Espidio-Vidal
Kain Blevins ’17
Rachel Bloom and Scott Rector
Rafael and Susanne Bobenrieth
Bob ’63 and Marilyn Bocci
Colleen Boland
Anne, Diogo, Antonio and Daniela Bolster
Mike Bonn ’68 and Simonette Haberly
Stan Boring and Fran Mason Boring
Bill Borsch ’49
Elizabeth Boryla
Veronica Bourbeau
Clyde Boyer ’60 and Vivian Finlay
John ’69 and Cathy Bradach
Riley ’99 and Megan Bradach
Gina Bramucci ’94 and Joel Terville
Mary Bramucci
Gary ’58 and Norma Brandt
Linda Brannon
Edward and Patricia Brant
Dwayne and Joyce Brantley
Leslie and Brian Bray
Doug and Christine Brecht
Emmett Brennan ’73
Patty Bright
Teresa and Tony Brizendine
Larry and Barbara Broughton
Andy and Jodi Brown
Cynthia Brown
Julio Brown and Stephanie Donovan-Brown
Peter ’08 and Margo Brown
Brownstein Rask LLP
Dorothy Bruck
Bill ’64 and Patti Bucher
Jerome ’66 and Shirley Buckmier
Le Roy Buelt ’72
Jim Bunker and Jennifer Horner
Jody Burkholder
Jeremy and Amy Burroughs
Melissa Burtchaell ’87 and Keith Covlin Molly Burtchaell ’85 and James Patterson
Bob ’61 and Kathy Burtchaell
Victoria Butler
Rex Caffall ’62
Don ’69 and Susan Cahill
Todd ’95 and Natalie Cahill
Elliot Cahn ’15
Teri Calcagno ’85
Trevor and Maureen Caldwell
Worth† and Barbara Caldwell
Frank and Suzanne Callan
Esther Camden
Fran Carey
Jim ’55 and Marcy Carleton
Nancy Carlin and Craig Casey
Greg and Melody Carlston
Annie Carnese
Brendan Carroll and Kari Morin
Robert and Ruthalee Carroll
Brent and Debra Carroll
Terry and Martha Carroll
Rebecca Carter
Jessica Casas
Dean ’59 and Helen Casey
Chuck ’57 and Jean Caskey
Bill ’60 and Betty Cassinelli
Charles Cauldwell
Richard and Diane Cervi
Sergio ’61 and Julie Cettina
Melanie and Scott Chadderdon
Brian ’93 and Joan Chaney
Emmanuel Mwaala and Priscilla Changa
Laurie Chew
Gilbert and Julie Child
Rebecca J. Choi
Nina Chomak
Wally Choruby ’49†
Paul E. Christen ’65
Dean and Lauren Christensen
Kurt and Jeanette Christopher
Gordon ’66 and Laura Clow
Gary and Ginger Coburn
Michelle Codino ’83 and Shawn Lowden
Palmer and Kattah Coe
Amie Coffey
Thomas Coleman and Mina Monroe
Katie ’03 and James Colhoff
Kenneth Colling
Jeanne Collins
Sandi and Seth Colner
Kim Comerford
Chris Cone ’93
Bill and Mary Cone
Jack and Barb Connolly
Shauna and Brian Cook
Len ’51 and Jo Cooper
Suzanne Cooper
David and Janet Copley
Mitch and Judi Copp
Andy ’84 and Kelly Corrado
Peter ’80 and Mary Corrado
Larry Corwin and Dayna Jahuke-Corwin
Coral Jean Cotterell
Mike ’81 and Kristin Covert
John Crawford and Jody Stahancyk
Steve Crew ’69 and Jennifer James
Beverly Crooks
Jen and Mike Crowell
Colin and Grazia Cunningham
Tom ’63 and Cynthia Curran
Jim Currier ’60
John and Hillary Currier
Emma Daniels
Angi Dankenbring
Jason Daughn
Amanda Davenport
Todd and Shelly Davidson Tod ’69 and Cynthia Davis
Tyler Davis David and Minah DeAinza
Cherril Decker
Bart DeLacy ’71
Jack ’65 and Bonnie Delaney Tom ’66 and Genevieve Delaney Regis Delmontagne
Dick and Carole Demaret Calvin DePass ’50
Jerry Dernbach ’70
Mike ’67 and Rene Dernbach Sima Desai and Karen Lettiere
Sandy Dickerson
Chris and Leah Dickey Evalyn and Darold Dietz Mark and Melinda Dillon Jerry ’57 and Sharon Dindia Dan and Kay Divine Madeline Do ’16
Sonny and Josephine Do Neil and Becky Dobler Claudia Dockter Jim and Julie Doherty Margaret Doherty Dennis Doht Natalia Dottori Douglas Farm Herb Doumitt ’66 Jerry and Merideth Driscoll Dan ’79 and Lori Duffy Bob ’55 and Karen Duffy Dick ’51 and Jan Duggan
Donna Mary Dulcich
Betsy Dulcich ’07
Ed ’60 and Josette Dundon Michele Dunn Scott Dunn ’98
Mehera-Rosa Edgar Eddie Edwards ’86
Jane Edwards Nick Elardo ’62 Ed Elliott ’64
Maria ’90 and Vince Elmore Jovita Emis Gene and Terri Eng
Richard ’83 and Cecilia English Cliff and Charlene Erker
Liz ’04 and Tyler Espeland
Patty Espy Doug and Marianne Evans
Jenny Evans Ed ’88 and Tiffany Farah David ’95 and Jessica Farrell Dave and Jean Farrell
Dick ’62 and Alice Fay Mark ’81 and Kim Feller
Peter Ferrero
Jay and Rose Mary Finger Michael and Jane Finnegan
Luciana ’88 and Jacob Fischer
Grace Fisher Jim Fisher ’73 Mary Fisher Tom and Janet Fitzgerald Marty Fitzpatrick ’76 and Hillary Egna Robert and Anne Flaig
Chris Fleming Jack Fleming ’69
Paul Flood and Bernadette Doolan Mike Foley ’72
Louis and Cindy Fontenot Gene Fox ’59
Ann Frainey Peter Francis and Beth Edmunds Kyle Frangipani ’07
Mark and Julie Frangipani Barb Frank Steve and Julie Frank Ardel Frick
James Friedhoff ’72
Jennifer Froistad
John ’65 and Patrice Fromwiller
Tim ’69 and Jean Fromwiller
Subie Fun
Greg Galati ’79 and Colleen Arnold Maria Galati ’85
Rick ’67 and Joan Galvin Leona A. Gambee
Patrick ’61 and Mary Garrett
Paul ’62 and Madeline Gefroh
Tim ’74 and Tami George Gary Gerads ’60
Gene ’70 and Janis Giannini
Rick Gibson and Anna Roe
Michelle Giguere
Warrene Gill and Richard Loomis
Michael Gilmartin
Megan and Grant Gilmore
Patrick ’65 and Becki Gilmore
Donna Gilroy
Patricia Girvin
Kevin ’97 and Erin ’99 Gleason
Michelle Goepferd
Jackie and John Goldrick
Marc and Sonya Gonzales
Michael ’94 and Kim Gonzales
Mike Gorman ’78
Mike ’68 and Jennifer Grady
Craig Greenberg
Chris ’74 and Sue Gregg
Gabi Groshong and Barb Bloom-Groshong
Don and Kate Guerrero
Frank ’77 and Sue Guidarelli
Erica ’92 and Jon Gustavson
Randy Guyer
Haffner Giving Fund
Mike ’57 and Erin Hagan
Keith and Ann Hagstette
Carli Halligan ’98
Bill Hamilton ’59
Joseph Handler ’59
Jim ’68 and Linda Haney Bill and Jeanne Hankel
Mary Hanlon
Jo Marie Hansen
Steve Hansen
John ’58 and Carol Hardiman
Angela Harkleroad
Rachael Harms Mahlandt
Fred Harring and Rachel Pinsky
Michael Harrington ’71
Chris Hart ’13
Heather and Thomas Harvey
The Hasson Co.
Dan ’75 and Colleen Hatala
Lisa and Mark Hatten
Dave ’66 and Lonney Hauck
Thane Hawkins
Sharon Hays
John Healy
Emily and Gareth Hebbron Ryan and Lorrie Hegar
Nanne and Christine Heijenga
Roger and Kay Helbling
Angela Henderson
Susan Henninger
Mitzi and Roger Henshaw
Annette Herboth
Eric ’03 and Ali ’03 Herboth
Vicki Herman
Lisa ’91 and Chris Hicks
Annette and Gary Hill
Barbara Hill ’85
Teresa Hill and Craig Dermer
Khoa Hoang and Trang Nguyen
Frank ’52 and Louise Hodapp
Sally Hoesing
Larry Hoff ’69
Allen ’81 and Terri Hoffer
Stuart Hogue
Brad and Patty Holland
Michael Holmes ’76
Kristine Hoogs
Matt ’88 and Chrissy Horne
Faith Horner
Jennifer Hornick
Laura Houston
Greg Howlett and Lesley Ryan Mark and Sara Hudspeth Rhonda Huesgen Jon and Janell Huggins Scott and Barbara Hughes Suzanne ’04 and Jacob Hughes Amy and Patrick Humphrey Robert Humphrey
Steve ’89 and Twilene Hundt Lemond and Mariah Hunter
Richard and Maggie Hunter Kelli and Troy Huston
Impossible Foods
Don Ingles
Cameron Isaac ’16
Scott and Abigail Isaac Michael Isaacs Joe ’58 and Shelley Jacobberger Dan and Gretchen Jacobs Jacobs Heating and Cooling Carl and Sandra Jacobson
Laura Jaeger Mary Jaeger ’85 Matt and Nicole Janssen Steve ’96 and Robin Jenkins
Tony ’00 and Nora ’05 Jensen Tami ’94 and Adam Jensen JGP Wealth Management LLC
Jennifer and Michael Joffe Allison ’88 and Reuben Johnson Jerry Johnson and Susan True
Lawrence Jones Nancy Jordan Oanh and James Jordan
John Kaempf ’85 and Lydia Ross Dénes ’55 and Ursula Kalotay Kevin and Celia Kane Linda Kapranos Gary ’58 and Louise Kasper Gary Kather ’58
Chris and Ashleigh Kayser Monica ’98 and Dan Kearsley John and Mary Keith Rick Kelly ’77
Kitrina and William Kennedy Dan and Tami Kent
Jeff ’76 and Laura Kent Leo ’45† and Angelina Keppinger
William and Maureen Kessi
Dan ’78 and Sarah Kiefel
Tom ’55 and Jan Kiefel
Matt King ’78 and Karen LaBarge-King
Janice Kinnunen and Dax Parsons
Greg Kirby ’71
Craig ’00 and Kelsey Kirkman Morgan Klupenger ’12 Christof Knorr and Sarah Bond Justan and Becca Koch Kadan Koch Mike and Jan Koenig Erik and Debbie Kola
Dave ’58 and Marge Kolander
Bob ’55 and Lori Kollas
Ellen and Tom Kotzian John Kovach ’51
Teresa Kralj
Rev. Ken Krall, SJ ’56
Toby Krauel and Kelly Fox
Cheri and Paul Krebs
Kevin and Julie Kriesien Jim and Kathy Kuffner
David ’64 and Mary Kurkoski Leo ’62 and Janet Kurkoski
Martin Kyle Natalie Labossiere
Stephen and Nancy Lagozzino Kathleen Lance ’11
Kurt Lango and Jane Hansen
John Langslet ’62† and Susan Chamberlain
Victoria Lara
Christa Larkin
Jim ’53 and Katherine Larpenteur
Mike Larson
Sean Laskowski ’15
Paul ’74 and Kelley Lauritzon Peter and Diane Lax
Carol Lee
Cheuk Wing Lee Matt and Hanh Lee
Frank ’57 and Sharlie Lemma
Shelly and Scott Leritz
Tim Leslie ’71 and Beverly Bruer Kevin ’55 and Judy Lester
Howard and Jan Levine Rev. Matt Libra Van Lieu and Uyen Nguyen Carmen and Daniel Limbeck Kirk ’68 and Lynn Loders
Frank ’63 and Cheryl Lolich John ’65 and Jacqueline Loomis Anna Maria Lopez
Michael and Joan Lorenzen
Dcn. Larry and Jan Loumena Bill Lown ’62
Lum’s Auto Center
Truc Luu and Xuan Vu
Dennis and Sandra Lynch
Kelsey ’08 and Dan Machuca
Wake ’59 and Sandy Mack
Daniel Kelley and Maura Mahon Steve and Nellie Malany
Brad Malsin
Essayas Mandefro and Martha Jembere Bill ’64 and Sandra Manderfeld
Carol Mangan and Peter Fritz Bob Manske ’55
Delmi Manzanares
Frank Maribona ’66
Richard and Barbara Marineau
Martin Markey
Tom ’78 and Teresa Markgraf Paul and JoAnn Maroney
Dean and Debrah Marriott
Roger ’53 and Maggie Martin
Sharon Martin
Bruce Mason ’56
Jeff and Jessica Martin
Riad and Donna Matar
Lisa Matar
Bill ’80 and Tiffany Mathews
David and Lesley Matson
Don and Dee Matsuda
Martin and Andrea Matsumura
Dave ’65 and Donna Mattson
Taylor Maxwell ’15
Nick and Janyce May
Bryce Mayo ’25
Joseph McAlonen
Tom and Bethe McChesney
Bill McCormack ’55
John ’96 and Rachel ’96 McDermott
Scott and Jody McDonald
Robyn and Jeff McGillis
Mark ’81 and Jill McGinnis
Kevin and Diane McGinty
Dana McLaughlin
Patty Illias-McLaughlin
Wendell Walker and Jennifer McLean
Robert McLean
Stanley and Mary Anne McNeil
Tim McNeil
Michael and Susan McShane
Sean Meagher and Pamela Shaw
Sue Medak
Tom Meienberg ’57
Melaleuca, the Wellness Company
Nancy Menagh
Brandy Mendez
Bob ’70 and Claudia Menzia
Phil ’60 and Sharon Metschan
Bill Mildenberger ’78 and Janis Howatt
Helen Miller
Gregg Miller ’66 and Christine Howell-Miller
Kasey and Steve Miller
Michelle Mills
Mike and Pam Minelli
Jocelyn Mercado Minier
Roxanna Miranda and Steffen Goeller
Lauren Mirecki ’07
Dave ’68 and Kathryn Misetich
Ken and Debbie Mishler
Miss Delta Restaurant
Heather Mitchell
John Mitchell
Kathy Moller
Susan Monson
Ralph and Kim Mooers
Mike ’57 and Aggie Moorad
Mac Moorad ’53
Rev. Neil J. Moore ’49
John ’87 and Christie Moran
Patricia Morin
Stan and Kathie Morris
Mark Pavlakovich ’80
Carol Pavlakovich†
Brian Payne ’13
Morgan Payne ’04
Ashley Pearman
Eric Pence ’17
John ’75 and Mary Percin
Mitch and Michelle Perez
Ed ’59 and Charleen Peri
Andrea Perrigo-Langen and James Langen Christine and Michael Peters
Jaime Petrjanos Malensky ’94 and Jeff Malensky
Frank ’62 and Francie Petrone
Patti Petruzzelli Smith
Sarah ’99 and Danny Pettey
Phuong Pham
Thai Pham and An Nguyen
Cindy Phillips
Fritz Phillips
Doug Pierce ’64 and Cynthia Secrest
Marcus Mundy
Janet Murphy
Neil ’53 and Karen Murphy
Joe and Joan Myers Erika Nadaud
Robert and Sandra Nado Frank Nagel ’46†
Peter ’61 and Sandra Nagy Lisa ’95 and Steve Napoli Reza and Anna Nassib
Greg Naulty and Amy Tam-Naulty Joe ’55 and Kathy Neher Ron Nelson
Carl Neuburger Brianna ’05 and Tim Neumann Hal and Marcy Newton Theresa Nguyen
Trung Nguyen and Lan Tran Vinh and Christina Nguyen Amy Nielsen-Scott and Kenneth Scott Anna ’89 and Corey Niemela Barbara Nizich Sheryl Novak
Kevin ’67 and Kathleen Oakley Natalie Obradovich ’15 Tim and Jennifer O’Brien Andrew O’Connell ’90 Don and Beverly Odum Mike and Janelle O’Gara Tim ’75 and Barb Olson Edmea Ori Becky Orwoll and Martin Slapikas Darcy O’Toole
Jana Panfilio Bella Pannoni Joe ’72 and Carol Panowicz Christina Parietti and Christopher Manson Tifani Parrilli Nate and Claire Patla Kirk Paul ’10
Julie Piering
Sheila Piering
Betsy Pitzman
Tony ’60 and Charlene Pizzuti
John ’59 and Peggy Platt
Pat ’56 and Felicia Plover
Jason Polen ’06
Phil Potestio ’71 and Sally Hudson
Terry ’74 and Sue Powers
Tony Prag ’57
Mike Pratt and Barbara Brooks Dennis ’61 and Lael Prazeau
Premier Mortgage Resources Premier Press
Daryl Prevo ’75
James Prichard Jim Prince Karen Pruitt
Alyssa Pulanco ’12
Edgar and Myleen Pulanco
Benjamin Pulido
Randall Purcell
Carla Purusa
Alisa and Mike Pyszka
Franklin and Sharry Quan
Bob ’67 and Marge Quimby
Wally ’56 and Gloria Raab
Rita Randall
Christian and Kathy Rasmussen
Robert and Teresa Rasmussen
Jill and Thomas Rebholz
James and Joan Reed
Rich and Julie Reed
Barbara Regan
Dan Rehmann
Chris and Rachel Reich
Larry ’67 and Julie Reilly
Susan Reinecke
Skeeter ’64 and Ralane Reis Scott Reis ’93
Kimberly Remillard-McGinnis ’22
Lyle Remington ’65
Edward Renk ’54
Tino and Ann Renon
Kyle Reynolds and Hope Carroll
Avril Richardson-Hart
Randall Ridgley
Catherine Riebling and Aaron Allen
Dan Riler ’79
Michael Riordan ’65
Kristin and Jose Rios Marsha Ripple
Lisa Rivelli
Philip ’59 and Dottie Roberts
John ’80 and Ann Robinson
Ellen Rogers
Mitzi Rohen†
William Rohen
Michael Roholt ’65
Nicole ’95 and Todd Rolak
Nathalie and Michael Roloff
Scott ’95 and Michelle Rom
Judy and Aaron Rosenberg Nick and JodieLee Rossi
Meredith Rowan ’93
Al and Kris Rowley
Michael ’68 and Carol Ann Rowley
Barbara Rudkin
Seaneen Rudkin-Manning
Kimberly Ruff
Buenaventura Ruiz-Flores and Maria Hernandez
John and Lisa Runyon
Dick and Pat Rusch Roger and Kathy Russell Kathy Rutkowski
Ryan’s Juice
Bertha Saiget
Tommy Sampson and E’lan Calise Pat and Tone Sands
Linda Sandsness
Mark ’79 and Sarah Santangelo
Matt and Michelle Saruwatari
Tom ’63 and Linda Sawyer
Andrew and Stacie Scales
Paul and Kimberly Schafbuch
Lorna Schallock
Jim Scherzinger ’66 and Claire Carder
Mary Scheufeli
Al ’82 and Kristi Schlotfeldt
Betty Schmich
Holly Schoenbeck
Ralph Schultz, Jr
John ’75 and Terri Schumacher
Robert Schwartz
Mike and Fran Sciaraffo
Kent and Desiree Senffner
Mario and Stephanie Seyer
Dick and Ellen Shamrell
Tim and Mary Shamrell
Mary Shepard
Ann Sheridan Sheridan Fruit Co.
Christiana Shi
John and Shelby Shiels
Jim and Coral Shipley
Jaime Sierra and Maribel Sierra-Cortez
Stoja Silic
Nick ’66 and Alisa Sinnott
Patrick Siver
Diane and Tim Slaughter
Mike ’76 and Debbie Small Howard Smith
James and Jasmine Smith Marion Smith Ryan and Corey Smith
Sharon Snyder Greg ’67 and Susan Sohler Doug and Terri Solazzo Greg ’91 and Alicia Sparks
Daniel Spencer David ’57 and Judy Spencer Steve and Jeannie Spencer Jeff and Kathryn Spere Walt Spriggs Meredith St. Clair ’11
David ’61 and June Stahly Karen Stahr
Patricia Stalp
Anita Stark
Sarah Stascausky
Mike ’69 and Chris Steiert Steve and Eileen Stemple Rich and Susan Stevens Billy and Jaime Stimpson Eric and Jessica Storm John ’66 and Jean Stott David Streight ’64 and Pamela Vohnson Chris Stupfel ’00 Ron ’64 and Amparo Suchanek Jill and Patrick Sughrue John ’75 and Joan Sullivan Calvin and Hannelore Swartley Pat Sweeney ’69 Daniel and Angela Talbott Margaret Tangeman Bruce and Mary Tarbox George and Karen Tarnasky Richard and Cathy Tarsia Terry and Hyonjoo Tassin Britton and Alison Taylor Kent ’67 and Sylvia Taylor Terry and Mary Tellert Gayle Thieman
Kevin and Jeanette Thomas
Sharon Thomas
Thrivent Financial Dustin Till and Debbie Lane Charlotte Tilson Molly Tisdell Gary Todd ’55 Nathelle Togni
Neal ’75 and Cecilia Tollisen
Nora Tom
Top Kohlbush & Hoem, LLP
Binh Tran and Thuy Nguyen
Jason Trombley
Jessica Tu Rose Marie and Stuart Tyson
Uniglobe Travel Partners - PNW Audrey Van Buskirk and Chris Lydgate Michael and Bette Van Buskirk
Dick Van Dyke ’48
Bill ’50 and Loretta Vaughan Ed Vaughn ’63
Ted ’59† and Karen Vaughters Madison Vecchi ’14
Dr. John ’74 and Irene Vetto Paul and Donice Villanova
Katie and Michael Vining
Patricio ’62 and Rebeca Vives
The Most Reverend John G. Vlazny, DD Brian and Salina Vreeling
Tom ’56 and Linda Wagenhoffer
Brian Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wah
Jennifer Wah
Jen Wakayama and Aaron Mayo
Dr. Doug ’53 and Jean Walker
Josh and Shelby Walker
Mary Beth Walsh
Meg and Brian Walsh
Susan Wandtke
Tanya Wangsmo
Aric Ward
Theresa Ward
Daniel and Erinn Warner
John ’80 and Kathleen Waters
Jim and Joann Watkins
Keith and Cathy Watson Tom ’58 and Joan Webb Mary Louise Weiby
Mary Weisensee ’96 and Jeff Woodard
Stewart Whipple
Patrick and Jeanne Wieber
Sandra Wieber
Bill ’52 and Ruth Wieber
Angie and Dietrich Wieland Al Wiese ’59
Emily-Rose Wiitala ’12
Rosalie Williams
Alan Willis
Tobi Willison-Boyd and Robert Boyd
Travis and Kathy Wilson
Kimberly AC Wilson
Lawrence Wilson ’13
Jessie ’01 and Rob Wimer
Jolyn Winczewski and Jim Snyder
Windermere Peninsula Realty
Al ’67 and Anne Woldrich
John ’61 and Kathy Woldrich Al Wolf ’51
Fred and Jane Wong
Doug and Sherri Woods
Joanne Woodward
Krista ’88 and Phil Wuest
Maureen Yamin
Iris Yen
Steven Yochim
Amy Young and Keith Daellenbach
Leo ’05 and Kelly ’05 Zarosinski
Zenner’s Sausage Company
Mike and Trina Ziels
JP ’85 and Maria Zingmark
Larry ’62 and Kathy Zinsli
Pamela ’85 and John Zuckerman
Friends of Central Catholic
Up to $99
Anonymous (27)
Debbie ’84 and Scott Agnew
Cliff Alagar
Erick Alagar
Sharlene ’97 and Charles Alagar
Anais Algeciras
Trudy Allen
Julia Alvarez Garza
Charles Roger Amato ’55
Frank ’60 and Gayle Amato
Eric Anctil ’88
Matthew Anderson
Henry AnDyke ’22
Felix Anzaldua
Logan Anzellotti ’25
Luke Anzellotti ’23
Kathleen Archer
Stephen Archer
Winnifred Archer
Katherine Armagnac
Jim Armstead
Wendy Armstrong
Robert and Karen Asbury Andrew and Susan Asencion
Scott Aston
Tom Audley
Vic ’65 and Barb Avolio
Leo Bachulis ’25
Jacob and Jennifer Balderas
Dcn. Steve and Jenny Bambakidis
Noah and Josie Banks
Jane Barfield
Carrie Barrack
Tom ’70 and Janet Barrett
Damian ’94 and Cicely Barron
Dominic and Christina Barron
Mike ’00 and Alexa Barron
Christina Barry-Simmons
Claire Bass ’20
Jenna ’89 and John Bass
Sheldon Sheldon Bassarath
Scott Bastian ’68
Ben Battilega ’14
Katie Battilega ’09
Leslie Beidleman
April Bell ’09
Mike ’94 and Jenni ’94 Benson
Martha Bernadelli
Susan Berney
Sara ’90 and James Betty Dan ’66 and Paula Bisenius
Robert and Kathryn Bitney
Christina ’91 and Rob Blankenstein
Len ’57 and Jerri Blodgett
Jerry ’60† and Cecilia Bochsler
Jane Bockert
Katie Bortolazzo ’95
Luke Boyer ’08
Tom ’78 and Mireya Braunstein
Agnes Brauser Bill and Anne Breault
Kevin Breault
Linda Breault
Tom Breault
Maureen J Brennan Winnie Bridge Mike Brinkley Thyra Brooks Carmen Brown Megan Brown Mike ’72 and Joann Brown Anna Browne Lakesha and Roy Bunn Michael and Karen Burch
Tully Bush ’18
John ’57 and Elaine Buxman Renee Byrd Edna Cabalfin
Kathy Calhoun Chad Campagna ’04
Patrick and Patricia Campbell Sally Campbell
John ’62 and Loretta† Candioglos Jim and Geraldine Carleton Lucy Carr ’14
Mike Carroll ’71
Tom and Anne Caruso Michael and Colleen Catherall Roland Catherall
Claire Cavanaugh
Patricia Cecchi
Kathryn Ceriello
Nadine and David Charbonneau
Edith and Brian Charles
Barbara Charman
Michael Charman
Rev. Guy Childs Rev. Mr. Don Ciffone
Janell Cinquini
Andy Clark ’90
Dan ’63 and Colleen Classen
Larysa Cleaver
Myrna Clements
Todd Beran and Rebecca Clements Gordon Clifford ’76
Ted ’72 and Barbara Clifford
Major Cobb
Kevin and Lisa Colling Paul and Susan Collins Tia Coner Steve and Mari Connolly Terry Connolly Donna Cooper James Cooper Tom ’56 and Barb Cooper
Jeff Corah ’81
Joe and Monica Cory Steve Costanzo ’67
Ardeth and Mike Craford Lucy Cratsenberg ’24
Kristen Creamer
Sarah and Mark Crimin
Anna and Conrad Cruz
Maia Cruz ’24
Marianna Cruz
Natthinee Cruz
Brenda Cuevas Gonzalez
Elmyr Culi and Anamaria Ioanide-Culi Elpi and Myrna Culi
Sue Cuneo Linda Cunningham Dick ’57 and Diane Cunningham Joanna Curley Jazmine Dallas Liz and Ivan Danek Angelique Davis Linda Davis Rick and Peggy Davis Jennifer De Jong Mamie Dec Carol DeFrancesco
Keri Dehen ’92 and Trisha Olson Peter ’73 and Dale Dehen Renee Dehen ’87 Mary Deluca Don ’76 and Linda DeMarco Anne Denecke
Susan Deney Emilie DeRemer ’12
Stacy Deutscher Tom ’67 and Leslie DeVaney Lucas Dieter Rose Dinh ’23
Adrienne Dixson Lynette Doht Karlyn Doht-Barron ’89 Eileen Dolezal Lisa Dolezal Vince ’68 and Brenda Donnerberg Emily Douglas Ron ’54 and Marie Dove
Brittany Drake Casey Dumont ’15
Michael ’65 and Katherine Dunegan Brendan Dunn and Jill Watkins
Patricia Dunning
Andrea Durbin and John Audley
Jordan Durbin
Lynn and Paul Duus
Ronan and Shari Eggleston
Tom ’70 and Nancy Eilers
Jim Eisenhardt
Brett Elliott ’76
Tasheaya ’90 and Scott Ellison
Lillian Erwin
Betsheba and George Louis Estrada III
Bob Evans ’57
Cayla Everson
Gus ’83 and Wendy Farah Killian ’12 and Alicia Farrell
John ’70 and Bonnie Fazio
Franni Ferrero
Louis ’51 and Marlee Ferrero
Jan Ferschweiler and Garry Christie
Phyllis Ferschweiler
Jaxson Filler
Thomas Fink
Sr. Francis Clare Fischer, O.P. Cathy ’87 and Brian Fleck
Jeremy Fleming ’90
Pat Flood ’57 and Lenora Martino
John ’60 and Carmel Flynn
Henry and Rosemary Franklin Sarah and Ormond Fredericks
Erica and Blake Fry
Terry and Sharon Fry
Stephanie Galati ’16
Lolita Gallamore ’94
Frank ’60 and Pat Galluzzo
Lucia Gannett
Bob ’61 and Sharon Garbarino
JB and Jan Garriott
Caitlin Gast ’13
Bryce ’96 and Erica ’97 Gehlen
Tom ’81 and Kristina Gianotti
Chris Gilbert
Patricia Gildner
Galen Gile
Tom ’57 and Karon Gilles
Chris Gilliland
Jamison Giltner ’05
Norb ’56 and Suzie Gleason
Jackie Glynn
Victor and Sylvia Gochuico
Lee and Dolores Golden
Dcn. Tom and Mary Jo Gornick
Brian and Kelly Grant
Kelly Graves
Kent Graves
Chris Gray ’21
Thomas Gray ’19
Sharon Grigar
Tommy Gritzmacher ’19
Lisa Grove
Sara Gumm
Bertha Guptill
Lee Gustavson
Tim Gutfleisch ’75
Len ’63 and Linda Illias
Kae Ishikawa
Karen Jackson
Glen Jenner and Juanita Solis-Jenner
Ray and Julie Jensen
Aaron Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Barry and Ann Johnson
Edie and Aaron Johnson
Joy Johnson
Dick ’60 and Donna Johnson
Daniel Johnston
Dori Jones
Greg ’71 and Mary Jones
La Cena Jones
Deanna Jordan
Rigoberto Juarez
DeLores and Richard Juhala
Deana Julka
Richard Kaptur ’53
Peggy Karpenske
Timothy and Cristina Gwynn Michelle and Billy Haffner Sally and Dennis Haffner Macy Hagstette ’22
Jan Hall
Tammy Hall Suzanne Hallerman Matthew and Carol Halsey
Leo Han
Harborview Inn & RV Park Kathy Hardie-Williams Matthew Hart ’15
Angelique Harvey Karen and Brian Harvey Marcus Harvey Larry Hauth ’78
Dan and Karen Hawkinson Bob and Diane Hayes John ’63 and Roberta Hefler Chris ’76 and Connie Heim Kandice Henderson Brad and Carole Hermanson Bob ’53 and Liz Hilger Mike Hill ’88
James Hinckley and Aiyana Lucas
Kathy Hindman
Nancy Hindman
Bill Hinkle ’59
Chuck J. Hoff ’58
Tom Hogan ’60 and Jane Rickenbaugh
Paul Holmquist
James and Anne Holtz
Stephanie Hooper ’91 and Earl Beazley
Lee Howard
Michael Maris and Minnie Huang
Dawn Hubbard
Julie Hulbert
Joy and Gary Hunt Kathleen and Rich Hunter Elizabeth Illias
Catherine Keenan
Colleen Keenan
Erin Keeran and Jennie Gardner
Larry ’63 and Sylvia Kelner
Christina Kempster ’09
Jerry Kerekes ’61
Dan ’70 and Nancy Kern
Elise Kern ’19
Lindsey Kern Madeline Kern ’20
Beth ’95 and Benjamin Kersens
Jamie and Kevin Khaw
Young Kim
Cliff and Tracy King
Typhanie King
Jan Kirchgraber
Kaylee Kirchgraber
Kevin ’96 and Holly Kirchgraber
Sue Kirkman
Jeffrey and Debra Kirsch
Bob and Nancy Kohlbecker
Keinya and Matt Kohlbecker
Noah Kohlbecker
Julia Kornas
Tristan Kotzian and J.J. Coulter
Janice and Fred Kowell
Brian Kreider
Susan Krems
Glenn and Chris Kugel
Bryan Lafaye
Johnnie ’75 and Linda Lagana
Mitchell and Paula Lang
Grace Laskowski ’09
Amy Leahy
Marshall Leathers
Cathy Lebsack
David Lee
Eugene and Patsy Lee
Johanne Leger
Rene Leger
Jim ’60 and Carol Leineweber
Bill and Susan Lennertz
Andrea Lenzy
Diana and Danny Lewin
Neil ’55 and Suzanne Lewis
Matthew and Kerri Ligatich
Gayle Limbeck
Steve ’69 and Judy Lindbeck
Brian Lindstrom and Cheryl Strayed Link ’60 and Joane Linker
Katy Lloyd Stella Lock
Judy London
Shannon Long
Jeremy Luedtke
Oliver Luedtke ’25
John Lugton
Armando Luna
Jesse Ly
Alex Lydgate
Summer Lyons
Debra MacCormac
Tom ’77 and Christine Mack
Charles and Danielle Mackey
John and Linda Mackin
Bella Maffei ’19
Roberta Mahony
Jenny Mai-Hur and Brandon Hur
Amy Malagamba
George ’64 and Susan Malone
Kathleen Maloney Hermerding
Richard ’51† and Bernice Maloney
Pax Mandefro
Sarah Mariani ’94
John Maris Krissi Maris
Matt Maris
Cory Marleau ’20
Michael and Ruth Marleau
Don Marthaller ’70 and Tara McGuire
Jhanea Massier
Nathan ’90 and Carol Maszy
Helen Matheis
Felix McCall ’22
John and Alice McCarthy
Diane McColl Edenholm
Dr. Leslie K. McDaniel
David McDermott
Mike and Marci McDonald
Rachael and Carleen McDougall Cochran
Sabrina McDougall
Kristen ’94 and Steve McFarlane
Kelly McGee
Marcella McGee
Julie McGinnis ’87
Jan McHugh
Sue McKenzie
Jon ’62 and Mary McLain
Paul and Micheal Ann McLain
Scott McLean
Michael ’61 and Diane McLoughlin
Pamela McMahon
Tricia McMinn
Jim McMonagle
Tim and Jen McMonagle
Dick and Janet McNicholas
Jack ’55 and Sandy McPhee
Brian ’73 and Dolores McPherson
Chick and Kathy Mengis Elsa Merino Rendon
David And Laurie Miller
Joe ’63 and Karen Miller
Kevin ’85 and Julie Miller Liam Miller ’25
Nancy Miller Dan Mindolovich ’70
Alan Minoza
Laurie Miskimins ’95
Tony ’57 and Marlene Molinari
David and Alison Mollet Nate Mooers ’17
Olivia Mooers ’20
Robert Moon and Karen Cheatham Caramel Moore
DeAnya Moore Duffy ’75 and Mary Ellen Moore
Jim ’66 and Kathy Moran John Morrell
Don Morris and Melanie Mooney Tanya Morris
Jacqueline Moss
Dcn. George ’72 and Penny Mounce Pamela Mudge
Melissa Mulder-Wright
Sean Denney and Deborah Murphy
Dennis ’72 and Peggy Murphy
Jo Murphy
Robert Strongin and Kathleen Murphy Neil ’53 and Karen Murphy Dondee Murray and Michael Ceriello
Betty Murray Ann Naulty Abigail Naulty ’23 Bev Neal Camille Nelson Nash Newton ’23
TQ Nguyen Paul Nibler ’60 Kristen Nicklawske Shari Nilsson Samantha Nizich ’16
Brennan Noailles ’16 Michael and Diane Nolan Tim Novak
Steven Novick
Paul and Connie Oakden
Barbara O’Brien Mac O’Brien ’22
Brendan and Anna O’Connor Molly O’Connor ’11
Steve Ogden ’67 Tyece Okamura
Charles Okpala
Rosemary Oldread
Kevin ’07 and Tara O’Malley
Siobhan O’Malley ’10
Valerie O’Neill
Mary Orcutt
Diane ’83 and George Ortega Dolores Orth
Kelley O’Toole ’14
Mary Ann O’Toole
Bob Ouderkirk
Nancy Outhayvong
Ashley Pacheco
Terry Panowicz
Pat ’56 and Eva Parisi
Sr. Rosemary Parker, SNJM
Grace Parrish
Maggie Patterson Kain Patty
Tim Paul
PayPal Giving Fund
Lynne Pelan
Fernando ’74 and Mirtha Perez
Julie Perri Tina Peterman Nancy Petrie Francis Pham Ray and Jane Phelps
Amanda Phillips Bobbie and Fred Phillips Edward Phillips Sherri Phillips
Judy Phonasa
LaVon and Twila Pierce
Terry and Gayle Pizzuto
Jennifer and Jeff Posner
Laura ’84 and George Pouch Dave and Margo Price
Don and Laurie Price
Janice Primo
Dennis Pritchard ’64
Nancy Prosser
Charles ’63 and Carol Ramsey
Eleanor Ramsey ’21
Emma Ramsey ’19
Leslie Reddick
Tammy Redsun
John Reeder ’65
Jon ’65 and Vickie Reif
Greg Repman ’66
Colleen Reynolds
Jane Reynolds
Bob and Cindy Reynolds
Robert Greg Rinehart ’74
Bo Robertson
Christine ’88 and Don Rockey
Jason and Michelle Rodarte
Kathleen Rogan
Genevieve ’09 and Jared Rollier Nicholette Romashko
Phil ’53 and Marge Rood
Dennis Rosenbaum ’70 and Susan Hartnett
Amy and Mike Rosenberg
Margo Rosenberg ’25
Phil and Olivia Rossi
Sarah Rothenfluch
Cheryl Rouse
Michael and Susan Rouw
Jim and Geri Rovello
Brian and Kim Rudkin
Susan Ruggiero
Anne Runde
Tenetia Rutherford
Greg ’90 and Shannon ’90 Ryan
Sr. Mary Ryan, SNJM
Steve and Val Ryan
Tim ’66† and Laurie Ryan
Suzie Ryan-Snell and Jeffrey Snell
Jerica Saechao
Lai Saechao
Meyl Saechao
Koy Saechin
Salesforce.com Foundation
Kirsten and Thomas Sandahl
Stacy Sandberg
Amy and Trevor Sanders
Grace and Walter Sanders
Troy Santangelo ’11
Alysha Schall
Larry ’55 and Sylvia Schechtel
Larry and Jackie Schuster
Steven and Susan Schweitzer
Angi Scott
Linda See Carrie Seidl
Marylin Shaw
Rick Shelby
Becki Shelly ’92 and Ben Frick
Jo Shepherd
Lillian Shirley
Tammy Shumway
Lisa Simmons
Pat ’50 and Ada Simmons
David Slama Kay Slick
Doug Smith ’60
Erika Smith
Jennifer and Adam Smith
Sammy Snaer ’10
Michael Snyder
Frank Sobol
Stephanie Sohler
Jose and Maria Solis
Donald Sowieja
Stuart Spencer
Dianne Springer
Nicole ’98 and Brandon Springer
Peyton Springer ’25
Mary-Jane Stanton
Paula Statman
Mischelle Strauser
Selicia Strickland
Jacob Strom
John Stubee and Diana Nunez
Carl and Victoria Suchy Tracy Sulivan Ben Summers ’08
Chris and Kate Swindell
Jeff and Heidi Szekely Crystal Taggard Jean Takaesu
Greg Tate
Mary Ann Tautfest
George Taylor Jake Tellert ’97
Zoey Tevault MaryAnn and Justin Thibeault
Jewly Thoman
Jim ’48 and Rita Thomas Bill ’56 and Becky Thurston Jenny Tilson and Brad Bachulis
Jeff Tomlin ’73
Lucia Torres
Alex ’65 and Shirley Toth Connor Toyooka ’11
Dan and Karen Toyooka Sean Toyooka ’02
AnhVu Tran Linh Tran Linh Tran and Ngoc-Diep Hoang Minh-Chau Tran Margarita Trujillo Mike ’71 and Cindy Tschida Mark Turina ’04 Joel Turkheimer ’08
Lea Turner Nai Tzeo
Carol Valdex Amy Valdez Geeno Valdez Don ’62 and Marie Van Houdenos
David Van Winkle
Heidi Verhelst
Paul Vermilya and Caren Chvatal
Susan Vincent Nong Vinitchaikul Rath Mary Volk
Patricia Volk Steve Volk ’82 and Irina Belova Dan Volker ’12
Robert Vuckovic
Tina Wade
Eliot Wajskol and Amy Schulties Coach Bennie and Marelle Wallace
Arin Wallenius
Gary and Judy Wangsmo
Bill ’69 and Nancy Ward
Anya Watts and James Prichard Herman Watts Bradley ’56 and Mary Ann Webb Marilyn Weber Ronald and Jennifer Webster Rod Weigel ’66
Ava Weiner
Fred Weinhouse
Jerry Weisensee ’53
Matthew and Erin Weisensee
Paul Weller ’51
Dave and Marsha Wellnitz
Mary Wells Pope
Bob and Colby Westhead Gerald and Frances Westphal
Heather West-Rojas and Fernando Rojas-Galvan Michael Wheeler
Carrie White and Morgan Pope
Karen Whitehead
Geneva Wilcoxon ’25
Robert and Cheryl Wiley
Terralyn Wiley
Bob Williams and Catherine Degnin
JaVonne and Kendrick Williams
Kevin Williams
William Williams lll
Norman and Tammy Williams
Robert Willoughby
Ron ’54 and Marilyn Wills
Ben ’00 and Amy ’00 Wiltgen
Mike Winczewski ’69
Austin Wise ’11
Chuck Witschorik
Chris Wittmayer
Mike and Ann Wittmayer
Alma Wong and Stephen Kessler
Deanna Wong and Lawrence Chan Jr. Salina and Robert Wood
Li Yun Xu
Tom ’59 and Susan Yager
Gloria Yarne Ed and Jaymi Yazzolino
Kim Yee
Kim Kim Yee Maria Yee
Skip and Tracey Yotsuuye Kelly Young
John and Darleen Zanella Don and Dorothea Zarosinski
Sophia Ziels ’15
David and Maria Ciaverella Design Sound Northwest Hoda’s Middle-Eastern Cuisine
Mike Laber
Michael Luperini and Sarah Barsotti Jim Murphy ‘68 Joe Weston ‘56
† Deceased
* Donation made by deceased alum’s spouse
Class of 1945
Jim Bobzien†*
Leo Keppinger†
Jim Maletis†*
Frank Murray†* Ray Niehaus Bob Reverman Bud Taylor
Class of 1946
Gerry Gix Jerry Lobb†* Frank Nagel†
Class of 1947
John Leslie Marko Susnjara
Class of 1948
Norm Foster Jim Thomas Dick Van Dyke
Class of 1949 Bill Borsch
Wally Choruby† Marty Hilgers Jerry McElligott† Fr. Neil Moore
Class of 1950
Gus Benz Bill Bolton†* Dick Crisera Cal DePass
George Galati† Dick Safranski Pat Simmons
Jack Stanton†* Cork Stickel Bill Vaughan Mike Walsh Al Weber
Class of 1951
Dick Buscher
Len Cooper Al Corrado
Dick Dougherty
Dick Duggan Louis Ferrero
Jim Flynn†* John Kovach
Richard Maloney† Ollie Renner
Paul Weller Al Wolf
Class of 1952
Larry Beckius Jim Duyck Mike Fader Joe Ferguson
Jerry Gianotti Don Graham†*
Frank Hodapp Jim Moran†* Tim O’Neill Tom Perry Bob Puncochar Ed Sweo
Andy VanderPlaat†* Don Weber Tom Weber† Bill Wieber
Class of 1953
Richard Cavalli Jim DiNucci Ken Henzler
Bob Hilger Chet Howlett Dick Kaptur Roger Martin Mac Moorad Neil Murphy Phil Rood Mike Simmons
Bob “Pee Wee” Taylor†* Jack Taylor†* Ralph Vranizan Jerry Weisensee
Class of 1954 Gene Cereghino Ron Dove John Driesbach Al Fazio
Harry Hanna† Dick McQuade Joe Miller†* Walt Regan†* Edward Renk Rollie Rousseau
Pete Ryan† John Vranizan Hal Westby Bernie White Ron Wills
Class of 1955 Charles Amato Bob Bernhardt Jim Carleton Richard Dehen Bob Duffy
Jim Ford Larry Gallagher
Dave Grove Dénes Kalotay
Tom Kiefel
Bob Kollas Kevin Lester Neil Lewis Ed Mackin Bob Manske Bill McCormack Jack McPhee Joe Neher Nick Santangelo
Larry Schechtel
Gary Todd Champ Vaughan
Class of 1956 Dick Andersen Bob Aquino Ron Blubaugh Tom Cooper Don Creitz† John Faherty Phil Frainey† Norb Gleason Joe Hanna Bob Hopman†* Dick Hune Dick Imper Fr. Ken Krall, SJ Al Kurkoski Bruce Mason Dennis Murphy Al O’Brien†* Pat Parisi Pat Plover Wally Raab Wally Shepard†* Ed Sienkiewicz Dave Sweo Bill Thurston Tom Wagenhoffer John Ward†* Bradley Webb Joe Weston Gene Wizer†* Ron Woldrich
Class of 1957
Bill Arndorfer Vic Bellaschi Robert Bigoni Len Blodgett John Buxman Chuck Caskey Dick Cunningham Jerry Dindia Jack Donnelly Bob Evans
Pat Flood
Tom Franz
Jerry Gatto†*
Tom Gilles
Mike Hagan
Mike Henningsen†*
John Joyce
Frank Lemma
Frank Loughney
Jack Malady
Bill McDonald†* Mike McKenzie†*
F X McLellan
Tom Meienberg
Tony Molinari
Mike Moorad
Dick Petrone
Tony Prag
Jerry Smith
David Spencer
Gary Stevens†* Roger Tragesser Jack White
Class of 1958
Marty Baudendistel†*
Guy Bernard Dennis Berry
Tom Bohan Denny Bourdeau Gary Brandt Pete Chaney John Deering Jim Dooney Ed Fessler
Jack Fisher†* Steve Hankins
John Hardiman Mike Heffernan Terry Hegstrom Ed Higgins Bill Hoberg
Chuck A. Hoff Joe Jacobberger Gary Kasper Gary Kather Mike Klein†* Ray Klupenger†*
Dave Kolander
Bill Long
Jack Lynch
Bill Murphy Msgr. Tim Murphy
John Paque
Billy Ryan
Tony Scheeland†
Fred Van Domelen
Joe Van Haverbeke
Tom Webb
Phil Webb Dick White
Les Williams
Bill Winter
Class of 1959
Ed Andersen
Mike Bacon
John Battilega
John Breiling
Dean Casey
Mike Cavalli
Gene Fox
Bob Goetz
Bill Gwynn
Bill Hamilton
Rick Handler
Dennis Hays†*
Bill Hinkle
Bruce Kramer
Mike Lavin
Wake Mack
Henry Moore
Ed Peri
Dennis Phillips
John Platt
Pete Pongracz-Bartha
Philip Roberts
Jerry Stewart Ted Vaughters† Al Wiese Tom Yager
Class of 1960
Frank Amato
Vince Avolio
Jim Backenstos†
Paul Bastasch
Dick Bocci
Jerry Bochsler†
Clyde Boyer
Bill Cassinelli
John Chaney
Paul Corso
Jim Currier
Ed Dundon
John Emrick
Mike Etzel
John Flynn
Frank Galluzzo
Gary Gerads
Carl Gorretta
Tom Hogan
Danny Hopman
Morris Horning
Dick Johnson
John Lee†*
Jim Leineweber
Link Linker
Maury Maertens
John McKenzie
Phil Metschan
Mike Musulin
Paul Nibler
Tony Pizzuti
Jim Price
Larry Salimena†*
Bill Scheeland
Steve Slater Doug Smith
Class of 1961
Dave Bergman
Jim Braun
Bob Burtchaell
Frank Carbone
Sergio Cettina Bill Downey
Mike Duyn
Bob Garbarino
Patrick Garrett Don Grove
Jerry Kerekes
Natt McDougall
Michael McLoughlin
Peter Nagy Ron Neiger Mike Nelson
Tony Pausz
Dennis Prazeau
Fr. Dick Rossman
Steve Schechtel Denny Schiffbauer
David Stahly John Woldrich
Class of 1962
John Alderton Charles Auch Ken Bauman
Msgr. Don Buxman Rex Caffall
John Candioglos
Bud Dietrich Nick Elardo
Terry Emmert
Dick Fay
Paul Gefroh
Dan Hecht Ray Kelly
Leo Kurkoski
John Langslet†
Tony Leineweber
Bill Lown
Gary Maffei
Robert Martin†*
Jon McLain
Fr. Pat McNamee
John Metschan
Clem Meyerhofer
Stan Morin
Jack Mumford
Paul Niedermeyer
George Passadore
Frank Petrone
Peter Stott
Pete Szambelan
Seth Thompson
Don Van Houdenos Patricio Vives
Steve Weisensee†* Larry Zinsli
Class of 1963
Bob Bocci Dan Classen Tom Curran Dirk Dominick John Hefler Len Illias Larry Kelner Frank Lolich Dennis Mayer Joe Miller Charles Ramsey Tom Sawyer Mike Schwab Joe Sherman Jeff Smith
Class of 1964
Bill Bucher Mike Clinton Ed Elliott
Jim Hietpas Jim Kiley John Kimbrough David Kurkoski John Laws George Malone Bill Manderfeld Bill Medak†* Greg Mottau Jim Murtha Doug Pierce Dennis Pritchard Skeeter Reis Jim Repman Ron Suchanek
Todd Taylor George Temme
Class of 1965
Tom Angerilli Vic Avolio Mike Brands
Paul E. Christen Jack Delaney Mike Dunegan John Fromwiller Patrick Gilmore Steve Janik Wayne Jordan†* Dennis Keenan John Loomis
Wayne Meucci Frank Panowicz†* John Reeder
Jon Reif
Lyle Remington Michael Riordan Mike Roholt Tom Sciarretta Alex Toth
Class of 1966
Jim Bachman
David Bernard Dan Bisenius
Jerome Buckmier Gordon Clow
John Dalrymple
Jerry Danna Tom Delaney Herb Doumitt
Wes Forman
David Galligani Mike Hagerty Tom Hannibal John Harrington Dave Hauck Bill Hunt
Frank Maribona Gregg Miller Ken Mischel Jim Moran Jim Mountain Greg Repman Pat Riverman
Class of 1945 Class of 1946 Class of 1947 Class of 1948 Class of 1949 Class of 1950 Class of 1951 Class of 1952 Class of 1953 Class of 1954 Class of 1955 Class of 1956 Class of 1957 Class of 1958 Class of 1959 Class of 1960 Class of 1961 Class of 1962 Class of 1963 Class of 1964 Class of 1965 Class of 1966 Class of 1967 Class of 1968 Class of 1969 Class of 1970 Class of 1971 Class of 1972 Class of 1973 Class of 1974 Class of 1975 Class of 1976 Class of 1977 Class of 1978 Class of 1979 Class of 1980 Class of 1981 Class of 1982 Class of 1983 Class of 1984 Class of 1985 Class of 1986 Class of 1987
$6,100 $1,200 $13,500 $11,160 $26,850 $6,110 $15,130 $136,388 $12,806 $15,930 $6,075 $887,085 $126,458 $222,268 $29,400 $92,220 $13,420 $26,582 $3,155 $23,310 $8,007 $37,638 $71,535 $30,992 $108,637 $12,063 $24,900 $11,340 $29,640 $14,635 $38,917 $14,385 $8,370 $2,160 $11,455 $6,490 $6,142 $7,545 $14,262 $5,540 $26,500 $7,211 $13,776
Tim Ryan† Jim Scherzinger Nick Sinnott Paul Stanton John Stott Rod Weigel Lou Wood
Class of 1967 Mike Cahill Jim Carlin Jim Colombo Jim Corso Steve Costanzo Mike Dernbach Tom DeVaney David Dowhaniuk Jim Draper Bob Dubay Rich Elardo Rick Galvin Dave Hagerty Dan Heuvel Mike Hudson Randy Navarra Kevin Oakley Steve Ogden Bob Quimby Larry Reilly Denny Robinson Jack Roholt Greg Sohler Tom Stout Lou Stremick Kent Taylor Thomas Volk Ron Welsh Al Woldrich
Class of 1968 Scott Bastian Jim Beard Mike Bonn Matt Chapman Jim Dille Vince Donnerberg Tom Ficker Mike Grady Jim Haney
Pat Harrington Neil Jensen Kirk Loders
Tim Lundell Pat Mackin Ron Mantia Dave Misetich Joe Mozena Jim Murphy Jeff Roake Mike Rosenbaum Michael Rowley
John Sherrett
John Timm Rob Wehrley Tom White
Class of 1969
Paul Bachman John Bradach Don Cahill Steve Crew
Tod Davis Jeff DiBenedetto Jack Fleming
Tim Fromwiller Eric Gambee
Dan Garrow Rick Ginter
Pat Hainley Ed Landauer
Steve Lindbeck Mike Lynch
Tim Mackin
Dennis Nollette† Keith Schoenheit
Mike Steiert
Pat Sweeney Bill Ward Mike Winczewski
Class of 1970
Tom Barrett
Jerry Dernbach
Thomas Eilers
John Fazio Gene Giannini
Mike Haglund Dan Kern
Tim Leineweber Jay Lundell Don Marthaller Bob Menzia Dan Mindolovich
Dave Pienovi
Dennis Rosenbaum Greg Stevens Don Tomlin
Class of 1971
Rick Altishin
Frank Baccellieri
Ted Braich
Gary Brentano
Mike Carroll
Robb Cason
Mike Connell
Bart DeLacy
Phil Garrow
Rick Grbavac
Michael Harrington
Cliff Jensen Greg Jones
Greg Kirby
Tim Leslie
Tom Leslie
Charles Loprinzi
Phil Potestio
Paul Quimby
Michael Terrell
Gerry Tinkle
Mike Tschida
Rick Waibel
Class of 1972
Mike Brown
Le Roy Buelt
Ted Clifford Kevin Culligan
Ed Fitzgerald
Mike Foley James Friedhoff
Lou Gellos
Mike Gleason
Brent Jacobs Clyde Jenkins Rick Leipzig
Dcn. George Mounce Dennis Murphy
Joe Panowicz
Pat Roth John Sewell Blaine Werner Dan Winczewski
Class of 1973
Gary Berndt
Jim Borquist
Emmett Brennan
Bryan Concannon
Tony DeFazio
Peter Dehen
Frank Dulcich
Jim Fisher
Tim Fleskes
Pete Garrow
Pat Laskowski
Mark Mathews
Brian McPherson
Steve Moore
Mike Noonan
Tom Phelan
Pat Terrell
Greg Thelen
Jeff Tomlin
Steve Turina
Scott Wilson
Class of 1974
Dan Christ
Terry Fleskes
Tim Flynn
Tim George Chris Gregg
Tom Hartman
Tom Hulett Rick Kuhn Paul Lauritzon
Fernando Perez Mark Pinder Terry Powers Greg Rinehart Brian Riverman John Vetto Dave Weber
Class of 1975
Joel Bradach
Tim Bruer
Mike Cebula Kevin Cerri Jay Coulter Pat Dolan Tim Eivers Steve Ellefson Rick Evers Pat Ferguson Mark Fucile Tim Gutfleisch
Mark Holland Jim Kalvelage Johnnie Lagana Nels Lundgren
Tom Mayer Duffy Moore Tim Olson John Percin Matt Pinder DJ Prevo John Schumacher Dwight Schwab John Sullivan Neal Tollisen
Class of 1976
Mike Barnes Gordon Clifford Don DeMarco Brett Elliott Bob Fahlman Marty Fitzpatrick John Garrow Chris Heim Michael Holmes Steve Holmes Jeff Kent Marty Klinkhammer
Bill Leineweber
Phil Moran Jeff Murray Dave Olsen Mike Small Pat Turina Mike Westby Mark Wiese
Class of 1988 Class of 1989 Class of 1990 Class of 1991 Class of 1992 Class of 1993 Class of 1994 Class of 1995 Class of 1996 Class of 1997 Class of 1998 Class of 1999 Class of 2000 Class of 2001 Class of 2002 Class of 2003 Class of 2004 Class of 2005 Class of 2006 Class of 2007 Class of 2008 Class of 2009 Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019 Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023 Class of 2024 Class of 2025
$16,927 $6,950 $3,475 $6,725 $1,750 $9,420 $11,361 $12,014 $2,400 $2,015 $3,050 $7,350 $275 $1,450 $575 $800 $1,000 $1,400 $1,000 $1,960 $912 $180 $175 $1,085 $2,195 $399 $777 $4,415
Class of 1977
Joe Albrich
Gerry Gregg
Frank Guidarelli
Steve Hedberg
Rick Kelly
Mike King
Thomas Mack
Dan Malone
Dennis Oliver Mike Pinder
K.C. Rogers
Class of 1978
Tom Braunstein
Dick Clark
John Cook
Mike Gorman
Larry Hauth
Dan Kiefel
Matt King
Dave Lamkin
Tom Markgraf Bill Mildenberger Marty Ryan
Class of 1979
Sam Bradach
Tom Campbell Sean Dooney†* Dan Duffy Tom Farrell Tim Fleischmann
Greg Galati
Jerry Gianotti Dan Harrington Jim King Frank Leipzig Jim Manning Dan Riler
Mark Santangelo Rick Susnjara John Tercek
Class of 1980
Peter Corrado
Joe Gartin
Alan Gianotti
Don Hanna
John Holland
Bill Mathews
Mike Moran Mark Pavlakovich
John Robinson
John Waters
Class of 1981
Mike Covert
Mark Feller
Tom Gianotti
Allen Hoffer
Mark McGinnis Marshall Pinder Jim Schlotfeldt
Class of 1982
Stan Arrigotti Shaun Benson John Cebula Darren Farrell Tom Haglund Andy LaFrazia Bob Mathews Al Schlotfeldt Steve Volk
Class of 1983 Michelle Codino Jay Daniel Richard English Gus Farah Don Gritzmacher Diane (Haubold) Ortega Lisa (Allen) Rowan Aimee (Van Beek) Virnig Jose Vithayathil
Class of 1984 Debbie (Dehen) Agnew Tony Beseau Peggy (Chapman) Bubenik Matt Collins Andy Corrado Marc Fazio Doug Gritzmacher Chris Paulus Lara (Mack) Tennant
Class of 1985 Molly Burtchaell Teri Calcagno Maria Galati Barbara (Litchfield) Hill Mary (Pheil) Jaeger John Kaempf Ben Lyons Molly (Beckwith) Lyons Kevin Miller
Ian Montone Molly (Van Beek) Paustian Mary Beth Pinder Eileen Rodriguez John Weber Beau Williams†* JP Zingmark Pamela (Jones) Zuckerman
Class of 1986 Eddie Edwards Kelley Flatters Meleah (Potter) Follen Ole Forsberg
Maria Gianotti
D.G. Graham Tracy (Puga) Graham John Lance Mary-Catherine Sewell Kevin Toon
Class of 1987
Melissa Burtchaell Renee Dehen Tim Dooney Cathy (Lavelle) Fleck Julie (Warfield) Gorretta Dave Gorretta Kathy (Brant) Kern Julie McGinnis John Moran Tom Sanchez
Class of 1988 Eric Anctil John Paul Ditty Dena (Gasiewski) Dooney Ed Farah
Luciana (Powell) Fischer Mike Hill Matt Horne Allison (Angelo) Johnson K.C. Jones Mike Kirkmire Emily (Van Beek) McKnight Bill Medak Gene Moreland Jon Myers Victor Rust Mike Van Hoomissen Krista (Gibby) Wuest
Class of 1989 Pete Baker Jenna (Schuster) Bass Lisa (Wilcoxen) Behrndt Karlyn Doht-Barron Jennifer (Dietrich) Estep Steve Hundt Stephen Hunt Kris (Kocher) Myers Anna (Degraffenreid) Niemela Claire Schulte
Class of 1990
Sara (Tellert) Betty Andy Clark
Tracy Cone Bryan Doherty Tasheaya (Warren) Ellison Maria (Honl) Elmore Jeremy Fleming Nathan Maszy Lynn (Litchfield) McFarland Andrew O’Connell
Greg Ryan
Shannon (Wellnitz) Ryan Margaret (Petrone) Scheffler
Class of 1991
Aaron Angelo
Christina (Bournelis) Blankenstein Eric Gorger
Christina (Smith) Hayes
Lisa (Brantley) Hicks Stephanie (Slaughter) Hooper Seth Longaker Greg Sparks
Class of 1992
Jeff Allen
Jessica (Hoffman) Allen Keri Dehen
Erica (Justis) Gustavson
Jennifer (Fleming) Marx Jonathan McGowan Becki Shelly
Class of 1993
Melanie (Smith) Arena
Arianne (Westby) Cakarnis Kent Cebula Brian Chaney
Chris Cone Anne (Tellert) Daniels Harry Hanna Scott Reis Meredith (Fitzgerald) Rowan
Class of 1994
Damian Barron Benj Barsotti
Jenni (McNicholas) Benson Mike Benson
Gina Bramucci
Paul Carlin
Lolita (Schramm) Gallamore Michael Gonzales
Shane Hawkins
Tami (Hash) Jensen
Sarah Mariani Kristen (Stansgar) McFarlane
Jaime Petrjanos Malensky
Sarah Petrone
Don Rose
Jeremy Stupfel Melissa (Medak) Stupfel Jeff Weston
Class of 1995
Susie (Timm) Ames
Mindy (Coad) Berg
Katie (Angelo) Bortolazzo Todd Cahill
Dave Farrell
Beth (Daniels) Kersens
Laurie Miskimins
Mike Mitchoff
Lisa (Hamill) Napoli
Liesl (Handwerker) Nebel
Peter Rauch
Nicole (Pavel) Rolak
Scott Rom
Joe Towle Sara (Sitter) Trevino
Class of 1996
Bryce Gehlen
Steve Jenkins Kevin Kaufman
Meagan (Yockey) Kimball
Kevin Kirchgraber
John McDermott
Rachel (Smith) McDermott Missy (Powers) Schellinkhout Mary Weisensee Tiffany Weston-Mork Luke Woodruff
Class of 1997
Sharlene (Asencion) Alagar
Erica (Smith) Gehlen
Cary Geist
Heather (Hawkins) McGowan
Jake Tellert
Melissa (Minier) Tenorio
Class of 1998
Megan (Hoffart) Augeri
Scott Dunn
Carli Halligan
Monica (Burtchaell) Kearsley
Brian Miskimins
Kristen (Grbavac) O’Halloran
John Paul Sarah (Watts) Paul Reegan (O’Donnell) Rae Nicole (Prazeau) Springer
Class of 1999
Riley Bradach
Ryan Foote
John Leineweber
Stephen Meyers
Kimberly (Young) Meyers
Nikki Neuburger
Sarah (Hagerty) Pettey
Michelle (Minier) Roseborough Jenny (Ferguson) Streb
Class of 2000
Mike Barron
Tony Jensen
Craig Kirkman
Amy (Powers) Wiltgen Ben Wiltgen
Class of 2001
Katie (Mathews) Campbell Jessica (Waters) Connor Jessie (Heying) Wimer
Class of 2002 Courtney Lee Graham Neuburger Sean Toyooka
Class of 2003 Katie (Lesseg) Colhoff Ali (Lajoie) Herboth Eric Herboth Marie (Payne) Lundahl
Class of 2004 Chad Campagna Liz (Waters) Espeland Chris Hatfield Suzanne (Doleac) Hughes Morgan Payne Mark Turina
Class of 2005 Corey Allen Ricky Chapman Jamie Giltner Nora Jensen Brianna (Pinder) Neumann Kelly (Mathews) Zarosinski Leo Zarosinski
Class of 2006 Amanda Jacobs Jason Polen Matt Trebelhorn
Class of 2007 Brian Barkdoll Galen Deiz Betsy Dulcich Kyle Frangipani Abe Ichinoe Lauren Mirecki Kevin O’Malley
Class of 2008 Luke Boyer Peter Brown Kelsey (Schneider) Machuca Joseph Polen Ben Summers Joel Turkheimer
Class of 2009 Katie Battilega April Bell Christina Kempster Grace Laskowski Genevieve (Leineweber) Rollier
Class of 2010 Siobhan O’Malley Kirk Paul Sammy Snaer
Class of 2011 Kara Barkdoll Kathleen Lance Molly O’Connor Troy Santangelo Emma Shepanek Meredith St. Clair Connor Toyooka Austin Wise
Class of 2012 Emilie DeRemer Killian Farrell Morgan Klupenger Alyssa Pulanco Patrick Rowley Dan Volker Emily-Rose Wiitala
Class of 2013 Caitlin Gast Chris Hart Brian Payne Lawrence Wilson Class of 2014 Ben Battilega Lucy Carr Ryan Nall Kelley O’Toole Madison Vecchi
Class of 2015 Blake Brandel Elliot Cahn Emmett Dooney Casey Dumont Matthew Hart Sean Laskowski Taylor Maxwell Natalie Obradovich Will Paustian Sophie Ziels
Class of 2016 Maddy Do Stephanie Galati Cameron Isaac Sam Nizich Brennan Noailles
Class of 2017 Kain Blevins Nate Mooers Eric Pence
Class of 2018 Tully Bush
Class of 2019 Thomas Gray Tommy Gritzmacher Elise Kern Bella Maffei Emma Ramsey
Class of 2020 Claire Bass Joe Halsey Madeline Kern Cory Marleau Olivia Mooers
Class of 2021 Chris Gray Eleanor Ramsey
Class of 2022 Henry AnDyke Macy Hagstette Elizabeth Kern Felix McCall Elizabeth Merten Mac O’Brien Kimberly Remillard-McGinnis
Class of 2023 Luke Anzellotti Rose Dinh Abigail Naulty Nash Newton Alyssa Widmer
Class Of 2024 Lucy Cratsenberg Maia Cruz
Class of 2025 Logan Anzellotti Leo Bachulis Oliver Luedtke Bryce Mayo Liam Miller Margo Rosenberg Peyton Springer Colton Widmer Geneva Wilcoxon
eteriors, Chris Corrado ’77
Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum
Everybody’s Brewing
Evoke Winery
Fat Straw
Ella Ferrero ’22
Fiddler’s Green Golf Course
First Republic Private Wealth Management Flex & Flow
Flying Pie Pizzeria
Forge Hot Yoga | Hot Pilates
Fullerton Wine Bar & Tasting Room
Garnish Apparel
Asa Gartrell ’22
Georgie’s Ceramic & Clay Co. Aleksandra Giedwoyn MD
Ginger Beds, John and Kadee Acree
Glendoveer Golf & Tennis
We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and businesses for their part in making the auction a success and we encourage each of you to patronize these businesses whenever you have the opportunity.
Guests who contributed to the Paddle Raise are included in the Honor Roll of Donors beginning on page 23.
AAA Oregon/Idaho
Addy’s Sandwich Bar
Advanced Vascular Centers
Ainslie Orthodontics
Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe
Alpine Entertainment
Ankeny Vineyard
Annie Wise Interior Design
Arthur Murray Dance Centers
Artistic Bliss
Ashley Flowers Yoga Atiyeh Bros
Audubon Society of Portland
James Backenstos ’60†
Barre3 Southeast
Beacon Rock Golf Course
Beaverton Toyota
Benessere Olive Oil and Vinegars
Bennington Properties
Billy Bob’s Texas
Blackbird Wine and Atomic Cheese Shop
Blanchet House of Hospitality
Blind Coffee Roasters
Mike ’65 and Debby Brands
Bridgewater Bistro
Broadway Books
Brooke Hoyer Photography
Bull Run Distilling
Cathedral Ridge Winery
Tom ’79 and Amy Campbell
Cape Horn Estate
Cascade Seismic
Cascade West Insurance Partners
Cascade Wholesale Hardware Inc.
Castelli Cycling
Central Catholic Alumni Association
Central Catholic Ceramics Classes
Central Catholic High School
Central Catholic Photography Classes
Central Catholic 2D Classes
Central Catholic Students 4 Students
Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office
Classic Foods Outlet Store
Classical Ballet Academy
Clatsop County Historical Society
Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Museum
Columbia River Maritime Museum
Cook Solutions Group, Aaron Angelo ’91 Al ‘51 and Sue Corrado
Crater Lake Spirits Crayola Experience
CYO Camp Howard Dapper and Wise Roasters
Dave ’87 and Julie ’87 Gorretta DDI Benefits, Dena Dooney ’88
Deepwood Museum & Gardens Ayiana Dirks ’23
Dobbes Family Estate
Domaine Serene Vineyards and Winery Tim ’87 and Dena Dooney ’88
Douglas Farms, Megan Augeri ’98
Dove Vivi Pizza
Eagle Landing Golf Course Bart and Jill Eberwein Efeste
Harper Eikenberry ’24
Elk Cove Vineyards Hotel Elliott, Molly Sanders Enchanted Forest Ensley Orthodontics Environments, Chris Corrado ’77
G.O.A.T Bar, Paula and Mark Hylland
Gorges Beer Co
Grahm Porozni, Illumninate Financial Group
Grizzly Peak Winery
The Grotto
John and Michelle Hart
Hillsboro Hops
Hip Hound
Anna Maria Hoffert
Hood To Coast Relays
Jaden Howlett ’22
Russ and Jennifer Humbertson Hunt Painting Co., Bill Hunt ’66 and Steve Hunt ’89
Jared Jaffe
Kenai-Red Fish Company, Allison (Benson) Jones ’09
Kids At Heart Toys and Books
King’s Raven Winery
Kitsap Golf and Country Club
Klickitat Canyon Winery
Lan Su Chinese Garden
Lara Media Services
Laurelhurst Theater & Pub
Legacy Golf Course
Noah Leger ’24
Lindsay Baca Photography
Linnea Portrait Studio
Lion Heart Dry Kombucha
Live Laugh Love Art
Lloyd Center Ice Rink
Parker Lopez-Fournier ’22
Magnum Opus Hair Salon
Maryhill Museum of Art
Maryhill Winery
Dorrie McGregor
McKay Creek Golf Course & Driving Range
Jennifer Melo
The Merry Kitchen
Metropolitan Youth Symphony Migration Brewing
Milan Stoneworks
Miller Nash LLP
Mimosa Studios
Mintz Portrait Studio
Miracle/Milagro Theatre Group
Nathan Monroe-Ramberg ’24
Movement Portland
Gyllian Mullen ’19
Bill ’58 and Jane Murphy
Mutiny Bay Distillery
Kim and Adolph Myers
North Avenue Education
Northwest Pump & Equipment Co, Mark Mathews ’73
Northwest Control Company Boiler and Combustion Services
Northwest Investment Counselors
The O’Donnell Family
Oakshire Brewing Old Astoria Tours
Opper Melang Restaurants/The Matador
The Oregon Historical Society
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Oregon Coast Aquarium
Pacific Seafood Co.
Paloma Clothing
Parr Lumber Co./Cascade Hardware
Paxton Gate PDX
Pear Bureau Northwest
The Pendleton Round-Up Association
Persimmon Country Club
Dr. Michael Peters, D.C.
Phelps Creek Vineyards
Timothy Phelps ’22
¿Por Qué No?
Portland Center Stage
Portland Fashion Week
Portland Pickles
Portland Outdoor Store
Portland Youth Philharmonic Portland Sound Society
Portland Nursery
Portland Rose Festival Association
Portland Spirit River Cruises
Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Portland Sports Psychology Profile Theatre
Providence Health & Services
Tracy Puga Graham ’86
Pulse Salon & Spa
Quail Valley Golf Course
Nicolas and Elizabeth Quille
RedTail Golf Center
The Refinery
Riccardo’s Ristorante
Rogue Ales & Spirits
Mike ’68 and Sherie Rosenbaum
Molly Sanders
San Diego Sockers
Sause Bros, Inc., Matt Hainley ’78
Sayler’s Old Country Kitchen
SCNW Photography
Seattle Mariners
Vida Marlene Shore
SkinSpirit Clinic + Med Spa Slabtown Tours
Sniff Dog Hotel
Nelson Snyder ’22
StarCycle/Salina Woods Steens Mountain Running Camp
Stoller Wine Group
Sunriver Resort
Susie Hunt Moran Homes
Suzie’s Organics
Hannelore and Calvin Swartley Sweet Cheeks Winery
The Aimsir Distilling Company
The Bar Method - Portland
The Campbell Course
The Source
Eden Mullens Thiessen
Thinker Toys
Jeanette and Kevin Thomas
Timmco Insurance, Inc: John Timm ’68, Brian Timm ’98, Susie ’95 and Derek Ames
Max Townsend ’22
Track Town Pizza
Troutdale Sand and Gravel, Brian Moran ’77
Donna M. Trudeau Tualatin Island Greens Tumbleweed Boutique
Tutor Doctor
Grant Twilleager ’22
Unfold Yoga and Meditation
Uniglobe Travel Partners - PNW
University of Portland
USS Midway Museum
Joe Van Haverbeke ’58
Vista Springs Cafe
Richard Voss
Terri Wallo Strauss
Wanderlust Tours
Keith and Cathy Watson
Wayfarer Bread
West Hills and Mountain Park Athletic Clubs Hal Westby ’54
Westward Whiskey Distiller
Whitefish Mountain Resort
Wild Roots Spirits
Wild Waves Theme & Water Park
Willamette Valley Vineyards
Jo Willhite
Pacific Seafood, Dennis Williams
Wilson/Rogers & Associates, Inc., Scott Wilson ’73
Windermere Property Management Woodard Wines
Wooldridge Creek Vineyard and Winery YIP Fitness YogaSix Zupan’s Markets, Burnside
Sause Bros.: Matt Hainley ’78 Joe Van Haverbeke ’58
Hunt Painting: Bill Hunt ’66 and Stephen Hunt ’89 Lara Media Services Northwest Pump & Equipment Co.: Mark Mathews ’73 Miller Nash LLP
Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
Beaverton Toyota Columbia Bank
Al ’51 and Sue Corrado
DDI Benefits: Dena Dooney ’88
Bill ’58 and Jane Murphy
Wilson Rogers & Associates: Scott Wilson ’73
Northwest Control Company, Inc. University of Portland
Environments | eteriors: Chris Corrado ’77
First Republic Private Wealth Management
Moran Homes Real Estate Group
Parr Lumber
Providence Health & Services
Timmco Insurance: Susie ’95 and Derek Ames, Brian Timm ’98, John Timm ’68
Ainslie Orthodontics
Blanchet House
Cascade West Insurance Partners
Health Markets
Illuminate Financial Group
Northwest Investment Counselors LLC
Uniglobe Travel Partners - PNW
Windermere Real Estate and Voss Property Management
Michael O’Connor ’90 joined Western Alliance Bank’s settlement services team based in Washington, D.C. as a Senior Vice President. Prior to joining Western Alliance, Michael was a Vice President at Epiq Class Action and Mass Tort Solutions for nearly twelve years and a practicing lawyer in Portland for thirteen years before that. Though now living across the country, Michael stays connected to Central Catholic and his home state as much as possible. While in town for Thanksgiving in the fall of 2021, he was pleased to attend the Rams’ victory over “that other Catholic school across the river” in the football state semifinals. This summer, Michael’s former Central Catholic teacher, Anna Nassib, joined him for a 50th birthday celebration. And Michael has not missed a home conference football game since 1998 at the University of Oregon (where he attended law school with fellow 1990 alums, Tasheaya (Warren) Ellison and the Honorable Karrie McIntyre).
Rose Eileen O’Malley was born on August 18, 2022. She is the daughter of Kevin O’Malley ’07 and Tara O’Malley. She is also the granddaughter of Paul O’Malley (Director of Admissions). She was born at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center and her labor and delivery nurse happened to be Renee (Grothe) Gillen ’07!
On August 6, 2022, Central Catholic alumni from the classes of 1952, 1962, 1972, 1982, along with graduates from the 1940s, gathered in the Weston Commons for their marquee reunions. It was a beautiful summer day for these alumni to reconnect with their classmates, celebrate their decades-long friendships, and reminisce about their time as Rams.
Central Catholic hosted the 40-, 50-, 60-, and 70-year reunions with delicious food, drink, and plenty of yearbooks and photos for alumni to pour over. Msgr. Murphy ‘58 was present to lead our alumni in prayer, and he and President Colin McGinty gave school tours. Several alumni had not been back in the building for over 50 years and they shared many great memories and expressed awe at the improvements made on 24 th and Stark!
Do you have a reunion coming up? Read our reunion guide at centralcatholichigh.org/ alumni/reunions, or contact Sara Wright, Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement at swright@centralcatholichigh.org.
August 6 marked the 50-year high school reunion for long-haul trucker Gary Ripley ‘72. Gary began his high school career at North Catholic High School, the pride and joy of North Portland. The co-educational school excelled in academics and athletics. During the early morning hours in the summer of 1970, a fire began on the second floor. Having survived two previous fires, a third one proved too damaging to the building, and North Catholic closed its doors.
Gary transferred to Central Catholic after the Archdiocese announced the permanent closure of North Catholic. Leaving that insular environment was challenging, but it was the welcoming community of Central Catholic that motivated Gary to arrange his work schedule so he could drive crosscountry to attend his class reunion 50 years later. To learn more about his experience both at Central Catholic and on the road, we chatted with Gary via phone to have a conversation about what makes Central Catholic so special.
CCM: You arranged your work schedule to drive cross-country to your reunion. What is it about Central Catholic that motivated you to do that?
GR: I came to Central and it was a joy to be just an all-boys school. It really was a joy! We had sister schools we could interact with, but being an all-boys school really did create a bond. The reunion proved it! We all had fond memories of each other. It far exceeded my hopes!
I had hoped to make all the reunions–I made the fifth [and fiftieth]! You get there and you see all the wonderful people, I’m still four feet off the ground a week later! I got a bunch of contact information, so I will be able to keep in touch with these guys and see how they’re doing. I will have a chance to thank them for the things they have done for other class members that were not necessary. People that got sick and these guys showed up and took care of them–this is what drew me to wanting to be there at the reunion.
CCM: What is your favorite memory of your time at Central Catholic?
GR: Senior year we pulled a senior skip day. The senior class had approximately 130 students, and 120 participated in senior skip day. We all got in a lot of trouble [laughs]. It was fun. That was a great accomplishment as far as teamwork goes.
CCM: I’m sure the administrators loved that! Tell us about your journey after you graduated from Central Catholic. How did a Central Catholic education shape or inspire you?
GR: Central Catholic gave me a chance to go to college; I played football for CC and that got me a scholarship. Central was called a “college prep school” but I prepped primarily in sports. When I got into college, I got hurt right away, so I never really played sports once in college. But, I had a basis on how to study and how to learn, so I took all the stuff I learned at North Catholic and Central Catholic and was able to become a student and take advantage of the opportunity and get a good education. Of course, that’s launched me everywhere I’ve gone. I can present myself as educated, and I credit all of that back to the education I received. I thank Central for the footing of it all.
CCM: What led to you becoming a long-haul trucker? What is it that you love so much that it keeps you on the road?
GR: The love of travel came from when I lived off Interstate Avenue, before they built I-5, so I’ve been watching trucks since I was a little kid, waving at the drivers. That started my love for traveling and it has not stopped ever since.
In college, my roommate joined ROTC [Reserve Officers’ Training Corps] and was stationed in Maryland and I drove him there. My car broke down and that is how I ended up living in Maryland for a year. That launched me into being a roamer. After my senior year of college, I went to the East Coast and realized they don’t have winters like Oregon. It’s not gray and miserable every day [Laughs]. I never intended to come back to Portland, but I got married and we had a baby. I lived there from 1986 to 2008 and when my daughter graduated that year, we were out of there! She moved to Colorado for college, so I moved to Colorado and started doing what I’m doing now, long-haul trucking.
I spend about 40 days a year off the road. I’m one of the rare characters on Earth in that I don’t like to go home every day. I did all the years I was in Portland and it was killing me! I like to get up and go somewhere new every day. Occasionally, I will get tired, but I don’t get tired of being here on the road. I love it. I’m on vacation every day!
CCM: What advice do you have for current Central Catholic Students?
GR: Take advantage of advisors! Most of us at that age aren’t wise to do that. There are so many people at Central that have so much life experience and they have dealt with other young people growing up, and helped guide them. Take advantage of the people at CC; ask them!
CCM: Character has always been integral to our school, and in recent years we have been infusing character education into the school through our curriculum, sports, and events. This year, our virtues for focus are: Compassion, Humility, Loyalty, and Self-Discipline. Of those four virtues, which one resonates with you the most?
GR: Being a good Catholic, self-discipline is the ultimate virtue. If you get control of yourself, then all kinds of things are possible. But also, if we learn humility, we learn how wonderful the people around us are.
CCM: Thank you for your time and for sharing your stories about Central Catholic’s inclusive and supportive community. It’s amazing to hear that the school’s welcoming environment has remained the same after all these years. Safe travels on the road!
Nick Henry Franciscone ’42 2020
Donald Paul Kullberg ’48 January 27, 2022
Michael Leo Moran ’48 April 24, 2020
Walter August Choruby ’49 June 9, 2022
George Anthony Galati ’50 September 19, 2022
Bruce Francis Cullen ’52 June 13, 2016
Harold Thomas Heitzman ’52 June 19, 2022
Thomas Anton Kraemer ’52 January 28, 2019
Martin Louis Arrigotti ’53 June 23, 2022
Eugene Clarence Comfort ’57 June 21, 2022
Michael Franklin McCoy ’57 July 16, 2022
Lance Constantine Staab ’58 June 4, 2022
Gerald Joseph Bochsler ’60 February 26, 2022
Michael Timothy Goodrich ’60 May 23, 2020
Dennis David Denfeld ’62 May 7, 2019
John Maurice Dhulst ’62 September 19, 2022
Charles John Fulton ’67 January 6, 2022
Matthew Brian Culligan ’77 May 27, 2022
Corina Reynolds Stearns ’97 May 18, 2022
Robert Anderson Moody ’00 August 6, 2022
Loretta Dorothy “Tede” Altenhofen August 4, 2022
Loretta Jane Candioglos June 6, 2022
Teri Van House Cettina July 2, 2022
Maureen Adele Delaney April 27, 2022
Audrey T. Delegato May 21, 2022
Carol Ann Prazeau Dieringer June 8, 2022
Edward Anthony “Tony” Golda June 6, 2022
Anne-Marie Grbavac May 20, 2022
Florence “Marie” Herboth July 22, 2022
Marilyn Louise Keenan August 6, 2022
Ernest Stanley Marbott July 12, 2022
Janice Ceglar Moffenbeier May 29, 2022
Elaine Norma Moyer July 6, 2022
Vincent J. Obradovich May 28, 2022
Theresa Emily O’Hanlon May 21, 2022
Deanna Marie Phillips July 12, 2022
Mary Janette Sikorski June 19, 2022
Lowell “Clark” Smith, Jr. May 24, 2022
Phyllis Jean Weber July 17, 2022
Dr. Gordon Wiltshire, Jr. February 20, 2022
More to the 20th century Central Catholic community, let it be known that Tede Altenhofen passed away on August 4, 2022, at the tender age of 93. Beside her at her passing were family members.
“Larger than life,” she served as registrar and secretary to an assortment of Central Catholic principals and administrators from 1963-1989, was much loved by teachers and students, and will be among the leading lights in our school’s history. She went on to St. John Fisher Parish in southwest Portland, assisting Fr. Wayne Forbes, from 1989-2010.
Ken Slack, beloved Central Catholic teacher and coach from 1982-1990 passed away on September 7, 2022. Mr. Slack taught science and history and was also a member of the football, volleyball, and golf coaching staff. After leaving Central Catholic, he went on to teach in the Salem-Keizer School District and continued coaching there even after retiring.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them.
2401 Southeast Stark Street • Portland, Oregon 97214
4 Students 4 Students Fundraiser Begins 7 Statewide Inservice No School 8 Twenty-Fourth Annual Women’s Wine Tour Check in: 9:00 a m 10 Teacher Professional Learning Day, No School 21 Homecoming Tailgater Event 4:00 p m. • McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse 21 Homecoming Football Game vs. Clackamas 7:00 p m., Hillsboro Stadium 23 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 30 Central Catholic Open House 1:00–4:00 p m
Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 441
4 Parent Teacher Conferences No School 11 Veteran’s Day Holiday No School 12 Fall Drama Production
The Importance of Being Earnest 7:00 p m , PAC 12–13 Matinee • 2:00 p m , PAC 17–19 Fall Drama Production
The Importance of Being Earnest 7:00 p m , PAC 20 Matinee • 2:00 p m , PAC 21 Grandparent and Special Friends Day 21–22 Digital Learning Day 23 Teacher Professional Development Day No School 24–25 Thanksgiving Holiday No School
29 Giving Tuesday
2 New Year’s Holiday No School 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday • No School 20 Teacher Inservice No School 30 Catholic Schools Week Begins