Central Coast Life & Style | Edition 4

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ABOUT OUR COVER: Ronni Kahn is known around the world as the founder and CEO of OzHarvest, a leading speaker and social activist. She has won many awards for her inspirational work, including Australian Local Hero of the Year and the Order of Australia. Ronni recently released her fascinating memoir, A Repurposed Life, and her indefatigable fight for change goes on. Cover photo: Sue Stubbs 3

EDITOR’S Letter Welcome to the spring edition of Central Coast Life & Style. By the time you read this, we’re all hoping that lockdown is well and truly behind us. And even if it goes on a little longer, we’re celebrating some of the unexpected silver linings that have come out of this challenging pandemic. But first, here’s a look at the magazine’s highlights. We are thrilled that OzHarvest founder and CEO Ronni Kahn joined us for our cover story. Having met her at the first Central Coast writers festival, Words on the Waves, and read her uplifting, entertaining memoir A Repurposed Life, I am amazed all over again by everything that Ronni is achieving in her ongoing war against food waste. OzHarvest on the Central Coast was established last year in response to the increasing demand for food relief – since then it has delivered thousands of meals to vulnerable people and supports 20 local charities. Find out more about Ronni and her inspiring work on page 6. Talking about inspirational women, high jump champion Nicola McDermott soared to new heights at the Tokyo Olympics, winning silver and becoming only the second Australian woman in history to win an Olympic high jump medal. In case you didn’t know, Nicola is a Central Coast resident who joined Gosford Little Athletics when she was just eight years old. Local writer (and keen athlete) Jacqueline O’Neill has followed Nicola’s career for many years and you can read her feature, New Heights, Faith and Silver Linings, on page 10. The Central Coast certainly seems to be a magnet for creative, talented people. Photographer, surfer and multi-disciplinary artist Luke Shadbolt, whose work has been exhibited across Australia and Europe, calls North Avoca home. Luke is an active supporter of charitable organisations take3forthesea and the Surfrider Foundation Australia, and has recently published Maelstrom, a magnificent collection of his ocean photography – see page 24 for a sneak peek. Collecting art as an investment can be a bit daunting for beginners, so we’ve enlisted Kerry-Anne Blanket, director and curator of the KAB Galleries in Terrigal and Sydney, to give us the lowdown on being an ‘artvestor’. Turn to page 30 to find out more about the prize-winning Australian artists represented by KAB and how you can start your own art collection. The talented duo behind SŚAINT, a gorgeous new range of fragrances, also hail from Terrigal. Ciara Mahoney and Ellie Wallace launched the brand in May and already SŚAINT is stocked nationwide and in the US. On page 32, they tell us how they got their business up and running during the pandemic – a great success story! On the international front, Business Chicks founder and global CEO Emma Isaacs is unstoppable, as you’ll discover in our feature on page 44. In the past five years, Emma has moved to Los Angeles with her family, given birth to her sixth child live on her Instagram feed and published her second motivational book, The New Hustle. It’s as honest and fun as her bestseller Winging It and a perfectly timed guide to navigating change in uncertain times. I’d like to give a shout-out here to some more local businesses – those that have successfully reinvented themselves during these difficult times and helped us, their customers, to carry on enjoying the good things in life. Hats off to foodie favourites that now offer quality home dining for takeaway or delivery: Nash Restaurant and Bar, Safran, Osteria Il Coccia, Gusto Italian Bistro and The Box on the Water’s Kiosk, all in Ettalong; Yellowtail, Arc’s Shuck n Chop, Pocket Bar and L’Isle de France in Terrigal; Cecilia’s in Toowoon Bay; and, of course, the Larder and Bakery at Bells at Killcare is doing a roaring trade. Many more companies than I can list here are home-delivering everything from fresh produce to beer, wine and gin hampers, homewares, designer fashions and accessories, kids’ clothes, books – it’s heartening to see such resilience in the marketplace. On a smaller scale, two enterprising locals set up Bouddi Home Markets, a community business run through its Facebook page; and congratulations to Vicky Brown, who started her online men’s gift business Crate Day right in the middle of the pandemic. Coming up soon, Central Coast Life & Style is hosting four virtual spring workshops on Facebook (page 22); join a panel of experts for terrific tips on styling your home, creating a sustainable garden, updating your wardrobe and cooking delicious dishes with fresh seasonal produce. From all of us at Central Coast Life & Style, we wish you the very best for the upcoming months. Cheers,




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Central Coast Life and Style Magazine has taken all reasonable precautions and effort to ensure the accuracy of material contained in this magazine is correct at the time of publishing. The views expressed in our articles do not necessarily reflect that of the editor and publisher. All adverts and editorial features are published in good faith. Central Coast Life and Style Magazine cannot guarantee and accept no liability for any loss or damage of any kind, errors or inaccuracy of claims made by the advertisers.

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WARRIOR OzHarvest founder and CEO Ronni Kahn humbly describes herself as a magnet for magnificent people, but this internationally renowned leader has touched the lives of countless vulnerable people – and she continues to fight for change. WORDS SALLY MACMILLAN






To say Ronni Kahn is a woman with a mission is an understatement. The elegant pocket dynamo is known around the world as the founder and CEO of OzHarvest, a social activist, lobbyist and sought-after keynote speaker. As if that wasn’t enough, she recently branched out into publishing, co-writing her memoir A Repurposed Life with her daughter-in-law Jessica Chapnik Kahn, and launched her own website, ronnikahn.com. Central Coast Life & Style meets Ronni at the inaugural Central Coast writers festival, Words on the Waves. Because of covid, it’s one of the first writers festivals Ronni has spoken at and the venue, Ocean Beach SLSC, is packed out. Ronni’s talk takes the audience back to her childhood in apartheid South Africa, her life as a teenager and young mother on a kibbutz in Israel, to moving to Australia with her family when she was in her late 30s and founding OzHarvest in 2004. The full story is related in A Repurposed Life, the title reflecting both Ronni’s passionate discovery of her true calling and her continuing work with OzHarvest. FROM THE HEART And wow, what a story it is. Ronni prefaces her talk at the writers festival by saying that at high school she was asked to be school captain but because she was so shy there was “no way I was going to get up on stage and speak in front of anybody”. As for starting a significant charity and becoming its leader, that was beyond her “wildest dreams”. Ronni speaks in a calm, mellifluous voice, straight from the heart. The relationship breakdown that became a major turning point when she was 51 was “the one chapter I did not want to see in the book” – but how she discovered who she didn’t want to be and moved on from that point to make a difference in people’s lives has struck a chord with many readers. 8

“I knew there was more to life and I had to take responsibility for my own actions,” she says. “I learned from the bad stuff and it gave me the power and self-confidence to begin a new chapter.” LIGHT BULB MOMENT Ronni was a successful events organiser at that time and the “light bulb moment” that led to eventually founding OzHarvest came at a lavish Roman-banquet themed dinner she had catered for a thousand guests. “Everyone ignored the food, went to the bar and got pissed and we had an unconscionable amount of food left over,” she says. “I loaded it up in my van and took it to the one charity I knew about – and that was the start of my rogue food-rescuing life.” Seventeen years and more than 180 million meals later, OzHarvest has seven offices, nine regional chapters and 70 yellow delivery vans around Australia, and operates a free supermarket in Sydney. It also supports 1,600 different charities and runs educational programs about nutrition and food waste: FEAST, a curriculum-aligned program for Year 5 and 6 students; Nourish, an 18-week hospitality-focused employment pathway for at-risk youth; and NEST, a six-week nutrition and health program for adults. As well as establishing branches in New Zealand, the UK and South Africa, OzHarvest continues to come up with innovative, creative ways to raise funds so that ultimately it won’t have to rely on donations or government grants. Harvest Bites is a Sydney-based home delivery service that sells restaurant-quality meals produced by some of our most famous chefs – every meal that’s bought funds 40 meals for vulnerable people. Juice for Good is another clever initiative – juice vending machines that use millions of oranges that would otherwise have been gone to waste because they didn’t look “perfect”. Then there’s Refetterio OzHarvest Sydney, a new

FOOD WASTE… In Australia, one in five shopping bags end up in the bin, which adds up to $3,800 worth of groceries per household each year. The top five most wasted foods in Australia are vegetables, bread, fruit, bagged salad, and leftovers. More than five million people experience food insecurity each year, one quarter are children. • Throwing away one burger wastes the same amount of water as a 90-minute shower. • It takes 25 years for a head of lettuce to decompose in landfill. • Eliminating global food waste would save 4.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, the equivalent of taking one in four cars off the road. …AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT PHOTO NIKKI TO

There are many simple ways you can reduce food waste in your own home. For example: • Plan meals ahead – only buy what you need and use leftovers in a second meal. • Declutter your fridge and cupboards to ensure time-sensitive foods are at the front. • Freeze surplus vegetables, leftover meal portions and lots more: check out ‘How to Freeze Food’ at taste.com.au. • Grow your own herbs rather than buying plastic-packaged fresh herbs. • Recycle kitchen waste, using a worm farm, compost bin or bokashi bin; check out compostrevolution.com.au for info and discounts provided by the Central Coast Council. • Donate time, money or food to OzHarvest: see ozharvest.org.


project cooked up by Ronni and acclaimed chef Massimo Bottura from the three-Michelin-star Osteria Francescana in Modena, due to open later this year. During lockdown, OzHarvest has been using the space at 481 Crown Street, Surry Hills to provide a hamper and takeaway hot meal service for those doing it tough in the local community. Massimo and his wife, Lara Gilmore, founded Food for Soul, an international organisation known for its refettorios, community restaurants that create delicious dishes from rescued ingredients that are served to those in need. Refetterio OzHarvest plans to provide free lunches for those experiencing food insecurity during the week, while the space will also be used for neighbourhood dinners and special events in the evening to provide a sustainable funding stream. It’s an incredible logistical challenge but one that Ronni and her vast team of volunteers will no doubt turn into another success story. “There’s something about the energy and culture within OzHarvest that’s contagious,” Ronni says. “If I could only bottle and sell it, we could make a fortune and I’d never have to fund-raise again!” MAKING A DIFFERENCE Making a difference and learning “how to be who you’re meant to be” is central to A Repurposed Life. At Words on the Waves and in the book, Ronni talks a lot about mentors and people who’ve had a big influence on her life, among them her pioneering feminist neighbour in South Africa, Selma Browde, spiritual Indian teacher Amma (Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma), Israeli writer Amos Oz and Sydney Salvation Army Major Hilton Harmer. “Hilton, who’s now 83 and has devoted 60 years to helping people, is a true saint,” she says, before telling a story about his 80th birthday that brings tears to the audience’s eyes. “I seem to be a magnet for magnificent people.”




NEW HEIGHTS, FAITH SILVER LININGS This has been a big year for high jump champion Nicola McDermott. She won silver at the Tokyo Olympics, set a new national record (three times) and became the second Australian woman in history to win an Olympic high jump medal – but she’s not done yet. WORDS JACQUELINE O’NEILL PHOTOGRAPHY JOSEF NALEVANSKY




“Surrender your fear of failing in public, surrender your expectation of a perfect preparation. Surrender your pride of appearance before others, surrender your dependency to feel that part. Go out there and chase your dreams – every sacrifice is worth it.” So reads the caption of the video on Nicola McDermott’s YouTube channel of her Tokyo Olympic-qualifying leap (1.96m), at Ostrava in the Czech Republic back in 2019. Watching that jump in the wee hours of the morning at home in Australia, I remember noticing Nic’s smile right before she took her run up and cleared the bar. As a fellow (slightly less Olympic) athlete who picked up the sport later in life, I’ve had the pleasure of watching Nicola compete and train at Mingara Regional Athletics Centre, here on the Central Coast, since 2014. She is always focused and methodical. For this jump though, she was relaxed, joyful – and fearless, too. Something had changed. With a huge smile across her face, jumping that Olympic qualifier just looked so easy. When I asked Nicola to describe how she felt that day, though, her response was surprising. “I’d just managed to jump 1.96m, the Olympic qualifier. I’d jumped 1.92m two days beforehand – a 4cm season’s best and a 2cm personal best – and was just feeling so tired. But I remember walking into the stadium and thinking to myself, If it gets to the Olympics and you’ve reached the final, are you going to rock up and say, ‘I’m so tired from jumping?’ or are you going to go into that final with your heart and your head high and say, ‘You know what, I’m going to give this 100 per cent whatever it costs.’ And that’s what I did.” 12

When Nicola jumped 2.01m to set a second new Australian record in Stockholm earlier this year, she apparently “didn’t feel that good” either. When I ask her to explain what she means, she just smiles. “I had a decision to make – I can give up now, or I can keep pushing, and I knew it was worth it. That’s what’s remarkable about these jumps – I didn’t feel good for them. I was so tired, but it’s not about the feeling. It’s about the knowing and having the faith to convert that into a performance.” Fast-forward two years, and Nicola’s faith in herself and God has pushed her to even greater heights – including successive Australian and Oceania records of 2m in April at the 2021 Australian Track & Field Championships, 2.01m less than three months later at the Stockholm Diamond League, and 2.02m in Tokyo at the Olympics for the silver medal in August. This was also the first podium finish for an Australian woman in the high jump since Michele Mason-Brown won silver at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Born on the Central Coast in 1996, Mingara-based Nicola has been a fixture at the track for upwards of 15 years since joining Gosford Little Athletics at the age of eight. A warm, kind and welcoming personality, Nicola is far from the aloof athlete stereotype. You can tell from watching her train that she loves the sport itself, the learning process, her squad and her coach, Matt Horsnell. An unassuming and light-hearted character who loves a good joke, Matt has had faith in “Nic” since the beginning, and the pair undoubtedly make one hell of a team. She describes their relationship as one of learning (for both of them) and trust.



“When I was young, and he told me that he had a 10-year plan for me, that was on him – he didn’t even know the kind of athlete that I could become. He was willing to commit those 10 years for me. I didn’t know the potential that he had as a coach (Matt has a ‘normal’ job, too), or if I’d need to move to the city, or a sports institute, but we just had this trust, and it has flourished – because we chose each other.” The partnership is now preparing for yet another international season in 2022, with their sights set on the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham in late July, and the World Athletics Championships set to be held in Eugene, Oregon (USA) early August. The goal? To be crowned the Commonwealth Games champion and clinch a medal at “Worlds”. Nicola has also nearly completed her degree in biochemistry at the University of Sydney, so knows that she should only improve when her high-jump career becomes her sole focus. To close off our time together, I asked Nicola what had changed in 2019 – other than the fact that this was the year that she also started her infamous journalling between jumps in competition. “The thing that changed for me is that my identity used to be in my performance. If I jumped well, I felt good about myself, and if I jumped poorly, my perception of who I was as a person was dramatically affected. Having that much intense pressure on performance can make it really scary – that’s why you saw me looking so serious. “I think that this is where my faith comes into it – I know that I’m loved and valuable, even without jumping high. If I come dead last and don’t clear the bar, it’s okay, because I know that my performance and

everything else I do in my life can never affect the way that God loves me. I make the decision to take that knowledge into every competition now. Even if I’m tired, and it’s a struggle, I know that every jump is an opportunity to showcase what that love looks like. I’m having fun with the sport – I’m not stressed – and I think that’s why I keep improving. I hope that I can encourage others in sport to have the same approach.” Whether our beliefs are grounded in religion or otherwise – it goes without saying that, now more than ever, a little faith can never go astray. 13

NATURAL Selection Getting back to nature doesn’t have to mean roughing it! Take a sublime family road trip in Audi’s new Q2 SUV and explore six of the best glamping spots on the Coast. WORDS SALLY MACMILLAN PHOTOGRAPHY JOSEF NALEVANSKY



Family road trips have come a long way over the last few years and Audi has upped the ante with the release of its new-generation Q2. This sleek ‘Urban SUV’ is compact but powerful and drives equally well on city streets, motorways and country roads. The standard model has an inline 4-cylinder petrol engine, designed for maximum performance and efficiency, and is equipped with an impressive array of features including 18-inch alloy wheels and full LED front and rear lights. The Q2 comfortably accommodates five passengers with a well-designed rear seat configuration that adjusts for a 40:60 split. When the seats are folded down the storage space increases from 405 litres to 1,050 litres. You can add more storage space with a lockable rooftop luggage box. So that you’re always connected, the Q2 is fitted out with innovative, intuitive infotainment technologies and, as with all Audi models, there is a wealth of options available for individual customisation. Contact the friendly team at Audi Alto Central Coast in North Gosford for more advice: call 02 4312 5617 or visit audialtocentralcoast.com.au. PHOTO GOUGH VENTER

A family holiday or weekend away that combines a road trip in your luxury Audi Q2 with exploring the Coast’s beaches, lakes and hinterland is hard to beat. And if you love going back to nature but aren’t so keen on hardcore camping, glamping is the perfect answer. ‘Glamorous camping’ means you can enjoy all the good things about life in the great outdoors without the hassle – all the hard work of pitching the tent, setting up beds, organising lighting and packing it up when you leave is done for you. Just BYO food and drink! Belle Glamping is a mobile glamping business based on the Central Coast that sets up beautifully outfitted, five-metre bell tents at select sites on the Central Coast, Hunter Valley and Newcastle areas. Belle Glamping caters for everyone from romantic couples to family or friend groups, and you can choose from a range of interior décor styles. The company even organises pop-up wedding villages, a clever solution for accommodating up to 60 guests onsite at a spectacular wedding venue. See belleglamping.com.au for more information. 15

Here are six of our favourite glampsites, all within easy driving distance from Sydney or Newcastle. GLENWORTH VALLEY


Set on 80 hectares of secluded riverfront, Glenworth Valley’s camping ground offers family-friendly camping in the bush, about an hour’s drive north of Sydney. This is the place for a wilderness escape – campsites are unpowered and maintained in a natural state. Glenworth Valley is a working horse farm where you can join trail rides, book riding lessons and see the 200 horses being mustered most weekends. Outdoor adventures include abseiling, kayaking and quad biking, which you need to book in advance, and there are swimming spots along Popran Creek beside the camp sites.

You don’t get much closer to the beach than this. Blue Lagoon Resort offers cabins and powered caravan sites just steps away from Shelly Beach, while tent sites are located close to Wyrrabalong National Park. Glampers can make the most of the resort’s beachfront access and facilities such as the outdoor heated pool and spa complex, barbecue areas and amenities block, while enjoying the peace and quiet of the natural surroundings. The resort is in Bateau Bay, about 90 minutes’ drive from Sydney.

69 Cooks Road, Glenworth Valley, NSW 2250 glenworth.com.au 16

10 Bateau Bay Rd, Bateau Bay NSW 2261 bluelagoonbeachresort.com.au

A family holiday that combines a road trip in a luxury Audi Q2 with exploring the Coast’s beaches and hinterland is hard to beat. NRMA OCEAN BEACH HOLIDAY RESORT UMINA Another lovely spot for beach-lovers, Ocean Beach Holiday Resort in Umina has been popular with families for many years. Glampers have the option of staying in the onsite safari tents or ‘glamtainers’ as well as booking one of Belle Glamping’s bell tents. The resort is about 90 minutes’ drive from Sydney and is surrounded by Brisbane Water National Park with direct access to Umina Beach. There are facilities galore for family campers, including a waterpark, swimming pool complex, bikes and go-karts for hire, tennis courts and a kids’ club. Sydney Avenue, Umina Beach NSW 2257 nrmaparksandresorts.com.au/oceanbeach WANGI POINT HOLIDAY PARK, LAKE MACQUARIE Lake Macquarie is home to the largest coastal saltwater lake in the Southern Hemisphere, 30 kilometres of pristine coastline and some of the most beautiful forests in NSW. Wangi Point Holiday Park is one of four operated by Lake Macquarie Holiday Parks – the others are at Swansea, Blacksmiths and Belmont (see below). Wangi Point is set between the shores of the lake and Wangi Point Flora and Fauna Reserve, about one hour and 45 minutes’ drive from Sydney. It’s a natural haven for lovers of boating, fishing and bushwalking. 2a Watkins Road, Wangi Wangi, NSW 2267 lakemacholidayparks.com.au BELMONT LAKESIDE HOLIDAY PARK The island-like setting of this holiday park on the shores of Lake Macquarie makes it the ideal getaway for fishing, swimming, sailing and windsurfing. There are boat hire facilities and launching ramps close by, while patrolled surf and swimming beaches are just around the corner. Facilities include powered sites for tents, a swimming pool, children’s playground, recreation room, campers’ kitchen and barbecues. Belmont Lakeside is pet-friendly and there’s even a dog-washing station. About one hour and 40 minutes’ drive from Sydney. 24 Paley Crescent, Belmont, NSW 2280 lakemacholidayparks.com.au NORAH HEAD HOLIDAY PARK One of four parks run by the Central Coast Council (the others are at Toowoon Bay, Canton Beach and Budgewoi), the holiday park at Norah Head is within easy reach of Soldiers Point surf beach, the historic Norah Head lighthouse and Munmorah, Budgewoi and Tuggerah lakes. The area is popular with snorkellers, divers and fishing enthusiasts. Onsite camping facilities include powered and unpowered pet-friendly sites, a swimming pool, camp kitchen, playgrounds and barbecues. 22-30 Victoria Street, Norah Head, NSW 2263 norahheadhp.com.au 17



Two idyllic hideaways in Terrigal’s lush countryside offer everything you need to relax, revive and re-energise.


Perhaps you’re aching to shake off the stress in a place that allows your mind to begin harmonising with your body once again; perhaps you and your partner are searching for a romantic escape, or there’s a very special date in the calendar that wants to be celebrated surrounded by serene beauty in style and luxury. The newly opened Bella’s at the Cottage Garden Studio and Amani Luxury Eco-Lodge are designed for couples, small groups, wellness retreats and workshops – a welcome addition to Belle Escapes’ portfolio of luxury holiday properties on the Central Coast.


AMANI LUXURY ECO-LODGE Amani Lodge is a luxury retreat designed in absolute harmony with the surrounding environment; nestled within 20 acres of natural bushland, everything has been meticulously considered to relax the mind yet spoil the senses. The lodge is a luminous expression of innovative Australian design blended with sumptuous style and superb craftsmanship – it merges striking forms with the artful play of light and dimension to create a magical experience of unexpected discovery and beauty. The interiors are sensational, with the warmth of imported stone matched by reclaimed vintage beams from Balmain’s wharfs, a striking tallowwood staircase and artworks sourced from around the globe. The strong, organic forms of the Lodge are perfectly balanced by the highly tactile interior design and its seamless connection to the surrounding bushland. It’s perfectly set up for two couples with a grand, open-plan living space anchored by a state-of-the-art kitchen, a vast, wood-burning fireplace and lavish ensuite bedrooms in separate wings for absolute privacy. Soaring ceilings are fitted with solar-powered skylights that welcome abundant natural light and greenery into this enchanting space; built among the tree canopy, the main living hub is cool and breezy in summer months and cosy throughout the winter. If you’ve never experienced a traditional Kol Kol wood-fired hot tub, you’re in for treat: relax your body and mind before enjoying a cocktail and dinner on the expansive decks or pull right up to the firepit for an evening of laughter under the stars. The Lodge takes privacy and tranquillity to a new level. Cocoon yourself in raw organic cottons and all the luxurious inclusions one would expect in such a remarkable property. Amani Lodge invites you to switch off and get back to nature, intentionally dismissing the need for internet or television cables. Far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, yet only moments from some of the most desirable beaches and locales the Central Coast has to offer, Amani Luxury Eco Lodge is elegance redefined. For bookings contact Ryan at Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717 ryan.south@belleproperty.com




BELLA’S AT THE COTTAGE GARDEN STUDIO Bella’s creates a truly unforgettable experience the moment you step over its threshold; your cares drop away, and you’re immediately enveloped by the richly textured interiors and a beautifully modern aesthetic. Set on five gorgeous acres featuring gardens created by renowned landscape and garden designer Michael Cooke, the cottage dates back more than 100 years and has been brilliantly reimagined as a Hamptons-style home. Bella’s Cottage is ideal for two or three couples with room to spare. Inside the front door, guests will be struck by the abundance of natural light and the Instagram-worthy interior design. Glimpses of the countryside seem to appear from every angle, with French doors blurring the distinction between indoors and out. The interior of the home effortlessly combines modern design with heritage elements for a seamless take on rural style; there are three luxurious bedrooms, two designer bathrooms and a superb collection of

alfresco spaces, including the wraparound verandah with a deep daybed plus a sunlit deck on the upper level. The upstairs bedrooms have fireplaces and are fully stocked with timber for cooler months – both bedrooms are beautifully furnished, as are the Travertine bathrooms, where you’ll find luxury body wash, scrubs and shampoo. The kitchen is also newly renovated and equipped with Smeg appliances and an eclectic mix of vintage crockery and designer pieces. Other notable features of Bella’s include ducted climate control, surround sound that’s Bluetooth connected, D&G expresso machine, a mature vegetable garden, barbecue facilities and an indoor/outdoor breakfast bar. Bella’s Cottage feels like another world entirely, yet it’s no more than a five-minute drive from Terrigal’s stunning beachfront, 10 minutes to Erina Fair and only 90 minutes from Sydney’s CBD. For bookings and enquiries contact Ryan at Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717 ryan.south@belleproperty.com




live your best life E IG H T- W E E K M E N TOR I NG PRO G R A M

‘Live Your Best Life’ is designed for you to discover new directions and develop your full potential in every area of your life. Leading guest therapists, teachers and advisors will help you create a personal and career roadmap, discover your creativity and learn lifelong skills. With a focus on goal setting, health and wellness, build confidence and deepen your understanding of who you are and what really drives you. The program will be held once a week at Bella’s Cottage for a maximum of 20 guests. It is divided into eight modules, running from 9am to 2pm, and includes a delicious lunch prepared by one of our top local chefs. Notable workshop facilitators in the eight-week program include: Cathy Baker. Award-winning entrepreneur and mentor. Lisa Messenger. Entrepreneur, Igniting Human Potential, education and tools for entrepreneurs. Louise Walker. Founder of Courage over Comfort, wellness mentor. Liv Kaplan. Holistic nutritionist and healthy cook. Kimberly Hetherington. Release creativity with art therapy. Leah Fotifili. Styling and home de-cluttering by The Beholder Styling and Design’s founder. Marella Diamond. Fitness guru, 3 x ICN world champion, fitness coach. Elke Jean. Makeup and hair artist. Feel confident and learn tips and tricks from the trade. Weave. Sustainable purchasing with fashion designer Weave, of By Weave and Ukiyo Co.

COMMENCING FEBRUARY 10, 2022 Please register your interest at nirvanawellnessretreats.com.au info@nirvanawellnessretreats.com.au

NIRVANA WELLNESS RETREATS ‘Season of Change’ is a two-day, two-night retreat for up to 11 guests, to be held at Bella’s Cottage and Amani Eco Lodge – Friday and Saturday February 4 and 5, 2022. Leading wellness and health professionals will guide you through yoga, meditation and massage sessions that focus on the over-arching theme of Confidence, Courage and Connection with Louise Walker, founder of Courage over Comfort and wellness mentor. You’ll also have free time to relax in the serene surroundings and enjoy a guided bush or beach experience and meals fully catered by a private chef. For more information and bookings, call 0415 858 815 or email info@nirvanawellnessretreats.com.au 21




Join our fabulous spring workshops, hosted by renowned local experts, for inspirational tips on styling your home, creating a sustainable garden, updating your wardrobe and cooking up a storm with fresh seasonal produce. Head to Central Coast Life & Style’s Facebook page in November – recordings will be available after the events.



Leah Fotilil, who runs The Beholder Styling + Design in Terrigal, has worked on many of the glamorous homes regularly featured in Central Coast Life & Style. She and her team believe that everyone should have access to good design and that your home is a reflection of who you are. Leah loves helping her clients realise the potential of their living spaces and her exclusive virtual Home Styling workshop is guaranteed to give you plenty of ideas for refreshing your home for the new season. See thebeholder.com.au

We have an amazing array of fresh, organic food that’s grown and produced on the Central Coast, and chef Dimitris Aronis, owner of Private Chef Catering, is a long-time supporter of local farmers and suppliers. Private Chef Catering provides clients in the Central Coast, Hunter Valley and Sydney regions with at-home fine dining and cooking classes. Dimitris’ Seasonal Dishes virtual masterclass will show you how to create memorable menus from spring ingredients. See privatechefcatering.com.au



Luke Brizga is the founder and creative director of Central Coast–based company Grounded Sustainable Gardens and he and his team specialise in garden design – creating and maintaining beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces. Spring is the best time to get your garden into shape for summer, or re-imagine it completely for a longer term project. Luke will present a practical, inspiring virtual workshop that will have your green fingers tingling with anticipation. See groundedsustainablegardens.com.au

Weave, internationally renowned fashion designer and director of Ukiyo Co Lifestyle and By Weave Collection, will showcase a stunning range of new-season looks from select Central Coast designers in our virtual Summer Fashion show. Weave has an impressive portfolio of labels and established Ukiyo Co Lifestyle on the Central Coast in 2017. The minimalist lifestyle brand specialises in sustainable fabrics and ethically produced, beautifully wearable casual and yoga clothing. Weave’s designer insights will set you on the right course for a super stylish summer. See ukiyo-co.com



S HOP 1A , FO U N TA I N P LAZA , 148-1 5 8 C EN TRAL COAST H IG H WAY, ER IN A N SW 2 2 5 0 P: (02) 43 6 5 0 5 1 5









Uber-talented photographer Luke Shadbolt’s book Maelstrom is a collection of his astounding ocean photographs, as shown in worldwide exhibitions. Here’s a sneak peek … WORDS SALLY MACMILLAN


‘...I think the proximity to nature is probably the greatest thing about living on the Central Coast’

Luke Shadbolt has been fascinated by the ocean ever since he was a young boy growing up in Terrigal. For as long as he can remember, being in and around the water was a daily ritual. “I consider my relationship with the ocean as slightly obsessive,” he says in the introduction to Maelstrom. “I’ve always felt most inspired surrounded by nature, but the ocean has a presence that is particularly distracting and intoxicating with its endless variables, especially during large swells.”

Considering the remoteness of the area and the powerful weather conditions, shooting was never going to be easy. Luke frequently worked from dawn until dusk to make the most of the ever-changing light, and over the month he spent on the project he worked through torrential rainstorms, scorching sun and blistering winds. The location Luke chose was challenging in itself, a rocky shoreline surrounded by sheer cliffs and accessible only on foot.

Before focusing on photography and fine art, Luke had an impressive career as a graphic designer and art director. The avid surfer was renowned for his surf photography for a number of prestigious magazines and he created advertising campaigns for such high-profile companies as Qantas, Lancôme, Audi and Michael Kors. After spending some 10 years capturing images of “perfect” waves for his clients, Luke decided on a change of direction and set out to document the most violent waves he could find. He describes it as “chaos and beauty in a single act”.

Having spent some time living and working in New York with his wife, creative consultant Nicole Warne – who also grew up on the Central Coast – the couple are based, for the time being, at North Avoca. Their daughter, Suki, was born in 2020. Travelling the world for work has always been a big part of Luke’s life but for now the family is enjoying being at home. Favourite local restaurants include Thaiger Temple and Rhonda’s in Terrigal, and Luke’s coffee go-to’s are The Boy and the Rose in North Avoca and Ocean Haus in Terrigal.

Early in 2016, Luke spent a month in a remote place on the Pacific Ocean, photographing huge storm swells generated by an active El Nino event. The resulting series of photographs featured in his Maelstrom and Acquiesce the Front exhibitions, which have been shown in Sydney, Berlin, London and Miami – and now make up this magnificent book.

And, of course, surfing the local breaks is another major attraction. “North Avoca is one of the most consistent spots on the coast for surf, which is convenient,” says Luke. “There are actually many world-class waves all across the Central Coast, but I can’t give away too much there!

Although people always want to know where he shot the photos, Luke maintains a discreet silence on the subject. “I was asked by a local surfer and photographer to not reveal the location,” he explains. “It’s pretty common in surf culture, keeping the names and locations of breaks a secret so that the area doesn’t become inundated, a rule I’ve always respected and abided by.” 26

“It’s always great to head out to either of the coastal national parks, Bouddi or Frazer, for a surf or a bushwalk or to just find a secluded stretch of sand to yourself. There are some great cliff jumps around Frazer, too. I think the proximity to nature is probably the greatest thing about living on the Central Coast.” Maelstrom is available for $150 at northavocaeditions.com.

Simply enter our prize draw by subscribing at www.cc-style.co This amazing vacation package is provided by Belle Escapes and the lucky winner will enjoy a two-night escape for six people at Tommy’s, Killcare Heights. Tommy’s is a beautifully designed three-bedroom, three-bathroom residence with incredible coastal views. It’s a short walk from pretty Hardy’s Bay village and less than five minutes’ drive from Killcare’s magnificent surf beach. Subscribe at www.cc-style.co for your chance to win! Follow Central Coast Life & Style on Instagram @centralcoastlifeandstyle and our Facebook page for more chances to win fabulous prizes.

T&Cs apply: Usage dates apply. Mid-week date of your choice (subject to availability). Must be over 25 years old. Abide by house rules. Must be redeemed within 12 months of the prize announcement (excluding December 18, 2021 to January 31, 2022).



Westfield Tuggerah not only has something for every shopper, it’s also the Coast’s go-to destination for family-friendly dining and entertainment. Since Westfield Tuggerah arrived on the scene 26 years ago, it has become a one-stop hub for busy families. Within the well-designed, airy centre you’ll find 240-plus outlets that cater for all your everyday requirements – supermarkets, banks, department stores – along with specialist stores, designer boutiques, the super-luxe Events Cinemas complex (Gold Class, anyone?), a new iPlay venue, and a host of eateries. DINING HOT SPOTS PaparottiS Pizza Pasta is one of the most popular restaurants at Westfield Tuggerah. Owners Cathy and Avelino Correia have known some of their customers since they were babies – now they bring their own children along for PaparottiS’ generous serves of freshly made pizza and pasta dishes. Cathy says their takeaway menu has been a favourite with regulars for 18 years and during lockdown their takeaway lunches and dinners are more in demand than ever. “We’ve always been grateful for the support 28

of our community, but especially during covid,” she says. “Our staff are amazing and we want to keep them happy and in work, too.” When things return to ‘normal’, PaparottiS will be hosting birthday and Christmas parties, special-occasion celebrations, and family lunches and dinners – and fans of their special home-made ravioli and cannelloni dishes will be in pasta heaven once more. For more info and orders, see paparottis.com.au. Around the outdoor dining precinct you’ll also find TGI Fridays and Hong Kong Chef. TGI Fridays is a New York-style bar and grill that specialises in – of course! – steaks, buffalo wings, ribs and a great selection of burgers at a very reasonable price point. Enjoy a classic Long Island Ice Tea or a Cosmopolitan from the extensive cocktail menu and don’t forget that kids eat free Mondays to Thursdays when the grown-ups order a main meal. TGI Fridays is open for takeaways in lockdown and has a special membership app you can download from tgifridays.com.au.



Kids Passes are available from the Concierge Desk on Level 2 (02 4305 5351)

MINI KIDS PASS - $25 (valued at $35) Event Cinemas: 1 x children’s 2D movie ticket*. Donut King: 1 x novelty donut (food court). Boost Juice: 1 x kids size smoothie crush or juice (20% off additional purchase of original size Boost with token redemption). McDonald’s: 1 x cheeseburger happy meal. Bakers Delight: 1 x finger bun.

MEGA PLAY PASS - $35 (valued at $54) Event Cinemas: 1 x children’s 2D movie ticket*. iPlay: 30 minutes free play, bonus 50 pre-loaded tickets + unlimited standard and ticket games. Donut King: 1 x novelty donut (food court). Boost Juice: 1 x kids size smoothie crush or juice (20% off additional purchase of original size Boost with token redemption). McDonald’s: 1 x cheeseburger happy meal. Mad Mex: 2 x churros and chocolate dipping sauce. *Event Cinema movie ticket not valid after 5pm on Saturday.

Hong Kong Chef serves up delicious Cantonese cuisine and traditional yum cha, using top-quality locally sourced ingredients. Signature Hong Kong-style dim sum dishes include pan-fried pork buns, steamed prawn dumplings, steamed barbecued pork buns, shallot pancakes and pork and prawn siu mai. During lockdown The Hong Kong Chef is open for takeaway lunch and dinner; see hkchef.com.au.

Westfield Tuggerah’s Event Cinemas takes movie-going to a whole new level with V-Max and the Gold Pass experience. The latest blockbusters, family movies and independent films are shown on giant state-of-the-art digital screens in seven auditoriums, where you can sink back into extralarge seats, double daybeds and recliners to enjoy all the action in crystalclear vision and perfect sound.


The Gold Pass experience includes an exclusive Gold Class lounge, where you can unwind with a cocktail or glass of vino before immersing yourself in the movie of your choice. You can order drinks, coffee, sweet treats and light meals to enjoy while watching the movie and there’s also a kids’ menu.

The new iPlay centre is located nearby the outdoor dining precinct and provides hours of fun for kids of all ages. When it’s open post-lockdown, you’ll find a terrific range of modern and retro games, including Jurassic Park, Lane Master, Midnight Maximum Tune DX5, Big Sweet Land, Walking Dead, Piano Keys and Quik Drop. It’s a great venue for kids parties, with a dedicated party room and specially designed party packages that cater for groups of eight and above. See iplayaustralia.com.au/iplay-tuggerah.

When it reopens post-lockdown, Event Cinemas will again host special event screenings, offer discounts for seniors and students, and halfprice Tuesdays. Meanwhile, you can join Cinebuzz and check out a huge selection of movies to watch on-demand at home. See eventcinemas.com.au. 29

Courtesy of KAB Gallery

HOW TO BE AN ‘ARTVESTOR’ Kerry-Anne Blanket, Director and Curator of the KAB Gallery in Terrigal, gives us the lowdown on collecting and investing in original artworks.



Owning original artworks has become more accessible and relevant for homeowners in recent years. It is no longer the domain of gallery owners and specialist collectors. More and more people are starting their collection of gorgeous original art at home, finding it to be a satisfying way to both stamp their homes with their style and invest their wellearned cash on something tangible to enjoy. The potential for making an investment return from their collections in the medium to long term is also driving a significant increase in the market. As the Director and Curator of KAB Gallery in Terrigal and Sydney and an experienced art collector, I know firsthand that art is a great investment. One of the most enjoyable parts of my job is helping my clients realise their desire to build their collections of art, which brings them joy by being displayed in their home and the assurance that all art has been quality vetted. Investing in original art has great payoff because while you can immediately enjoy a return on your investment by enjoying it on your wall, you can also hold onto it as a long-term investment with the prospect of one day achieving a financial return. Buying something to resell for profit is a slightly more complex process than buying for love and to hang in your home forever. This is because

investors need to ensure they are buying something that meets specific financial criteria (such as the artist’s sales history and mediums) while also ensuring that it connects in an emotive way. Art can be a fun investment that brings together financial gain and aesthetics – two things that rarely meet! Any investment is a project requiring the investor to be informed and open to risk. Like any investment, art is a gamble, and often a higher risk can realise the most significant investment return. However, risk is always present. Just like a share market investment, no matter how safe a stock looks, the reality is that the price could go backwards, or a company you have invested in could even fold. However, this is where art investors will always win. Because the enjoyment in your investment is immediate, while markets may fall and wane, value is derived from enjoying the work and you will always retain the physical item. At the time of going to print, due to the current lockdowns both KAB Galleries are operating entirely online, at KABGallery.com. Kerry-Anne and her experienced staff can be reached for a private consultation on 1300 78 7773 or via email at info@kabgallery.com.au 31


SŚAINT SŚAINT is an exciting new name in the perfume world. Meet company founders Ciara Mahoney and Elle Wallace, long-time friends who still call Terrigal home. WORDS SALLY MACMILLAN

Ciara Mahoney and Elle Wallace launched their intriguingly named perfume range SŚAINT in May 2021, after more than two years of intensive research – and it’s taking off big-time. The SŚAINT range comprises four fresh, evocative, long-lasting fragrances that can be worn by women and men: Cosmic Bang, Smokeshow, Modus Vivendi and Twenty Two. Inspiration for the largely organically derived perfumes came from Ciara and Elle’s shared love of nature and travel. Elle says, “We’ve known each other for nearly two decades and before we became business partners, we wanted to travel the world together. We applied for roles as flight attendants and our jobs took us to Los Angeles, Dubai, Singapore, London, Dallas and Hong Kong, to name a few amazing destinations. “Unbeknown to us, this was the beginning of the evolution of SŚAINT – we drew inspiration from Middle Eastern souks in Dubai and traditional Asian markets, for example.” 32

Ciara and Elle realised there was a major gap in the Australian fragrance market for clean, affordable perfumes. Ciara explains, “When we conducted market research, most people couldn’t name one brand that is manufactured in Australia or without a $400 price tag. Our USP is affordable, sustainable, luxury fragrances that have a lasting sillage – the ‘trail’ a perfume leaves in your wake.” Starting any sort of new business takes courage, insight, determination and a strong work ethic, but Ciara and Elle have those in spades. “SŚAINT has been our little baby for more than two years now,” says Ciara. “We’ve been through countless rounds of sampling raw botanicals and spent many, many hours researching branding and packaging, sourcing manufacturers, and ensuring we’re using top-quality ingredients.” Elle adds, “During that time, Ciara had a real baby and we had to deal with the ongoing pandemic and bouts of self-doubt! However, we were driven by creativity and inspiration, and launched SŚAINT earlier this year.”


Sustainability is a central pillar of the business. “We inherently believe it is our individual responsibility to tread lightly upon our planet,” says Ciara. “We are committed to continuously minimising our carbon footprint as far as we possibly can. “Our packaging is plastic-free where possible, our fragrance is mixed with organically farmed Australian wheat flour (ethanol); it’s a journey, and sustainability is at the forefront of our every decision.” SŚAINT is currently available in 50 stores Australia-wide and in stores in New York and Aspen in the US. Central Coast Stockists Dolce Vita Skin, Erina Aryele The Label, Terrigal Floral Anarchy, Gosford To Be Frank Homewares, Long Jetty and online store 33


Book a blissful weekend break or a relaxing long holiday at one of Belle Escapes’ stunning holiday homes. The Central Coast is one of Elyse Knowles’s favourite holiday destinations and she’s a huge fan of Belle Escapes. Whether Elyse, fiancée Josh and baby Sunny stay in a glamorous oceanfront house or at a gorgeous rural spread, she loves a home with character where she and the family can kick back and relax. “To me, home is where my mind can switch off, my face can be completely bare and my feet can walk without shoes! With my family in reach and fresh air blowing, I feel at ease. Wherever this exists, is a place I feel a happiness that is far beyond anything else.” The Central Coast is blessed with so many beautiful beaches that you can always find an unspoilt spot far from the madding city crowds. This remarkable region is within easy driving distance from Sydney and Newcastle and its coastline, bush and lush hinterland offer a wealth of natural beauty beyond the burbs. Locals and visitors also enjoy thriving foodie and arts scenes on the Coast. Restaurants range from fine-dining establishments to niche eateries and cafes, while cool cocktail bars and craft breweries are finding their place in the sun. You can discover the work of a host of talented designers, artists and artisans in small galleries and boutiques and at weekend markets. Belle Escapes has an unparallelled portfolio of fabulous holiday homes on the Central Coast, from Killcare in the south to Blue Bay in the north and secluded country acreages in the hinterland. Our holiday homes are designed for families, couples and small groups as well as luxurious corporate retreats. The concierge team is on hand to arrange everything from gourmet hampers to in-house massages, a personal chef and bespoke tourism experiences. Book your next getaway at belleescapes.com.au/central-coast or contact the Belle Escapes concierge today on 02 4360 1717. Here, we look at two popular locations where you can book Belle Escapes’ luxury holiday homes, Booker Bay and Macmasters Beach. 34



Booker Bay Situated on the Woy Woy Peninsula on picturesque Brisbane Water, Booker Bay is a tiny area just south of the Rip Bridge that merges with the coastal village of Ettalong Beach. Both were originally home to the Dharruk and Darkinjung communities and were settled by Europeans in the 1800s. The ferry trip from Palm Beach to Ettalong is the most scenic way to arrive in the area, while it’s an easy drive from Sydney and Newcastle and a few minutes by uber or taxi from Woy Woy railway station. Booker Bay proper comprises a handful of streets boasting some fabulous waterfront houses with their own jetties, and absolute beachfront properties; the sandy beach is popular with families and walkers and the water is calm and safe for swimming. Surfers can catch bigger waves at nearby Umina, Ocean Beach and Killcare. EXPLORE Hire a boat from Anderson’s Boatshed in Booker Bay to explore the ins and outs of meandering Brisbane Water – pack a picnic and fishing rods to make a day of it. Anderson’s also has stand-up paddle boards and kayaks for hire. See www.andersonsboatshed.com.au. Take a hike on the scenic Bouddi Coastal Walk, which runs 8.5 kilometres from Putty Beach to Macmasters Beach. The walk can be broken into short sections: Putty Beach to Maitland Bay (3 kilometres),

Maitland Bay to Little Beach (3.5 kilometres), and Little Beach to Macs (1.7 kilometres). If you’re parking your car at Putty Beach, remember there’s an $8 fee. See www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au. EAT & DRINK Ettalong offers an enticing selection of eating and drinking establishments, ranging from casual cafes to fine-dining restaurants and plenty of other options in between. Some of our favourites include the highly acclaimed Osteria il Coccia, Safran, Gusto Italian Bistro and The Box on the Water. You’ll also find cafes and restaurants serving Italian, Indian, Thai, Japanese and modern Australian cuisines and, of course, seafood, fish and chips and burgers. Bar Toto Trattoria and Box on the Water are your go-to places for a cool cocktail. SHOP The ‘Mediterranean-inspired’ Galleria precinct on Ocean View Road houses some 50 market-style shops, eateries, massage and beauty salons, as well as the gorgeous Cinema Paradiso. The cinema has six screens and shows a mix of arthouse, independent and blockbuster movies. See galleriaettalongbeach.com.au. The Galleria is also known as Ettalong Beach markets, but if you’re looking for the traditional outdoor variety, Umina Beach markets are held every third Sunday in the month from 9am to 2pm.

Escape at


Booker Seaside is the beachfront escape you’ve been looking for. Located on a pristine stretch of beach just 80 metres from the Palm Beach-Ettalong Ferry service and a few minutes’ walk to Ettalong’s restaurants, bars, cafes and Cinema Paradiso, this luxury three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment is perfect for couples, families and friends. Designed by renowned architect Darren Tye with interior design by Coco Republic, the elegant living space flows seamlessly to a huge, covered deck overlooking the water. Lush lawns and manicured landscaping complete the relaxed, stylish holiday ambience. Up to six guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717, belleescapes.com.au/centralcoast


Macmasters Beach The glorious golden surf beach on the Bouddi Peninsula is popular with locals and visitors, particularly families and dog-owners – dogs can run free between Macmasters and Copacabana Beaches, which form one big arc with Cockrone Lagoon in the middle. At the southern end, by the Surf Lifesaving Club, there’s a shallow beach pool that is perfect for toddlers and young children learning to swim. While there’s not a lot to do in Macs itself, that’s one reason why it is so popular – you go there for the beauty of the natural surroundings and its laid-back sun and sand holiday vibe. It is within easy reach of busier coastal towns such as Avoca and Terrigal, and there are bushwalks galore close by. It is about 1.5 hour’s drive from Sydney, and 20 minutes’ drive from Woy Woy station. EXPLORE An easy stroll takes you from Grahame Drive in Macmasters along a 750-metre trail through Bouddi National Park to secluded Little Beach. There’s a small campsite, barbecues and toilets at Little Beach and it’s a top spot for a picnic and walk with small children. A little further afield, wannabe surfers of all ages can take lessons at the Central Coast Surf School at Avoca and Umina beaches (see centralcoastsurfschool.com.au). Keen divers can explore the wreck of HMAS Adelaide near Terrigal; check out dive-boat trips at prodive.com.au.

EAT & DRINK Barefoot Café at Macmasters Surf Lifesaving Club is always busy in the holiday season. You can’t beat the views! It’s open for breakfast and lunch every day from 8am, and for dinner on Fridays and Sundays when the licensed bar is also open. Looloos Coffee Shack, on the Scenic Road, is the go-to for excellent coffee. It’s roasted at Looloos Coffee Warehouse in Kincumber, where you can buy beans in bulk – as well as biodegradable Nespresso compatible pods. Brilliant! For a truly indulgent lunch or dinner, head to nearby Bells at Killcare – The Wild Flower Bar & Dining restaurant serves seasonal dishes featuring produce grown in Bells’ famous vegetable garden and locally harvested seafood. Other fine-dining options a short drive from Macs include Arc.Est, Reef Restaurant, Yellowtail and L’isle de France, all in Terrigal. Distillery Botanica in Erina is a must-visit destination for its beautiful gardens, distillery and the adjoining Bar Botanica. SHOP If you’re looking for a bit of quality retail therapy, there are some lovely stores in the area. Check out La Bohème, near Terrigal, for fashions and homewares; Loughlin Furniture in West Gosford, for hand-crafted furniture; and the KAB Gallery in Terrigal for amazing original artworks.

Escape at


Yarram, sitting above stunning Macmasters Beach, is an impeccable five-bedroom Hamptons-style property that you’ll never want to leave. The twostorey house features two separate living areas (including a kids’ retreat downstairs), large bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms, an open-plan kitchen with new kitchenware and appliances, and a large outdoor balcony upstairs with extendable dining table and barbecue. It has all been freshly decorated and furnished and the views of Bouddi National Park and ocean are incredible. Outside there’s a gorgeous pool with sun lounges and an outdoor shower, and the beach is just a couple of minutes’ walk away. Up to 10 guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717, belleescapes.com.au/centralcoast






This absolute waterfront property on the shores of Lake Budgewoi has uninterrupted lake views from multiple entertaining areas, and the large level grassed back yard leads to a private jetty – the perfect holiday home for water-sports fans, birdwatchers and nature-lovers. The twolevel house has upper and lower decks for entertaining, a modern, wellequipped kitchen and spacious living areas.

With direct access to sand and surf, this luxury five-bedroom, threebathroom residence is the ultimate beachfront escape for friends or families. Two levels of outdoor entertaining areas overlook the beach and there’s a spacious sunken living room and large dining area off the contemporary kitchen. Indoor entertaining areas include a cinema room and pool table.

Up to eight guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717.

Up to 10 guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717.





Ideal for a large family or two families to share, Northwind has five bedrooms, two bathrooms and three separate living areas, and is located just steps away from glorious Macmasters Beach. The spacious design layout includes an expansive covered deck with a barbecue, an open-plan kitchen/living/dining area and a fully equipped laundry for longer stays.

This charming cottage is a short stroll from the beach and offers a relaxing escape for a family or two couples. The expansive deck with barbecue is designed for easy entertaining and outdoor living, and kids will love playing in the beautifully presented backyard. Swell has two bedrooms, a dining area separating the kitchen and a cosy living area.

Up to eight guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717. 38

Up to five guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717.





Offering a superb selection of living and entertaining options across two levels, Ocean Breeze features several private terraces and a stylish openplan design along with an inviting saltwater pool. The four-bedroom, three-bathroom property has amazing views over the ocean, and Killcare Beach and the restaurants and cafes on Hardys Bay are just moments away.

Serenity’s streamlined architectural design, sun-drenched decks and incredible ocean views make this holiday home a truly stylish retreat. Two of the four bedrooms have ensuites and the top-floor master suite has its own private deck. Entertaining is a breeze in the designer kitchen and there’s ample room for family and friend groups.

Up to eight guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717.

Up to eight guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717.





Spanning two levels, this four-bedroom, open-plan house features panoramic views of the coastline, Killcare Beach and the national park. The modern kitchen is equipped with high-quality appliances and flows onto a spacious deck, and the master bedroom has its own ocean-view balcony. There’s also a fully fenced, dog-friendly backyard with a second barbecue.

This striking, architecturally designed home boasting enviable water views is ideal for those seeking boutique bayside living. Spread over multiple levels, the spacious floorplan includes a recently renovated designer kitchen and a stunning combined living/dining area that effortlessly flows out to the entertaining deck. Luxury touches include a spectacular infinity pool and a gorgeous master suite.

Up to eight guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717.

Up to six guests. Contact Belle Escapes: 02 4360 1717. 39



OUT& about Raise your glasses to the Coast’s constantly evolving drinking and dining scene! Our creative hosts have been busy reinventing cocktails and redesigning menus while the sublime surroundings of local bars and eateries never fail to amaze us. WORDS JACQUELINE O’NEILL

Picture this…the weather starts to warm, and we begin to emerge from our homes. Everything is more vibrant. Laughter is louder, smiles are wider, and balmy evenings are here to stay as summer rolls in, to be perfectly spent with a cocktail or gelato in hand. The Central Coast’s dining scene has evolved splendidly over the past 10 years as it has become a culinary hotspot, with many venues combining stellar views and seasonal menus that showcase local produce, paired with thoughtful and artfully crafted beverage options. There’s an abundance of beachside bars, waterfront restaurants, artsy breweries and distilleries, and local chefs, artisans, architects, baristas, designers and creators of all kinds have been ticking away in the background, preparing to close out 2021 with a bang. 40




Formerly a nursery, as well as a venue for weddings, fairy parties and other events in the 1980s and ’90s, you’d be hard-pressed to find a veteran Central Coast local who doesn’t have fond memories of the gardens now occupied by Distillery Botanica.

Deciding to swap his chef ’s whites for a gelati van in 2016 and move to the Central Coast, former Three Blue Ducks Sydney chef Dan Hughes and his wife, Julia, went searching for the perfect spot to make and sell their award-winning Mr Goaty Gelato. In 2018, Dan and Julia opened the doors to Bar Botanica, a gelato bar and café set on the same grounds as the beloved Distillery Botanica.

Local horticulturalist Philip Moore is a passionate grower of high quality herbs that he had previously supplied to the old nursery, and in 2005 following his ‘retirement’, he bought the property in Erina. A year later, Philip became only the 16th Australian to be granted a licence to distill. His experience with herbs and botanicals served as invaluable training as he was self-taught to create gins and liqueurs with ingredients sourced from the surrounding gardens. The rest is history. Distillery Botanica now boasts a range of world-renowned drops, including the IWSC (International Wine & Spirit Competition) London gold-medal winning Moore’s Dry Gin, and the renowned coffee liqueur Mr Black. The seasonal Lemon Myrtle Liqueur also has quite a following, and has recently been released with its own Myrtle Mule Picnic Pack, perfect for a warm afternoon on the lawns. Guided group tastings, distillery tours and ‘distill your own gin’ workshops will be launched soon, and there is an exciting distillery door upgrade on its way, too – for updates and opening event details, sign up to become a Friend of the Distillery. For online orders, home delivery and further information, call 02 4365 3968 or head to distillerybotanica.com.

Bar Botanica boasts garden-inspired dishes and refreshing cocktails that can be savoured either in the leafy courtyard or on the lawns. The gelato – winner of multiple awards including Gourmet Traveller’s Best Gelato in NSW 2020 – is hand-churned on site. Available flavours vary, with popular choices including Honeycomb Lavender, Banana Caramel, Turmeric & Orange and ‘Ginlato’. As the only café in the world that pours freshly roasted coffee from the same beans that create the Mr Black coffee liqueur, the venue is proud to have also been named one of 2019’s Top Five Places to Brunch in NSW by Good Weekend magazine. Dan’s English heritage has evident influence over the seasonal menu, which showcases flavours of the surrounding gardens throughout the year. After operating reduced hours and doing a roaring trade in takeaway and home deliveries, Bar Botanica is set to re-open in time for summer for dine in customers. Visit barbotanica.com.au for online orders and up-to-date information on opening hours. 41



The name is a homage to Bob Dylan, but the interior is Mad Men meets INXS. Located directly opposite the beach in the heart of Terrigal, The Joker and Thief offers the ultimate escapist experience. The design and styling are courtesy of Central Coast-based Studio Highfield, with neon signage, dusty pink walls and timber panelling providing an unpretentious contrast to marble tabletops and brass detailing. Our favourite sunset strip finally has a venue that simultaneously provides the perfect atmosphere for both a bright and airy lunch spot by day, and a moody restaurant-bar by night.

For many lovers of fine food on the Central Coast, Dimitris Aronis’ is a familiar name. Local to the area, Dimitris worked in various establishments as an apprentice in Sydney (predominantly at the renowned Bathers Pavilion in Balmoral) before moving here and working in fine dining restaurants. After then travelling and working through Europe, he returned as executive chef for a local catering company, and the idea for Private Chef Catering was born.

Balmy ocean breezes flow through large windows, as do cocktails into glasses. The signature cocktail menu strikes a perfect balance between adventurous and classic – there’s something for everyone. Gin-lovers rejoice over the Signature Gin Journey (a series of three distinctive deconstructed G&Ts), while those after a sour, espresso martini or aesthetically pleasing mocktail are also well looked after. If cocktails aren’t your thing, the spirits, beer and wine selections are a great shout, too. Head chef Dane Walker has crafted a Mod Oz restaurant menu with a Mediterranean twist, serving dishes that are perfectly designed to share, but also stand confidently alone. While a new menu is coming up, there are a few favourites that we hope will stick around – particularly the truffle and Parmesan fries, marinated chargrilled squid, as well as burgers that pair perfectly with a cold drink on those hot Terrigal afternoons. Call 02 4384 4330 or visit thejokerandthief.com.au. 42

If you’re after something a little different, the Private Chef experience is just that. The team comes to you, servicing Sydney, Newcastle, the Hunter Valley and Central Coast, sourcing local fresh and organic produce to create menus to suit any occasion. Perfect for small, intimate dinners, Private Chef Catering will impress even the fussiest of connoisseurs. There is a variety of set menus available, including the Five Course Signature option – think seared sea scallops and blue swimmer crab ravioli, wild mushroom risotto, slow roasted lamb rack, and more. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, menus can be tailored to your requirements with no limits on options or courses. Dimitris is described by his clients as the “best private caterer” available, and as a chef who is “committed and passionate with a keen attention to detail”. This spring, keep an eye out for his new intimate dining options, and upcoming ‘Cook with the Chef ’ workshops. To invite Dimitris over to your place, or to find out more, call 0414 754 834 or head to privatechefcatering.com.au.

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UNSTOPPABLE! Emma Isaacs, founder of the hugely successful networking group Business Chicks – and mother of six young children – has somehow found time to publish another inspirational best-seller. How does she do it? WORDS SALLY MACMILLAN

Emma Isaacs’ first book, Winging It, is the go-to motivational bible for countless thousands of businesswomen around the world. It details Emma’s journey from starting a recruitment company when she was just 18 to seven years later founding Business Chicks – which became Australia’s biggest and most influential women’s networking group. Along the way, she built a significant property portfolio, raised millions of dollars for charity and gave birth to six children – and she’s still only 42! Winging It is packed with humorous anecdotes that illustrate Emma’s philosophy of diving in and taking action – ‘winging it’ – plus practical advice and strategies that anyone can follow if they trust their gut instincts rather than wait for some mythical perfect opportunity to arise. Interviews with high-profile entrepreneurs including Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Girlboss founder Sophie Amoruso and Diane von Furstenberg reinforce the book’s message of “do it now” and show how to “do the things that scare you, build your wealth, make an impact, fail lots, and get up and try again”.

In Emma’s words, “The New Hustle is about cutting corners. It’s about being spontaneous. It’s about bringing more fun into your work and more life into your life. It’s about being effective in everything you do and not striving for what others want because you’ve become detached from what it is you really want. It’s not spending a second longer on a task that won’t really change the ultimate outcome. It’s knowing when to step into hard work (and there will be times) and knowing when you can pull back and rest well.” The New Hustle has just been published and is guaranteed to be as effective, inspirational and compelling as Winging It. You won’t want to go to work without it. Winging It and The New Hustle are both published by Pan Macmillan Australia.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Cathy Baker, is an award-winning entrepreneur herself and a big fan of Winging It and Business Chicks. She found the book “refreshing, real and inspirational – in fact, just like Emma”, whom Cathy met in Sydney and joined on the annual Business Chicks conference on Richard Branson’s Necker Island. “Emma’s advice includes staying true to yourself, adapting to the ‘new normal’, seizing opportunities and, as a business leader, empowering those around you,” says Cathy. “I hadn’t realised until I met her how much work she puts into charitable causes – she shines a light on issues and gets things done. She’s also great fun, down to earth and very humble about her success.” Emma, her husband Rowan and their children moved to Los Angeles five years ago to set up a US branch of Business Chicks. She famously live-streamed the birth of their sixth child to 55,000 Instagram followers last year but while Louis’ arrival was a big hit, the business was struggling. Then COVID reared its ugly head, disrupting families and economies all over the world. During this time, Emma was reshaping the Business Chicks company playbook. While re-evaluating the company’s vision and working practices, a book that was “never designed for public consumption” grew out of her notes and The New Hustle was born. 45


Our top reads for spring FABULOUS FICTION


Booker-prize winning author Kazuo Ishiguro’s latest novel Klara and the Sun is set in the near future and presents a disturbing society seen through the eyes of an ‘artificial friend’. Klara is the solar-powered AF who is bought for Josie, a young, lonely teenager who suffers from a mysterious illness. Oblique references to privileged children who have been ‘lifted’ (genetically improved) and the dystopian world depicted make this a haunting, melancholy read – but ultimately it is a multi-layered novel that delves into the complex nature of human love. Allen & Unwin, RRP $32.99

Leave Me Alone (subtitled A memoir of me, myself and Trish) is the hilarious, no-filter memoir penned by Brisbane comedian and social media star Christian Hull. Christian writes about everything from growing up with triplet brothers to building a career in comedy, his fear of moths and some of his more daring Grindr sexcapades in his own inimitable, full-frontal style. Even if you don’t know him from a bar of soap, this highly entertaining book will captivate with its rollicking tales, razor-sharp wit and bracing honesty. Allen & Unwin, RRP $29.99

“The summer after I wrote the story that killed Tracey Doran, I had just stopped sleeping with two very different men…” Once you’ve read the first sentence of Jacqueline Maley’s first novel, The Truth About Her, you’ll be hooked. Suzy Hamilton is a Sydney journalist – like the book’s award-winning author – and single mother, and the story Suzy wrote about fraudulent wellness blogger Tracey triggers a series of personal and professional revelations as her career comes to a shuddering halt. Classic themes of motherhood, guilt, truth and consequences all get a workout in this spot-on contemporary novel. HarperCollins, RRP $32.99

Many readers will be familiar with the work of the late Catherine Hamlin, an Australian doctor who dedicated her life to helping African women suffering from obstetric fistulas. Dr Andrew Browning continued Catherine’s work for two decades in Africa, establishing the Barbara May Foundation which has built hospitals, trained staff and established programs to heal and prevent fistulas in the world’s most disadvantaged women. A Doctor in Africa is the uplifting account of Andrew’s life, from the challenges he faced to the stories of the women whose lives he has forever changed. Pan Macmillan Australia, RRP $34.99

Fans of Lucinda Riley’s epic series The Seven Sisters will welcome the seventh instalment, The Missing Sister. In this big doorstopper of a book, six D’Aplièse sisters have each been on their own journey to discover their heritage, but who and where is the seventh sister? Their search to find her will take them across the world, uniting them in their mission to complete their family at last. In doing so, they will unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago. Pan Macmillan Australia, RRP $32.99 Sad, darkly funny and absolutely riveting, Meg Mason’s Sorrow and Bliss has been favourably compared with Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s TV series Fleabag. The novel is narrated by Martha, a 40-year-old woman whose marriage has broken down. She moves in with her dysfunctional parents in London, where she unravels her life story and wonders why she has always felt there was something wrong with her. The author has said it is “about not coming of age until you’re 41. We always think of coming of age is being 18 or 21, but I don’t see anyone coming of age at that point. It’s a lifelong project.” HarperCollins, RRP $32.99 46

THRILLS & CHILLS Michael Robotham is an internationally renowned, best-selling crime writer and his latest page-turner is destined to win yet more awards. Although he lives on Sydney’s Northern Beaches his novels are mostly set in the UK, where he worked for several years as a journalist and ghostwriter. Michael has written nine books in the Joe O’Loughlin series but When You Are Mine is his first standalone thriller since The Secrets She Keeps. It is beautifully paced, a mystery journey rather than a roller-coaster ride – a compelling study of obsession and conflicting loyalties. Un-putdownable. Hachette, RRP $32.99 Told by Jacob, an 11-year-old boy brought up by his father on an isolated hard-scrabble farm, The Others is a slow-burning psychological drama that creeps up and grabs you. Jacob writes a diary about everyday life on the farm but knows that some things should not be written down or remembered. His father is protecting him from ‘the others’ in a shadowy post-plague world, but how far will he go to keep them at bay? Mark Brandi won numerous awards for his first two novels, Wimmera and The Rip, and The Others is set to join the bestseller list. Hachette, RRP $32.99

Artist’s impression

135 The Scenic Road, Killcare Heights It’s incredibly rare these days to find coastal acreage that’s just five minutes from Killcare’s spectacular beachfront, but this is just such an offering; a stunning 7.5 acre holding that presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create something truly special. The property is magical, the views are sublime, and it currently includes several dwellings: a charming ‘mud-brick’ beach house that’s been a highly successful holiday rental, plus several additional outbuildings, pool and lush gardens. Have a look at the proposed architectural ideas, and you’ll see the kind of potential that exists to build a world-class residence in a premier coastal setting (STCA). For more information, please call Cathy Baker on 0414 241 005

Belle Property Central Coast Terrigal 02 4385 2141 | Killcare 02 4360 1717 centralcoast.info@belleproperty.com belleproperty.com/central-coast 47

A brand new lifestyle space that brings you a boutique experience with a distinct point of difference.

Cathy Baker Principal

0414 241 005 Cathy.Baker@belleproperty.com www.belleproperty.com/central-coast 48


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