Central Oklahoma Children’s Directory
May 2020 centralokchildrensdirectory.com (405) 348-3009/(405) 340-6912 Sign up to receive this FREE e-newsletter at: centralokchildrensdirectory@hotmail.com
Exciting announcement!
The Spring Summer 2020 Central Oklahoma Children’s Directory will be inserted in the May 20 Tinker Take Off newspaper. Since all of our large distribution events cancelled due to Covid-19 and we couldn’t deliver to our participating organizations, we have a LOT of Children’s Directories to distribute. We are thrilled to offer this to our advertisers and readers. Also we will start distribution around the metro area mid-May!
The Sky is the Limit for this 2020 Grad Come June 25, Luke Wells will be one of the newest members of the United States Air Force Academy — and it’s all thanks, he says, to his education. Luke has attended the Oklahoma Bible Academy (OBA), a private school in Enid, since the sixth grade. The unique educational environment helped him soar academically and socially — he’s a musician, athlete, actor and was captain of the academic team. While this could be chalked up to his ambition and drive, Luke says he wouldn’t be where he is without OBA. “The culture and academics are so encouraging, and it has been a great school to help me grow as a person,” he said. “The teachers are incredibly supportive and go above and beyond to help their students. I don’t feel like I would’ve received the same opportunities anywhere else.” Luke particularly enjoys math, history and science, and said he set his sights on joining the military because it fulfills all his interests. After receiving offers from the U.S. Air Force Academy and West Point, as well as a conditional offer letter from the U.S. Naval Academy, he decided to join the Air Force with the goal of becoming an aerospace engineer. The military, he says, is also appealing for its financial support for education, something he relied upon to attend OBA. Luke was a recipient of the Opportunity Scholarship Fund (OSF), an organization which helps lower-income students attend accredited private schools which best suit their educational needs. Luke’s mother Brenda says he wouldn’t have been able to attend OBA without the scholarship. “I’m so thankful for OSF. It allowed Luke to learn in an environment which helped shape him into the thoughtful, passionate young man he is today,” Brenda said. If you’d like to give your child similar educational opportunities, visit OSF’s website today. Find a list of the 67 accredited member schools, frequently asked questions and how to apply for a scholarship at OSFKids.org. With the help of OSF, your child could have an educational experience like Luke’s!
The Spring Summer 2020 issue is here! Thank you to all of our wonderful advertisers who have kept this publication going for 25 years! You can read the entire directory online and we will start delivering them around the metro mid-May.
For more events, go to our website and click on centralokchildrensdirectory.com
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Interested in advertising? Fall Winter 2020-21Central OK Children’s Directory Call Sherry at 405-340-6912. Publishing in Sept. 2020