No. 3, 2013
CENTRE PLUS NEWS CULTURAL AND SPORTS SERVICES (theaters, museums, sports clubs)
Lithuania is rich in a va-
riety of social and cultural events, festivals and concerts. Also, it is nice that most of them are free of charge, so all people have the opportunity to spend their leisure time. Vilnius is a city famous for its exceptionally wide range of cultural events. The most important and major concerts take place in Siemens Arena, Entertainment Arena, Theatre Arena and Vingis Park in Vilnius. Classical music, jazz, religious music concerts take place in Lithuanian National Philharmonic,theVilnius Congress Palace, St. Catherine’s Church and Piano.LT concert hall. And of course, the pride of Vilnius is Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, where you can see and hear the world famous opera singers and ballet masters not only from Lithuania, but also from other countries. Online access: www. ,, , . Not only music lovers but also theater lovers can enjoy a variety of performances and festivals in throughout Lithuania. The largest theater festivals
organized in Lithuania there are Vilnius International Theatre Festival “Sirens”, Nordic theater, dance, music and performance festival “North wind” (“Nordwind”) , also the national drama festival “Fount” (“Versmė”). These festivals satisfy the most demanding tastes of the audience. Others important places where meet theater lovers are as follows: • Lithuanian National Drama Theater, which presents the most famous classical works and their modern improvisations (website: ). • The State Small Theatre of Vilnius, which on different occasions organizes meetings with exceptional
charismatic personalities:directors,actors, musicians and writers (website: • National Youth Theatre, where work not only wellknown Lithuanian directors, but also directors from abroad and young directors with groundbreaking ideas (website: ). • Oscar Koršunovas Theatre (website: ) is the most abroad touring theater. It creates in contemporary modern context, sometimes shocking and surprising its audience.• Anželika Cholina theater creates the most beautiful dance performances, where intercross classical ballet, contemporary dance and performance elements (website: ).
Centre Plius News No.3, 2013
• Gyčio Ivanausko theater distinguishes from other theaters for its innovation, style of performances, expression and non-standard creative solutions (website: ). • Lithuanian Russian Drama Theater performances are held in Russian and Lithuanian languages and sometimes companies from Russia perform in it (website: ). There are particularly many museums in Lithuania, where different educational programs, lectures, thematic tours and lessons are organized. Educational activities are oriented to various age and social groups. During the training activities people can learn about historical events, the world of art, customs, traditions and nature of ancestry life in attractive and non-traditional ways. For example, you can learn to bake traditional Lithuanian bread, to spin, to weave and so on. Educational sessions develop the visitors` imagination and help to take a fresh look to one or another event, phenomenon or object, train attention, language, reading, analysis, evaluation and teamwork skills and abilities. All information about the museums in Lithuania can be found on website: en.htm .The basic information about all cultural events in Lithuania can be found on ticket solving websites: aspx and http://www.bilietai. lt . For information about free events, click: http://www. The news
about cultural events organized in Lithuania in English language can be heard every Friday at 12:10 on radio station “Pūkas” in program “Consultation and information center PLUS news”. Those who prefer to spend their time actively can always choose one of the sports clubs in Lithuania. Sports clubs can be found on website: http://www.sportoklubai. lt . To those who like yoga we would like to recommend one of the largest yoga centers in Vilnius SOHAM ( w e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w. Those wishing to try out martial arts can also choose from many clubs throughout the country.
Information sites usually contain information not only in Lithuanian, but also in Russian and English languages. Also you can choose swimming, for example at “Impuls” gym (website: ) or Forum Palace (website: http:// ).Other swimming pools located in Vilnius you can find on website: paieska/contents.php?Skyrius=Turizmas&Gylis=aidma&miestas=Vilnius . Options and activities are very broad and diverse, so you only need to decide, what you want to do this evening. Thoughtful, cultured and active days and evenings to all of you!
Centre Plius News No.3, 2013
“Immigrants residing in Lithuania are becoming more active in the cultural life of the country: they go to the cinema, museums and theaters, are volunteering at sporting events or music festivals.” A. R., who is studying contemporary art in Lithuania since 2008 is glad that Lithuania is very rich in cultural events, where she goes with happiness and also takes her friends together. The girl noticed that so many cultural institutions she had never visited even in her own country: she visited the Contemporary Art Center, Drama Theatre,Opera and Ballet Theatre, Russian Drama Theatre, Arts Printing House and the National Art Gallery. The girl pointed out that everywhere she had met kind and smiling staff: “It seems to me that the people who work in cultural institutions love their job (at least I have experienced such cases). When you come in, you feel that they were waiting for you to come. They smile and you absolutely do not want to leave. They always communicate with me and after realizing
that I am a foreigner, they instantly “switch” into my language. This is very encouraging.” The girl remembered that only in one place she was misunderstood because the staff didn`t speak neither Russian nor English. It happened when she went to the cinema and could not communicate with the staff on a common language. Then they used gestures and body language. A little different situation encountered to that girl, when she had chosen to volunteer at artistic event “ART Vilnius’13” which was held at LITEXPO palace. A. R. remembered that the program was not fully adapted to foreigners: “It was a lack of organization and forethought at the event. This was a huge limitation, discomfort and even disrespect, when the event was open to all nations, but the leaflets were not even
translated into English. But I believe that the organizers of event assessed the situation, and it had not repeated again.” U. K. who have a Master’s degree and is working in Lithuania also shared the positive experience that obtained during his visits to sporting events. At a time, when the U. K. came to Lithuania, the Basketball Championship was held. He and his friends went to watch the competitions.I did not understand why at the international event, which was designed not only to Lithuanian people, programs and voting forms were only in Lithuanian language? “Every time, when I was buying tickets the cashiers spoke to me: they were interested, what I did, what a team I was going to support and it seemed they were happy that I came.
Centre Plius News No.3, 2013
I felt that they were really interested in me and I was not an ordinary customer, to whom they even did not have the strength to say “Hello”. When I see the enthusiasm of young staff and their openness to customers, it always makes me very happy. I did not have such an experience in my country. The guy pointed out that he felt no problems
being an immigrant and did not feel differently. He did not see threatening glances or too intrusive interrogation. “I often go to the gym and I feel well after sporting activities not only because of physical load, but also because of pleasant conversations with coaches and staff attention.
have seen that the staff and coaches were making efforts that people do not feel uncomfortable because of a different appearance or language barriers” - told U. K. Cultural and sporting events are among the most effective ways for immigrants if they want to integrate into society and find their place in it.
The newspaper is published, implementing the project “Consultation and information centre PLUS” according the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals, annual Programme 2012
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