Information booklet This information booklet dedicated to immigrants, who live or intend to live in Lithuania (work, study, run and develop business etc.). The information booklet contains detailed information on social authorities, which perform various services in Vilnius in above mentioned areas such as comprehensive integration; migration, legal, social assistance; employment; health and medical service; education and upbringing; culture; volunteer programs; entertainment.
Comprehensive integration assistance Welcome! Recently arrived in Lithuania? Looking for a job, accommodation, legal advice? Want to learn the official language of the country as soon as possible? Want to establish a business and become a rightful citizen of the Republic of Lithuania? Here we are, and your welfare is our concern. Contact us – it’s our pleasure to help you.
This publication was issued as a part of the project “Consultation and Information Centre PLUS” (No. EIF/2012/6/11/IP/1), which implements both the multiannual (2008-2013) and the 2012 annual European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals programs in accordance with the “High-quality Service Provision for Third Country Nationals” act as prioritized in the “Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy in the European Union”. The project partly funded by EU. The project supported by the Republic of Lithuania. The project is carried out by Tolerant Youth Association and Social - educational initiatives centre PLUS.
Comprehensive integration assistance granted by immigration centres in all big Lithuanian cities. Immigration centres provide free advice on social, legal, labour, establishment of business, migration issues. In addition, immigration centres organize courses of the official language and the Constitution of Lithuania. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius, you can call authorities during the day.
Name of authority
Comprehensive integration assistance for immigrants Consultation and Information Centre PLUS (Konsultavimo ir informavimo centras PLIUS)
Smetonos str. 5-302,Vilnius
http://centreplus.org/ The Head of the Centre: Aistė Bartkevičienė Tel.+370 60577245 centre@tja.lt
“Migration centre of Klaipeda” („Klaipėdos migrantų centras”)
K. Donelaičio str. 21a, Klaipėda
The Head of the Project: Ieva Narkeliūnaitė Tel. +370 5 2127322
The programme of the integration for foreignersw (Užsieniečių integracijos programa)
M. Paco str. 4, Vilnius
The Head of the Programme: Ilma Skuodienė Tel. +370 650 26936
Migration… How much of this word! Welcome to the Republic of Lithuania – country, which is founded on the principles of democracy and the rules of law. Public authorities (the Migration Department by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, the Migration Board, and embassies) provide information and advice on migration issues, grant residence permit (for either temporary or permanent residence), and offer consular assistance. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius city, you can call authorities during the day.
Courses of Lithuanian language and civic orientation Soros International House Konstitucijos pr. 23, build. A., 3A, Vilnius
www.sih.lt Tel.+370 5 272 4879
Name of authority
Name of authority
Information and advice on migration issues The Migration Department by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (Migracijos departamentas prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijos)
L. Sapiegos str. 1, Vilnius
The Migration Board (Migracijos valdyba)
Naugarduko str. 100, Vilnius
www.migracija.lt/ Tel. +370 5 271 7112
Consular assistance Embassy of United States of America (Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ambasada)
Akmenų str. 6,Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 266 55 00
Jogailos str. 4, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 249 09 50
www.vilnius.policija.lt Tel. +370 5 271 6 444
Department of Canadian Embassy in Vilnius (Kanados ambasados skyrius Vilniuje)
Birutės str. 20A, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 231 30 70
Tel. +370 706 52 444
Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazachstano Respublikos ambasada) Embassy of the People’s Republic of China (Kinijos Liaudies Respublikos ambasada)
Algirdo str. 36, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 216 29 72
Consular assistance Consular information of the J. Tumo-Vaižganto Ministry of Foreign Affairs of str. 2, Vilnius the Republic of Lithuania (LR užsienio reikalų ministerija Konsulinė informacija)
Embassy of Armenia (Armėnijos ambasada)
Lenktoji str. 17, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 2075041
Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaidžano Respublikos ambasada)
Gedimino str. 35, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 219 5601
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus (Baltarusijos Respublikos ambasada)
Mindaugo str. 13, Vilnius
Embassy of Georgia (Gruzijos ambasada)
Poškos str. 13, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 212 78 48
The granting of Indian visas in Lithuania - BLS International Visa Services Baltic office (Indijos vizų išdavimas Lietuvoje - BLS International Visa Services Baltic biuras)
Žygimanto Liauksmino str. 3, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 262 04 55
Embassy of Japan (Japonijos ambasada)
M.K. Čiurlionio str. 82 B, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 231 04 63
Tel. +370 5 266 22 11
Embassy of Russian Federation Latvių str. 53, (Rusijos Federacijos Vilnius ambasada)
Tel. +370 5 272 33 76
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey (Turkijos Respublikos ambasada)
Didžioji str. 37, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 236 4200
Embassy of Ukraine (Ukrainos ambasada)
Teatro str. 4, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 212 15 36
Legal assistance Have you heard about legal literacy’s promotion, which carried out by the EU authorities and dedicated to the whole society? Have you heard about free legal advices? Yes, that’s what we are here for – if you have any problem, just know that you are not alone. Lithuanian state and non-state authorities and private lawyers provide information and advices on legal issues, prepare documents, represent and defend in court (including the enforcement process). In addition, lawyers represent your interests in disputes, which are held not in the court. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius city, you can call authorities during the day. Don’t be shy, come right to legal assistance institutions – and your concerns will decrease.
Name of authority
Free legal assistance Vilnius University Legal Clinic (Vilniaus universiteto Teisės klinika)
Vilniaus str. 25, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 312800
St. Cross Home (Šv. Kryžiaus namai)
Daukanto str. 1, Vilnius
www.vargdieniu.lt/ Tel : +370 5 2691014
Social assistance
Protection of human rights The Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson (Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus tarnyba)
Šeimyniškių str. 1 A, Vilnius
www.lygybe.lt Tel. +370 5 261 2787
The Ombudsman for Children Rights (Vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus įstaiga)
Plačioji str. 10, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 210 7176
The Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Žmogaus teisių stebėjimo institutas)
Didžioji str. 5, Vilnius
www.hrmi.lt Tel. +370 5 2314 676
Pay legal assistance: private lawyers
Indrė Burbulytė (languages: Lithuanian, English, Spanish, Russian)
Didžioji 23, Vilnius
Tel. + 370 5 251 4444
Asta Macijauskienė (languages: Lithuanian, English, Spanish, Russian)
Jogailos str. 4, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 2690700
It’s often hard enough to settle in a foreign country – it’s not so easy as ABC. There are so many daily problems, let alone a possible material deprivation. That’s why state and non-state authorities grant various social aid, which covers accommodation, deprivation, domestic violence, addiction, physical or mental disability issues. In addition, they offer assistance for those, who recently were released from prison, and for people living with HIV/ AIDS. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius city, you can contact by phone or email. Feel free to contact institutions which can provide social assistance for you!
Name of authority
Name of authority
Issues on the declaration of residence’s place Vilnius city districts (Vilniaus miesto seniūnijos)
www.vilnius.lt/ index.php?3868857304
Material and social support The Centre of Social Support (Socialinės paramos centras)
Kauno str. 3, Vilnius
www.spcentras.lt Tel. +370 5 233 3986
Social Service (Socialinė tarnyba)
M. K. Paco str. 4, Vilnius
Director: Snieguolė Rudzinskienė Tel.: +370 5 261 0561
Food Bank (Maisto bankas)
Vytenio str. 54, Vilnius
www.maistobankas.lt Tel.: +370 5 273 35 88
Soup kitchen “Betania” (charity organization) (Labdaros valgykla „Betanija”)
M.K. Paco str. 4, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 2344417
Konstitucijos pr. The State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry 12, Vilnius of Social Security and Labor SODRA (Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo valdyba SODRA)
www.sodra.lt Tel. 1883
Accommodation Shelter home (Nakvynės namai)
Šv. Stepono str. 35/4, Vilnius
Home of Mother’s and Child’s Custody (Motinos ir vaiko globos namai)
Odminių str. 12, Vilnius
Youth hostel (Jaunimo savarankiško gyvenimo namai)
M.Paco str. 4, Vilnius
Director: Aida Karčiauskienė Tel. +370 5 2335683 Director: Vida Neverovič Tel. +370 5 212 16 53
Accommodation Vilnius Boarding House for mothers and children (Vilniaus m. motinos ir vaiko pensionas)
Vytenio str. 45, Vilnius
Tel.: +370 5 233 2508 (urgent service works the whole day)
Authorities for prisoners and exprisoners The consulting centre for the convicted (Nuteistųjų konsultavimo centras)
Kareivių str. 1, Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 219 7859 Email: raimonda. cizauskaite@vilnius. caritas.lt
Association of assistance to prisoners (Kalinių globos draugija)
Panerių str. 10, Vilnius
www.kaliniudraugija.lt Tel. +370 5 2395154
For people with disabilities Lithuanian welfare society for Kareivių str. 2C, persons with mental disability Vilnius VILTIS (Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto žmonių globos bendrija Viltis)
www.viltis.lt Tel. +370 5 261 5223
The Day Centre “Light” (Dienos centras Šviesa)
Baltasis crossr. 3A, Vilnius
www.dcsviesa.lt, Tel. +370 5 2614707, email: dcsviesa@takas.lt
Lithuanian Union of blind and visually impaired people (Lietuvos aklųjų ir silpnaregių sąjunga)
Labdarių str. 7/11, Vilnius
www.lass.lt Tel.: +370 5 262 48 66
Lithuanian association of deaf people (Lietuvos kurčiųjų draugija)
Šv. Kazimiero str. 3, www.lkd.lt Vilnius Tel. +370 5 262 8115
Domestic violence Head of the Centre: Brigita Jankauskaitė Tel. +370 616 26936
The centre of information and consulting for women (Moterų informavimo ir konsultavimo centras)
S.Konarskio str. 49 806 kab. Vilnius
www.lygus.lt Tel. +370 5 2629003
Name of authority
Domestic violence Vilnius association of women (Vilniaus moterų namai)
M. K. Čiurlionio str. 48, Vilnius
www.vmotnam.lt/ Tel.+370 5 2616380
Employment: looking for a job?
For addicted people Vilnius Centre for Addictive Disorders (Priklausomybių ligų centras)
Gerosios Vilties str. 3, Vilnius
www.vplc.lt Tel. +370 5 216 0014
Reintegration society for addicted people “I am” (Priklausomų asmenų reintegracinė bendruomenė „Aš esu”)
M.K. Paco str. 4, Vilnius
Director: priest Kęstutis Dvareckas Mob. tel. +370 699 68409
For people living with HIV/AIDS
Kauno str. 6-1, Vilnius
www.demetra.lt Tel.: +370 5 233 2533
“Positive life” (VO „Pozityvus gyvenimas”)
I.Kanto str. 21-2, www.stophiv.lt LT-92239, Klaipėda Tel. +370 684 66956
If you are looking for a job in Lithuania, you need to register at Lithuanian Labour Exchange. It’s the biggest employment authority in our country. Territorial labour exchange offices grant work permits for foreigners. Also you can use services provided by private employment agencies, but these services, as a rule, cost money. If you face violations of labour rights, unacceptable working conditions, you can contact the State Labour Inspectorate or Consultation and information centre PLUS, which is situated in Vilnius: we will encourage, give an advice and help to defend your rights. Those people, who intend establish and develop business in Lithuania, can contact the State Tax Inspectorate, The State Enterprise Centre of Registers, business incubators. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius city, you can call authorities during the day.
Name of authority
Employment opportunities and work permit’s granting Lithuanian labour exchange (Lietuvos darbo birža)
Geležinio Vilko str. 3A, Vilnius
www.ldb.lt Tel. +370 236 0793
Vilnius local labour exchange S. Žukausko str. 15, Tel. +370 5 272 5077 (Vilniaus teritorinė darbo birža) Vilnius
Physical and mental health: health care
Private employment agencies "Resurso"
A. Juozapavičiaus str. 11-114, Vilnius
www.resurso.lt Tel. +370 650 30728
Gedimino pr. 3A, Vilnius
www.advantus.lt Tel.: +370 5 243 14 14
Verkių str. 30B, Vilnius
www.ekloga.lt Tel.: +370 613 10183
Violations of labour rights The State Labour Inspectorate (Valstybinė darbo inspekcija)
Name of authority
Aguonų str. 10, 103 сab., Vilnius
www.vdi.lt Tel. +370 5 213 9772
Business establishment and developing
The State Tax Inspectorate (Valstybinė mokesčių inspekcija)
Vasario 16-osios str. 14, Vilnius
www.vmi.lt Tel. +370 5 266 8200
The State Enterprise Centre of Registers (Valstybės įmonė Registrų centras)
V. Kudirkos str. 18/3 Vilnius
www.registrucentras.lt Tel. +370 5 268 8262
The Centre of Registers, department of Vilnius (Registrų centras, Vilniaus filialas)
Lvovo str. 25, Vilnius
www.registrucentras.lt Tel. +370 5 2662170
“Sunrise Valley” (VšĮ „Saulėtekio slėnis”)
Saulėtekio al. 15, Vilnius
www.sunrisevalley.lt Tel. +370 5 2 500 601
If you got ill – believe us, you don’t need to push the panic button. Lithuania is well-known for its medical tourism and modern resorts. Moreover, Lithuania provides obligatory medical care for free – just call 112. In Lithuania, you can get first medical care contacting the following authorities: centres of first medical aid, family doctor’s offices, dental offices, hospitals, granting nursing and hospital treatment services, ambulances, clinics, mental health centres. Some of these authorities are public; some of them are municipal or private. Each of them offers all necessary help, including services of family doctors, internal doctors, pediatricians, surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, dentists, psychiatrists, mental nursing, and obstetricians. Besides, you can get an aid provided by social workers and their assistants. In addition, Lithuania grants second level’s medical services. In various medical authorities, you can contact the following doctors: otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists, allergists etc. In case of serious injury or illness, remember that Lithuania grants special medical services provided by third level’s medical authorities – Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius University Santariškių clinic, Vilnius University emergency hospital,
hospitals of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in Kaunas etc. We wish you health – take care of yourself! A list of all Lithuanian state medical authorities you can find on the website www.sam.lt. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius city, you can call during the day.
Name of authority
All-night drugstore Eurovaistinė Drive
Ukmergės str. 282, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 2303759
Social support Name of authority
City hospitals and clinics Vilnius University emergency hospital (Vilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinė ligoninė)
Šiltnamių str. 29,Vilnius
Vilnius University Santariškių Santariškių str. 2, clinic Vilnius (Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės santariškių klinikos) Vilnius University hospital’s Žalgirio clinic (VšĮ Vilniaus Universiteto ligoninės Žalgirio klinika)
Žalgirio str. 115, 117, Vilnius
www.rvul.lt Tel. +370 5 216 9069
www.santa.lt Tel. +370 5 236 5000
www.zalgirioklinika.lt Tel. +370 5 272 7334
Private clinics The Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre (Medicinos diagnostikos ir gydymo centras)
V. Grybo str. 32A, Vilnius
www.medcentras.lt Tel. +370 5 233 3000
Northway Medical Centre
S. Žukausko str. 19, www.nmc.lt Vilnius Tel. +370 5 2644466
Health Centre “Gemma” (Gemma, sveikatos centras)
Bistryčios str. 13, Vilnius
www.gemma.lt Tel. +370 5 2340305
Dental clinics
V. Grybo str. 32/10, www.vilniausdenticija.lt Vilnius and Vilniaus Tel. +370 6 98 521 64 str. 25, Vilnius
“Fabrica dentis”
S.Žukausko str. 17, Vilnius
www.fabricadentis.lt Tel. +370 5 278 91 78
Service of assistance at home (Pagalbos namuose tarnyba)
Odminių str. 12, Vilnius
Tel.: 8 5 261 10 14
Obligatory health insurance Vilnius territorial health insurance fund (Vilniaus teritorinė ligonių kasa)
Ž.Liauksmino str. 6, www.vilniaustlk.lt Vilnius Tel. +370 5 212 0000
Insurance for foreigners "Gjensidige Baltic"
T. Ševčenkos str. 21, www.gjensidige.lt Vilnius Tel.+370 5 2392018
ERGO Lietuva
Laisvės pr. 60, Vilnius
www.ergo.lt Tel.: +370 5 246 0441
Verkių str. 29, 11 korpusas, Vilnius
www.bta.lt Tel. +370 5 2600 600
Disability and Working Capacity Assessment The Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office (Neįgalumo ir darbingumo nustatymo tarnyba)
Švitrigailos str. 10, Vilnius
www.ndnt.lt Tel. +370 5 233 33 20
Psychological assistance Vilnius University (Vilniaus universitetas)
Place of consultation depends on appointment
Tel. +370 698 18961 psichodinamine@gmail. com
Rasa Erentaitė
Subačiaus str. 16-2, Tel. +370 685 76548 Vilnius Email: rasa.erentaite@ gmail.com
Education and upbringing Lithuanian kindergardens and nursery schools, as a rule, grant only pay services. Primary, basic, secondary schools and vocational training are free in Lithuania. You can send your children to private educational institution. State universities provide free education for those students, who show the best results. Tuition fees in non-state universities are determined by these universities by themselves. Do you want to study? University degree, job prospects? Excellent. in Lithuanian universities courses are taught in Lithuanian, English, in some universities – also in Russian language. A list of all universities and study programs you can find here - www.studyinlithuania.lt. For further information on provided services and working time in Vilnius, you can call during the day.
Name of authority
Name of authority
Nursery and kindergartens “Pea” („Žirniukas“) (languages: Lithuanian and Russian)
Verkių str. 17, Vilnius
“Camomile” („Ramunėlė“) Žirmūnų str. 10, (languages: Lithuanian, Polish, Vilnius Russian) Tuskulėnų str. 42, Vilnius
“Rainbow” („Vaivorykštė“) (languages: Russian and English)
Tel. +370 5 276 5666
Tel. +370 5 275 84 24
Tel. +370 5 273 2255
Schools Vilnius Lithuanian House (Vilniaus lietuvių namai)
Dzūkų str. 43, Vilnius
www.lietuviunamai. vilnius.lm.lt Tel. +370 5 269 5173
VIMS-International Meridian School
M.Daukšos str. 7, Vilnius
www.vims.lt Tel. +370 5 2 728 725
Vilnius international school Rusų str.3, Vilnius (Vilniaus Tarptautinė mokykla)
www. vischool.lt Tel. +370 5 276 15 64
Subačiaus str.41, Vilnius
www.aisv.lt Tel. +370 5 212 10 31
International American school in Vilnius (Tarptautinė Amerikos mokykla Vilniuje)
Studies for adults Vilnius study centre for adults Vykinto str. 11, (Vilniaus suaugusiųjų mokymo Vilnius centras)
Tel. +370 5 2751577
Vilnius gymnasium for adults “Fireplace” (Vilniaus „Židinio” suaugusiųjų mokykla)
www.zidinio.vilnius. lm.lt Tel. +370 5 233 0133
Algirdo str. 23A,Vilnius
Universities Vilnius University (Vilniaus universitetas)
Universiteto str. 3, Vilnius
www.vu.lt Tel. +370 5 268 7001
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas)
Saulėtekio al. 11, Vilnius
www.vgtu.lt Tel. +370 5 274 5030
The ISM University of Management and Economics (ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas)
Arklių str. 18, Vilnius
www.ism.lt Tel. +370 5 212 3960
International Business School at Vilnius University (Vilniaus universiteto Tarptautinio verslo mokykla)
Saulėtekio al. 22, Vilnius
www.tvm.vu.lt Tel. +370 5 2366888
Mykolas Romeris University (Mykolo Romerio universitetas)
Ateities str. 20, Vilnius
www.mruni.eu +370 5 271 4625
Courses of Lithuanian language School of foreign languages “Lingua perfecta” (Kalbų mokykla „Lingua perfecta“)
Gedimino pr. 45, Vilnius
www.linguaperfecta.lt Tel. +370 5249 8741
Public Service Language Centre (Valstybės institucijų kalbų centras)
Vilniaus str. 39/6, Vilnius
www.vikc.lt Tel. +370 5 2120291
Department of Lithuanian studies at Vilnius University (Lituanistinių studijų katedra Vilniaus universitete)
Universiteto str. 5,Vilnius
www.lsk.flf.vu.lt Tel. +370 5 2687215
Confirmation and legalization of educational documents Centre for quality assessment in higher education (Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras)
A.Goštauto str. 12, Vilnius
www.skvc.lt Tel. +370 5 2107782
Are you interested in various cultural events and entertainment? Do you like dancing and singing? Do you belong to any ethnic or religious community? Don’t limit your hobbies – use all opportunities provided by the capital. If you live in Vilnius – you can find all necessary information about different cultural events in Vilnius city municipality: www.vilnius-events.lt, www.ticketpro.lt, www.bilietai.lt. For further information on events and provided services and working time, you can call during the day.
Name of authority
Name of authority
Concert halls
Lithuanian National Opera and A. Vienuolio str. 1, Ballet Theatre Vilnius (Lietuvos nacionalinis operos ir baleto teatras)
www.opera.lt Tel. +370 5 2620727
Russian Drama Theatre (Rusų dramos teatras)
J. Basanavičiaus str. 13, Vilnius
www.rusudrama.lt Tel.+370 6 1861953
Gytis Ivanauskas Theatre (Gyčio Ivanausko teatras)
Šaltinių 1-58, Vilnius
www.giteatras.lt Tel.+370 639 53459
Anzelika Cholina Dance Theatre I. Šimulionio 4-103, Vilnius (Anželikos Cholinos šokio teatras)
www. ach.lt Tel.+370 688 34181
Museums Lithuanian National Museum (Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus)
Arsenalo str. 1, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 262 77 74
Lithuanian Art Museum (Lietuvos dailės muziejus)
Bokšto str. 5, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 262 8030
National Art Gallery (Nacionalinė dailės galerija)
Konstitucijos pr. 22, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 219 5964
The Palace of the Grand Dukes (Valdovų rūmai)
Katedros sq. 4, Vilnius
www.valdovurumai.lt Tel. +370 5 262 0007
Concert halls
Congress Hall (Kongresų rūmai)
Vilniaus str. 6 Vilnius
www.lvso.lt Tel. +370 5 261 88 28
Lithuanian National Philharmonic Theatre (Lietuvos nacionalinė filharmonija)
Aušros Vartų str. 5, Vilnius
www.filharmonija.lt Tel. +370 5 266 52 10
Siemens arena
Ozo str. 14, Vilnius
Entertainment arena (Pramogų arena)
Ąžuolyno str. 9, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 242 4444 www.pramoguarena.lt
Theatre arena (Teatro arena)
Olimpiečių str. 3, Vilnius
Ethnic societies Lithuanian Community of Azerbaijanis (Lietuvos azerbaidžaniečių bendrija)
Raugyklos str. 25, Vilnius
Mahiras Gamzajevas Tel.+37061074094
Baltic Turkish Culture Academy A.Jakšto str. 5/7, Vilnius
www.balturka.lt Tel. +370 5 2151833
Belarus Club “Siabryna” (Baltarusių klubas „Siabryna”)
Raugyklos str. 25, Vilnius
Head: Valentin Stech Tel. +370 5 216 0317
Ukrainian Community of Vilnius (Vilniaus ukrainiečių bendrija)
Raugyklos str. 25, Vilnius
Head: Natalija Šertvytienė Tel. +370 5 216 1423
Vilnius African Community (Vilniaus afrikiečių bendruomenė)
Algirdo str. 9A-16, Vilnius
Contact person: Matthew Osariemen Osahenrumwen Tel. +370 679 39 413
Arabian Community in Lithuania (Arabų bendruomenė Lietuvoje)
Pramonės str. 97, Vilnius
President: Ihab Hussein Abdou El Ghandour Zaher Tel. +370 679 39 413
Lithuania-India Forum (Lietuvos-Indijos forumas)
www.lithuania-india.com President: Vytis Vudūnas vytis.vidunas@oc.vu.lt
Armenian Community in Lithuania (Lietuvos armėnų bendrija)
Bokšto str. 10-4, Vilnius
Head: Araik Tunian Tel. +370 699 37 739
The Centre of Uzbek Culture (Uzbekų kultūros centras)
S. Stanevičiaus str. 53-9, Vilnius
President: Leila Urmanova Tel. +370 5 247 1613
Name of authority
Houses of worship (prayer)
The Cathedral Basilica of Sts Stanislaus and Vladislaus (Šv. vysk. Stanislovo ir Šv. Vladislovo arkikatedra bazilika)
Katedros sq. 2, Vilnius
www.katedra.lt Tel. +370 5 261 11 27
The Parish of St.Francis of Assisi in Vilnius (Vilniaus Šv. Pranciškaus Asyžiečio parapija)
Maironio str. 10, Vilnius
www.parapija. bernardinai.lt Tel. +370 616 01159
The Lutheran Church of Vilnius (Vilniaus evangelikų liuteronų bažnyčia)
Vokiečių str. 20, Vilnius
www.velb.lt Tel. +370 5 2123792
The Church of Michael (archangel) (Vilniaus Arkangelo Michailo cerkvė)
Kalvarijų str. 67, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 2751041
The Cathedral of the Theotokos Maironio str. 14, Vilnius in Vilnius (Vilniaus Dievo motinos ėmimo į dangų katedra)
Tel. +370 5 2153747
Lithuanian spiritual centre of Sunni Islam – Muftiatas (Lietuvos musulmonų sunitų dvasinis centras-Muftiatas)
Tel: +370 6 55 89759
Smolensko str. 19, Vilnius
Volunteer programs If you are looking for an opportunity to express yourself, you can join community-based organization’s volunteer programs. There are a plenty of activities you can choose from, according to your wishes: the protection of the environment, children organizations, labour organizations for people with disabilities, animal protection and caring, participation in organization of music and drama festivals. Don’t be afraid to join it! For further information on volunteer programs and organization’s working time in Vilnius, you can call during the day.
Name of authority
Volunteer programs related to the protection of the environment The Lithuanian Environmental NGO’s Coalition (Aplinkosaugos Koalicija)
Užupio str. 9/2-17, Vilnius
Kestutis Navickas Tel. +370 5 255 9146
“The Green Policy Institute” (VšĮ „Žaliosios politikos institutas“)
Šermukšnių str. 6A, Tel. +370 5 213 13 53 Vilnius
Leisure time
Volunteering in communities for people with disabilities Social Centre of Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis (Palaimintojo Jurgio Matulaičio socialinis centras)
J. Matulaičio square 3, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 246 1770
The Day Centre “Light” (Dienos centras „Šviesa“)
Baltasis crossroad 3A, Vilnius
www.dcsviesa.lt Tel. +370 5 2055 353
Betzata Community (Betzatos bendruomenė)
Verbų str. 8, Vilnius Head: Justina Stefanovič distict. Tel.+370 670 93 696
Volunteering in children organizations Social services of volunteers (Socialinės tarnystės savanoriai)
Kalvarijų str. 159, Vilnius
Tel. +370 685 76331
St. Cross Home Social Centre (Šv. Kryžiaus namų Socialinis centras)
S. Daukanto a. 1, Vilnius
Head - Danguolė Sinkevičiūtė Tel. +370 603 20195
For those, who like nature and outdoor activities, there are a plenty of opportunities in Vilnius. You can find cozy green parks, which situated in the city, and well-equipped sport clubs. If you prefer spending time in shopping malls or agricultural markets – you will be pleasantly surprised with the huge supply. Vilnius is becoming a multicultural city, so here you can find many restaurants and cafés with traditional dishes from different countries. For further information on provided services and working time, you can call during the day.
Animal protection’s volunteer programs Non-profit animal care organisation “Lesė” („Lesės“ Vilniaus prieglauda)
Klinikų str. 1, Buivydiškės, Vilnius district.
www.lese.lt Head: Vesta Auškalnienė Tel. +370 605 33452
SOS animals (SOS gyvūnai)
Minsko sq. 33a., Vilnius
www. sos-gyvunai.lt Tel. +370 688 9826
Volunteer programs related to the integration of prisoners into society Lithuanian community of prisoners (Lietuvos kalinių draugija)
Panerių str. 10, Vilnius
www.kaliniudraugija.lt Tel. +370 5 2395154
International volunteering
Social Action (Socialinis veiksmas)
A. Juozapavičiaus str. 11, Vilnius
http://savanoriai.org/ Tel. +370 670 255 76
Youth exchange agency (Jaunimo mainų agentūra)
Sv. Mikalojaus str. 4, Vilnius
www.jama.lt Tel. +37067032867
Name of authority
Name of authority
Houses of worship (prayer) Akropolis
Ozo str. 25, Vilnius
www.akropolis.lt Tel.: +370 5 249 2879
Saltoniškių str. 9, Vilnius
www.panorama.lt Tel. +370 5 219 58 11
Restaurants Lizdeikos 10 A, Vilnius
www. genacvalerestoranas.lt Tel.+37052316580 Tel.+37064562135
Ozo str. 18, Vilnius www.ozas.lt Tel. 1588
Restaurant of Central Asian J.Basanavičiaus food (Centrinės Azijos tautų str. 8-1, Vilnius virtuvės patiekalų restoranas „Čingischanas”)”Čingischanas”
Konstitucijos pr. 7A, Vilnius
www.pceuropa.lt Tel. +370 616 95680
Ukrainian food “Borsch” (Ukrainietiški valgiai „Borsch”)
www.borsch.lt Tel.: +370 5 260 33 44
Ukmergės str. 369, Vilnius
www.big-vilnius.lt Tel. +370 5 264 3324
Agricultural markets Central agricultural market (Centrinė ūkininkų prekyvietė)
Ukmergės str. 259, Vilnius
Working time: Mon-Fry 09:00-19:00, Sat 08:0017:00, Sun 08:00-16:00
Tymo market (Tymo turgus)
Aukštaičių str./ Maironio str., Vilnius
Each Thursday 12:00-18:00
Halės market (Halės turgavietė)
Pylimo str. 58, Vilnius
www.halesturgaviete.lt Tel. +370 5 2625536
Kalvarijų market (Kalvarijų turgus)
Kalvarijų str. 61, Vilnius
www.kalvariju-turgus.lt Tel. +370 696 35 718
Japanese restaurant “Osaka” (Japonų restoranas „Osaka”)
Vilniaus str.19, Vilnius
www.osaka.lt Tel. +370 673 89883
Chinese restaurant “Chinese rose” (Kinų restoranas „Kinų rožė”)
Jasinskio str. 6, Vilnius
www.kinupatiekalai.lt Tel. +370 5 260 4260
Indian restaurant “Sue‘s Indian Raja” (Indų restoranas „Sue‘s Indian Raja”)
Odminių str. 3, Vilnius
www.suesindianraja.lt Tel. +370 5 2661888
Turkish food shop and cafe “Ibrahim” (Turkiško maisto pardotuvė ir kavinė „Ibrahim”)
Kalvarijų str. 24 A, www.ibrahim.lt Vilnius Tel. +37065503498
Georgian restaurant “Genacvale” (Gruziniškas restoranas „Genacvale“)
Algirdo str. 5-2, Vilnius
Sport clubs Impuls
Kareivių str. 14, Vilnius
www.impuls.lt Tel.+370 615 40072
Super gym
Laisvės pr. 82, Vilnius
www.supergym.lt Tel. +370 5 270 3132
Body gym
Olimpiečių str. 3, Vilnius
www.bodygym.lt Tel. +370 5 272 7744
Forum palace
Konstitucijos pr. 26, Vilnius
www.forumpalace.lt Tel.: +370 5 210 3149
Parks Vingis park (Vingio parkas)
M. K. Čiurlionio str. 100, Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 261 1037
Bernardinai Garden (Bernardinų sodas)
Maironio str.
Mountains park (Kalnų parkas)
The territory of the park is situated between Užupis (Krivių str.) ir Vilnele
VU botanical garden (VU botanikos sodas)
Kairėnų 43, 10239 Vilnius
www.botanikos-sodas.vu.lt Tel. +370 5 219 3133
Комплексную интеграционную помощь предоставляют центры иммигрантов в больших городах Литвы. Центры иммигрантов предоставляют бесплатные консультации по социальным, правовым, рабочим, миграционным вопросам, по вопросам создания бизнеса, организуют курсы государственного языка, конституции Литовской Республики и т.д. Более подробную информацию о предоставляемых услугах и время работы в Вильнюсе, Вы можете узнать, позвонив в рабочие дни.
Название учреждения
Комплексная интеграционная помощь иммигрантам Консультационный и ул. Смятонос информационный центр 5-302, Вильнюс ПЛЮС (Konsultavimo ir informavimo centras PLIUS)
http://centreplus.org/ Руководитель центра: Айсте Барткявичене Teл.+370 605 77 245 centre@tja.lt
«Клайпедский центр мигрантов» („Klaipėdos migrantų centras”)
ул. K. Донелайчё 21a, Клайпеда
Руководитель проекта: Ева Наркелюнайте Teл. +370 5 2127322
Программа интеграции иностранцев (Užsieniečių integracijos programa)
ул. М. Пацо 4, Вильнюс
Руководитель программы: Илма Скодене Teл. +370 650 26936
Обучение литовскому языку и гражданской ориентации Международный дом пр-кт Soros (Soros International Конституциёс House) 23, A корпус, 3A, Вильнюс
www.sih.lt Teл. +370 5 272 4879
Название учреждения
Название учреждения
Предоставление информации и консультирование по миграционным вопросам Департамент миграции при Министерстве внутренних дел (Migracijos departamentas prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijos)
ул. Л. Сапегос 1, Вильнюс
Миграционное управление (Migracijos valdyba)
ул. Наугардуко 100, Вильнюс
www.migracija.lt Teл. +370 5 271 7112
www.vilnius.policija.lt Teл. +370 5 271 6 444
Консульская помощь Министерство иностранных ул. Й. Тумодел ЛР Консульская Вайжганто 2, информация Вильнюс (LR užsienio reikalų ministerija Konsulinė informacija)
Teл. +370 706 52 444
Посольство Армении (Armėnijos ambasada)
ул. Лянктойи 17, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 2075041
Посольство Азербайджанской Республики (Azerbaidžano Respublikos ambasada)
пр-кт Гядимино 35, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 219 5601
Посольство Республики Беларусь (Baltarusijos Respublikos ambasada)
ул. Миндауго, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 266 22 11
Посольство Грузии (Gruzijos ambasada)
ул. Пошкос 13, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 212 78 48
ул. Жигиманто Выдача индийских виз в Литве – офис BLS Internation- Ляуксмино 3, al Visa Services Baltic (Indijos Вильнюс vizų išdavimas Lietuvoje - BLS International Visa Services Baltic biuras)
Teл. +370 5 262 04 55
Посольство Японии (Japonijos ambasada)
Teл. +370 5 231 04 63
ул. М. К. Чюрлёнё 82 B, Вильнюс
Consular assistance Посольство Соединенных Штатов Америки (Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ambasada)
ул. Акмяну 6, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 266 55 00
Отделение посольства Канады в Вильнюсе (Kanados ambasados skyrius Vilniuje)
ул. Йогайлос 4, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 249 09 50
Посольство Республики Казахстан (Kazachstano Respublikos ambasada)
ул. Бирутес 20A, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 231 30 70
Посольство Китайской Народной Республики (Kinijos Liaudies Respublikos ambasada)
ул. Альгирдо 36, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 216 29 72
Посольство Российской Федерации (Rusijos Federacijos ambasada)
ул. Латвю 53, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 272 33 76
Посольство Турецкой Республики (Turkijos Respublikos ambasada)
ул. Диджёйи 37, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 236 4200
Посольство Украины (Ukrainos ambasada)
ул. Театро 4, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 212 15 36
Название учреждения
Бесплатная правовая помощь Правовая клиника Вильнюсского университета (Vilniaus universiteto Teisės klinika)
ул. Вильняус 25, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 312 800
Дом Святого Креста (Šv. Kryžiaus namai)
ул. Дауканто 1, Вильнюс
www.vargdieniu.lt Teл. +370 5 269 1014
Защита прав человека Контролер по соблюдению равных возможностей (Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus tarnyba)
ул. Шейминишкю 1 A, Вильнюс
www.lygybe.lt Teл. +370 5 261 2787
Учреждения контролера по охране прав ребенка (Vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus įstaiga)
ул. Плачёйи 10, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 210 7176
Институт наблюдения за правами человека (Žmogaus teisių stebėjimo institutas)
ул. Диджёйи 5, Вильнюс
www.hrmi.lt Teл. +370 5 2314 676
Платная правовая помощь: частные адвокаты
Индре Бурбулите (языки: литовский, английский, испанский, русский)
ул. Диджёйи 23, Вильнюс
Teл. + 370 5 251 4444
Аста Мацияускене (языки: литовский, английский, испанский, русский)
ул. Йогайлос 4, Вильнюс
Teл. +370 5 2690700
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