prototypes - the work of cepezed

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fhejejof[i j^[ meha e\ Y[f[p[Z

fhejejof[i of j^[ meha e\ Y[f[p[Z

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fhejejof[i j^[ meha e\ Y[f[p[Z



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F_[j LebbWWhZ


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fhejejof[i j^[ meha e\ Y[f[p[Z




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architecture product


Engineer-led Design & Build The activities of parties such as those just described lead to a specific form of Design & Build: Engineer-led Design & Build (ELD&B). This design-driven method of building makes increasing use of the possibilities for prefabrication, which facilitate a streamlined integration of design and implementation. The use of prefabrication is partly nourished by tendencies such as the serious reduction in the numbers of well-trained craftsmen and the tightening of safety and labour regulations so that certain tasks are becoming less and less easy to perform on the building site. In contrast, the necessary work can be carried out under well-controlled circumstances in factories, where it is relatively simple to compile complex construction components. Building and production wastage can be reduced, and recycled on the spot. Large-scale prefabrication ensures that buildings are regarded to a lesser degree as a prototype of themselves and more as products with clearly described qualities which are assembled on location. Far-reaching prefabrication is becoming possible by means of innovation in the field of IT, so that the production and assembly of buildings can be coupled to systems for plan monitoring and cost control. The fact that this still only occurs on a limited scale is due to there being few design-driven market parties who engage in the forward and backward integration of tasks and responsibilities on a large scale. Until now, cepezed has been one of the few Dutch parties to do this. The company has integrated in a forward direction by founding Bouwteam General Contractors, which assumes responsibility for both cepezed’s own projects as well as for those of others. In a backward direction, the architects have integrated with another sister company, cepezed systems, which acts as a risk-bearing builder and developer. Cepezed, cepezed systems and Bouwteam General Contractors work in close co-operation and realize projects both as a trio and independently of one another. Other specialists, such as consultants, partial contractors and producers, are consistently involved in projects right from the start and are continuously informed of the latest details and developments as the project progresses. Their responsibilities are clearly delineated and have a logical position in the course of the process. This being the case, an integral method is applied that eliminates the traditional schism between the design and the implementation stages. The final result is realized with great precision and the executive risks are minimized. With this working method, cepezed retains control over the quality of its projects. In addition, the design-driven project development of cepezed systems has reintroduced the role of the Master Builder into the Dutch construction industry.2



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prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re

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prototypes the work of cepezed



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prod ct

rch tect re

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prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed

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prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed





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architecture process

The romanticism of technology has another side: the idea that technological progress can resolve the important problems of the world. Early modernists such as Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, for example, were convinced that houses would not only be better but also much cheaper if they were massproduced, just like cars. In that case, even those with the lowest pay would still be able to live in a good house. Le Corbusier’s dream was a world with spacious, affordable prefab houses that would all look practically the same as a result of the production process. To provide large groups of people with good and affordable houses, many industrialized house-building systems were devised in the course of the previous century. Some of these were reasonably successful. However, the steel variants never really broke through. Various reasons can be offered for this. Occasionally, it was a matter of allure. The houses built by Jean Prouvé in Meudon (1949), for example, were so far developed – each feature was reduced to the absolute minimum – that the houses lacked all character. Prouvé was clearly more of an engineer than an architect. On other occasions, there were business reasons. For example, the steel houses built by Lustron (1948–1951) were quite popular. The great problem was that the factory produced the houses more rapidly than the buyers could organize their finances. Within no time, Lustron was struggling with an uncovered production volume, so that bankruptcy was the almost inevitable consequence. Sometimes there were political and legal reasons. The

aluminium Dymaxion Dwelling Machine (1944), by Buckminster Fuller, could have been successful if the financiers had not wished to launch the sales before the house and market were quite ready for them. The prototype still displayed a few shortcomings, particularly technical defects. However, a more important factor was that the house did not fulfil the traditional regulations and that in many communities, the houses were only allowed to be connected to the electricity, water and sewage networks by local fitters. Connecting up the totally strange Dymaxion house was something with which the fitters did not wish to co-operate. The bank found the problem so impossible to solve that they cut off all financiering. The house was never brought into production. Despite these unsuccessful attempts, the idea of good and relatively cheap mass-produced houses has never completely disappeared from the minds of architects. For example, Richard Rogers conceived some systems in the sixties and seventies, but these did not progress further than the drawing table. Cepezed has also developed a number of fully industrialized house-building systems. The Heiwo house (1982) was cepezed’s first project that consisted entirely of prefab components that only needed to be assembled on the building site. The cleverness of the houses lay in the dimensioning system, which was based on the Fibonacci series, in which each term is the sum of the two previous terms (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 et cetera). As a result, the system could contain both large and small elements. The house was so flexible that it could be relatively easily adapted to the desires and purse of the resident. For example, it was possible to expand the house or equip it with more luxury. This latter option could be done by, for example, replacing the simple bathroom, which had been produced as a single unit, with another completely prefab bathroom with a bath. Partly with the implementation of such simple modifications in mind, the utilitarian functions such as the toilet, bathroom and kitchen were installed immediately next to the façade. The pipes and ducts were accommodated in a kind of printplate that was accessible from the façade. This structure ensured that the facilities could be easily disconnected and replaced. In addition, by placing the load-bearing columns 500 mm outside the façade surface, a conservatory or balcony could be quickly and easily mounted on the standard house. Placing the load-bearing construction outside the volume also had a fire-technical reason. Margaret Law of Ove Arup had just demonstrated that exterior constructions do not require a coating or filling to meet the fire-proofing criteria. After all, there is little threat of fire from outside, and if fire should destroy the façade, the residents will probably have long left the building. Moreover, according to Law, it can be assumed that the temperature of the fire at that moment would not be so high that the external construction would rapidly collapse. Regardless of how astute the Heiwo system actually was, no more than one prototype was ultimately built. Just like their illustrious precursors, cepezed turned out to be incapable of


be prefabricated. Whereas with traditional building methods, everything is made in wind and weather on the building site, steel buildings only require assembly: the various components are supplied ready-made to the building site and only need to be coupled together. As a consequence, building errors become scarcer. The fact that a great many more architects do not opt for slender steel constructions is related to the difficult-toeliminate misunderstanding that heavy things are simply stronger. Henry Ford articulated this mistake as follows: ‘For some clumsy reason we have come to confuse strength with weight. The old ox-cart weighed a ton – and it had so much excess weight that it was weak … Weight may be desirable in a steamroller but nowhere else. Strength has nothing to do with weight. The mentality of the man who does things in the world is agile, light and strong. The most beautiful things in the world are those from which all excess weight has been eliminated.’1 The renowned adage ‘less is more’, ascribed to Mies van der Rohe, can be regarded as a derivative of this statement. In view of his complex details, however, Mies was more concerned with a visual simplification rather than a buildingmethodological one. Jan Pesman’s introduction of the unit of ‘intelligence per kilo’ in the built environment lies closer to Ford’s combination of aesthetics and efficiency-oriented reductionism. To illustrate his intentions, it is not without reason that Pesman refers to the present-day car.2



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prototypes the work of cepezed


1 8


Besides practical and technological aspects, building in steel also has its poetic and aesthetic sides. Steel houses can be beautiful. In order to find functional, inexpensive, and attractive solutions to the great demand for housing in post-war America, the owner of the Arts and Architecture magazine, John Entenza, initiated the Case Study House programme in 1946. Entenza asked renowned architects such as Richard Neutra, Charles and Ray Eames, Craig Ellwood, and Eero Saarinen to design an innovative house. Particularly the Eames house, dating from 1949, is regarded as a model example of industrial housing. (p70) Certainly after Eames had replaced his original design, which had a box suspended in latticework beams, with a simpler construction for a two-floor house, the use of materials was extraordinarily efficient. However, the building method was somewhat less efficient: although all steel elements were prefabricated, but they were certainly not standardized. Almost every angle steel was specially made for this house. Eames later admitted that he had been aiming to create a good house rather than one that conformed to the rigid regulations of industrialization that applied at that time. A similar attitude was evident in Mies van der Rohe, whose houses are often compared to those of cepezed. In comparison to Eames, Mies was much more of an aesthete. His work was primarily concerned with the relationship between the building and the surroundings, with the geometrical power of the floor plans, and with the exact relationship between the various (architectural) components. He was not interested in constructive purity. He applied steel because it was the only material by means of which his strict


worldwide, cepezed, with its submission entitled Kickstart, was ultimately one of the two winners. The jury, under the chairmanship of Pritzker Prize winner Glenn Murcutt, was primarily impressed with the simplicity, robustness and flexibility of Kickstart, and also by the high incidence of daylight and the comprehensive utilization of the possibility of natural ventilation. Kickstart is a completely prefabricated house-building system that offers maximum freedom in size, configuration, layout and appearance. It is made of independent standard units measuring around 50 mÇ that are easily stacked and interconnected. They can be extended with modular system units and are effortlessly interlinked both horizontally and vertically. The floor plans offer a completely free layout and are also straightforwardly altered if necessary. Even the prefab sanitary core with the toilet and bathroom can be installed wherever the resident wishes. The houses have a steel construction and the façades consist of storey-high sliding fronts and insulated sandwich panels that can be clad with various materials such as wood or stone strips. Due to its good insulation, natural ventilation, and the use of lightweight materials that react quickly to the input or discharge of heat, the system has a low-energy, comfortable climate. The development of a series of Kickstart houses has now begun in Poland under the auspices of Living Steel.


opening up the market to prefab houses. In a theme issue of Arts and Architecture that was devoted to industrial housebuilding a few decades previously, Charles and Ray Eames had already established that: ‘Because of the enormous acceleration of world industry for military purposes we now know that insofar as the design, engineering and production of the house on an industrialized basis is concerned the reality only awaits the desire.’ Thus, with the Heiwo house, there was simply too little ‘desire’, at least on the consumer side. Or, as Piet Vollaard stated in his monograph on cepezed (1993): ‘The system seems to be a brilliant answer to a question that has never been posed.’ 3 A few years later, in 1986, a new opportunity arose and at least there appeared to be a demand when the Municipality of Haarlem approached cepezed for a design for the experimental Zuiderpolder housing estate. The office conceived a new industrial system: the detached governmentsubsidized house – a detached house that could be realized within the regular Dutch government-subsidized housebuilding budget. The house covered almost 100 m2 and would cost slightly less than 70,000 guilders (32,000 Euro). It had two floors and there was also luxury version with a roof garden. Besides its architectural adaptation to the surroundings, the construction was another striking feature. It was built according to the monocoque principle, which is frequently used in the car and aeroplane industries. Relatively light construction elements with a stable skin are combined in such a way that a sufficiently rigid and strong whole is created. In this case, cepezed attached slender L-angle steels to the inside of the façade consisting of stiff, steel sandwich panels. Because the houses were detached and therefore would be stand-alone objects in the urban blueprint, the light walls did not need to meet the severe criteria for acoustic insulation. A prototype was built on the Grote Markt in Haarlem within three days. Just as was the case with Fuller’s Dymaxion, the general public was immediately enthusiastic. However, the Municipality did not know how to deal with the steel houses. Walls that one could not hack away at, partitions that sounded as if they had no substance and from which lamps and paintings had to be suspended by means of magnets – that was just too much. Finally another architect was given the assignment to realize a derivative of the design with a wooden skeleton. A number of principles developed for the Heiwo house and the detached government-subsidized house were applied in a series of separate house-building assignments commissioned by private customers in the nineties. However, little active work was done on industrialized house-building systems for quite a while. This remained so until the promotion programme entitled Living Steel of the International Iron and Steel Institute organized an architectural competition last year. Under the slogan Can you house 8 billion people?, this competition was oriented toward innovative applications of steel for durable, flexible and cost-efficient house building in a world that is undergoing a process of urbanization at a very rapid rate. Of the 350 participating architectural offices


prototypes the work of cepezed 11

oor p



r e otterd

r e otterd


architecture process

and were immediately connected to the relevant networks. However, cepezed still experiences the different materialization of the various bathroom components as ‘visual noise’ that ought to be muffled as much as possible. The bath, shower, and washbasin ought to vanish under the same skin as that with which the walls and floors are covered. As a result, they will then be regarded as ‘protrusions’ rather than as independent user objects, thus making the bathroom more abstract. cepezed devotes much attention to the locations of the utilitarian furniture in the floor plans. Occasionally they lie behind a closed street façade, as in the Heiwo house, but the furniture is also applied in a space-organizing configuration. This latter aspect is apparently another correspondence with Mies, who also placed his wet cells more or less as loose elements in space. But in Mies’s case, he was primarily concerned with austere geometry. With cepezed, the furniture plays a more active role. The way in which they can organize space is shown to the greatest extent in the semi-detached houses (1990) in which the utilitarian element has been placed diagonally in the floor plans. The furniture and the bright-red staircase that has been installed next to it place a strong accent on the diagonal of the house. As a consequence, the sightlines become longer, so that the house seems to be deeper. The bathroom, which has also been accommodated in the utilitarian zone, is quite spectacular. The bath just fits in, but it has been installed in such a way that the user has a marvellous panorama out across the wide nature area between Delft and Rotterdam. The placement of the utilitarian zone ensures an exceptional spatial perception of the house, but it does restrict the freedom of the layout. In other cepezed houses, the position of the wet cells is less predominant and the floor plans are thus less coercive. The residents have more scope to arrange their own spatial preferences. A neutral box, a steel supporting construction and cleverly designed and positioned utilitarian furniture do not automatically lead to a poetic house. Neither do the closed street façades that typify cepezed houses. Shiny grey sandwich panels form the most common material for these façades. A narrow, house-high strip of glass mostly indicates the entrance but scarcely breaches the closedness. As a result, the houses tend to have an introverted appearance, which is again an important difference with, for example, the Farnsworth House (1951) by Mies, which was so transparent that the proprietress moved home because she constantly had the feeling that she was living in a shop window. (The poor climate in the house – much too hot in the summer and freezing in the winter – also played a role.) With its façade entirely made of glass on the street side, cepezed’s house on the Rietveld in Delft (1995) seems to be an exception to cepezed’s introverted houses. However, a screen made of aluminium slats has been installed in front of the glass, allowing a view of the canal from inside the house but protecting it against unwanted prying from the outside. Inside the houses themselves, the above-described closed-


aesthetics of ‘almost nothing’ could be realized. Mies was scarcely engaged in matters of prefabrication and building methodology. cepezed does believe in the greatest possible prefabrication of its buildings. The office accepts that this approach has consequences for the architectonic possibilities. The construction remains visible due to the fact that the finishing layers cannot be – or can scarcely be – prefabricated and therefore have been omitted. Mies absolutely did not wish to go so far. Almost all connections were made out of sight in his work. The ceiling, floor and columns had to look like ‘untarnished’ geometrical elements. In the work of Eames, the main supporting construction remained (partly) visible and was clearly distinguishable from the finishing. As such, he was already more technical than Mies. However, the connections in Eames’s work were also concealed where it was spatially possible. As mentioned, cepezed leaves the supporting construction and connections fully visible. However, the office also has a tendency toward tranquillity and abstraction. Within the margins of freedom for the building method, not only are the constructions becoming less extravagant, the prefab components that make up the building are also evolving, and now look more serene and more neutral. In this context, Jan Pesman speaks of the ‘dosing of information’ Until the realization of its own office (1999), cepezed’s floors consisted of ridged steel plates upon which a layer of stabilized sand, insulation material, and an anhydrite finishing had been applied. The steel profiles remained visible on the floor below. The IDES floor system in the current cepezed office has a more abstract appearance. It consists of steel cassettes that jointly form a completely even ceiling. Furthermore, the primary beams and the floor system lie in the same plane so that the connections between the beams and the columns have disappeared from view. Using this kind of resources, cepezed places furniture with utilitarian functions such as the kitchen, toilet and bathroom at strategic positions within an environment that is becoming increasingly neutral. The Italian designer Joe Colombo (1930– 1971), whose multifunctional designs can be folded out like a Swiss pocket knife, offering all kinds of hidden gadgets, is a great source of inspiration for the design of such elements. [13] cepezed would also prefer to have the furniture completely prefabricated. The prefabricated Heiwo bathroom was later further developed and applied on a large scale in the Rotterdam Bonded Warehouse project (1997). This nineteenth-century former transhipment shed on the Maasstedelijke Binnenhaven was completely stripped of its interior, so that only the splendid cast-iron supporting construction remained. Then apartments, offices, shops, catering establishments and a food market were introduced. In order to offer the residents a maximum freedom of layout, the apartments were designed as lofts in which only the placement of the wet cells was determined. The cells were delivered as completely prefabricated units containing all the necessary amenities,


prototypes the work of cepezed 1 oe o o 1 1 o ot r sh t


architecture product


ness is not evident. The houses are oriented toward, and open themselves up to, the most interesting view, the garden. It is only when one is inside that it becomes conspicuous how architectonically smart and effective the play of open and closed surfaces is, and how the positions of the utilitarian furniture and the slender supporting construction draw one’s gaze toward the outside world. Taking the garden as the most important point of orientation is no coincidence. Jan Pesman is an outdoor type and has more books on biology than on architecture. Accordingly, in his housing designs, he always attempts to reduce to a minimum the boundary between inside and out, between the house and the garden. That is why the façades on the garden side are normally made of glass. But cepezed usually does even more to mollify the transition between inside and out. In the market gardener’s house in Boskoop (1994) the steel tubular construction from which the roof is suspended was extended beyond the plane of the façade, so that it can also serve as a pergola. As a consequence, the garden looks like a natural continuation of the house. However, the most fluent transition was created at Villa Walraven in Rotterdam (2002). This house stands on a relatively narrow parcel that therefore automatically determined the form of the house. The rear façade coincides with the boundary of the parcel, the garden façade is curved like the surface of a lens. This intervention maximizes the length of the house and the contact with the garden has been intensified. The façade is mainly made of glass, of course, and large sections of it can be opened. In this way, even the most minimum boundary between inside and out vanishes, and the garden and the living room are selfevident extensions of one another. In doing so, Villa Walraven approaches Pesman’s ideal – which he once found on the Island of Curacao – of a walled garden with a steel lean-to in the middle under which people literally lived in the garden. Ultimately, the sandwich façades and the roof plates that ought to ensure a harder distinction between the houses and their environment turn out to be less closed than would appear to be the case at first sight. This is not only because cepezed applies window frames at strategic points, offering a view of the outer world, while simultaneously obstructing prying eyes. No, the anonymous person in Mills’s novel is quite right. Steel façades and roofs are acoustically less hermetic than concrete building elements. Sounds such as those of the wind and rain do penetrate the building. You imagine you are living in a tent. You are closer to nature and, in doing so, it is very difficult to live more romantically in a luxurious house.



prototypes the work of cepezed

he se det ched ho ses o the so ther per eter of e ft or ted fro rch tect r co pet t o o oc rch tects he c ty w shed to rk the tr s t o etwee the t p re d the protected t re dsc pe of dde e f d w th r of sce eo s se det ched ho ses f the f fty s ss o s twe e were t te y t ts des cepezed owed tse f to e ded y the w sh to e the ho ses o t of sp t ty ccord y f t roofed rect r o e s r e s per tted w th the r s o er ed y the re to s w s cre ted he yo t of the ho ses does ot r p r e to the e ter or w s s s s y the c se the roo s h e ee or zed ro d d o y st ed ser ce ock th t c des the ecess ry k tche d s t ry f c t es he s e type of ser ce ock s st ed o f oors th s w y the s ht es h e ee de s o s poss e d the sp ces ppe r to e r er th they ct y re he o ds th t h e ee c t o t of the pper f oors the f des d ter or w s de predo t y of ss d the ew th t stretches o t for es fro t of the ho se co tr te to re t se se of sp c o s ess oth ho ses cco od te e tr ce re d k tche zo e o the ro d f oor edroo d st dy o the f rst f oor d two edroo s of the seco d f oor he ser ce ocks pro de k tche d to et o the ro d f oor throo w th to et o the f rst f oor s we s ew o t cross the e dows d to et shower d t ty roo for the w sh ch e etc o the seco d f oor he d t tte t o d the y pr zes th t cepezed rece ed for these se det ched ho ses ot o y or ted fro the str k des he ter z t o s so e cept o th s pro ect r o s co po e ts were sed ho se d for the ery f rst t e hese were p rt y sed o tech o o y fro other sectors wh ch htwe ht co str ct o s p rt c r y port t s ted st ess stee s dw ch p e s were der ed fro refr er ted tr ck w s d p rt y de e oped y cepezed the f des of th s pro ect these p e s were pp ed ho se d th s p rt c r w y for the ery f rst t e he w dows the st rc se d the str de were orrowed fro y cht d he stee sh e d s ts o the ss f des were so pp ed here for the f rst t e ho se d pro ect he e tr ord ry htwe ht f oors th t were de e oped y cepezed for th s pro ect co s st of stee sheet p f ed w th st z s d w th co er yer of hydr te he syste s prec rsor of the f oor th t w s pp ed the cepezed off ce other e cept o fe t re s the fo r etre t d two etre w de s d fro ts th t eet w tho t co ect post t the so ther cor ers of the ho se he e ectr c ty d d t st t o s re te r ted the co s of the stee o d e r co str ct o



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pro ect

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prototypes the work of cepezed

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prod ct


rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed

he ope p k tche s co po e t of the ser ce e t es he t te ers o s ore tr sp re t d h s ore sp t ty th th s pre ry st dy or st ce the o d e r co str ct o of the worktop h s ee r d c y s p f ed d the op ss re r scree s h e ee do ed so th t free ew of the roo h s ee o t ed


prod ct


rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed

he f oor p s of the west ho se the ro d f oor w th the e tr ce to et d c o kroo the ope p k tche d the roo he e ter or terr ce s for ed y woode p tfor he f rst f oor cco od tes the p re t edroo throo d st dy wh ch e oys ope co ect o to the roo o d he seco d f oor ho ses two ch dre s edroo s throo d roo for the w sh ch e



prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed

prod ct


rch tect re

he st rc se e te ds o e f e t o e e t p st the ser ce e t es d h s ee p e e ted s tr sp re t y s poss e th s offer d rect y fro the e tr ce ew of the e dows o the other s de of the ho se he co str ct o co s sts of ce tr stee st r str er to wh ch perfor ted tre ds of set stee h e ee tt ched he d s o the pper f oors h e ee co s ste t y p e e ted s p rts of the st rc se


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prototypes the work of cepezed

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prod ct


rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed

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rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed

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prototypes the work of cepezed




Identity: what was once so self-evident that it never had to be mentioned as such has become an explicit part of architectural assignments in our present-day age of uncertain significance. The emphasis has now come to lie upon the individual, in contrast to the past in which architecture had the task of accentuating the collective. Not only is the house buyer looking for a house by means of which he can distinguish himself, today’s enterprise is also busy to a greater extent than ever before with its corporate identity. Besides logos and other marketing instruments, buildings are also regarded as an expression of this. The yearning for an identity has become the breeding ground for architecture that wants to cover more than merely itself. It began with post-modernism, with its references to mass culture and historical significance. Then came other forms of narrative architecture. Deconstructivism questions established bonds and later other self-evident situations were undermined by combinations of occasionally banal building materials. The advent of the computer had a major influence. It could generate forms that had been hitherto inconceivable, and it stimulated architects to explore new worlds full of nongeometric, whale-like shapes. Generally all these tendencies had their roots in original and vibrant minds, but after some time they fell prey to epigones who increasingly reduced them to superficial style characteristics. All these movements and styles, from post-modernism to the blob architecture produced by computers, evolved during the 35-year existence of cepezed. None the less, hardly a trace of these can be found in cepezed’s oeuvre. Perhaps with the exception of a single flirt, the Delft office largely ignored the high-tech developments, although more affinity may have been expected at first sight. It is true that cepezed has always seriously concentrated on technology and constructions, but there has seldom been a wholehearted urge to express these aspects in an exalted manner – something that is typical of a high-tech approach. This being the case, cepezed has done little to promote architecture that refers to something more than itself. Because an increasing number of clients are seeking buildings that – to use the relevant the jargon – ‘communicate’, that may be regarded as a handicap. In addition, cepezed’s designs reduce everything to the most necessary elements. Walls are only placed where they are essential and the technical fittings are concentrated in zones, or preferably integrated in walls, floors, or furniture. In a formal sense, too, reduction to the essentials is the primary aim. The ‘emptier’ and more abstract the building’s form, the less its function can be read. The simplicity that cepezed imposes upon itself does lead to a strong limitation of the vocabulary. This doe not mean that the work has less power of articulation. On the contrary, since Mies van der Rohe’s less is more, we know that the Muse can touch us deeply in architecture – just as she does in music, visual art, or literature – with a minimum of resources. The office’s oeuvre is also more communicative than it appears to be. Even with cepezed’s smooth and neutral


cepezed as an image builder


Olof Koekebakker


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prototypes the work of cepezed



Whereas the association between perfect construction technique and a wheel distributor or a shop-layout specialist may be abstract and indirect, with the design for the Porsche Zentrum Zuffenhausen (2000) the kinship with the client’s product was obvious right from the outset. [04] Just like cepezed’s buildings, Porsche cars distinguish themselves by their perfect technology, their flawless details, and the absence of everything that is superfluous. These correspondences were decisive in winning the closed architectural competition that the car company had organized for the building.

In the previously-mentioned commercial premises for Langerak and DW Retail Design, too, the building-technical ingenuity takes its allure from the refined interweave with the architecture. The Langerak building, with its façade of horizontal steel and glass strips, has a certain kinship with the Porsche Zentrum, although the materials alternate with one another in the former. Where the actual building ends, the steel strips continue onward as a screen – but without glass filling. In the DW Retail Design building, the façade transforms seamlessly into a screen at a number of places. It embraces an entrance court at the front, and a dispatch yard at the rear. The façades are largely made of steel sheet piling. The screens consist of the same material, but are 50%-perforated so that they are semi-transparent. Viewed from the motorway, this produces an attractive contrast with the reflection of the transparent glass of the front façade. Cepezed often gives buildings a special countenance with outspoken architectonic resources. The buildings are not always simple boxes. It is frequently their striking form that makes an impact, such as the grandstand-like exhibition pavilion on the Nieuwe Waterweg in Hoek van Holland (1994) or the information centre for the new suburb of Leidsche Rijn in Utrecht (1999), which rises up out of the landscape. [02, 07] Expressing the function of a building by means of its form is a less obvious choice. At cepezed, Sullivan’s form follows function is not particularly relevant because, during the design process, the programme is reduced to a structure that is as lucid as possible, so that the function cannot be directly read from the form. The building is literally neutralized. Nevertheless, a building can take its identity from its use, simply by visualizing what happens inside it. With cepezed’s method building, large glass façades are no problem. Whereas too much prying is filtered by a multifunctional


The story that cepezed architecture tells about itself primarily deals with an industrial way of working and the corresponding technical perfection. Some clients are delighted to identify with this approach. This applies not least to the office itself; its own building on the Phoenixstraat in Delft (1999) can be regarded as the best possible advert of what cepezed stands for. [01] It has the shape of a neutral box, but is also a striking illustration of the industrial architecture that the designers pursue. The lightweight steel supporting structure enables column-free areas, front and rear façades made entirely of glass, and movable glass interior walls. Other clients also deploy cepezed’s industrially perfected building to enhance their own image. On the De Wetering business estate in Utrecht, the austere, curved façade of wheel distributor Langerak (2001) is immediately conspicuous among the long series of nondescript commercial premises. [05] The difference is even more convincing when you approach the building closely enough to touch it. Inasmuch as the adjoining buildings suggest some kind of allure, this is lost at detail level. In the case of the Langerak building, however, the first impressions are reinforced by the details. Not far from Utrecht, we find something similar in an industrial area in Woerden. The company premises of interior builder DW Retail Design (2003, formerly Ronic) are situated on a conspicuous location along the A12 motorway. [06] In all its simplicity, the image of the building is possibly even more powerful than that of Langerak. The surrounding car dealers and similar businesses obviously expend more effort in trying to be noticed, but in terms of attention and potential they are secondary to the authentic clarity of the DW Retail Design building.

The centre lies directly adjacent to the Porsche factory in Stuttgart and demonstrates clearly that building-technical perfection alone is not sufficient for a strong, emblematic building. To generate this type of building, the perfection must be incorporated in architectonic refinement – just like Porsche’s sublime technology is incorporated in unparalleled design. The twelve-metre-tall Porsche Zentrum has a largely closed façade with a low glass plinth only on the lower part. As a result, the contents of the showroom are not immediately obvious. Because the plinth has no posts, the closed part of the façade seems to float weightlessly above the ground. It is also surprising that the cars on display, despite the closed façade, are immersed in daylight. Large strip windows have been installed in the roof for this purpose. From its inception, the Porsche Zentrum Zuffenhausen has counted as the worldwide standard for the way in which the corporate identity of the company is expressed in its architecture. By now, hundreds of branches emulating this building have been erected in countries such as Argentina, Thailand, Japan, the USA, and the Netherlands, although these clones were not designed by cepezed itself.


boxes, a client can impart who he is or who he wishes to be. Cepezed’s buildings are certainly capable of serving as a medium, but not in the same manner as Robert Venturi’s ducks and decorated sheds. We can only accuse cepezed on a single occasion of creating a duck, a building that was deliberately designed as a symbol of its function. With the (unrealized) design for the Shipping and Transport College in Rotterdam (1998), we cannot avoid seeing some correspondence with the form of a ship. [03] The ‘façade architecture’ of the decorated shed is also something that cepezed avoids as much as possible. The typographic treatment of the façades, which will be dealt with below, is of a different order.


for 8 ce e ft

t ece tr et

e dsche

door k rt

ce tre

he de t ty of ser es of d str to ce tres for ost s co p ete y deter ed y the r ph c e

prototypes the work of cepezed



product, the possibility of communication via the packaging: the building as a billboard. To continue the metaphor of architecture as a language right to the end, the story of cepezed buildings is almost always a story of few words. The architecture of cepezed, reduced to its essence, is poetry rather than prose – and within the realm of poetry, it is more of a haiku than a sonnet.


screen with a screen-printed mesh pattern at its own office in Delft, the transparent front façade at DW Retail Design conceals little of the inner workings of the company. And the fire station of the DSM chemicals company (1999), at the junction of the A2 and the A67 motorways at Geleen, is not only an eye-catcher to passing drivers due to its curved roof, but also due to the visibility of the bright-red fire engines behind the glass front on the east side. Nowhere does the interior of a cepezed building manifest itself so intensely as in the Race Planet indoor karting centre (2000) in Delft, which also lies along the motorway. [08] Instead of a hermetically sealed box, cepezed designed a completely transparent building with a simple and inexpensive façade of capped glass. As a result, the building occasionally seems scarcely to have any presence at all; the façade is almost literally the medium between the outside world and the racetracks. The spectacular picture is reinforced by the fact that the track was designed in such a way that one can see the karts racing past at different levels. The last means of giving a building an identity is almost even simpler than the previous one. Instead of showing what happens on the inside, the client can inform the public by means of large letters. With the DW Retail Design building, where the company logo has been applied in large format on the glass front, both means have been utilized. (The logo of the previous owner, Ronic, actually provided a more attractive picture.) The buildings created by cepezed often lend themselves well to large-format lettering. Excellent examples of this are its own office in Delft, the office of the River Police at Europoort in Rotterdam (2002), and the Utopolis cinema on the Oude Rijkswerf Willemsoord in Den Helder (2003–2004). In the distribution centres for PTT Post (1998–2002), the identity of the buildings is exclusively borrowed from the graphic image. [09] Due to the limited resources, only simple boxes could be made to accommodate the requested programmes. With striking façade images based on a design by Gerard Hadders, the buildings could be given remarkable allure in a relatively inexpensive way. A dot pattern has been enamelled in the glass front of most of the eye-catching sandwich façades. The logo of the user has also been applied to the entire height of the glass with retro-reflecting foil. Precisely because these buildings offer little architectonic stimulation, all attention is drawn to the dots and the logos.



Thus, cepezed’s buildings are certainly not condemned to a neutral and anonymous existence. Their very nature provides each of them with an opportunity to tell their own story. The building method not only allocates them an allure of technical ingenuity, their well-considered construction techniques also enables a remarkable wealth of manifestations at an affordable price. The office’s working method also allows the creation of a completely glass box, a building like a showcase, which would soon be too expensive using traditional building methods. And where there are shortcomings in these methods of presentation, there is still, as always with an industrial


prototypes the work of cepezed

t w s to ch d o whether or ot cepezed wo d ct y d the orsche e tr ffe h se he t t o to p rt c p te c osed rch tect r co pet t o w s erro eo s y see s so e k d of d ert d w s ed te y co s ed to the w ste p per sket hort y fterw rds t s dde y str ck th t the etter d d ot co e fro re o de er d the etter w s reco ered fro the orsche h d t tt e or oth for dec des s the co p y s ffered fro the pre eco o c recess o s ess o y e to p ck p whe the tch r yw s ppo ted he d of the des dep rt e t t the e d of the e ht es d e de edek ret r ed to he d the co p y t the e of the et es oth the des d the prod ct o were stre ed orsche ec e s ccessf d r e ers of c rs were so d e t y the co p y w shed to e press the ew the rch tect re of the de er d s he cepezed des wo the rch tect r co pet t o d s ce the t h s ee re rded s the rch tect r epr t for the orsche orpor te de t ty sed o th s c sto er ce tre h dreds of r ches h e ow ee t he t h h ty re s de for str t the perfect o of the orsche prod ct or tech o o y d e co er e se ess y es des showroo the d so co pr ses off ces r e workp ces d w reho ses ec se shop w dows de e t re y of ss re too for top r d s ch s orsche the twe e etre t f de h s ee p e e ted r e y c osed r t w th s ooth st ess stee sk w th the s e det ched perfect o s the c rs s de y the p th h s ee p e e ted ss he c r ed f de te r tes the d the r co te t ee t f sh o d echoes the co to rs of the sports c rs s de th c ref tte t o h ee p d to the det the ce tre r ses stere d c e r es w tho t s perf o s decor t o t e erthe ess w th power of ttr ct o th t e okes o to see wh t s o d sp y s de do so the c sto er ce tre rt c tes the fee s th t re ssoc ted w th the orsche r d he d d the prod ct do ot co pete w th o e other they s pp e e t o e other se f e de t w y s de the r e workp ces w reho ses d off ces re cco od ted the ce tr o e he showroo s or zed ro d these sto ers who r the r c rs to the workp ce c p rk the she tered d roofed o er spot the showroo the sports c rs re rr ed o the f oor d o r e t e co str ct o s th t re so ked to the r o s tr sp re t y p e e ted off ces he ht s e tr or d ry fe t re r the d yt e the c rs re t fro o e the r e w dow str ps the roof so th t they ook e ct y the s e s they wo d o t o the street the e e the showroo s ted y rt f c ht he d rk f oor d re r w of the showroo the e er te dr t c effect th t kes the c rs see e e ore e c s e d des r e the s s of th s pro ect t tt rt orsche co ss o ed cepezed to des the ye e f ctory e pz s we

c e t dr h c f porsche st tt rt er y f

rch tect re

porsche ze tr z ffe h se 1 8 porschep tz st tt rt z ffe h se er y


porsche ze tr z ffe h se

prod ct

pro ect


prototypes the work of cepezed

prod ct


rch tect re

re ry st d es o the for o d e r str ct re d ter z t o of the orsche d he rect r workp ce se e t occ p es the ce tr pos t o the p wh e the show roo h s r e sp fo ows the c r e of the s rro d r st to d s d ssected y the ss e tr ce zo e

prototypes the work of cepezed

the rect r o e the work p ces d w reho ses re oc ted o the ro d f oor the off ces d dress roo s re s t ted o the f rst f oor d the tr de sect o d p rk deck re s t ted o the seco d f oor he c r ed showroo e te ds p the f 1 etres of the d st d o e t e co str ct o h s ee st ed to d sp y spec ode s he recept o re s e c osed y ss re s t ted der th s co str ct o he co p ete y tr sp re t e tr ce w th ss roof tr erses the c r ed f de d s f ked y the ce tr recept o re h s e tr ce zo e e ds co ered c r p rk zo e ed te y d o the workp ces where c rs rr e for te ce or rep r


prod ct


rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed

prod ct


rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed

t dy of the f de chor he c r ed s dw ch p e s re o ted y e s of sect o s o stee fr e th t s tt ched to the o erh o d e r co str ct o he r o s tt ch e t es d prof e opt o s for the o d e r co str ct o re show o the r ht d e ow


prod ct


rch tect re

r o s opt o s for d t co ect o s etwee the c r ed f de d the zed e tr ce zo e

e co str ct o

prototypes the work of cepezed

ketch of the t the showroo



prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re


prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re

op ross sect o cross the workp ce d showroo e c d tes the t terp y of these d se e ts

prototypes the work of cepezed

otto ross sect o cross the showroo t the prese t t o t es he ss sky hts re s e the roof co t o w th the d rk sph t t e f oor the c de ce of ht fro these sky hts e s res th t the c rs re t s t r y s poss e


prod ct


rch tect re

ross sect o d det of the f de co str ct o he f de s s spe ded o stee e s th t e te d thro h the f de d re s pported y s e der stee co s tt e d st ce fro the f de hese co s so f ct o s dr e p pes for r w ter he st ess stee s dw ch p e s h e ee o ted o the e te d e s he f rst two etres o e the ro d co s st of co d e t ss th t h s ee c ped w tho t co str ct o r ckets or st ch o s etwee the fo d t o s d the otto s dw ch p e s s co se e ce the f de see s to f o t o e the ro d resh r s trod ced to the show roo fro the tech c f tt s re the roof e s



prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re

prototypes the work of cepezed


prod ct


rch tect re



d ter t re

prod ct process rch tect re 1 oted er er ser Mies van der Rohe; Less is More se 1 8 1 1 cepezed w s o e of te tch rch tect r off ces th t prese ted work der the t t e oder s w tho t o t the rch tect re e e e ce he se ce of do s deed fe t re of the work of cepezed d of the tech c rch tects to who the off ce fee s k ee s e s Modernisme zonder Dogma; een jongere generatie architecten in Nederland otterd 1 1 o ee eft the co p y the e r y e ht es 4 e ss es d two spec s ppe red etwee 1 d 1 8 wo other e ers of the ed t st ff s dew rr s d eter de ter ter fo ded 1 shers o w th sse er s


ph s

d h s

ch de e op e t effort w s ested the okker ho se the ether ds the s t es d the pref syste de e oped y oshe w rts for he of wh ch se er tr ho ses were t sse ee o others estr et Tussen traditie en experiment, over ontwerpers, ontwikkelaars en ondernemers in de bouw otterd t e er 1 1 d h s de oo e e okkerwo Bouw oet che se er edr fs for t e o rch t cht rch tecte ese rch 1 4 1 fo ded y rch tect oh r ke to p t to pr ct ce h s de s o the d d pp c ty of ss prod ced ho ses ee oos os ed or e oo str te rt os Housing for the Millions, John Habraken and the SAR 19602000 otterd shers

prototypes the work of cepezed

8 oh r ke De Dragers en de Mensen, Het einde van de massa Woningbouw, sterd 1 1 or o er ew of r ke s de s see http www h r ke co st s ted rch the o cc ser es e ch ter s o t ed y dd p the two pre o s ter s 1 1 8 1 1 etc s the ser es co t es the r t o etwee the s ccess e ter s ppro ches the o de e e or s er sed h s od or d e so syste o th s o de e

ch e ohe o wer k ste r re e r of toch systee o tw kke r Bouw otterd t cht o w o 1 8 11 es e e we d sc p e Items e ft t cht te s o 1 1 8 pp 1 1 sed o the r foo shops ore e te s e syste for the so c ed s s es d ce ce tres of the w s ter de e oped d p e e ted 1 et o rd cepezed ee t de t oer e e h d Architectuur/ Bouwen sw k t o 1 r st te e ts ppe red ero s profess o o r s t the t e 14 4 the w s e te ded w th ro d of the f oor s rf ce re 1 8 the co cept w s pp ed o the oppos te s de of the street the e e cor co p y d 1 es s r zed the work of cepezed s p rs t of h h per k o where he e ph s zed oth the re z t o of htwe ht co str ct o d the est e t of des te e ce ee so es te e z pro k o Intelligente Architektur e fe de er s st t e der och y e 1 pp 44 4 1 trod ct o Catalogue, the work of cepezed otterd t e er 1 cepezed co cept o perfect o ze th ros e or tter ry ow to et ow cost ho ses The American Architect ew ork rch tect d d ress o 1 1 1 ert rwe e s The Evolving House os rd e ss he ech o o y ress 1 ch rd e der A crack in the rearview mirror ew ork ostr d e ho d 1 ro wer e co s ere de st d e het prod cere de etwerk rt o dhoor ed Architectuur als discipline otterd t e ers 1 ch e ohe o w d str e e ser eprod ct e Forum sterd rch tect r et c t ye r 1 o 1 8 o fford The literature of architecture ew ork tto o 1 ert er ert The Dream of the Factory-Made House. Walter Gropius and Konrad. Wachsmann rd e ss ress 1 84 k pekk k et ARTB Bouwvisie

1 he e d esr d ech o o e eed o w erhe d 1 d rdo orro y ret Philosophy of Structures ers ty of for ress os e es 1 8 estr o e de or recooked Techniek in Bouw en Industrie otterd t cht o w rese rch 1 1 84 estr r ekswo e het f et stro Bouw e o 1 1 8 p 44 48 estr oortrekkers e o ers de ed Tussen traditie en experiment. Over ontwerpers, ontwikkelaars en ondernemers in de bouw otterd 1 shers 1 estr Het ontwerpen van architectuur versus de architectuur van het ontwerpen dho e r speech e prototype ers s ser prod ct o f e ds of te s o kker hr st pp Het kant-en-klaarhuis. Standaard en karakter in de woningcatalogus otterd t e ers 1 8 ch rd e der A Crack in the RearView Mirror ew ork ostr d e ho d 1 o es The Prefabricated Home o do e kt o ooks dw es Industrialisering van de woningbouw dho e se f p shed doctor thes s 1 8 do yck e de r dere de rec proc te t Forum sterd rch tect r et ct e o 1 1 1 pp 8 ho s etters The Lustron Home. The History of a Postwar Prefabricated Housing Experiment efferso c r d o p y tephe er es er ke Refabricating Architecture ew ork c r w 4 os chte er Ontwikkelen van projectongebonden bouwproducten e ft se f p shed doctor thes s p 11 e we h s eter e s Did Ford Really Invent Mass Production? http www r ss cf c k p o ds c ford pdf eke ostr Componentontwerpen. De rol van de architect in productinnovatie e ft ro 1 es e e we d sc p e te s e ft t cht Items 1 8 o 1 pp 1 rry sse Building Systems, Industrialization and Architecture o de ey 1 81 e der o e es ck ed Jean Prouvé – The Poetics of the Technical Object e he tr es t ft o ert e t r ‘Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture’ ew ork se of oder rt 1 et o rd cepezed architecten -

architects otterd t e er 1 1 8 oshe w rts e to zo der w e e s ee k e h s Techniek in bouw en industrie otterd t cht o wrese rch 1 1 84 pp cepezed d the e o t o of the d process 1 ro p ek p De risico’s van een risicoloos bestaan ster d t cht e de er ppe eder d 1 he co cept of ster der s c rre t y o e espec y the where rch tects w sh to occ py the e d ro e es d processes d rece e ct e s pport fro the er c st t te of rch tects or th s p rpose the st t te h s set p es d ow ed e o ty th t so prese ts tse f o ter et www or d def t the stee ho se 1 e ry ord e rowther My Life and Work rde ty o ed y e o 1 p d e et o e te e t e per k o r e o w De Architect he e te e t ry p 4


et o rd cepezed architecten architects otterd 1 shers 1 p 1

appendices Projects Bibliography Biographies Staff members About the authors Credits

pro ects pro ress

p so d re o t o of d e t e se r 1 p so d re o t o of estr e off ce ock trecht 1 te hof cyc e p rk f c t es he e te s o to re o e rd c ter p o sterd ff ce ock ch pho e tr 4 ost r osp t c r p rk e k e 4 ctop s co erc pre ses e de dorpstr t co ect e co p y d he e 8 o p eted

o ses o the r 1 oodstr p stee


o e


te s o to h pp o e e re e e o t o of the o e t y 4


sterd d r

tch e

sport ssy

o ses d shops et ch p ze ee ze ee 1 ee hw ter oo r ere d

prototypes the work of cepezed

eor z t o of the rote rkt t k s e e sh edestr ssoc t o f of ho o r f rst pr ze rope ht w rds te s o d re o t o of the r th e s erto e osch e o t o of the tch e ssy oscow ss eder t o 4 4 erse p o s re o e rd sterd 1 8 4 ro dc st d s for do d ortr k d sse t e 4 eor z to d e te s o of e o w 1 e e der 1 4 eor z t o of st t o e ro e t t k s e 1 4 e sh r e ew w rd e sh edestr ssoc f of ho o r f rst pr ze rope ht w rds ho o r e e to e sh p t w rd e o t o of st t o d t k s e 1 4 cyc e p rk f c t es st t o s re t k s e 1 4 re te tee o str ct o co pet t o ter or of tch o s te ch er y 4


ssy ho ses f h st 4 e o t o of tch ssy ch rest o 4 ter or of the s t ry f r Baden in Holland th o d trecht 4 r e otterd 1 8 edr fs e o w o c oerde t o e t pr s s e pos t e e o w e e der

ost d str t o ce tres 18 oc t o s thro ho t the ether ds 1 8 o t o for the p t ty r ze of d o d o t o for the to tee w rd cyc e p rk f c t es d t r k t t o sp e e de 1 8 ter or of the stry of co o c ff rs he e ker r ters co erc pre ses e yst d o t o for the e yst d rch tect re w rd re ses for the er o ce of otterd o d otterd 1 1 e ker r d es sterd sdorp 1 1 e roete ho s pro ect red 1 8 1 er k e e co erc pre ses trecht 1 1 o t o for the to tee w rd orsche rk e oze tr e pz er y 1 1 ce

door k rt e ft t o e t pr s orsch sze tr r z oste r k 1 oofdk toor e w ke e o w rktk f ersfoort 1 edr fs e o w ctop s e de 1 t re d e ftsche choo eree e ft 1 8 e kr chtst t o red 1 8 orsche e tr ffe h se t tt rt ts d 1 8 h ze e tr e sportp rk esse e e 1 oe cepezed k toor e ft 1 1 4 ho ses e str 1 1 erh e str t co erc pre ses otterd 1 1 f re st t o e ee 1 1 e dsche fo e tre trecht 1 1 cepezed off ce e ft 1 1 w er of o er d or s o orco t d w rds w er e ec t o of det or s 1


Colorcoat Building Awards) Villa Beckius, Rameldange (Luxembourg) (1995–1999, laureate Steel Construction competition) Reorganization of the Stationsplein, Nijmegen (1993–1999) 1998 Prototype SFB garden house (1997–1998) Levin orthodontist’s practice, Delft (1997–1998) Artifort Delta 075 seat (1996–1998) Innovationzentrum für Informatik, Berlin (Germany) (1996–1998) Genencor office and laboratories, Leiden (1995–1998) 1997 Bullewijk heat transfer station, Amsterdam (1997) Spoorsingel doctors’ group practice, Delft (1997) Kloosterplein houses and shops, Breda (1996–1997) Houses, shops and offices, Entrepotgebouw de Vijf Werelddelen, Rotterdam (1992–1997) Diverse renovations and expansions of dwelling house and Teeseling orthodontist’s practice, Haarlem (1983, 1988–1990, 1994, 1997) 1996 Staalbouw Instituut fair booth, Utrecht (1996) Prototype for Eneco high-voltage kiosks (1996) Cogas expansion building Cogas, Almelo (1996) 1995 Transmission masts for mobile telephones, diverse locations (1995, nomination for the Steel Construction competition) Squash Houtrust, The Hague (1994–1995) Simona Research Centre, Delft (1994–1995) De Evenaar houses and shops, Rotterdam (1992–1995) De Boog houses and commercial premises, Rotterdam (1992–1995) Car parking deck at Entrepotgebied, Rotterdam (1992–1995) Rietveld private house, Delft (1992–1995) Squash Centre Arnhem, Arnhem (1991–1995) Centre for Human Drug Research, Leiden (1990–1995; extensions 2003–2004 and 2006–, National Steel Award, ECCS European Award for Steel Structures, honorary mention Constructec-Preis) Various renovations and extensions to Sports Fund Pool, Delft (1983, 1987, 1989, 1994–1995) 1994 Interior of Anderson Lembke office, Amsterdam (1994) Woeste Willem childcare centre, Rotterdam (1993–1994) Exhibition pavilion, Hoek van Holland (1992–1994, premier award British Steel Colorcoat Building Awards, Hylar International Award)

Merchant gardener’s house, Boskoop (1992–1994) Bakker Welten commercial premises, Breda (1992–1994) 1992 Private house on Schutterstraat, Delft (1991–1992, Hylar International Award) Floriade pedestrian bridge, Zoetermeer (1991–1992) Layout of Plein der Verenigde Naties, Zoetermeer (1991–1992) Entrance and restructuring of offices at Kanaalcentrum, Utrecht (1990–1992) 1991 TNO bicycling parking facilities, Delft (1991, honorary mention in National Steel Award) Extension to Clusius laboratory, Leiden (1989–1991) Tanthof library and childcare centre, Delft (1988–1991, winner award British Steel Colorcoat Building Awards, nomination for the National Steel Award) 1990 Extension to Delfland Animal Clinic, Delft 1990 Relay station, Lochem (1989–1990) Two semi-detached houses, Delft (1989–1990, Premio Internazionale di Architettura Andrea Palladio, Premio Iritecna per l’Europa, Bouwwereld Medal of Distinction, National Steel Award, Haus des Jahres Plakette, ECCS European Award for Steel Structures, A.J. van Eckprijs, honorary mention in British Steel Colorcoat Building Awards, honorary mention in Prix Rhénan d’Architecture, nomination for National Painter’s Award, nomination for the Chicago Metallic Award) Renovation of Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague (1988–1990) 1989 Pilon orthodontist's practice, Veldhoven (1989, first prize of the British Steel Colorcoat Building awards) Relay station, Amsterdam (1989, honorary mention in National Steel Award) Nan orthodontist’s practice, Voorburg (1987–1989, National Steel Award, honorary mention in Eternit International Prize for Architecture, nomination for Chicago Metallic Award) 1987 Booth at the ION exhibition, Amsterdam (1987) High-tech Center, Nieuwegein (1984–1987, Premio Iritechna per l’Europa, honorary mention in National Steel Award, honorary mention in Constructa-Preis) 1986 Prototype for detached social housing, Zuiderpolder, Haarlem (1986, nomination for Bouwwereld Distinction) Sitting-reclining combination (1986)

Collective company building, Haarlem (1984–1986) 1985 R.E.T. gatekeepers lodge, Rotterdam (1984–1985) 1983 Modular Interior for PTT Primafoon shops (1983) Industrial construction system for Bison Elements, Breda (1983) 1982 Heiwo house, Wolvega (1980–1982) 1981 Extension to offices of Wetering Port Repair, Rotterdam (1981) Hafkon dressing cabin system, Barneveld (1981) Four houses, Naarden (1979–1981) 1980 Restructuring and extension to Frans Hals Pharmacy, Haarlem (1980) Interior of Woutertje Pieterse poetry book shop, Rotterdam (1980) 1977 Swedish trade delegation fair booth, Utrecht (1977) Renovation of Schoterbosch pharmacy, Haarlem (1977) 1976 Renovation of De Liefde pharmacy, Amsterdam (1976) 1974 Krommenie sanitary module, Krommenie (1974) In preparation Extension to Centre for Human Drug Research, Leiden (2006–) TRS Transport Cooling commercial premises, Katwijk (2006–) Chain of carwash facilities, diverse locations (2006–) Renovation of Brabant Halls, Den Bosch (2006–) Redevelopment of Veilingweg complex of the Police force Rotterdam Rijnmond, Rotterdam (2006–) Kickstart house-building project, Warsaw (Poland) (2006–) BRS commercial premises, Waddinxveen (2005–) Poort van Oostzaan collective company building, Oostzaan (2005–) Reorganization of station surroundings, Brugge (Belgium) (2005–) Head office of Vietcom bank, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) (2005–) Scuba Planet diving accommodation, Rotterdam (2005–) Rabobank office and commercial premises, Alphen aan den Rijn (2005–) Dutch embassy and chancellery, Teheran (Iran) (2007–) SLP distribution centre, Schiphol (2007–) Pitstop branches in Hoofddorp, Gouda and Roosendaal (2006–)


Not realized New construction for Graafschap College, Doetinchem (2006) New construction for Tagrijn pop stage, Hilversum (2005) Extension to Gallo-Roman Museum, Tongeren (Belgium) (2003) Renovation and extension to the Reinier de Graaf Almshouse, Delft (2002) Tilburg Dance and Music School, Tilburg (2002) Stedelijk Museum collection centre, Amsterdam (2001) New construction for Jan van Galen Pool, Amsterdam (2001) Porsche Expo III, Leipzig (Germany) (2000) Haarlemmermeer Information Centre, Haarlemmermeer (1999) Residency, Berlin (Germany) (1998) Shipping and Transport College, Rotterdam (1998) GA Terminal, Schiphol (1996) Solar power station, The Hague (1996) Temporary offices of Regional Police Force, Rotterdam-Rijnmond (1996) Hogeschool Rotterdam & Omstreken, Rotterdam (1994) Dream Villa housing project, Breda (1994) Motorway portals, diverse locations (1993) Head office for Dutch Glass Bond, Woerden (1991, Glasaward) Extension to Teylers Museum, Haarlem (1990) European Patent Office, Leidschendam (1989) Secondary school educational institute for ballet and music, Rotterdam (1987) Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam (1985–1986) Interior of jewelry and silverware shop, London (1981, 2nd prize Architectural Review Competition)

o r phy

prototypes the work of cepezed

c to s y es e es sse de f ctor de Architect he e te e o y 1 pp 1 4 e o wsystee Items e ft t cht te s o 4 st ep te er 1 8 p 1 oeko st Items e ft t cht te s o 4 st epte er 1 8 pp 1 1 1 toor e o w otterd Items e ft t cht te s o 8 y1 8 pp 8 e e we d sc p e Items e ft t cht te s o 1 ece er 1 8 pp 1 e woo h s e ft Bouwen met Staal otterd e tr t o ece er 1 pp 8 wee zo der ee k p Architectuur/ Bouwen sw k t o 8 1 1 pp 8 pos t e p oe oek o d Bouwen met Staal otterd t o w st t t o 11 y st 1 4 pp 1 1 te e z pro o Intelligente Architektur e fe de chterd e e der och o 8 y e 1 pp 44 4 st e k tsch Bouw oet che se er edr fs for t e o 1 cto er 1 p 41 e oder e e t e per e te es e t t h de eder de Neues wohnen mit Stahl sse dorf t h for t o s e tr o 4 pp 4 c t o s y ch e ohe roe e systee e der oor de o w d str e de Architect he e te e o o e er 1 4 pp 8 e o wsystee Items e ft t cht te s o 4 st epte er 1 8 pp 1 o wer k ste r re e r of toch systee o tw kke r Bouw otter d t cht o w o 1 8 edr fs erz e e o w re Bouwen met Staal otterd t ce tr eder d o rch 1 8 pp 4 o w d str e e ser eprod ct e Forum sterd rch tect r et ct o 1 8 pp 1 1 rch tecte ore tore s Items sterd t cht pe r st ez t o 1 8 p 4 o str ct e e st te s rch tecto sche e e e te Bouw he e e we o 1 18 cto er 1 1 pp 4 t e wo Het Parool ster d et roo 1 rch 1 tr er d store Bouwen met Staal, otterd t o w st t t o 118 y e 1 4 pp 8 41 we or d che ro ekte e ok e t t o des e o resses sse t rch tekt r er ord 1 8 pp 4 48 ot e eer y rch tects

off ce Glass Architecture okyo s h ss o p y pr 1 pp 8 4 oo rp e Beter bouwen en bewonen he e t cht oe ko st der ech ek p c to o 8 4 pp 8 8 ythe e s e Intervisie d ho e f o rse o 4 ece er pp 4 c t o s o cepezed ees w ke s ch e ohe od re co rd t e s et sper to de Architect he e te e o 4 pr 1 8 pp 4 44 ycke osch t e ter e r de Bouwadviseur oeter eer ofst d kpers o e r ry 1 8 pp 4 4 d te e re ze het tsystee de Architect he e te e y 1 8 pp o s h tech het co tro eer re ee d Architectuur/Bouwen sw k t o e r ry 1 8 pp ert oster erk cepezed de Architect he e te e y 1 88 pp 4 r e re ers de rch tect het o wproces or sere Aannemer oet che sset o e er 1 1 p 14 de root es e he e o ze hoofdro eder d te sch ete Bouwadviseur oeter eer ofst d kpers e1 pp 4 s der he erts o r d tor te e w e d k Bouwwereld oet che sset o 14 1 y1 pp 8 e ew st o we d r wordt e t d eter Bouwwereld oet che sset o pr 1 pp 14 1 o o twerp e seerd op pre f r c e Bouwwereld oet che sset o 11 8 y1 p ees eterse p we r e te reerde e e syste e Bouw o te ees oorder et o 11 4 e1 pp 41 4 ke s d s te e s t ee e er k k e w k eter e oedkoper Bouw o te ees oorder et o 1 1 cto er 1 pp 18 e e erz cht tech sche rch tect r cepezed Cobouw he e te e 1 ece er 1 p et o rd cepezed ee t t oe r e e h d Architectuur/ Bouwen sw k t o 1 pp 44 4 et o rd cepezed architecten – architects t e er 1 otterd 1 et dosere for t e de Architect he e te e t e 1 4 pp 4 sper ost cepezed e het w re e oof Haagsche Courant he e thoff 11 o e er 1

Olof Koekebakker, ‘Less is toch more. More money ook’, Items, Amsterdam, Bis, no. 8, 1995, pp. 36-42 Ed Melet, ‘De strijd voor kwaliteit’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, no. 7/8, 1995, pp. 68-71 Olaf Koekebakker, ‘De industriële architectuur van cepezed’, Items, Amsterdam, Bis, no. 8, 1995, pp. 36-42 Peter Wislocki, ‘cepezed - Delft's prototypical practice’, World Architecture, London, Cheerman, no. 34, 1995, pp. 80-85 ‘Wat heet goedkoop?’, Architectuur/ Bouwen, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, no. 3, March 1996, pp. 30-31 Selma Kers, ‘Architecten over duurzaam ontwerp’, Efficiënt, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, 8 October 1997, pp. 8-9 Pieter de Mos, ‘Installatieloos gebouw is een strikvraag’, Architectuur/ Bouwen, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, no. 7/8, 1997, pp. 4-5 Caroline Kruit & Pieter de Mos, ‘Tijd voor innovatie’, Architectuur/Bouwen, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, no. 7/8, 1997, pp. 14-15 Reinhart Wustlich, ‘Recherche architecturale der Moderne’, in: Peter Neitzke, Carl Steckeweh & Reinhart Wustlich, Centrum Jahrbuch Architektur und Stadt 1997–1998, Wiesbaden, Vieweg, 1997, pp. 112-117 Arno Schrauwers, ‘Industrieel bouwen maakt achterlijke bedrijfstak professioneel’, Technisch Weekblad, Amsterdam, VNU Business Publications, 25 March 1998, p. 2 Marco Groothoff, ‘Glas ideaal voor maken non-gevel’, Glas in beeld, Gorinchem, Industrial Press, April 1998, pp. 5-10 Corine Koole, ‘De architect Jan Pesman van cepezed’, Eigen Huis en Interieur, Haarlem, VNU Tijdschriften, April 1998, pp. 59-66 Josine Crone, ‘General contracting’, Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier BedrijfsBouw informatie, no. 10, October 1998, pp. 16-18 René Didde, ‘Bouwen met minder schakels’, Duurzaam Bouwen, Best, Aeneas, no. 4, June 2000, pp.18-19 Caroline Kruit, ‘Sandwich met glas’, Detail in Architectuur, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, January/February 2001, pp. 38-39 Josine Crone & Hans Mulder, ‘Projectontwikkeling als ultieme consequentie’, Bouw Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 6, June 2001, pp. 24-26 Robert Uhde, ‘Komplexes Zusammenspiel’, Industriebau, Munich, Callwey, no. 4, April 2002, pp. 62-66 Harm Tilman, ‘Differentiatie of standaardisatie’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, May 2002, pp. 2431 Joep Habets, ‘De intelligentie brengen we er vanaf het begin in’, Blad van Nederlandse architecten, Amsterdam, BNA, no. 11, November 2002, p. 15

‘Neutraler door slimmer’, in: Ed Melet, Het architectonische detail, NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam, 2002, pp. 46-59 ‘Smart|steel: een iteratief ontwerp-, productie- en assemblageproces’, in: Demonstratieprojecten IFD-bouwen; op de drempel van een doorbraak doorbraak, Rotterdam, Stuurgroep Experimenten Volkshuisvesting, 2002, p. 66-69 Discussion of various projects in: Tazarim, Istanbul, Tasarim Group, no. 139, March 2004 Birgit Hopff, ‘Lehrjahre bei cepezed’, AIT, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, AIT Alexander Koch, no. 6, 2004, pp. 38-39 ‘Daglicht moet je boetseren’, Nieuwsbrief van de Stichting Living Daylights, Utrecht, Stichting Living Daylights, no. 1, September 2004 ‘Geëxplodeerde blobs’, Gevelbouw, Breda, Control Media, no. 3, October 2004, p. 33 Menno Rubbens, ‘Engineer-led design & build; procesinnovatie in de bouw’, Archis, Amsterdam, Artimo, no. 3, 2004, pp. 92-95 Egbert Koster, ‘Van stoel tot stad’, PropertyNL, Amsterdam, PropertyNL, no. 11, 23 June 2005, pp. 59-60 Jetse Oosterbaan Martinius, ‘Een doos als ontwerpopgave’, Architec-tuur Lokaal, Amsterdam, Architectuur Lokaal, no. 50, October 2005, pp. 10-11 ‘Architecten krijgen het niet voor elkaar om duidelijk te maken waar de kwaliteit van het vak ligt’, in: Madeleine Steigenga, Architecten – 15 portretten, Architectura & Natura, Amsterdam, 2005, pp. 106-115 Frans bos, ‘IFD-vloer onderdeel van totaalvisie’, Cobouw Totaal, The Hague, SDU, no. 4, March 2006, p. 18 Jaap Huisman, ‘Kansen en risico’s zijn getrouwd met elkaar’, Smaak Smaak, The Hague, Department of Housing and Construction, December 2005, pp. 6-11 Wijnand Beemster, ‘Integrale architectuur: “één plus één is drie”.’, Stedebouw & Architectuur, Nieuwegein, Arko, no. 1, January 2007, pp. 4-5 Publications on cepezed projects Heiwo house, Wolvega ‘Een geheel nieuw bouwsysteem voor sociale woningbouw’, PT Bouw-techniek, Rijswijk, NIRIA, no. 12, Decemniek ber 1982, pp. 15-21 ‘Woningbouwsysteem cepezed’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Staalcentrum Nederland, no. 65, October 1983, p. 37 High-tech Center, Nieuwegein ‘Techniek in dienst van de architectuur’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Centrum Staal, no. 87, 1988, p. 59 ‘Twee bedrijfsgebouwen te Nieuwegein’, Bouw, The Hague, Delwel, no. 23, 17 November 1989, pp. 34-38 Collective company building, Haarlem Cees Zwinkels, ‘Bedrijfsverzamelgebouw Haarlem’, de Architect, The

Hague, ten Hagen, March 1986, pp. 29-33 ‘Bedrijfsverzamelgebouw Haarlem; een ander beeld voor de Nederlandse industriebouw’, Architectuur/ Bouwen, Rijswijk, Stam, no. 3, March 1986, pp. 38-39 ‘Bedrijfsverzamelgebouw, Haarlem’, Bouwen met Staal, no. 78, October 1986, Rotterdam, Staalcentrum Nederland, p. 25 ‘Wervend uiterlijk, nuchtere opzet, concurrerende prijs’, Bedrijfsgebouwen in Nederland, Rotterdam, Centrum Staal, no. 1, June 1987, pp. 26-28 Detached subsidized housing project, Haarlem ‘Haarlems experiment’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen, February 1987, pp. 23-24 Wim van Heuvel, ‘Experimentele woningen voor de Zuiderpolder’, Architectuur/Bouwen, Rijswijk, Stam, no. 2, February 1987, pp. 38-41 Gilles van Niel, ‘Haarlems woningwetexperiment’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen, March 1987, pp. 71-81 Ronald Rovers, ‘Beoordeling: stalen woning’, Bouw Bouw, The Hague, Vuga, no. 7, 3 April 1987, p. 51 Gilles van Niel, ‘Vrijstaande woningwetwoning Haarlem’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Centrum Staal, no. 87, October 1987, p. 12 'Vrijstaande woningwetwoning', Bouwwereld, Doetinchem, Misset, no. 25, 11 December 1987, p. 29 ‘Experimentele woningbouw Zuiderpolder Haarlem’, Items, Amsterdam, Stichting Openbaar Kunstbezit, special issue 1987, pp. 21-23 Bernice Willemsen, ‘De verscholen experimenten van de Zuiderpolder, Het Parool, Amsterdam, Het Parool, 25 March 1993 J. Singelenberg, ‘De kwaliteiten van een honderduizend gulden woning’, Bouwmarkt, The Hague, Delwel, 1/2, January/February 1995, pp. 2-5 ‘Prototype goedkoop bouwen’, Bouw, Doetinchem, Misset, no. 2, February 1995, p. 60 Ed Melet, ‘Vrijstaande woningwetwoning’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, May 1995, pp. 114-115 Maarten Willems, ‘Een huis is geen auto’, Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 183, April 2005, pp. 26-29 Nan orthodontist’s practice, Voorburg Hans van Dijk, ‘Pythagoras in Voorburg’, Archis, Deventer, Van Loghum Slaterus, no. 9, September 1989, pp. 2-3 ‘Praktijkruimte orthodontist’, Samen, IJmuiden, Hoogovens, no. 549, December 1990, p. 5 Semi-detached houses, Delft ‘Woning ir. Jan Pesman, Delft’, Bouwwereld, Doetinchem, Misset, no. 21a, 19 October 1990, pp. 7-10


Piet Vollaard, ‘Gevoelig ontwerp in rvs-doos’, Architectuur/Bouwen, Rijswijk, Stam, no. 2, February 1991, pp. 12-15 ‘High-tech esthetiek aan de rand van Delft’, Bouwwereld, Doetinchem, Misset, no. 11, 31 May 1991, pp. 18-19 Kenneth Powell, ‘Dutch show their metal’, The Daily Telegraph, London, Telegraph Group, March 25, 1992, p. 30 Marieke van Zalingen, ‘Twee zonder een kap’, Eigen Huis en Interieur, Haarlem, Spaarnestad, August 1995, pp. 36-41 ‘Wohnhaus in Delft’, Detail, Munich, Institut für internationale ArchitekturDokumentation, no. 3, 1995, pp. I-IV Anne Marie van der Kolk, ‘Ingenieuze kubus van glas en staal’, De Gelderlander, Nijmegen, De Gelderlander, 29 November 1997 Pilon orthodontist’s practice, Veldhoven Han Slawik, ‘Angebissen; Praxis eines Kieferorthopäden in Voorburg bei Den Haag’, Deutsche Bauzeitung, Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, no. 7, July 1991, pp. 60-61 P. Visser, ‘Alles ademt hightech – de praktijk van de hedendaagse orthodontist’, Bouw Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 9, September 2002, pp. 24-25 cepezed office, Delft F. de Groot, ‘Slank en licht’, Vloertechnisch Magazine, Nijmegen, Wijlhuizen Vaktijdschriften, no. 6, June 1997, pp. 4-9 Michiel Hofman, ‘Zevende hemel voor achitect blijkt functioneel’, Stedenbouw, Rotterdam, Bouw media, no. bouw 563, October 1999, pp. 61-64 Maarten Willems, ‘Uitbundige soberheid’, Detail in Architectuur, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, November 1999, pp. 22-27 Ed Melet, ‘Hoge intelligentie per kilogram gebouw’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, January 2000, pp. 62-65 Bertrand Lemoine, ‘Énergétique et radical’, l'Acier pour construire, Paris, OTUA, no. 66, June 2000, pp. 10-15 ‘Kantoorgebouw cepezed’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 156, September/October 2000, p. 25 Thijs van den Boomen, ‘Isoleren tot we stikken’, Bouw Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 10, October 2000, pp. 24 -25 ‘Kantoor cepezed Delft’, in: Zon en architectuur/Sun and architecture, Utrecht, Novem, 30 October 2000, pp. 74–77 ‘Office building cepezed architects’, in: Economic solutions in steel, Brussels, International Iron and Steel Institute, 2000, p. 24 François Gorin, ‘Chaude ambiance

re Télérama r s ro pe des c t o s de e tho e o 8 rch 1 p e e s s ch ff e Le Moniteur r s d t o s e o te r o 8 pr 1 p 8 eter sser e z weer th s Bouw, oet che se er edr fs for t e o e 1 pp 1 c er d s rch tect re e rope Bleu Métal e s o cto er 1 pp 4 o yer d f ce cepezed e ft e op r t o e p r e t e Archicréé r s oc t d d t o et de resse o 1 ece er 1 pp 8 8 e e de re e ft ys s Architecture d’auhourd hui rs dto s e che ce o y st 1 pp so e e p r e ce ys s s s ch ff e pp re t d Architectures r s oc t d d t o s rch tect r es o 1 1 pp 1 toor top 1 Ondernemend Nederland Magazine rd e der e e d eder d z e o 1 ry pp s de t re r se o s d er e r se Architecture électricité de France r s ectr c t de r ce o 1 e pp 8 ee s ee koe ee d rect zo cht Facto Magazine phe de wer o epte er p rch tekt r ro cepezed Bauen in Stahl r ch t h e tr chwe z o 1 oer Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t cto er 4 p co o ser er e e er co fort d s e e p s orce er es esp ces Ouvrages publics co t global rs ss o ter st r e e po r t des o str c to s es pp 4

prototypes the work of cepezed

port ds oo e ft y o d chers ro e r t ch e spe de s Architectuur Bouwen he e te e t o y1 pp 4 e y st t o oche tr er d store e eco oche Bouwen met Staal otter d t o w st t t o 1 epte er cto er 1 4 p 11 tr er d store e eco Mooi staalwerk; tien jaar innovatieve staalbouw met de SNS oeter eer e werke de eder dse t o w cto er 4 p 4 thof r ry d ch dc re ce tre e ft otheek e k derd er f te

e ft Bouw o te ees oorder et o 1 8 ry 1 pp 4 41

oh e der op d otterd eder de AW Architektur Wettbewerbe t tt rt r r er o 1 epte er 1 pp

e tre for r ese rch e de s chs o str ct e te o kt p d p s re t re d r Bouwwereld oet che sset o 1 ece er 1 pp 1 1 chter de scher e Eigen Huis en Interieur re p r est d e 1 o 14 et o rd et e k cht o we Architectuur Bouwen he e te e t o 8 1 e tr z r rforsch h er rz e tte ese rch ce tre h ph r ce t cs e de e h rt st ch Industrie-architectur in Europa r st dt s e sp e 1 p 8 ers rch tecte o er d rz o twerp Effici nt he e te e t o 8 8 cto er 1 pp 8 e o w kt pr z Praktijkjournaal duurzaam bouwen he e te e t o 4 cto er 1 pp r s re s o twerpe et t d st oor e er ereke Praktijkjournaal duurzaam bouwen he e te e t o o e er 1 ertr d e o e echerche e te s e l Acier pour construire rs o 1 e r ry 1 pp 1 e tre for r ese rch Mooi staalwerk; tien jaar innovatieve staalbouw met de SNS oeter eer e werke de eder dse t o w cto er 4 pp 8 e tre for r rese rch rdo r eter r Research and Technology Buildings s e rkh ser pp 1 1 1 sh e tre r he r he sh ce tr r he d kr or De Gelderlander e e e der der pr 1

op d otterd o der t w re et orfose Bouwen in de Randstad, eek s ess o c to s o cto er 1 pp 8 tr k ers oorz et ho derd pp rte e te pref s t r ts Bouwen in de Randstad eek s ess o c to s cto er 1 p 1 do erkse re dsetter de s Woningraad ere to e o r d o 1 1 pp 1 1 trepot e ed Archis oet che sset o 1 1 pp rth r ort et trepot e o w op de op d Archis oet che sset o 1 1 pp trepot e o w s k ker op d Stedenbouw otterd o w ed o 4 1 pp 8 ro e r t t r t h rt p kh s oft Renovatie Onderhoud he e te e t y 1 8 pp pp rte e t e de fe Tendenz nachhaltig Katalog Sonderschau Deubau r st dt s e sp e 1 8 pp 1 1 1 cepezed Preiswerter Wohnungsbau in den Niederlanden 199 –199 sse dorf er ech k 1 8 pp trepot e o w e f ere d de e wordt ewoo d Baksteen ep o k k er o d eder dse kstee f r k te e pp 1 1 d otterd Tipologie residenziali contemporanee; manuale di realizzazioni europee degli ultimi vent’anni e dr tr ce pp 1 1 r

t e

trepot e ed o ded reho se re otterd r e ed es o der d k De Telegraaf sterd e ee r f o e er 1 o o w e k toor Architectuur in Nederland – Jaarboek 199 –1996 otterd t e ers 1 pp h p reed e d o sse rch tec t r cepezed de Architect he e te e t ry 1 pp ees de r f trepot e o w ot terd Bouw oet che sset o 1 ry 1 pp 8 ro e r t h tech trepot e o w Architectuur Bouwen he e te e t o 8 st 1 pp 1 1

te ho se o ch tterstr t e ft e 14 woo h s Bouw oet che sset o epte er 1 pp 4 44 ow ho se e ft Innovations in steel; residential construction around the world r sse s ter t o ro d tee st t te 1 p 1 s of off p re d rch rch tekt r Foyer er e ts erw t f r e oh e d erkehr o epte er 1 pp r

te ho se o et e d e ft rry y kers e w o w et e d o strede Delftsche Courant he e thoff rch 1 ro e r t t e s h sto r sche o e Architectuur Bouwen he e te e t o 1 cto er 1 pp 4 4 oder e ccept e Heemschut wo e ders o cto er 1 p 1


e po wee eder dse h htech h ze Eigen Huis en Interieur re p r est d e r ry 1 pp 4 8 w k chr tt cher Deutsche Bauzeitung, t tt rt e tsche er s st t o 1 1 p e st dswo o de e w c e e e Heilige huisjes; bewoners als opdrachtgever otter d t e ers 1 pp e erde e o we e s e Romantisch modernisme sterd 4 pp 1 141 sh o tr st he e port e o w te e Bouw oet che sset o e r ry 1 p 4 e s shce tr cepezed e cht de d ster s de Architect he e te e t epte er 1 p 4 ctor re ser ed Stad in vorm; de vernieuwing van Den Haag 19 – 2000 otterd t e er 1 pro ect 1 oeste e ch dc re ce tre otterd r e ets pee doos oor k de re Bouwwereld oet che sset o 1 1 e 1 4 pp 1 1 h to p o oek o d e e ewe terwe e po kt er oor t Rotterdams Dagblad otterd otterd s d y1 4 r cy etz p ewekte t de khe d s de p t tstrook NRC Handelsblad otterd de s d 4 y1 4 r e ets e e pos t e op de p t tstrook Bouwwereld oet che sset o 14 8 y 1 4 pp r tse o dersche d oor eder dse rch tecte Bouwwereld oet che sset o 1 1 ep te er 1 4 p o s t tstrook s e we terwe kr t d rk cepe zed Architectuur/Bouwen he e te e t o 1 4 pp 8 w k cke t ss cht Deutsche Bauzeitung t tt rt e tsche er s st t o 1 1 4 pp 8 8 pos t o p o ook of o d Innovations in steel; roofs and fa ades around the world r sse s ter t o ro d tee st t te 1 p eke oc t e edt o eke de r he d st e e e op de he BouwDetail e e ter wer edr fs for t e o 1 pp 4 1 s der ky o zee Bouw oet che se er edr fs for t e o 11 o e er 1 p for er o

t o sze tr

f r



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Bauwelt, Gütersloh, Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften, no. 28/29, 31 July 1998, pp. 1618–1621 Michaela Busenkell, ‘Innovationszentrum’, AIT AIT, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Alexander Koch, April 1999, pp. 45-51 ‘Neu in… Berlin’, Deutsche Bauzeitung, Stuttgart, Deutsche VerlagsAnstalt, no. 5, 1999, p. 14 ‘Innovationszentrum für Informatik’, in: Karola Menger, Wista Wissenschafts- und Wirtschafts Standort Adlershof, Berlin, Stadtwandel Verlag, Adlershof Die Neuen Architekturführer no. 10, 1999, pp. 42-46 ‘Innovationszentrum für Informatik’, Bauwelt, Gütersloh, Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften, no. 9, 26. Februar 1999, p. 405 ‘Innovationszentrum für Informatik’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 156, September/October 2000, p. 19 ‘Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologie (1996–1998)’, in: Karola Menger, Berlin Adlershof; Stadt für Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Medien, Berlin, Stadtwandel Verlag, Die Neuen Architekturfürher no. 10, 2nd print, 2003, pp. 34-37 ‘Innovation Centre’, in: Fire safe multi-storey buildings, Brussels, International Iron and Steel Institute, 2004, p. 13 ‘Centre for Information and Media Technology, Adlershof Science and Technology Park’, in: Hardo Braun & Dieter Grömling, Research and Technology Buildings, Basle, Birkhäuser, 2005, pp. 92-93 Transmission masts for mobile telephones, diverse locations ‘Horizonverschoning’, Bouw Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 6, June 2001, p. 27 Tom Maas, ‘Waar een klein land niet meer trots op mag zijn’, Architectuur/ Bouwen, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, no. 5, 1995, pp. 10-11 Race Planet indoor kart track, Delft ‘Karting in de etalage’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 152, January/February 2000, no. 6 ‘Karten op vier niveaus’, Stedenbouw, Stedenbouw Rotterdam, Bouw media, no. 570, May 2000, pp. 16-17 Caroline Kruit, ‘Transparant vangnet voor vliegend rubber’, Detail in Architectuur, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, October 2000, p. 30 Josine Crone, ‘Staalprijs voor kartcentrum’, Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 12, December 2000, p. 17 P. Visser, ‘Eindje rijden’, Bouw, Bouw Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 6, June 2001, pp. 44-47 Christine Desmoulins, ‘Rotterdam, nouvelles pistes pour le karting’, d'Architectures, Paris, Sociéte d’Édi-

tions Architecturales, no. 114, October 2001, pp. 34-35 ‘Kartbaan Delft’, in: Tracy Metz, Janine Schrijver & Otto Snoek, Pret! Leisure en landschap, Rotterdam, NAi Uitgevers, 2002, pp. 50-51 ‘Analis - indoor kartingbaan Delft’, Pasajes de arquitectura y critica, Madrid, América Ibérica, no. 48, June 2003, pp. 16-20 ‘Quelle image pour un équipement sportif?’, in: Catherine Sabbah & François Vigneau, Les équipements sportifs, Paris, Éditions le Moniteur, 2006, pp. 75-77 Adam Gebrian, ‘Fenomén sport: nové trendy y navrhování sportovních staveb’, Era 21, Brno, Era group, 6. rocník 4, 2006, p. 68 Marktkauf head office and shop, Amersfoort ‘Zwart gebouw subtiel neergezet en vormgegeven’, Bouwen in Centraal Nederland, Leeuwarden, Uitgeverij het Noorden, no. 1, January 2001, pp. 53-54 ÖAW Forschumszentrum, Graz ÖAW Forschungszentrum Graz, Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2000 Karin Tschavgova, ‘Wenn der computer heizt’, Die, Wien, Die Presse, 21. February 2004, p. ix ‘Graz Research Centre of the Austrian Academy of Sciences’, in: Hardo Braun & Dieter Grömling, Research and Technology Buildings, Basle, Birkhäuser, 2005, pp. 174-175 Bullewijk heat transfer station, Amsterdam ‘Heat transfer station cepezed’, in: Marlies Buurman & Marten Kloos, Amsterdam Architecture 1997–1999, Amsterdam, Arcam/Architectura & Natura, 1999, p. 76 - 77 De Kroeten housing project, Breda Gerard Haverkamp, ‘Eigenzinnig bouwen voor speciale doelgroepen’, Aedes-Magazine, Hilversum, Aedes Vereniging van Woningcorporaties, no. 11, 28 May, 2003, pp. 32-35 ‘Sociale woningbouw’, in: Joosje van Geest, Architectuurgids Breda, Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 2002, p. 217 Porsche Zentrum Zuffenhausen, Stuttgart ‘Große Werks-Schau’, Christophorus, Speyer, Klambt Verlag, no. 280, September 1999, pp. 38-40 Robert Uhde, ‘Porsche mit Delfter Design’, Leonardo-online, Augsburg, Weka Baufachverlage, no. 2, March/ April 2000, pp. 52-55 ‘Porche Zentrum in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen’, Glas Architektur und Technik Technik, Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, no. 1, February/March 2001, pp. 24-29 ‘Mit Tageslicht inszeniert’, Zeitschrift für Glas-Fenster-Fassade, Schorn-

dorf, Karl Hofmann, no. 5, May 2001, p, 54 ‘Porsche-Zentrum in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen’, Glasforum; Beilage zu Zeitschrift für Glas-Fenster-Fassade, Schorndorf, Karl Hoffman, no. 8, August 2001, pp. 10-15 Alexander Morgenroth, ‘Edle Automobile – ädaquat präsentiert’, Das Architecten Magazin, Cologne, Rudolf Müller, no. 9, September 2001, pp. 29-32 ‘Onderkoelde perfectie in garage prototype’, Detail in Architectuur, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, November 2001, pp. 34-35 ‘Model showroom’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 163, December 2001, pp. 8-9 ‘At the top: Porsche’, Forum, Bad Münder, Wilkhahn, no. 5, 2001, pp. 10-13 Jaap Huisman, ‘Drie seconden schoonheid’, Vrij Nederland, Amsterdam, Weekbladpers, no. 10, March 2002, pp. 48-50 ‘Visionen… Emotionen…’, AIT AIT, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Alexander Koch, September 2002, p. 35 ‘Porsche Zentrum Stuttgart Zuffenhausen’, in: Dokumentation 581; Ausstellungs-und Verkaufgebäude für Automobile, Düsseldorf, Stahl-Informations-Zentrum, 2004, pp. 22-23 Pnem power station, Breda ‘Voltage’, in: Hans Ibelings (ed.), The artificial landscape; contemporary architecture, urbanism, and landscape architecture in the Netherlands, Rotterdam, NAi Publishers, 2000, pp. 68-69. ‘Pnem krachtsstation’, in: Joosje van Geest, Architectuurgids Breda, Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 2002, p. 124 PTT Post distribution centres, diverse locations ‘Eén gebouw per week’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Staalbouw Instituut, no. 150, September/ October, 1999, p. 12 Dirk Dubbeling, ‘Verhuispost’, Bouw, Bouw Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 10, October 1999, pp. 12-14 Christian Jongeneel, ‘Modulebouw voor postkantoren’, Technisch Weekblad, Amsterdam, VNU Business Publications, 24 November 1999, p. 7 ‘Architect Menno Rubbens: dit is voor ons de ultieme opdracht’, Bouwen in het Noorden, Leeuwarden, Uitgeverij het Noorden, no. 1, January 2000, pp. 39-42 Ineke Schwartz, ‘Lego in het groot’, Elsevier, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, 12 February 2000, pp. 90-91 Joop Wildschut, ‘Uitvoering distributiecentra PTT is leerproces’, Bouwwereld, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 6, 20 March 2000, pp. 18-23


Marc Vlemmings, ‘Koninklijke Post’, Items, Amsterdam, Bis, no. 2, May/ June 2000, pp. 34-38 René Didde, ‘Bouwen met minder schakels’, Duurzaam Bouwen, Best, Aeneas, no. 4, June 2000, pp. 18-19 ‘Less is more’, Items, Amsterdam, Bis, no. 3, July/August 2001, pp. 30-31 René Erven, ‘Kunstlicht op architectuur’, de Architect, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, October 2001, p. 107 Josine Crone, ‘Design & build in de polder’, Bouw, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 2, February 2002, pp. 56-59 ‘Quanto è “secco” il design olandese?’, Abitare, Milano, Editrice Abitare Segesta, no. 417, May 2002, pp. 242-243 Wilhelm Busch, ‘Postverteilzentrum in Leeuwarden’, Baumeister, München, Callwey, no. 6, June 2002, pp. 70-76 Taxi rank, Leiden ‘Fietsenstalling en taxiplatform in één ontwerp’, Bouwwereld, Doetinchem, Reed Business Information, no. 19, October 2003, p. 57 ‘Taxipallet en fietsenstalling’, Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 180, October 2004, p. 56 Langerak Wielen, Utrecht ‘Bedrijfsgebouw Langerak Wielen’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 168, October 2002, p. 84 P. Visser, ‘Bedrijsgebouw Utrecht’, Bouw, Doetinchem, Reed Business Bouw Information, no. 10, October 2003, pp. 44-45 Porsche Fabrik & Demozentrum, Leipzig (Germany) Joop Wilschut, ‘Sandwich gevelpaneel met mogelijkheden’, Bouwwereld, Doetinchem, Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, no. 9, 24 April 2001, pp. 48-51 ‘Porsche Leipzig – de nieuwe generatie IFD architectuur gevels’, Boosting nieuwsbrief nieuwsbrief, Rotterdam, Stichting Industrieel Bouwen Nederland, January 2002, no. 15 Bedrijfsgebouw Anker Drukkers, Lelystad David Keuning, ‘Slimme architectuur is vanzelf mooi’, Detail in Architectuur, The Hague, ten Hagen & Stam, March 2003, pp. 14-17 ‘Slim met staal’, Bouwen met Staal, Rotterdam, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 172, June 2003, p. 6 ‘Drukkerij Anker Drukkers’, Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 180, October 2004, p. 83 Ronic commercial premises, Woerden ‘Bedrijfsgebouw Ronic’, Bouwen met

Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 18 cto er 4 pp 84 8 edr fs e o w o c Mooi staalwerk; tien jaar innovatieve staalbouw met de SNS oeter eer e werke de eder dse t o w cto er 4 p 4 es sp rere d p d Bedrijfshuisvesting pe door er tw kke de o 1 pp 1 ter or of the stry of co o c ff rs he e d e de t te t et e or d e r st p t Detail in Architectuur, he e te e t pr 4 pp 4

prototypes the work of cepezed

eor z t o of the st t o s rro d s t k s e w st t o sp e t k s Architectenkrant r sse s to o 1 4 1 1 y 4 p 1 o de e r rce o t dere Het Nieuwsblad, root rde se t e ers tsch pp 1 st 4 ekroo d e w st t o sp e t k s eope d Bouw itvoering ersfoort o epte er cto er 4 p 8 oe y he e cht t k s De Standaard root rde se t e ers tsch pp cto er 4 rc os tk op st t o s o e t k s A r sse s for t ece tr oor rch tect r tede o w e es o 1 cto er o e er 4 pp r sse s of Bouwen met Staal, oeter eer t cht o we et t o 181 ece er 4 p e te k w ee zott hede Knack r sse s o rt pr pp 8 t or s t ee kro e st d Knack r sse s o rt e pp 8 84 ch e erew ck et st t o sp e e de rote rkt Blauwe idee n o es rr res d t o epte er pp o f oede o where De Morgen r sse s e or e cto er p 1 oche de r es o e ed e se epo t seerde p c t r de pr kt k Stedebouw Ruimtelijke Ordening he e o 4 pp 4 1 t t o so e t k s Belgium New Architecture r sse s rs e dto s pp 181 18 ro dc st d s for do d ortr k d sse t e os e ro e rt stee Bouw oet che eed s ess for to o epte er pp

oer de r y roep e o do ortr k e sse t A r sse s for t ece tr rch tect r tede o w e o 1 pr y pp 4

w , oor es 4

oodstr p sterd r s os er k s ete doost Het Parool sterd et roo 1 st p 1 er rd s se de o e NRC Handelsblad otterd de s d 1 epte er p r

o e rd ho s pro ect r tr k twoord op re dert rch tect r Stedenbouw red o tro ed o rch pp 88 e o to d e te s o to estr e off ce ock trecht es he pt r ksw terst t e w estr e Smaak he e ks e o we d e st o 4 ece er 1 p 4 r k der o e doek te e de zo e de w d oor de e e estr e Smaak he e ep rt e t of o s d o str c to o 1 e r ry pp 1 18 ry roo s ck d r de k toor Facto Magazine phe de wer o 1 ece er pp 4 e we estr e pr cht e e ke tot opzet Bedrijfshuisvesting trecht ’t Gooi pe door er tw kke de o 1 4 rch 4 pp 4 r oes esse et k toor s t r ke eefo e Stedenbouw red o tro ed o 1 pp 8 8 o de e er se e estr e dy sch er cht Kantoor Efficiency che e t e r ry pp 1 1 r oes esse estr e o t ef tech ek e det er Stedenbouw red o tro ed o rch pp estr e kr t h sf de s weefse doek Gevel Dak Journaal e we e o rch p o oh es oorz cht doek e e d s s tweedeh df de Cobouw he e o 4 pr p to e w p d or t t h ord oor ksw terst t Weekblad Facilitair gebouwbeheer ke sw rd o ress o 18 y p 14 r s erw e ce ft eeft hoo o w tr sp r te e e s Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 1 pr p e eze d e e doek De Ingenieur e e ee ze s y p o ert h pp k de dt

estr e oor ee d te r o t werpe Verwarming Ventilatie Plus VV oeter eer roep eto r e pp 4 4 estr e trecht Architectenweb Magazine ss rch tecte we ed y pp 84 8 eor z to d e te s o of e o w 1 de kswerf e soord e e der e k d chte oscoopz e d str ee o e t Bouwwereld oet che eed s ess for to o 1 st pp 14 1 oscoop topo s e e der Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 18 pr p 4 re o k e er e w e e door o de dr co str ct e Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 1 st 4 pp 18 he p rk e oscoop pe o d Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 18 cto er 4 p 4 p s e sch tk st e e der t e de k ope Smaak he e ep rt e t of o s d o str ct o o 1 e r ry pp 1 4 ee hw ter oo r ere d r e ets r sp r te cry t w d zwe ss Bouwwereld oet che eed s ess for to o 1 o e er pp 8 1 r eke e o er zwe p r d s de Architect he e o 1 ry pp 4 ee hw ter d r ere d Rekrea Vakkrant o de thof o rch p k e het d epe o we et Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 1 e p te s o d re o t o of r t s e osch e ke de er e we r th e ek eed et st Stedenbouw red o tro ed o 18 cto er 4 pp ees echto d r th e co c rre t e r e rs BN/De Stem red t e ers d est eder d o e er 4 e e roter roe e Bouwen met Staal, oeter eer t cht o we et t o 18 pr p se h to d e e der ze sto p oor wr k koop rder Noordhollands Dagblad k r o dse dco te epte er e k d ze e s dr co str ct e Bouwwereld oet che eed s ess for t o o 1 8 epte er pp 4 sp oe Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et

t o 1 st 4 p e too ste sp oe s Bouwen met Staal oeter eer t cht o we et t o 18 cto er 4 p 4 cht ew cht e co p e Bouw I o te e e s o 4 e pp 4 eor t

z t o of the rote rkt s dsch tter rote rkt dert e de o e or d tot e e e e te p e Het Nieuwsblad root rde se t e ers tsch pp 8 rch rote rkt wordt e e e e te pe De Standaard root rde se t e ers t sch pp 8 rch y et e do ck rote rkt feeste k eope d Het Laatste Nieuws o e e re rch tef oppe ope op er e wde rote rkt Gazet van Antwerpen twerp o ce tr ed rch eh dsch tter e we st d weet te ekore Het Nieuwsblad root rde se t e ers tsch pp pr r s oor er de cht er Licht, he e o e t or s t ee kro e st d Knack r sse s o rt o e h ppe o s rote rkt t k s Stad Landschap ere t s ek d o st epte er pp eroe e dr ks rote rkt t k s Parking Trend International oo e rope rk ssoc to o 1 ece er pp oche de r es o e ed e se epo t seerde p c t r de pr kt k Stedebouw Ruimtelijke Ordening he e o 4 pp 4 1 rote rkt t k s Belgium New Architecture r sse s rs e dto s pp 1 8 18 r k er t k s e dt de d s Gazet van Antwerpen twerp o ce tr ed 1 ry r e oe e eroe e dr ks t k s de et orfose Verkeerskunde he e o 1 ry pp 4 k eh

e o t o of the tch ssy o e o ecco o sc t d d Exibart.onpaper ore ce rch pr p cepezed o twerpt ss de AD Haagsche Courant otterd ews ed y4 chter p e o e ers tre e ke o er oor ss de o e Cobouw he e y 14 p c e cco o sec s c t d tore Marie Claire Maison

biographies Paris, Hachette, nr 5, May 2007, p. 111-112 ‘Ambassade in weervast corset’, Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, nr. 196, June 2007, p. 10 ‘Entree’, Vivenda, Hilversum, Factotum Media, June 2007, p. 12 ‘Sterk contrast in Rome’, Architectenweb Magazine, Bussum, Architectenweb Media, nr. 11, July 2007, p. 56-57 P-22 office building, Schiphol ‘Op Amerikaanse leest’, Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 188, February 2006, p. 12 Marc Laan, ‘Microsoft ontketent revolutie op kantoor, Het Parool, Amsterdam, Het Parool, 30 September 2006, pp. 40-41 Bernard Faber, ‘Luxe multi-tenant kantoor op Schiphol Centrum’, StedenBouw, Breda, Control Media, no. 650, June 2007, pp. 60-63 Head office of Vietcom Bank, Ho Chi Minh City Danny Verbaan, ‘De hoogste van Vietnam’, AD Haagsche Courant, Rotterdam, AD Nieuwsmedia, 12 January 2006 ‘cepezed en DHV bouwen wolkenkrabber in Vietnam’, Cobouw, The Hague, SDU, 13 January 2006 ‘Ontwerp hoogste toren Vietnam’, De Ingenieur, Diemen, Veen Magazines, no. 2, 10 February 2006, p. 15 ‘Nederlandse hoogbouw in Azië’, Bouwen met Staal, Zoetermeer, Stichting Bouwen met Staal, no. 188, February 2006, p. 11 ‘cepezed ontwerpt hoofdkantoor Vietnamese bank’, Architectenweb Magazine, Bussum,, no. 1, March 2006, p. 12 Kickstart house-building project, Warsaw ‘Prijzen & prijsvragen’, Dax, The Hague, CCK Media, no. 8, May/June 2006, no. 10 Elro van den Burg, ‘Delftse modulaire bouw schiet wortel in Polen’, Cobouw, Cobouw The Hague, SDU, no. 133, 13 July 2006, no. 2

Jan Pesman (Utrecht, 1951) studied architecture at the Delft University of Technology, where he established the cepezed architectural office in 1973. In 1971 he had been one of the founders of the magazine for scientific amusement Utopia, with which he remained associated as an editor and designer until 1977. Pesman was also a co-founder of the still-existent design magazine Items, and was one of the editors in the period 1983–1992. During the academic year 1994–1995, Pesman was a professor at the Academie van Bouwkunst (Academy of Architecture) in Rotterdam. Besides his many activities as an architect and spatial designer, he also gives lectures at home and abroad. Michiel Cohen (Haarlem, 1946) studied architecture at Delft University of Technology, but abandoned his study prematurely to work as an independent architect. In the early seventies, he worked in Australia on the design, development and marketing of system kitchens. In 1973 he established the cepezed architectural office. Between 1976 and 1978, Cohen was the director of the Swedish Timber public information service in the Netherlands. He often speaks at international conferences on the topic of lightweight, intelligent and sustainable construction, about which he also publishes on a regular basis. Ronald Schleurholts (Roden, 1972) studied architecture at Delft University of Technology, where his specialisms included construction methods and interior layout. During his study, he worked for the architectural offices of Claus en Kaan and Koen van Velsen. Since 1999 he has been working for cepezed, where he became a partner and co-director in 2005. He achieved great success with a personal submission to the Pilkington Glasshouse Competition in 2003. His design ended up as the winner for the region of Western Europe, was chosen as the public’s favourite during the Glasstec trade fair in Düsseldorf, and was published in many leading architectural journals.


Bouwteam General Contrators management Olaf Jungslager (Leiden, 1970) studied architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology where he specialized in real estate management. After graduating, he was a property consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers for several years, after which he worked as a project manager on various national and international development and management projects run by Schiphol, Wereldhave, and the Rabobank. He has been the director of Bouwteam General Contractors since March 2007. cepezed systems management Menno Rubbens (Leidschendam, 1966) studied economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, after which he gained a degree in architectural engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. He worked as an architect at Oosterhuis Associates (now ONL) in Rotterdam and cepezed architects in Delft. Since 2000, he has been the director of cepezed systems, which develops, designs and builds riskbearing projects. He followed Project Development training at NEPROM and currently sits in various feedback groups in the field of building and development.

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prototypes the work of cepezed


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on the authors Piet Vollaard (1955) studied architecture at Delft University of Technology. Since 1996 he has been the initiator and director of, the most renowned architecture site of the Netherlands. He was the author of cepezed architecten – architects (Rotterdam 1993), Herman Haan, architect (Rotterdam 1995), Gids voor Moderne Architectuur in Nederland (Rotterdam 2006), Hinder en Ontklontering, Architectuur en Maatschappij in het werk van Frank van Klingeren (Rotterdam 2003), and Smart Architecture (Rotterdam 2004). He was the editor of Jaarboek Architectuur in Nederland (Rotterdam 2000-2005). Articles in Archis, Architectuur & Bouwen, de Architect, Mark Cobouw Mark, Cobouw, and BladNa. Since 1992 he has been a visiting lecturer at various Academies of Architecture and the Faculty of Architecture at the TU Delft. He is a member of the board and the initiator of Stichting Slimme Architectuur (since 1998), member of the board of Stichting Megacities (since 1998), and Stichting Archis (2007), he was a member of the jury for the Rotterdam-Maaskant Prize 2006. Ad Bisschops (1945) was the general director of the Voorbij Groep bv until 2002. He is currently a commissioner of G.P. Groot bv in Heiloo, and consultant to J.B.Bouw in Leiderdorp, chairman of the LOB steering and management group in Alkmaar, and director of Bisschops Beheer bv in Leiderdorp. Olof Koekebakker (1950) was educated as a sociologist and has been writing on architecture and urban planning since 1988. From 1992 to 2002 he was the architectural editor of the Items magazine. In addition, he has written or still writes for Intermediair, Architectuur & Bouwen, de Architect, and Smaak. Smaak He is responsible for several publications, including Charettes voor Leidsche Rijn Utrecht, Ichthus Hogeschool Rotterdam, and Cultuurpark Westergasfabriek Westergasfabriek. Ed Melet (1961) is a teacher and a freelance architectural critic. He teaches at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and writes on the interfaces of architecture and building technology. He has published the books Duurzame architectuur (1999), Het architectonische detail (2002), and Luchtgebonden bouwen (2005). He was the co-founder of the Living Daylights Foundation which aims at realizing a healthy use of daylight in buildings. In 2006 he was the editor in chief of the Daglicht in de architectuur magazine.


Menno Rubbens see the management of cepezed systems Ronald Schleurholts see the management of cepezed Jan Westra (1947) studied architecture at Delft University of Technology. As the chairman and nomenclator of the Booosting Foundation (with three o’s representing onderzoek [research], ontwerp [design], and ontwikkeling [development]) he was active in the field of building product development. In 1996 he was appointed Professor of Architectonic Designing at Eindhoven University of Technology. Since 2002 he has been the dean of what is now called the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning. Maarten Willems (1959) studied architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology. His career began at cepezed. From 1992 onward, he worked with various architectural offices (including Hubert-Jan Henket), returning to education in 2000. He is currently a lecturer in Architectural Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology and is engaged in doctoral research. He was the secretary of Booosting and published regularly in de Architect, Cement, and Detail in architectuur. Els Zijlstra (1966) studied architecture at Delft University of Technology. Since 1998 she has published on innovation in technology and material in Architectuur & Bouwen, Detail in architectuur, and Dax. From 1999 to 2002 she was vice-chairman of Booosting. In 1998 she initiated Materia, an office for architectonic product and material development. In 2006 she opened the Inspiration Centre, a meeting place for creative designers and producers. She is the author of Future materials (2001) and Material skills, evolution of materials (2005).

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