Csa april 2016 newsletter

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Ceramics SA Western Cape April 2016 Newsletter The CSA Western Cape AGM was held at Art in the Forest on Saturday 12 March 2016. The minutes and Financial Statement are available for scrutiny.

Fee increase An important item on the AGM agenda was membership and Potters Market fee increases. Due to increased general running costs and outsourcing of various services membership fees do not cover our operational costs. Hence we have to increase our fees. The increases were unanimously approved by members at the AGM

Membership fees will increase as from 1st May 2016 Single R550 Family R750 Senior citizen R480

Potters Market Table fee increase as from 1st May 2016 Single table (with no extensions and no pots on grass)


2 or more tables with a maximum of 4 tables


Memberships Please pay your memberships timeously when you receive your reminder message. Delays in paying increases our admin costs. This also applies to paying for tables at the market. Constant reminders and late payments result in higher admin fees to the association. Lapsed members will be removed from the data base and website after a grace period of 2 months and will not receive copies of the Ceramics magazine. NB your renewal month does not change if you lapse and pay at a later date. You remain in your allotted month.


Potters Market Our markets are part of the Cape Town events calendar and generally receive positive comments however after this March market several issues were raised by visitors and customers which bear consideration.

Selling seconds and rejects There is a belief amongst some of our customers that the Potters Market is solely for selling rejects and seconds. This is a misconception as many of the traders make stock for the market that are worthy of being sold in galleries as the sale to gallery owners attest. The market should be an educational as well as an income generating event. Please advise your customers of any flaws in the work sold, do not under any circumstance hide the defect as this reflects badly on the potter and the association. Advertise openly and honestly that the work sold are seconds so customers are fully aware what they are buying.

Traders should aim to sell work that brings them and the market praise not negative criticism. Professionalism There has been criticism about the lack of a professional approach by some traders. Comments have been made that the traders do not have their name or studio name visible on their tables nor do they have business cards. I am often contacted by customers who would like to reorder work but do not know the potter. Every customer should be given a business card or include it in the wrapping. If it is too expensive to have business cards printed make your own, even a simple black and white card will suffice. Have you name / studio on a laminated poster so that it can be reused at every market.

Aesthetics Presentation and appearance is important, it helps to sell work. All tables should have cloths and boxes should be stored under the tables or placed out of public view. We are designers, in the business of making beautiful ceramics which deserve to be presented with sensitivity and panache.

Booking tables Booking tables for the market must be done within the advertised booking period. In future no late bookings will be allowed as the income from your bookings help pay for the market expenses.

November 2016 is Ceramics Month November 2016 promises to be a wonderful ceramics month with the following events booked ; 28 October Franschhoek Art in Clay Festival 9 November Opening of CSA national Exhibition in Johannesburg 19 November Potters Market 26 November Sasha Wardell workshop 27 November Opening of CSA Western Cape Regional Exhibition



Franschhoek Art in Clay Festival Opens 28 October for November

CSA National Exhibition Opens at the University of Johannesburg Art Gallery on Wednesday 9 November 2016 Award judge and guest speaker Sasha Wardell Delivery of work to UJ gallery Wednesday 2 November 2016 Exhibition ends Friday 25 November 2016

Potters Market Saturday 19 November 2016

Sasha Wardell workshop Saturday 26 November venue and cost tba Sasha Wardell is famous for her slip cast Bone China vessels. She authored a best selling How To manual on Slip Casting. Check out her website and be amazed. We need an indication of how many people would like to attend the workshop for venue capacity. Please send an email to ralphjinclay@telkomsa.net if you would like to attend.

CSA Western Cape 2016 Regional Exhibition The Regional exhibition opens on Sunday 27 November 2016 at Stephan Welz & co Great Cellar Alphen Estate, Constantia Exhibition runs until Saturday 10 December Delivery of work Tuesday 22 November Further details tba

No time to lose‌..start working now for these awesome opportunities to showcase your work locally and nationally.


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