Ceramics Southern Africa Newsletter Winter 2021

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NEWSLETTER Vol 24 Winter 2021

Cover Image: Eylene Clifford Ceramics


Contents 1. Letter from our Chair …………………………………………………………………….…...... 03 2. John’s Column ………………………………………………….………………….…….………… 04 3. Potter of the Month • Nicola Smith……………………………………………….............………….………. 05 • Ashton Moseley……………………………………………………….….…………….. 06 4. Studio Feature • Digby Hoets’ Studio…………………………………………………………. 07 5. Workshops…………………………………………………………………………………………... 08 6. The Linden Market………………………………………………………………………………… 09 7. Committee and Membership Details ……………………………………………….…….. 10

Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Ceramics SA



Letter from our Chair I would like to thank Gaby Snyman for expertly steering our Gauteng branch through a very difficult two year period. Thanks also go to John Shirley for his continued support and guidance, and for always being there to offer sage advice. The beginning of the year was a good time for reflection and after meeting with some of the elders and founder members of CSA, it was reassuring to know that the current values and principals of our branch are still very much aligned with the aims and objectives of the organisations’ founding statement in 1972. They can be found on our website www.ceramicssa.co.za. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead our committee this year. With Monica van den Berg as vice chair and a committed team, we continue working hard to provide members with new opportunities to develop and showcase their ceramics .

Being in the midst of a ‘third wave’ of the Covid-19 virus brings more uncertainty, fear and concerns. The safety of our members remains a priority and is why a decision was made to postpone the ‘Coloured Paper Porcelain’ workshop and ‘Christmas in July’ market at Association of Arts, Pretoria. There is good reason to hope that things will settle down in the coming months and I encourage you to focus on your ceramics, try out new techniques, prepare work for the Regional Exhibition or make items for the Spring Linden Market. There is no reason not to have your hands in clay and your mind exploring new ideas. I look forward to seeing you soon. Please stay busy and safe.

The 2021 committee is made up as follows: Chairperson: Vice Chairperson: Secretary: Corobrik: Exhibitions: I.T. & Exhibition Support: Newsletter & Social Media: Markets: Pretoria Liaison: Workshops:

Gillian Clark Monica van den Berg Daniel Brand Peter Jaff Gaby Snyman John Shirley Ashton Moseley Monica, Gillian, Gaby Eylene Clifford & Corlie Schoeman Gill & Gaby

We are delighted to welcome Nicola Smith, Kristina Neate and Nonhle Nkosi to our committee and know they will each add value and new energy.

Gill Gauteng CSA Committee Chairperson



John’s Column A year ago, we were thinking that by now the Covid-19 figures would be down and we would be able to function more normally. And with that we have been hit by the third wave here in Gauteng which is even more devastating than what has gone before. Once again we have had to postpone and cancel a workshop and postpone a market, but we are still looking forward to an exhibition of selected artists at Gallerie Pieter Scheenloop in Pretoria and before we know it the regional exhibition will be upon us. This is a premier ceramic event for Gauteng ceramists. Entries as usual will be online and submissions will be from 23 – 25 September with the Exhibition opening on 20th October. By that time, we hope that it will be fine to go ahead. We are spending more and more time in the virtual world and speaking of that, our online store, Ceramics Online, is now up and running with the new system in place. This really is a great opportunity for all our members, and we no longer take any commission on sales. We have put the ball in your court and given you free reign over how you run your own store. Please promote your store on any social media platforms you have, as the only way to get the word out is by promotion. Many of us are staying home as much as possible and this is just a reminder of what is available out there. For those of you who cannot be working directly with clay right now, there are wonderful ceramic videos on You Tube and check out the Ceramic Review site. There are some wonderful masterclasses there to watch and enjoy. That’s all for now. Please all stay safe and keep warm.

John Shirley CSA National Chair




Lines in Sand When taking on the exercise of designing a new range of dinnerware, we consider the responsibility of creating something that will most likely define a home, its memories and celebrations for years to come. I think back to my Granny’s dinners and her brown dinnerware always happens to pop into the picture. Lines in Sand is very much a representation of a range that memories can be made around. Functional, neutral and soft was our initial feeling for aesthetic and we created Shoreline, a specific clay to make that happen. Lines in Sand is meant to be a quiet addition, something different to our Spilled milk and Speckle ranges (we love them dearly though), however it speaks more to simplicity and gentle structure, its our professional entry into the quirky Kilnhouse aesthetic. Each line determines a vessel’s place and size in the product range. For instance, an espresso cup being the smallest vessel in a collection of cups has a single line, where the largest 300ml cup has three lines – decorative with a function. The lines also explore boundaries and borders, something we as humans love to create and define. These lines also represent the ‘mark’ we want to make in the home décor and ceramics industry. Being a part of CSA in Gauteng has been such an incredible, uplifting experience and I am astounded by the talent and sheer drive of Ceramists in the community to create platforms for each member to exhibit on and develop skills as artists. I am so honoured to be included in this 'family' and my experience at the Association of the Arts Pretoria was one that I will remember from here on out. It is one thing to make a few things here and there as a way to pass time, but it is a completely new world to consider when you have to put together a full exhibition. Starting out, I could say that I was daunted by the task, however I am very pleased with the 'push' that the exhibition gave me to launch Lines in Sand, I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Click on the Instagram logo below to view Kilnhouse’s Instagram page Kilnhouse Design Studio Nicola Smith


Mountain & Moon Ashton Moseley, the creator of Mountain & Moon, is a qualified Industrial Designer, currently lecturing in the Department of Industrial Design at the University of Johannesburg. “As a ceramicist, my work is driven by experimentation, combining traditional materials and techniques with rapid prototyping technologies, attempting to increase the design complexity and detail of ceramic products, and ultimately reimagining the possibilities of clay while respecting its inherent characteristics. For me, it's about embracing both "design" and "craft" aesthetics, maintaining a balance between form and functionality”. The current Mountain & Moon range includes both functional and decorative products with minimalist forms accented with digitally inspired features and details. This range embraces the contrast between complexity and simplicity. Many of the pieces are made using the same moulds, reimagined/interpreted in a number of ways. The colour and material choices of this range maintain a" truth to materials" approach, using sleek black and white glazes to complement and enhance the beauty of the unglazed raw material. Click on the Instagram logo below to view Mountain & Moon’s Instagram page

Mountain & Moon Ashton Moseley

The next Potter of the Month, Gari Louridas, will take place in October. Details will be shared via our social media platforms.



Digby Hoets’ Studio Digby Hoets’ studio is in a large, thatched house on a 2-hectare property at the head of the Carlswald Valley in Midrand a tranquil, green enclave within an area now rather better known for high density housing developments, office blocks and shopping centres. Digby has been teaching since 1973. He offers 4 classes per week: Tuesday night 6-9, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning 9-12. He offers wheelwork, handwork and sculpture. Firing is in electric kilns but he also offers raku and smoke firing. Reduction firing is available in the oil-fired kiln which Digby uses for his own pots, as an extra and when space is available. Digby doesn’t take complete beginners and as the majority of his students have been with him for many years, he increasingly offers guidance rather than really hands-on teaching. Many South African potters and ceramists have started their careers in his studio and continue to work there. Class members are able to use the studio facilities on weekends or when classes are not running. Covid willing, studio exhibitions are held every two years. Studio Details: 125 Springfield Rd, Carlswald, Midrand, Telephone 011 468 2591 Mobile 082 927 6606. www.digbyhoets.com hoets@digbyhoets.com Article by: Peter Jaff



Workshops We have been so lucky this year to have secured a perfect venue for workshops. JMD Crafts is situated in Glen Austin, Midrand and therefore so convenient for both members from Johannesburg and Pretoria. We have ample tables, water and chairs at our disposal, as well as coffee/tea facilities. Our first workshop this year was presented by the talented Eylene Clifford. She shared her knowledge of the majolica technique of painting onto a raw, tin based glazed piece. This was a participatory workshop and we had some lovely exciting results after firing. Our second workshop was also participatory and presented by Lauren Jarvis. Lauren paints mainly botanical images using Bellissimo glaze onto bisqueware. We were also thrilled to have Julia from Van Tuyl’s present with a variety of this wonderful Italian product.

Above: Eylene Clifford Workshop

In May we offered a demonstration workshop by the talented and expert presenter Nada Spencer from Cape Town. Nada shared her technique of surface decoration using slip layering, underglazes and image transfer.

We have been inspired by these presenters and look forward to offering our members many more workshops in the future months Article by: Gaby Snyman

Above: Nada Spencer Workshop



The Linden Market We took part in the Winter Linden Market. Setting up of the stands happened on the Friday with an eager team of potters setting up gazebos and doing table layout. In this regard, Gaby and Monica did an awesome job to prepare the way for the exhibiting potters who arrived at the market early on Saturday morning.

Covid-19 and its regulations made everything more interesting and also limited the amount of visitors to the market. Despite this the potters at the market had some good sales. This Linden Market celebrates creativity and originality of products and has a reputation for quality craft and art products. The market has a lively hip vibe and many visitors strolled trough our Ceramics SA double stand to peruse the wares on display. The market is a two day event and this is also important as not the same people will visit on the two days giving you more chance to sell your work. We are looking forward to the Spring market (04-05 September). We urge all CSA potters to join in the next market to help us build this as a permanent feature on our Ceramic calendar. Article by: Daniel Brand

Market application details and reminders will be shared on our social media platforms.



Click here to become a member

Committee Members 2021

Membership Rates

Gill Clark



074 782 2640

Monica van den Berg

Vice Chairperson


083 680 9963

Daniel Brand



083 413 6613

Gaby Snyman

Exhibitions, Markets & Workshops


083 307 5082

John Shirley

I.T. & Exhibition Support


083 407 5968

Peter Jaff

Corobrik Collection


Corlie Schoeman

Pretoria Liason

Eylene Clifford Ashton Moseley





Pensioner ( Over 65)




082 923 7098

Tertiary Institution



083 559 0814

Students at T.I.


Pretoria Liaison


083 268 2926

Studio Student


Newsletter & Social Media


084 321 0476

SADC Countries


For regular updates and reminders of exhibitions, workshops and events, please follow us on our social media platforms: @ceramics_sa_gauteng Ceramic events Gauteng

Welcome New Members! Dr. Mike Morrison Melani de Groot Nonhle Nkosi Sandy Wise Ben van Wyk Brigitte Reiger Nicole Levy Vicky Howell


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