Feb 2015 gauteng

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Issue: Jan 2015

Carolyn Heydenrych

Volume 13

Inside this issue • Letter from the Editor • John’s column • Tribute to Andrew McAlpine • AGM Announcement • NATIONAL WINNERS • Relaxing with Magdalene • Impressions of Magdalenes Workshop • Clay Festival Programme • 2015 Calendar • Gauteng Committee and • NEW CONTACT NUMBERS and new members

Gauteng Region

Affiliate South African National Association for the Visual Arts (SANAVA)

Editorial W

elcome to the first newsletter of 2015 – may this be a happy, healthy, highly creative and successful year for all.

Last year ended on a high note with the National Exhibition in Cape Town and a very memorable visit to Gauteng by Magdalene Odundo, who inspired everyone who attended her workshop with her attitude to life and to ceramics as well as her demonstration of her working methods. More about this elsewhere in the newsletter and the National Exhibition is fully covered in the latest issue of the National Ceramics magazine. Now we look forward to another year of great events and opportunities to get together and share our ideas for the future. This will be an abbreviated newsletter.. All the information about exhibitions, workshops, markets etc for 2015 will be published after the first committee meeting of the year. We would welcome new members to the committee and invite you to send your nominations to Cynthia. We start with the AGM on February 14, when we will be privileged to have Hennie Meyer as our guest presenter. Hennie is one of South Africa’s finest ceramic artists, who is always willing to share his knowledge and experience. On March 7 and 8 the bi-annual Clay Festival takes centre stage with a host of expert presenters and a trade hall filled with everything you might need in your studio, from raw materials to kilns and wheels and everything in between. More details about both these events are elsewhere in the newsletter. Please diarise and book your places. See you all at the AGM.

Jerice. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Ceramics SA.

John’s Column T

he National exhibition is always a major event on our calendar and last year it was held in Cape Town, which was chosen as the design capital of the world for 2014.

“South Africa can truly be proud of its ceramic profile ...”

I was really fortunate to be at the opening and what a thrill it was. The beautiful Alphen Wine Estate came to life with ceramics, not only with the National Exhibition but simultaneously this was also the last stop for the travelling tribute exhibition to Juliet Armstrong curated by David Walters which was in the foyer of the gallery and the lawn in front showed a sculpture exhibition under the curatorship of Wilma Cruise. There was a massive turn out at the opening as there should be. It is always wonderful to see the wide range of ceramics on show at the National exhibitions and what a disparate array of work there was to be seen. The exhibition was opened by visiting luminary Magdalene Odundo whose speech focussed on the valuable contribution that ceramics make, and I found her opening address to be both moving and inspiring. Regarding the work on exhibition, this is not intended as a revue, but congratulations must go to all the winners, Carol Hayward-Fell who won the Premier Award and Lydia Holmes and Andile Dyalvane the other two award winners. And to the recipients of Merit Awards, Carolyn Heydenrych, Digby Hoets and Madoda Fani. Work that shone for me personally were the incredible pieces Catherina Pagani, The work of Katherine Glenday, which always enthuses me, Ralph Johnson’s large red vessels and a Buddha vase by Maggie Mathews, among many others. I must also mention the superb work of Ian Garrett, which was part of the Juliet Armstrong tribute exhibition. South Africa can truly be proud of its ceramic profile and the National Exhibition is always an arena to see a good cross section of it. Thanks to everyone involved in making the exhibition the success it was and also for making my short stay in Cape Town such a memorable one.



adly, at the end of September last year, we said farewell to Andrew McAlpine, dear husband, companion and confidant of fifty years to Cynthia, our Ceramics SA administrator. With Cynthia at his side he fought a long and hard battle with cancer, remaining positive and showing great qualities of fortitude, perseverance and courage until the end. Always interested in Cynthia’s involvement with CSA, Andrew was asked to “help out” when the Association undertook the large and important African Earth Exhibition in 2000. It was then a natural progression for him, as a chartered accountant to later become the CSA treasurer. Over the years Andrew has been a voice of reason and integrity, the keeper of our finances and a

steady influence on how to keep our affairs in order. It was not always easy to deal with creative spirits who came up with grand ideas which might involve major funding – but Andrew knew, with some explanations from Cynthia, what we were all about, and would make some sage remarks to put us on the right track. He never dictated, but made suggestions that were difficult to ignore. From all the chairmen, National and Regional, past and present, thank you Andrew. We will miss you. To Cynthia – you were an inspirational team. We offer deepest sympathy and assurance that you have a special place in the CSA family. Jerice Doeg


Gauteng Region


Saturday 14 February

Gracepoint Methodist Church, 125 Duncan Road, Glenfernes

The guest presenter after the meeting will be Hennie Meyer from the Cape. He will be giving a presentation on the Ukusela eKapa project, which was a joint venture with architect Janine de Waal – connecting Capetonians with an imprinted handshake on a ceramic drinking vessel. Ten thousand vessels were produced and installed in public spaces, including Robben Island. Each vessel has the imprint of the hand of an individual from all walks of life.. Hennie will bring a vessel for each member attending the agm. To be sure of the numbers It is essential that you book for the meeting. Please send your acceptance to Cynthia at the CSA e-mail address. As this is a morning only event we would like to have a special tea and we are asking members to bring a plate of eats. If you would like to help with this please contact Colleen – 073 481 0889 or colleen@potterystudio.co.za The formal notice of meeting, other details and directions to the venue will be sent out separately.

Hennie is one of South Africa’s best known ceramic artists and exhibits all over the world, including regular appearances at Ceramic Art London.

Winners Premier Prize Carol Hayward Fell – KZN

2nd Runner up 1st Runner up

Andile Dyalvane – W Cape Lydia Holmes – E Cape


of the Corobrik National Ceramics exhibition – 2014 Merit Awards

Digby Hoets – Gauteng Madoda Fani – Gauteng

Carolyn Heydenrych – Gauteng

Congratulations to Gerd Kalesse for the acquisition of his piece for the Corobrik Collection

Relaxing time with Magdalene Odundo


he biggest part of having an international ceramist visit us naturally involves the workshop they present and any other ‘official’ duties like opening exhibitions, TV interviews etc. There is always some down time for R&R and that’s when we really get to know what our visitors are about. After a busy month of opening the Corobrik National exhibition in Cape Town and giving workshops in Cape Town, Namibia, Port Elizabeth and Durban, by the time she arrived in Joburg, we expected her to be a bit tired. She was completely the opposite – all fired up and ready to go with whatever we had planned. Magdalene proved to be a very easy visitor and was pleased with what we had planned for her spare time in Gauteng. She had also perfected her workshop preparation so that time was reduced drastically and we had more time than we first expected for relaxation and fun. We were joined by fellow CSA members on an interesting visit to Soweto where we walked down Vilikazi Street and visited Mandela’s house. It was a very humbling experience to see the house that he lived in, a very modest 2 bedroom facebrick house that still has the scars of bullet marks on the walls outside. We had a wonderful traditional lunch at Sakumza Restaurant and then visited the Hector Peterson Museum. Magdalene was interested in seeing local fabrics so we stopped off at a tailor in downtown Joburg and spent some time at the Rosebank Craft Market. Magdalene was very interested in everything she saw and pointed out many of the fabrics that she recognized from other parts of Africa, she is something of a connoiseur on fabrics. She bought very little though and this was mainly due to the fact that her suitcases were already full of gifts for family in Kenya, including many mosquito nets. Kim Sacks invited us to join her for tea in her beautiful gallery in Rosebank and we found time to pop in to see William Kentridge’s exhibition at the Goodman Gallery. The Madiba Shirts exhibition at Circa Gallery was a highlight for Magdalene as she loved the space and she said the gallery compared with nothing else she had seen in all her travels around the world. We spent some time at Market on Main, sitting on the steps eating our curry with all the other locals and doing some serious ‘people watching’. Magdalene loved that outing as she saw all our cultures socializing happily in one place. The vibe there is very good. We also popped in to Banthatile Sarai Rwasoka’s gallery in Maboneng and saw a fabulous exhibition of Simon Masilo’s ceramics. Banthatile is very supportive of SA ceramics and she was thrilled to have Magdalene visit her gallery. Nic Sithole and Madoda Fani have also exhibited in this intimate gallery. All too soon it was time to say goodbye to Magdalene and wish her well on the rest of her journey to her family in Kenya. We were privileged to have this wonderful woman visit our country to share her knowledge and experience with us. I hope we meet again.

By Colleen Lehmkuhl

Minette’s impression of Magdalene’s workshop

CLAY FESTIVAL 2015 PROGRAM AND BOOKING GUIDELINES SATURDAY 7TH AND SUNDAY 8TH MARCH Berario Recreation Centre T: 074 703 4399 • F: 086 664 0958 • Email: ceramicssa@icon.co.za Workshops on offer will be demonstrating, participating, in some instances including a PowerPoint presentation. Demonstrations in the Trade Hall are organised by Gauteng Teaching Studios and there is no charge for watching these amazing artists at work. In addition, artists will be demonstrating wheel work and an ongoing sculpture exercise over the 2 day period to further complement the line-up. Some artists will have examples of their work on sale. All workshops cost R350.00 for members and R400.00 for non-members Members Special: book for 4 workshops for R1200.00 Lunchtime Talks open to members only, R50.00 each To book for any of the workshops or talks please do so by EFT and send your proof of payment to ceramicssa@icon.co.za using your name and the numbers of the workshops you wish to attend as your reference.

Ceramics SA Gauteng

l ing a v i t s e f y a l c The gives new mean experietnoceyour creativity

FNB Westgate Branch code 250841 Acc no. 56340006555

Summary of Workshops Saturday Morning 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 1 2 3 4

Creative Expression with movement Decorative Carving Exploring Ceramic Sculpture Raku with a twist

Ralph Johnson (Western Cape) Madoda Fani Carol Cauldwell Hamman Evette Kruger

Saturday Lunchtime Talk 12:30 - 1:30 pm 5

Internship with ‘The Studio Potter’

Ronnie Watt

Saturday Afternoon 2:00 – 5:00 pm 6 7 8 9

Creative Expression with movement Decorating the Fired Surface Exploring Ceramic Sculpture Raku with a twist

Ralph Johnson (Western Cape) John Shirley Carol Cauldwell Hamman Evette Kruger

Sunday Morning 9:00am – 12:00 pm 10 11 12 13

Traditional Coiling Techniques Figurative Ceramic Sculpture Make & Use Your Own Tools and Brushes Raku with a twist

Michelle Legg and Nic Sithole Lydia Holmes (Eastern Cape) Chris Patton Evette Kruger

Sunday Lunchtime Talk 12:30 - 1:30 pm 14 2014 Taiwan Ceramic Biennale Review

Eugene Hön

Sunday Afternoon 2:00 – 5:00 pm 15 16 17 18

Traditional Coiling Techniques Decorating Techniques with Slip Creative Development Masterclass Raku with a twist

Michelle Legg and Nic Sithole Sandra Goercke Eugene Hön Evette Kruger

diary 2015 in brief FEB

14 Gauteng AGM


7 - 8 March: Berario Recreation Centre Wonderful workshops Lunchtime lectures Fabulous Food THE TRADE HALL • All you need for your studio from clays to kilns. • New products. • Helpful suppliers ready to answer all your questions


10-29 July - Themed exhibition Exh. - Assoc. of Arts Pretoria


Potters’ Market – Assoc. of Arts Pretoria


G & W Mineral Resources Gauteng Regional Exh. - TBA, Joburg

Gauteng Region P O Box 2900 North Riding 2162 Gauteng R.S.A. Tel.: 074 703 4399 / Fax to email: 086 664 0958 ceramicssa@icon.co.za • www.ceramicssa.org


Tel.: 074 703 4399 Fax to email: 086 664 0958

Mignon Oosthuizen and Daphne Woolfson.

Gauteng Region Committee Name


Tel. No.



Colleen Lehmkuhl Regional Chair/ 011 463 7262 073 481 0889 colleen@potterystudio.co.za Meeting Notes John Shirley

Vice Chair/ Exhibitions

011 640 4982 083 407 5968 johnshir@gmail.com

Drury Brandt


011 807 9942 082 574 5800 drury@tiscali.co.za

Nici Brockwell

General Assist

011 702 4600 083 257 7330 nicibceramic@gmail.com

Gillian Clark

General Assist

011 706 7289 074 782 2640 gillian@lamariceramics. co.za

Dineke den Bakker Vaal Triangle Liaison

016 932 2173 082 715 1639 dineke.denbakker@lantic. net

Michelle Legg

Clay Festival/ Exhibitions

083 730 0250 michellejanelegg@gmail. com

Jerice Doeg

Exhibitions/ 012 460 6516 082 683 5680 jerice@informsa.co.za Meeting Notes

Darien Harrison


012 667 1207 082 463 8653 dunkelly@mweb.co.za

Rose Hobson

Clay Festival/ Exhibitions

084 436 4312 rosehobson@ gmail.com

Karen van der Riet General assist/ 012 660 2341 082 655 2121 karenvanderriet@gmail.com Potters’ Market Minette Zaaiman

General Assist

DTP: Claire Waters

012 460 5823 073 255 2482

LIEBERMANN POTTERY EST. 1952 @ the old gas works 1 Annet Rd, Cottesloe P O Box 674, Auckland Park, JHB, 2006, RSA Tel: 011-482-2215/7 Fax: 011-482-2679 E-mail: liebpott@iafrica.com www.liebermannpottery.com Fascinating array of pottery from around the world. Storage jars, rare porcelain, pit fired pots, giant planters and water pots, traditional figurines. Liebermann Tableware, Bright Planters, wide range of Bonsai pots, mosaic tiles, collectables, clay tools, banding wheels, brushes and lots of bric-a-brac.

Adventures of The Pottery Detective

DVD’s detailing potters at work around the world R100 / DVD

Liebermann Clay Liebermann Clay

Imported Super White Porcelain 17kg Imported Super White Porcelain 17kg Fine terracotta – 25kg Fine Terracota – 25kg Fine 1 ton Fine Terracotta Terracota – 1– ton Purple SandWhite T/pot– Clay Earthenware 20kg – 20 kg

R303 bag

R 300 bag R R120.00 150 R4235.00 R5 000 R R302.50 150

tfil r eart bamor hrte c1s3 fi m n d s n o 2nr.ei itnudnreH orantmsc,o inesesca oafm20i e1e2.in d atle tiaS Sfilh rer g0r tle ef-tiew uthhriebsi tyoesrol.eu anrdtec idne2 n, ti the aeftx urMsratn nqua dTitieocnh itio of rst o t n gay mcfii detiro ainb hib ey de erehti xthM ewx ren he fi her a n h topuf aallies slone nj,otuh or t t of rTraht rm a t faoe siorfitnn. stosl'o ttihoe d f par rt. c y p e a s a Aads's tlnyreag rt fiSra rpa.e..ti dul 3SAas's ne fi nfi ea am hrte 1s n2.ein ndneHr ratmcos insesca afm20ic 1e2.in d tlie es aS oleufil tecrero e2g0re title w ti e uthr yes anrd idn n, the h n t n o f a u c f o t t a gyno mfii rMs etironq ibTitie hibiti ey o firs er ae fehti exhM ex urn the f h h h t Tr mt op al lo e jo for rt o . o r . n o s t a pc gaior rst .. th led s pa art s a nre r fi ra. du 3 a ne e fi fi in He msa sch 201 e in Sa ul is r of gre so arte h de qu Tec M

Thami Mnyele fine art competition and ceramics SA's regional exhibition in 2012. Her first solo exhibition, titled Samsara... the journey of the soul is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013 as part of her M Tech degree in fine art.


cc Manufacturers and suppliers of a

wide variety of stoneware and earthenware clays for throwing, slab building and casting, in buff, terracotta and white.

Contact our switchboard at the above numbers: P O Box 443; CULLINAN; 1000. Telephone 082 808 9166 or 082 885 1103. Facsimile 086 725 1221 or Leon Joubert at 082 440 5051

13:00-15:00 – Commence participating workshop with Karen. Please note the following: It will be necessary to produce current membership cards. Interested non members will be required to take out membership if they wish to attend. In order to make the necessary arrangements and particularly as the workshop is a participating one, it is essential to R.S.V.P. – please telephone Cynthia McAlpine at 011 791 5153 or email: ceramicssa@icon.co.za by no later than 8 February 2012.

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