Published by G12 EDITORS SAS
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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®, NIV ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc ™ Used by permission of Zondervan All rights reserved worldwide Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version ® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc Used by permission All rights reserved Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc , Carol Stream, Illinois 60188 All rights reserved Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible ®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation Used by permission Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc , Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
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Editing and design VisionArt Spanish Version: EN CONSTRUCCIÓN
Published by G12 Editores 2017
Translation Richard Harding Roxanna Bayat G12 Editores Sur América Calle 22C # 31-01 Bogotá, Colombia (571) 269 34 20
VisionArt Inc USA 15595 NW 15TH Avenue, Miami, FL 33169 Enero 2017
To my husband Lau, my best friend.
I’m so excited to see the construction God will build in our lives.
Lau: Thank you for being my greatest encourager and my biggest support. I love you!
Cesar and Claudia: Your lives inspire me to continue building the incredible construction God has for me. Thank you for opening the way. I love you both!
Laudjair and Eline: Thanks for Lau! Thank you for welcoming me as a daughter. There is only gratitude in my heart toward you.
Johis: You led the way, you married a Brazilian! Thanks!
Lore: You play tennis when you ’ re 38 weeks pregnant. My hero!
Manu: My first leader, dance leader, roommate, boss and above all, friend Thank you for all these years of patience!
Mati: The athlete! I love you little bro.
My brothers-in-law: You passed the most difficult test - you made a good impression on me! Thanks for all your support.
Gran: The most stylish intercessor I know. I love you very much.
Rebeca: Thank you for introducing me to your brother! Thanks for being an incredible friend.
Adrian and Yecelin: You do everything with excellence and make things look
good! Thanks for everything!
VisionArt: Rich, Manu, Juanse, JuanK, Dani, Santi, Caro: THANK YOU! This book wouldn’t have been possible without you.
G12 Media: Juli, Lore, Raúl, Esteban, Miguel, Fabián and everyone else in the team, thank you for all your support! You guys are awesome!
My 12: A ministry of brave warriors. Thank you for dreaming big.
I will always be eternally thankful to Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
Foreword Introduction DESIGN Your beginning Your Name Change of Plan Jump
FOUNDATIONS Your Ground Anchored Different Your Door ROOMS The Room
The Waiting Room
Houses of Light
Today’s technology allows us to see what is happening around the world. One of the television programs I enjoy most is called MEGA CONSTRUCTIONS. It is impressive to watch how locations where nothing existed are transformed into incredible skyscrapers, hotels, malls or major assembly plants.
As we read through the Bible, we find how God was able to use the faith of His servants to raise up dreamers like Joseph, liberators like Moses and warriors like David. Paul reveals that the Lord is the expert builder, who lays the foundation (1 Corinthians 3:10-11 NLT); God knows what materials we need to build - whether for a stable family, steadfast character, a successful career, a ministry with purpose, or a life surrendered at the feet of our Redeemer, who will keep us and protect us from all adversity. It is no coincidence that Jesus concluded His Sermon on the Mount with the parable of the wise and foolish builders, saying, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24).
“Everyone” leaves no one out. The opportunity to build correctly is within everyone ’ s reach. Our success or failure depends on whose teachings we follow. Anyone who chooses Jesus as their Teacher knows that He is no good luck charm - He is the Expert Teacher. We need to understand, examine and obey every teaching He has given us, knowing that our
decisions will help to build our destiny and the destinies of those around us on a firm foundation that no trial or testing can destroy.
From a young age, Sara has learned to build by laying the foundation of her life on her faith in the eternal Rock: Jesus. He is the One who will sustain us so that nothing will move us from the relationship we are building in Him. Sara shares step by step how we can ensure that what we are building lasts
Perhaps your life is surrounded by rubble, and full of disappointment and pain. But God, the Expert Builder, wants to lay a new foundation in your life, one that allows you to build what is true The plans He has prepared for you are only for good - to give you a future full of blessing (Jeremiah 29:11 paraphrase).
+“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Philippians 1:6 NLT).
Our heavenly Father has already drawn up the designs for your life, and despite everything you have had to live through, He will fulfill His plans in you. Simply allow God to continue making you into “His masterpiece.”
Cesar CastellanosINTRODUCTION
If you had told me at the beginning of 2015 that I would be married and living in a different country by the end of the year, I never would have believed you! 2015 was a year when some of the greatest changes took place in every area of my life. All of my plans and projections for the future were transformed in an instant. It’s amazing how God can change our lives from one moment to the next Sometimes it’s hard to understand why, but that’s when we need to trust in His purposes. The truth is that when God is in control, He knows how to surprise us, He knows what we truly need and He knows what changes we need to experience. He is the architect and builder of our lives.
About three years ago, my sister Manuela and I traveled to North Carolina, and one of the places we visited was the Billy Graham Library. I honestly felt like I was in the Christian version of Disneyland and I was the overexcited five-year-old. I was captivated by seeing all the places Billy Graham had preached the gospel. I’m pretty sure everyone left the museum asking themselves, “What on earth am I doing with my life?!” (Maybe not quite as melodramatically as that, but that place definitely challenges you to do something great for God!).
There is a beautiful garden right outside the museum. As I was walking around and reflecting on my life (yep, sometimes I get a bit sentimental), I suddenly found myself standing beside Ruth Graham’s tombstone, Billy
Graham’s wife It was surrounded by the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. I’m not an expert on flowers or anything, but they were pretty special. As I went to take a closer look, I could see that the epitaph read, “End of construction… Thank you for your patience ” Wow! Something special happened inside me when I read those words. I realized that our lives here on earth are construction projects that God Himself is building. We never stop being formed and shaped until the day we are ready to meet Him face to face. And that is when we are able to say, “End of construction… thank You for Your patience, Lord!”
Have you ever stopped to think about how patient God is with us?
Sometimes I wonder what He must think about the song and dance I make about life You know - that thing we do with our parents and siblings when we turn something small into something colossal. And the incredible thing is that we do it with God too. We don’t understand the process of formation, so we get scared, throw in the towel and decide to give up. We don’t see the bigger picture. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways… ” Most of the time, it’s hard to understand exactly what God is doing in our lives. We don’t understand why we had to pass through that fire, experience that time of testing or feel that pain We have so many questions but receive so few answers. But God is God - and He is the architect and builder of our lives.
Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible and I recently found myself reading a verse that particularly caught my attention: “By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (verses 9-10, emphasis added). God is the architect of architects and builder of builders. He really does know how to establish a foundation that nothing and no one could ever demolish If we think for a moment about the creation of the world, we begin to realize how perfect our God is. It was God Himself who
designed and created everything we see with our eyes today He understands the construction process, and He is an expert at making masterpieces out of the lowly and despised. He took the clay in His hands and created a human being in His own image and likeness. He made a glorious construction out of the most mundane thing in the world. God has shown us time and again throughout the Bible that He takes ordinary lives and constructs extraordinary works of art.
While God placed it in my heart to write a book some time ago, I knew I didn’t want to write about my achievements or things I might have accomplished in life, because to be honest I’m still pretty far off the goal. I feel like I haven’t made it yet, and there are still things that God is removing, refining and forming in my life I know I’m not the only person who feels that way, or the only one who knows they still have a long way to go. Both your life and mine are houses under construction. And like every good construction project, they are going to require planning, effort, and above all, time.
My prayer is that you would once again come face to face with your Creator and yourself through this book, and that you would be able to enjoy every stage and season of your life. God already has every one of your days planned out, He already has the architectural designs for your life, He has already prepared the foundation, and now it’s simply up to you to surrender your all to Him, understanding that your life is a masterpiece - UNDER CONSTRUCTION