FAEA Fresh Paint Winter 2018-2019

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Winter 2019 Volume 42 / Issue 1

Art Saves Lives:

Reflections on Conference:

Art for Social Change

The Poetics of Space 2018 FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


The Florida Art Education Association is pleased to provide the K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition to our membership. The purpose of the program is to serve as a statewide assessment for visual art and promote the achievements of students enrolled in visual art classes throughout Florida. Visit FAEA.org to find out more information about the program, prizes, rubrics, and submission instructions.

Submission Requirements: 2019 entries will be accepted until Tuesday, March 12th, 2019. The teacher must be a current FAEA member. You may enter one (1) entry per student. You are encouraged to enter as many students as possible.

There is a $5.00 fee per entry. All forms of media are accepted. Entry photographs should be JPG files. Signed release forms must be sent to the FAEA office by Tuesday, March 19th, 2019.

Prize Structure: Sargent Art will generously sponsor prizes for the 2019 FAEA K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition! Best in Show: The overall winning student will receive a cash prize of $1,000. The overall winning teacher will receive classroom art supplies worth $1,500 (retail value). One winner in each of Elementary School, Middle School, and High School (three winners total): Students receive art supplies worth $100 (retail value) and a certificate. Teachers receive classroom art supplies worth $300 (retail value).

2018 “Best in Show� Winner! Alexzandra Cheney, Seaside, digital, East Lake High School, Teacher: Eileen Iacobucci

Sargent Art will send a Participation Gift to each school after receiving from the Principal the following information (to be emailed directly to Sargent Art): 1. School enrollment number; 2. Number of Art Teachers; 3. Number of entries submitted to K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition. Form provided during submission process.


Winter 2019 Volume 42 / Issue 1

Art Saves Lives:

Winter 2019 / Volume 42 / Issue 1


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Reflections on Conference:

Art for Social Change

The Poetics of Space 2018 FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition

2018 FAEA Award Winners ABOUT THE COVER

Reflections on Conference: The Poetics of Space

: D E T WAN By Dr. Jackie Henson-Dacey


Wanted: 2019 FAEA Conference Presenters


66th Annual Conference Recap

Francisco Navarro, Grade 9 Orchid – watercolor AP Mays Conservatory of the Arts Teacher: Gerald Obregon

The purpose of this publication is to provide information to members. Fresh Paint is a quarterly publication of Florida Art Education Association, Inc., located at 402 Office Plaza Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2757. FALL printed and distributed through postal carrier Conference (October) printed and distributed at the annual conference Winter digital Spring/Summer (May) digital

22 28 30

Art Saves Lives: Art for Social Change By Nancy Walkup

Florida Represents at NAEA Convention 2018 FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition

DEPAR TMENT S Important Dates / 4

Division Updates / 7

Advertisers Index / 4

Museum Happenings / 34

President’s Note / 5

YAM Update / 39

Board Consultant’s Report / 6

FAEA 2018 Editorial Committee Nicole Crane (Chair) Sheryl Depp Britt Feingold Jackie Henson-Dacey Kristina Latraverse Periodical postage paid, Tallahassee, Florida (USPS 023179). POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FRESH PAINT, 402 Office Plaza Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2757. Fresh Paint is made possible, in part, by the participation of the businesses whose advertisements appeared in this issue. They make it possible to provide membership with a high quality publication and we gratefully acknowledge their support of FAEA’s mission. We hope that you take special notice of these advertisements and consider the products and services offered. This is another important way you can support your professional association and the enhancement of Florida art education. The publisher does not endorse any particular company, product, or service. The Florida Arts Education Association (FAEA) is not responsible for the content of any advertisement and reserves the right to accept or refuse any advertiserment submitted for publication.

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019



YAM Flag Design Entry Deadline, January 18, 2019


K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition Submission, March 12, 2019


Youth Art Month, March, 2019

............... NAEA Conference, March 14-16, 2019


FAEA Conference, November 7-10, 2019

T H A NK YO U T O O UR A DV ER T I SER S AMACO/brent...................................................................11 Art Systems of Florida, Inc........................................... 29 Axner.com and Laguna Clay............................................4 Blick Art Materials...........................................................37 College for Creative Studies.........................................38 Davis Publications...........................................................39 Florida School of the Arts............................................BC Highwater Clays of Florida, Inc....................................38 Jack Richeson & Company.............................................35 Jacksonville University...................................................11 New World School of the Arts......................................27 Nasco................................................................................BC Pacon Corporation.........................................................36 Royal & Langnickel Brush..............................................BC Ringling College of Art & Design................................. 29 Skutt Ceramic Products................................................27 The Art Institutes..............................................................4 University of the Arts.....................................................17 Fresh Paint is the award-winning publication of the Florida Art Education Association (FAEA). Fresh Paint contains articles of interest to art educators of all levels – from kindergarten through college level. It is published four times annually and distributed to more than 700 art teachers, school district art supervisors, museum educators, higher education professionals, community art educators and artists, as well as other state and national art associations. Learn more at


CREATIVE FUTURES START WITH YOU. The Art Institutes system of schools wants to thank you for cultivating the artistic talents of young minds. Many of our students wouldn’t have discovered our institution if it wasn’t for educators like you! That’s why we think you may have a few candidates in mind today who fit our criteria of breaking the mold. Would you like to have a campus representative visit your classroom to speak with your students about The Art Institutes? Reach out at Aiadvantage.com

Would you like those students to visit and experience our campus? Call 877-471-6349 to set up a tour.

The Art Institutes also offers scholarships to help high school seniors pursue a creative future. Find out more and encourage your students to apply at artinstitutes.edu/scholarships.

The Art Institutes is a system of schools through the United States. Programs, credential levels, technology, and scheduling options vary by school and are subject to change. Not all online programs are available to residents of all U.S. states. Most institutions in The Art Institutes system are owned by Dream Center Education Holdings, LLC. Some institutions in The Art Institutes system are owned by Education Management Corporation. Some institutions in The Art Institutes system are campuses of Argosy University. Administrative office: The Art Institutes, 1500 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222 © 2017. The Art Institutes. All rights reserved. Our email address is materialsreview@aii.edu. Financial aid is available for those who qualify.


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

President ’s Note ... FAEA 2018-2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Lark Keeler lark.keeler@saintandrews.net President-elect Jackie Henson-Dacey jackie.faea@gmail.com Past President Nicole Crane nicole.faea@gmail.com Secretary Steven Miller steve.faea@gmail.com DIVISION DIRECTORS Elementary Kristina Latraverse latraverse.kristina@ brevardschools.org Middle School Christine Schebilski chrisskiarts@gmail.com High School Amiee Sarajian amiee.faea@gmail.com Higher Education Debra McGann debra.mcgann@ucf.edu Museum Claire Clum claireclum.faea@gmail.com Supervisor/Administration Nancy Puri puri.faea@gmail.com APPOINTED POSITIONS Districts Assembly Latonya Hicks lhicks202@gmail.com


he start of a new year gives us a moment to recalibrate our intentions. The Online Etymology Dictionary explains that the word intention has origins in the late 14th century and comes from the Latin word intentionem, meaning “a stretching out, straining, exertion, effort; attention,” or a noun of action from intendere, “to turn one’s attention, to stretch out literally.” As we begin 2019, how will you stretch in new ways? What new efforts will you explore? Resetting our intentions at the start of the year could provide a new direction, a different approach, a renewed focus, or a comfortable challenge. When setting a new intention, be positive and flexible, knowing that it could change or evolve. Be open to the idea that Lark Keeler your intention, or directed energy, may grow and function very much President, FAEA like a seed. As educators, we set into motion our intentions that we have for the outcome for the remainder of the school year. What positive desires and hopes do you have for your students? For yourself? In what ways can you give effort and attention and stretch in innovative ways to help your students achieve? What do you want to accomplish? Craft your intentions daily, or think bigger and work toward larger aims. Check in with your intentions and invent, discover, and create routines that help you direct your energy and set the tone for your objective. Journal or make art about your purpose, or ask for feedback from colleagues, friends, or even students. A daily reminder on your phone could help you keep your energy positive, purposeful, and aligned with your goals. Last, be prepared for the outcomes of your intentions. Be okay with a little bit of uncertainty and ambiguity. Embrace the journey of working through your recalibrated intentions, and see what surprising, creative fruit the seeds might sow. Be open to the unexpected and redirect your attention and energy to maintain positivity and inspiration.

Retirees Representative Jack Matthews jem_art@yahoo.com



Lark Keeler President

Sheryl Depp sheryldepp.faea@gmail.com Simoni Bonadies simoni.limeira@polk-fl.net BOARD CONSULTANT Kathleen D. Sanz, PhD kdsanz@faea.org

The mission of the Florida Art Education Association is to promote art education in Florida through professional development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership. The vision of the Florida Art Education Association, hereinafter designated as FAEA or as the Association, is to provide art teachers with the knowledge, skills, and support that will ensure the highest quality instruction possible to all students in Florida.

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


Board Consultant ’s Report


Kathleen D. Sanz PhD Board Consultant, FAEA

The 2018 mid-term elections were held in November. Florida’s new governor will be Ron DeSantis, and our Lieutenant Governor will be Jeanette Nunez. The Florida Commissioner of Education will be Richard Corcoran. President of the Senate, Bill Galvano, and Speaker of the House, Jose R. Oliva, have named their committees that will have an impact on the 2019 legislative session. In addition, there are some returning and some newly elected senators and representatives, as well as school board members. Please introduce yourself to them and become an active constituent. Recently, the Florida Art Education Association (FAEA) had two representatives meet with the Capitol Hill Group lobby firm: Dr. Jackie Henson-Dacey, FAEA President-elect, and Kristina Latraverse, FAEA Advocacy Chair. They were joined by representatives of the Florida Music Education Association and the Florida School Music Association. The associations are working on the 2019 legislative platforms in the following areas:

Increase the Value of Arts Education for Florida’s Students Invest in Florida Students and Schools Student Engagement Keep Students and Schools Safe Early Childhood Education Please be diligent and well informed on the upcoming session and the bills that may have an impact on your classroom. Know your legislators, and volunteer to talk with them on behalf of arts education. The 2019 legislative session will run from March to May. Please stay posted and check the CFAE and FAEA websites for ongoing updates during the session. In addition, we will send you updates through email as necessary throughout the session.

Kathleen D. Sanz PhD Board Consultant, FAEA


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

Elementary School

Middle School

Division Director

Division Director

Kristina Latraverse Columbia Elementary School Palm Bay, FL The word collaborate is a verb, defined as the process of working together to produce or create. It defines what we do every day. We are collaborators, we are creators, and we are educators. Yet, we often do all these things in isolation. How can we connect as elementary art teachers from the Florida Keys to the Panhandle (and all the places in between)? The answer to this question is a Google Classroom! The FAEA Elementary Division Google Classroom provides a place for constant collaboration regardless of location. This forum provides a space for lessons that align with state and national standards, sub plans, art room hacks, videos, and teaching materials in an online space that can be shared. Think of this as an art room that stays free of paint spills and is always at the perfect working volume. The information on this site should serve as a springboard for ideas. Only you know what will work best for your students. Remember, the more we each contribute the better the classroom will operate!

Christine Schebilski Heron Creek Middle School North Port, FL Often we hear our partners in education saying that they support the arts in our schools. Our partners in education consist of school administration and other teachers, school district supervisors, parents, and community members. However, what does that really look like and mean? In this article, a few ideas will be shared that are ways that partners in education can show their support for a school art program and art teacher. As art teachers, we are familiar with the reasons why we should support art education. Some of my favorite reasons are that arts improve individual well-being, improve academic performance, they spark creativity and innovation, and they have social impact. (Cohen, 2018)

What does it mean to support the arts? Art Teachers First of all, make sure that you are advocating for your own students and program. Here are three ways that you can make a positive impact.

Be a part of writing your school improvement plan. Make sure to be on your school’s allocated funds committee (SAC), which approves the School Improvement Plan (SIP). Terminology including ‘art’ or a ‘well-rounded education’ should be included. Display your student art. Participate. When people ask for your student art, put it out there. Take every opportunity granted to you to share with the community about your program and let the art do the talking. Talk to people about the positive experiences in your classroom.

School/ School District To access the FAEA Elementary Google Classroom VISIT: Classroom.Google.Com ENTER: TPS44S Look around, share, and collaborate. In closing, I want to send a heartfelt thank you for all those who attended the Elementary Division Meeting. I left inspired and excited; I was grateful for the opportunity to meet so many incredible art educators. I also want to thank those of you who took the time to fill out a postcard to the Governor of Florida. Together our voice is strong; together we can make a difference. In closing, it seems only fitting to share the famous quote by Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

Art teachers and art programs will be better supported when schools and/or school districts show support for arts education through the following ways:

Show appreciation for the arts by providing funding for art teachers and a consumable budget for art classes. Allowing the art teacher to guide their curriculum. Pay for substitutes for art teachers so they may attend art field trips with their students. Pay for substitutes and registration fees so that the art teachers may attend conferences to receive professional development in their specific subject area(s). continued on page 8

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


continued from page 7

Provide relevant professional development and substitutes if held during the duty day.

All Partners in Education Vote in local, state, and national elections! In summary of Kristen Engebretsen (2011), author of “The Top 10 Ways to Support Arts Education,” when you go to ask for support, remember that “school leaders are facing tough situations.” Try to “offer solutions to help solve these problems” (Engebretsen, 2011). Use research to back up your requests, and “offer concrete ways that the arts can be a tool in improving overall education” (Engebretsen, 2011). If you are interested in completing an assessment of your school or school district, consider downloading and completing the Kennedy Center’s A Community Audit for Arts Education. You can find the audit by visiting The Kennedy Center at www.kennedy-center. org/ and search for A Community Audit for Arts Education. Last, remember that your partners in education may not know what you need, so make sure to speak up and ask kindly. Cohen, R. (2018, March). “Ten Reasons to Support the Arts in 2018.” Americans for the Arts. Retrieved from https://blog.americansforthearts. org/2018/03/09/ten-reasons-to-support-the-arts-in-2018 Engebretsen, K. (2011, August). “The Top Ten Ways to Support Arts Education.” Americans for the Arts. Retrieved from https://blog.americansforthearts. org/2011/08/26/the-top-10-ways-to-support-arts-education

Middle School Division Middle School art teachers share best practices and experiences at 2018 Middle School Division Meeting during the 66th Annual FAEA Conference, “Vintage Vogue: Time to Shine!”


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

High School

Division Director Amiee Sarajian Cypress Bay High School Weston, FL It’s amazing how quickly the first semester goes by. Before you know it … spring break will be here! In your planning for these next few months of curriculum, don’t forget a few opportunities from FAEA to help you and your students continue to SHINE. Youth Art Month is coming up in March, and the YAM Flag Competition is ending very soon! The deadline is January 18th. If you haven’t already submitted, this year’s theme is “Your Art, Your Story,” and what student of ours doesn’t have an interesting story to share about themselves and their art? Detailed information about YAM and the Flag competition can be found on the FAEA website. K-12 Student Art Assessment and Virtual Exhibition is coming up in March. You still have time to pick out student work for this virtual exhibition. There is an excellent resource available to you on the FAEA website under Conference Handouts from this last October —it’s from the Student Art Assessment and Adjudication Training workshop. It has valuable information on Rubrics and Lesson Planning in general that even the most seasoned professional can appre-

ciate. More information about the K-12 Exhibition and how to upload student work can be found on the FAEA website. Students may begin asking you for recommendations for summer art programs, or you may even want to suggest some of these art programs to your students. We want to encourage our students to continue building their portfolio over the summer, and families may have already begun making their summer vacation plans. As their art teacher, you can suggest local art organizations and art museums that offer classes and programs for your students. Also, look at major universities and art schools for pre-college programs, such as Ringling, SCAD, and SVA. Some scholarships opportunities are available, but the deadlines for these can be as early as February, long before summer even begins. In looking ahead to make our own summer plans, consider applying for the Hermitage Artist Retreat through the Florida Alliance for Arts Education website or other teacher programs through the above-mentioned art colleges. I’ve attended both Ringling and SCAD summer programs, and they are a great way to not only play as an artist, but they are especially helpful in bringing back some innovating ideas to your students for the next school year—especially for AP teachers. I hope you all get my eBlasts every month. I plan to bring you more information about upcoming changes in AP Studio Art as it comes out, as well as information about FAEA summer workshops and Art Labs.

Higher Education Division Director

Debra McGann University of Central Florida Orlando, FL I hope your holiday break allowed you to be with friends and family and have some quiet time to regroup for the new spring semester. With all of the intentions of keeping New Year’s resolutions in the air, I thought it would be fitting to share the following: “The Teaching Moment That Changed My Practice” One of my resolutions is to explore the turning points in my own teaching practice and keep my eyes and ears open for new opportunities to improve the ways in which I interact with my pre-service art teachers and to further develop my expectations of their scholarship. Do you have any inspirational teaching stories to share?

If so, send them to me and I will share them in the next eBlast. The second part to my resolution is to continue to refine what I present to my students in an interesting and compelling way. Every school year and semester for the past 25 years of teaching, I have tried to find new ways to inspire my students. There are some great suggestions in the following article: “Engaging Adult Learners, Part II: In-class Activities Inspired by Transformative Learning” Happy New Year and have a great spring semester! Debby


Division Director Claire Clum Boca Raton Museum of Art Boca Raton, FL The 2018 FAEA Annual Conference was quite rewarding this year. The caliber of the Museum Division programming was spectacular, and the content was diverse and relevant for all attendees. The Division presented 11 programs, which was a huge increase from prior years. The presenters came from all over the state – Boca Raton, Clearwater, Deland, Miami, Orlando, and St. Petersburg. I am grateful to those who attended and presented! FAEA’s Professional Development Committee plans on implementing one-day intensive workshops next summer. The intent of the workshops is to offer a short (not days-long that require a hotel stay), focused session that is process-driven. Themes include: plein air painting, fiber arts, relief printing, and so on. Museums that plan on implementing a summer workshop can gather more attendees by offering it through FAEA. Please contact me ASAP so FAEA can assist in spreading the word. In charting FAEA’s Museum Division path for 2019 and beyond, please let me know if you would consider attending, hosting, or creating any of the following:

Have a Museum Division meeting at a different venue around the state. These meetings would be for museum professionals to visit different museums and share programs/ideas. Continue to grow the annual meeting offerings: • Form a session on the services/products/resources that Museum Educators provide • Dedicate a session to museum division member professional development • Create a workshop on how to prepare for a field trip • Organize a roundtable to learn what teachers desire/expect from museums

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Winter 2019


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Share your programming in conjunction with AAM/AAMD/ ICOM International Museum Day on May 18 with the entire FAEA membership Invite fellow museum art educators to join FAEA Nominate a Museum Division member for an FAEA Award to be given at the 2019 FAEA Annual Conference Nominate yourself or a colleague to be the next Museum Division Director As 2019 begins, I am looking forward to my second year as your division director, working together to make a difference within our local community as well as statewide. It is imperative that we continue to educate and advocate. We know that we make a positive impact, and we must communicate our work to others. As you continue your work and share your love of the visual arts, let it be known. Please be vocal AND be heard. Happy 2019!

Supervisor/Administration Division Director

Nancy Puri Polk County Schools Lakeland, FL I hope that all of you had a great holiday season and that you have returned refreshed and ready to embrace the New Year with renewed energy and ideas! When preparing for the remainder of our year, I know that we all try to see the bigger picture and how we can help our teachers in their work. As leaders, we are often in the position of solving problems and working with teachers on how to improve and be more effective. We often overlook the importance of also focusing on the success and significance of the work that our teachers do. There is so much that we accomplish each day, each week, and each year, and those successes become a very significant body of work. Remembering to keep that perspective when talking to our teachers and colleagues can be much more motivating and energizing for everyone involved, particularly when we are also asking them to dig deeper, perform better, and reach further than they have before. As we look forward to the second half of our school year, there is so much to do and look forward to in our organization, as well. FAEA is already planning for summer programming, so please keep an eye out for information on workshops and other opportunities for summer learning experiences that will be coming out soon. As you may know, next year’s Annual Conference is in Ponte Vedra at the Sawgrass Resort on the east coast of Florida, which is a new property for us. As the planning goes forward, we need innovative ideas and input on what you and your teachers would like to see at Conference. Please let us know what you think, or better yet, volunteer to serve on a Committee!


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

Districts Assembly Latonya Hicks Largo High School Largo, FL Happy New Year, Districts Assembly Members! The time to reflect is now, a half of the year has passed, Conference, Scholastic, and Winter Break are over. Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to rejuvenate and rest surrounded by the ones and things you love. Now we can turn our focus toward getting our schools involved in the upcoming 2019 K-12 Student Art Assessment and Virtual Exhibition! On that celebratory note, thanks again for making the Districts Assembly reception a wonderful experience. I cannot express enough how glad I was to be able to meet so many of you. FAEA would like to co-host a summer Professional Development opportunity with YOU for its members. Last year, I attended the Summer Asian Art Workshops hosted by FAEA and SAEA at the Ringling Museum of Art, and it was an amazing and regenerative experience and just downright fun. We took a tour of the new Asian Art wing at the Ringling Museum, did Tai Chi with the Daoist Society on the lawn of the Ringling, made lanterns, participated in landscape painting, reduction printmaking, Sumi-E, origami, and more. I still look at my lantern and feel the excitement. What can your organization share from your county with us, the members of FAEA? “Caring is Sharing.” I am eager to learn more about you and the hidden gems of what your area has to offer. Have fun with creatively combining experiences or finding a theme. Does your area have a cowboy museum like St. Pete’s James Museum? Can we take a wood burning class, leather tooling, a hayride to a location where we will participate in plein air painting, etc? Just have fun and show all of us HOW ART AND LIFE CAN COLLIDE in your area. The DA position will be open in no time, so please let me know if you have any interest in stepping into my role. Sometimes you want to help and you don’t know where to begin; this could be your beginning and way to make a difference. Happy New Year and see you around!

Retirees Representative Jack Matthews Jacksonville, FL

Retirees: Sharing, Helping, Staying Active The 2018 FAEA Conference was, in my opinion, one of the very best I have attended. I spent quite a bit of time at the Registration Desk so I was privy to folks walking by, asking questions, and hearing conversations. Everything was positive! That is a great thing to see and to know that as part of the Board planning various events, we did a good job for our members. The Retirees were involved in several aspects of this Conference. As a first-time participant in the “Big Giveaway,” I was amazed at how smoothly things went. Many thanks to all helpers under the wing of Gerie Leigh. Second, the coming together of minds during our forum for new art teachers went very well. Our panel of seven retirees totaling over 200 years of experience (that’s right!) had very useful advice to share as questions were posed left and right. I’m very grateful to Bonnie Bernau, Glendia Cooper, Brenda Dalton, Terri Markle, Tom Prestopnik, and Jack Tovey for their time and sage advice. From listening to each of the 33 attendees at our Retired Division Meeting, I learned quickly that our retirees are not a group willing to sit and vegetate. We are very much involved with creating art, supporting causes via our local associations and arts groups in our hometowns, and keeping our brains and bodies active through classes and travel.


VISUAL ARTS Masters of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Arts Animation Ceramics Film Glass Graphic Design Illustration Photography Sculpture Ex Parte Communication by Dana C Tupa 2018

So what’s next? I recommend you look seriously at attending the 2019 NAEA Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, March 1416, 2019. Howard Gardner is just one of the exciting speakers at General Session. Registration is $175 but will jump to $205 after February 7. Hotel rates are at $249 based on double occupancy. For more information, go to the NAEA Conference Website. If it looks like you just can’t swing it this time, then start making your plans to attend the 2019 FAEA Conference in Ponte Vedra at the Marriott at Sawgrass in early November. I am always available to hear your ideas and suggestions and ways retirees can be of benefit to each other and the arts community. Jack Matthews (jem_art@yahoo.com)


Low Residency


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


2018 FAEA

Florida’s Outstanding Art Educator of the Year Award Joanna Davis-Lanum Garden Elementary School Venice, Florida

Award Winners

Congratulations to this year’s FAEA Award Winners! The FAEA Awards Program recognizes individuals who have achieved the highest level of professionalism in art education and shows appreciation for their contribution to the association and its mission. This year’s recipients were honored at conference at the FAEA Awards Breakfast.

Lifetime Achievement Award Patricia Ann Miles Port Orange, Florida

Career Service Award Glendia Cooper Jacksonville, Florida

Elementary Art Educator of the Year Award Pamela Brown Nova Blanche Forman Elementary Davie, Florida

Middle School Art Educator of the Year Award Maggie Vidal-Santos Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8 Center Miami Beach, Florida

Secondary Art Educator of the Year Award Alyce Walcavich Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Jacksonville, Florida

Higher Education Art Educator of the Year Sara Shields Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

Supervisor/Administrator of the Year Award Edrick D. Rhodes School District of Palm Beach County West Palm Beach, Florida

Principal/Administrator of the Year Award Ana Alvarez-Arimon Design and Architecture Senior High Miami, Florida

June Hinckley Art Educator Award of Excellence Kristen M. Warskow Howard Middle School Academy of Arts Orlando, Florida

Special Needs Award Laurie Hoppock Duval County Public Schools Jacksonville, Florida

New Professional Award Sara Haley South Miami K-8 Center Miami, Florida

Retired Art Educator Award Robin M. Lemo Pembroke Pines, Florida

Higher Education Individual Student Achievement Award Danielle Henn Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida

Florida Student Award - National Art Honor Society Kate Kennedy Osceola Fundamental High School Seminole, Florida

Charles Dorn High School Student Award of Excellence Alexzandra Cheney East Lake High School Tarpon Springs, Florida

Distinguished Service Award Marlon Zuniga G.W. Carver Elementary School Miami, Florida

Community Service/ Institution/Corporate Award Marie Vickles Perez Art Museum Miami Miami Beach, Florida

Friend of Art Education Award Allison Galloway-Gonzalez Cathedral Arts Project Jacksonville, Florida

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


Reflections on Conference:

The Poetics of Space


Dr. Jackie Henson-Dacey, President-Elect

October’s “Vintage Vogue: Time to Shine!” conference in St. Petersburg nurtured the visual art educator’s passion to learn and engage through the many hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, unique craft items, Imagine Museum and Morean Art Center, After Party, and two inspirational keynote speakers. Dr. Terry Barrett and Cassie Stephens provided us with motivational knowledge to rejuvenate our vision and passion for teaching. Attending and participating in FAEA’s annual conference is a way to reward yourself and a way to contribute to the community of exceptional art educators in the state of Florida. All work and no play can get old fast. Participating in the annual conference can add a layer of enjoyment before we hit the busy spring semester at school. Opportunities to improve our pedagogical practices while having fun with colleagues and exploring the local area is a great way to maximize your investment in travel and professional development. Never underestimate the power of a little fun mixed with some interesting, creative, and inspirational people. Gaining insight and immersing yourself in the knowledge shared by our keynote speakers are great sources for reflection as we prepare for the new semester of teaching and beyond. I was fortunate to work closely with Dr. Terry Barrett while he was implementing a research study in Sarasota, Florida, in the mid-1990s. The research focused on how art educators engage students in discourse about philosophy embedded within the visual arts. Dr. Barrett led us through online discussions that elicited a deeper understanding of phenomenology. Essentially, he engaged us to explore our understanding of objects (art) through the structured experience of consciousness and learn how analysis and interpretation of objects are rooted in observational descriptive methods. How do we continued on page 16


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


The Poetics of Space continued from page 14

understand art from our experiences? How does this knowledge cross over into the daily classroom instructional practices? How do we know art? The research study brought up memories of a book I read in graduate school for a literary studies course, The Poetics of Space, by Gaston Bachelard. The book was inspirational as a young graduate student immersed in art education pedagogy. In his book, Bachelard weaves together, from a phenomenological perspective, bits and pieces of evidence observed in a house. He describes experiences in a house (or, a home) that become the cradle for dreaming, a shelter for imagining possibilities. He compares the house to the universe in both intimacy and immensity. Language serves to delight the reader. Bachelard (1974) admitted, “I am caught up in the perplexing dialects of

deep and large; of the infinitely diminished that deepens, or the large that extends beyond all limits” (p.2). He writes of hearing imagination, of filtered and distorted sounds that recall a heightened awareness of art as being everywhere, deeply embedded in an aesthetic awareness of time and space. Studying with Dr. Barrett does the same by allowing us to validate our interpretations, explore possibilities in descriptive language, and engage in the experience as a phenomenological excerpt of life. Cassie Stephens brought out the fun of teaching and imagining possibilities. Stephens was able to weave together our passion for art and our “money-making” career of teaching. With theatricality aiding in her global fame, Stephens remains rooted to the earth with practical advice and ways to creatively engage students and the community through arts-based experiences. Having just two small conversations with Stephens allowed me to connect deeply on a philosophical level. Her world illuminates the Poetics of Space through understanding the titanic importance of setting the stage for learning. Her advice and philosophical mindset create a prism through which all worlds, from literature to household objects, find their way into the classroom to make a difference in the aesthetics of art and art making. Taking the ordinary and transforming it into the extraordinary is a gift that Stephens left us with at the conference. One significant addition to our experience as art educators and artists is to eliminate the negative voices in our world that should not be worthy of our time and energy: those that will put you down because you are different, those that will tease you because you have a unique idea, and those that will try to spread false rumors about you. To nurture the soul, you must eliminate the negative. Conference is a positive way to nurture the soul and add to our scholarly knowledge with many great experiences, both new and old. It allows us to form our own Poetics of Space and to learn to see our houses as both intimate and immense through a phenomenological lens of heightened aesthetic awareness. Let the annual conference become the cradle for dreaming and a shelter for imagining possibilities! Bachelard, G. (1974). The Poetics of Space. Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press.


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


ference 2019 FA E A Con


Be a part of the 2019 FAEA Annual Conference and share your expertise with fellow art teachers throughout the state. Let everyone in on your deep knowledge and instructional strategies and become a conference presenter. You will be joining Art Education Leaders for the 21st century! Presentation Session (<1 hour): Share a topic through a demonstration, introduction, or lecture that will inform and motivate. Hands-on Workshop Session (>1 hour): Lead a “hands-on” experience that demonstrates an in-depth art medium strategy or process. Workshops content ideas: consider presenting historical, socio-cultural, philosophical, and/or contemporary processes. Presenters may also consider sharing ideas for emerging artists, advanced artists, and education practitioners. Why You: Strengthen art education by sharing your expertise in the Visual Arts and classroom strategies with fellow art teachers. FAEA promotes art education through members sharing and collaborating their expertise and talent, as well as through the selfless members who volunteer their time and talents as conference presenters.

Become an FAEA conference presenter in 2019!! 2019 FAEA Annual Conference November 7-10, 2019 Marriott Sawgrass Resort in Ponte Vedra



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Fresh Paint is the award-winning publication of FAEA published 4 times annually and distributed to more than 700 art lovers. It is a terrific venue for businesses and organizations to reach art educators and decision-makers.

Learn more at

faea.org/publications/ advertising Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


66th Annual

FAEA Conference Recap


he Florida Art Education Association truly appreciates all of those who made the 66th Annual Conference in St. Pe-

tersburg such a wonderful success. FAEA would like to thank the keynote speakers, Dr. Terry Barrett and Cassie Stephens, for their very thoughtful, engaging, and powerful presentations. We send our gratitude to Sue Castleman (PreK-12 Visual Art Supervisor for Pinellas County) and the Pinellas Art Education Association for their continuous support and local expertise, and for hosting us once again in beautiful St. Pete. As always, our conference would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and exhibitors who were under the direction of the legendary Pearl Krepps. We also appreciate the Retiree Division for supporting our newest teachers year after year, sharing the most terrific supplies and wisdom. We thank the presenters and award winners for sharing their time, talent, and thoughts.

Highlighted quotes are from the 2018 Conference Survey Responses.


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

continued on page 20

I loved the questions he posed for us for students!

Absolutely LOVED it!!

Delightfully inspiring!

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Winter 2019


continued from page 19

...reminded me why we do what we do‌


ith appreciation, we thank the Conference Chair and President-Elect, Dr. Jackie Henson-Dacey, The Center for Fine

Arts Education, and the inspiring FAEA Board of Directors. Above all, we thank you, the FAEA membership, for making the 66th Annual Conference remarkable and the most attended conference in six years. This professional development opportunity is only possible because of the professional collaboration of loyal, passionate individuals who are committed to the advancement of art education, and for that, we are so appreciative. As we look ahead, please know we value your continued partici-

...the conference was a huge help in ways of support, comradery and information.

pation. Please plan to attend the 67th Annual Conference in Ponte Vedra, November 7-10, 2019. If you have a great idea for a session or a workshop, FAEA will be accepting proposals in the Spring. FAEA needs your continued support through membership, submission of workshop proposals, and nominations for outstanding art educators and supporters.

I like how he simplified the criticism process to 3 questions* 20

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Winter 2019

Absolutely LOVED it!!*

Please continue to participate in Youth Art Month activities, enter student work into the K-12 Student Art Assessment & Virtual Exhibition, and share your own artistic creations in the Member Virtual Exhibition. Plan to join us for a variety of innovative summer professional development happenings around Florida. Thank you, again, for your commitment to visual arts education, for the important work that you do each day, and for ensuring that the visual arts thrive in the state of Florida!


595 Attendees 42 Florida Counties Represented 36 Exhibitors 15 States Represented

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


A R T S AV E S L I V E S :

ART for Social Change Nancy Walkup

Editor in Chief, SchoolArts Magazine www.schoolartsmagazine.com

“In times of uncertainty, art is more than beauty. Art has the power to wake people up and serve as a catalyst for meaningful change. It is a compass in turbulent times, pointing the way to the future we want to live in.”


—Amplifier Foundation

In March 2015, the National Art Education Association (NAEA) adopted a position statement on Art Education and Social Justice. It supports the belief that art can provide a meaningful catalyst to engage individuals and communities to take action around a social issue. Because SchoolArts Magazine believes these efforts are so important, each month we present an arts-based social justice or service learning non-profit organization, such as The Memory Project and Pinwheels for Peace, in a feature we call Focus In. As the editor in chief of SchoolArts Magazine, I have met many of the people who were instrumental in creating and continuing these valuable programs. Incredibly, most of them were started by only one or two dedicated visionaries, often art teachers. The Internet has enabled many of these social justice projects to grow into global arts-based efforts in which your students can participate. The Memory Project was the first arts-based social justice effort I encountered. I met founder Ben Shumacher at an NAEA conference when he asked me to share his efforts in continued on page 24


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Winter 2019

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Winter 2019


ART for Social Change continued from page 22

SchoolArts. In visiting an orphanage in Guatemala as a graduate student, he realized that the children he met there would have no photographs or mementos of their childhoods. His solution was to develop a program where he would take and share photographs of children facing challenges with young artists who would create portraits from the photographs. These special gifts would be presented to the children. The Memory Project has expanded its efforts over time, now inviting art teachers, art students, and solo artists to help cultivate global kindness by creating portraits for children around the world who have faced substantial challenges, such as violence, war, extreme poverty, neglect, and loss of parents. Since 2004, more than 130,000 portraits have been created for and gifted to children in 47 countries. The Memory Project


Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

Photo courtesy of Nancy Walkup

now collaborates with different children’s charities around the world to arrange for photographs to be taken for the process to begin. To learn more how you and your students can get involved, go to www.memoryproject.org. The second project I learned about was Pinwheels for Peace, started by two Florida high school art teachers, Ellen McMillan and Ann Ayers. Their simple but elegant idea was to have students make and share paper pinwheels on September 21, International Peace Day. You can register your school and share photographs on their website, www.pinwheelsforpeace.com. The widespread

appeal of Pinwheels for Peace is evidenced in the fact that there is now a Girl Scout patch for it. A fairly new social justice effort is from the Amplifier Foundation, started by contemporary artist Shepard Fairey (you would most likely recognize Fairey’s much imitated “Hope” poster of Barack Obama). The Amplifier Foundation commissions new social justice art and distributes it in creative ways to reach new audiences. They offer numerous downloads of posters for categories such as the environment, voting rights, gun violence, immicontinued on page 26

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Winter 2019


ART for Social Change continued from page 25

gration, science, and more. In partnership with artists Shepard Fairey, Rommy Torrico, Munk One, and Kate DeCiccio, they also offer free posters and supporting teaching tools (especially useful for graphics and arts teachers). You can check out their Educator Toolkits and free poster downloads, and sign up for the program at https://amplifier.org/call-for-educators. I invite you to explore these projects and find what most appeals to you for your students. Participating in such projects takes your students’ hearts, minds, and art far beyond your art room. Perhaps these projects will inspire you to create one of your own.

Nancy Walkup’s (nancywalkup@mac.com) over thirty-year art teaching experience covers all grade levels from kindergarten through university. Since 2005, Nancy Walkup has been the editor in chief of SchoolArts, a magazine for art educators published since 1901. Materials. Nancy presents regularly at NAEA and at other state art education conferences and similar venues and serves as an art education consultant for school districts and publishers. Special areas of interest include issues of arts-based social justice, advocacy, interdisciplinary connections, design thinking, and STEAM.

Other Projects Empty Bowls


From the Bow Seat


Students Rebuild


The Inside Out Project


The International Hexagon Project


The Peace Pole Project


Unsung Heroes Project



Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

Mission Statement The mission of the Association is to promote art education in Florida through professional

about faea development, service, advancement of knowledge, and leadership.

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NAEA Position Statement on Art Education and Social Justice NAEA recognizes the importance of art education to raise critical consciousness, foster empathy and respect for others, build community, and motivate people to promote positive social change. Service learning is one approach to education in which social justice is addressed through service with others, often in arts-based projects. Artists often engage with the issues of their time, and some treat the creation of art as a social practice. Art can provide a meaningful catalyst to engage individuals and communities to take action around a social issue. The processes by which people create and interact with art can help them understand and challenge inequities through art education and social justice.


New World School of the Arts [NWSA] in Miami has become an educational and creative beacon of the Arts. The visual arts department offers a BFA Degree with concentrations in art & technology, drawing, graphic design, painting, photography and sculpture. For more information, 305.237.7045 or visit nwsa.mdc.edu. New World School of the Arts was created by the Florida Legislature as a center of excellence in the performing and visual arts. NWSA is an educational partnership between Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Miami Dade College and the University of Florida.

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Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


The Florida Art Education Association wishes to congratulate the FAEA members who will be presenting in Boston at the 2019 NAEA Convention, March 14-16. Here are the presenters who will be representing Florida at a national level along with their session titles:

Jeff Broome

Conversation with Colleagues: Connecting with Higher Education Art Educators 2018 Higher Educator of the Year Award Lecture: Remarks & Dialogue with Robin Vande Zande Real Lives 21: Showcasing the Stories of Art Educators and Contemporary Learning through Narrative Inquiry

Susannah Brown

Caring Art Programs Create Strong Schools: Challenging Discrimination, Bullying and School Violence


Fresh Paint

David Chang

Sight-Size Drawing

Jennifer Gifford

Empathetic Gestural Figure Drawing Drawing Dance

Winter 2019

Jackie Henson-Dacey

Creativity from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley

Lisa Lehmann

Culturally Responsive Instruction in High Poverty Schools

Leslie Loughran

Step Up to the Plate with Famous Paintings in Ceramics

Sara Scott Shields

Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education

2019 FAEA Conference in Ponte Vedra Beach November 7-10, 2019

2019 COVER CONTEST 10th Annual Cover Contest | Winter Park, FL USA

1740 State Road 436 Ste 124 • Winter Park, FL 32792 407.679.4700 • artsystemsfl.com • info@artsystemsfl.com Danielle Henn

The Art of Making Do in the Classroom



Portrait: What is your favorite animal?

1. Must be 9”x12” and in Vertical Format 2. Send digital files: JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, PSD & SVG accepted 3. Images must be clean & clear. Photographs are acceptable. 4. Email/call us for more information.

1. Images can be representational, abstract or symbolic 2. Traditional Media and Digital Painting accepted

WHAT’S YOUR CREATIVE SUPERPOWER? Find out at Ringling College of Art and Design. Jennifer Infinger


Authentic Arts Integration in Physics: Envisioning Electric Fields

Join your Florida colleagues in Boston for the largest gathering of art education professionals in the world! Find more information at www.naea19.org.

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019



FAEA MEMBER VIRTUAL EXHIBITION Congratulations to the 2018 FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition winners! The following award recipients were recognized at the 2018 FAEA Annual Conference in St. Petersburg during a reception at the Imagine Museum. Altogether, nineteen qualified entries, including the award


Highwater Clays Award

winners featured in this magazine, were exhibited at the reception. You can view this and previous years’ Member Virtual Exhibitions by visiting FAEA.org. Thank you to our 2018 Prize Sponsors!

Mary Garcia Ovation, Ovation II, Inception hand-built ceramic form with glaze and underglaze fired onto the surface

Nasco Award

Blick Art Materials Award


Bridget Geiger Purple Lady in Kauai digital photograph

Donna Underwood Abuela and Me Selfie transparent watercolors


2018 FAEA Member Virtual Exhibition continued from page :::::::

Joshua Steele Musical Immersion, from Reflections Series salt print from digital negative

Gelli Arts & Pacon Corporation Award

Dade Art Educators Award 32

Catherine Rivera Tidal Splash hand-stitched peyote glass bead bracelet with fused glass, silver, and sea pearl


United Art & Education Award

Robin Lemo Puerto Rico Aftermath watercolor

Daniele Gabriel World of My Own etching with color pencil

Triarco Arts & Crafts Award



Happenings PENSACOLA PENSACOLA MUSEUM OF ART • Stone’s Throw:​On Borders, Boundaries, and The Beyond current – 1/11/2019

Panhandle QUINCY GADSDEN ARTS CENTER & MUSEUM Leslie Wallace-Coon 1/8/2019 – 2/23/2019 Virgina Coultas Retrospective 3/2/2019 – 4/27/2019 Thornton Dial, Sr.: Thoughts on Paper current – 2/21/2019 Norman Rockwell in the 1960s 1/11/2019 – 5/18/2019 Gary Sczerbaniewicz: Fossilized Intent 1/11/2019 – 3/30/2019

• Project Atrium: Amanda Coogan: The Ladder Is Always There current – 2/24/2019

• Inside Out Project current – March 2019 T.T. WENTWORTH JR. FLORIDA STATE MUSEUM • DocuFlorida II: Projections and Prints current – 5/17/2019 • Redirected 12/3/2018 – 1/15/2019



• Mission Jax Genius & Saving a Story current – TBA THE CUMMER MUSEUM OF ART & GARDENS

FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS • Annual Faculty Exhibition 1/11/2019 – 2/3/2019

• Augusta Savage: Renaissance Woman current – 4/7/2019

• Permanent Collection Acquisitions from the Current Year 1/11/2019 – 2/3/2019

• Field of Color: Japanese Printing current – 1/13/2019

Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

• Interior Geography: Mark Lester current – 4/7/2019


• Urban Spaces, Open Skies: 20th Century American Landscape current – 2/3/2019

• Graduating Artists 4/12/2019 – 5/2/2019

• Spotlight: Marc Chagall’s Dress current – 2/24/2019

• Painting the Picture: Works from the Permanent Collection current – 5/12/2019

• Neighborhoods current – 5/15/2019

• Le Sang Noir (Black Blood) 2/15/2019 – 3/31/2019


• 65th Annual Youth Art Focus 1/18/2019 – 2/17/2019


• Mary Sewart 2/1/2019 – 3/16/2019

MOCA JACKSONVILLE • Frank Stella Unbound: Literature and Printmaking current – 1/13/2019


• Dan Taylor 4/5/2019 – 5/18/2019

• Kota Ezawa: The Crime of Art 3/12/2019 – 12/1/2019

• Gesche Wuerfel: What Remains of the Day - Memories of World War II current – 3/17/2019

Artur Popek: Hemingway’s Cat: Paintings and Prints 4/13/2019 – 6/1/2019


• Edmund Greacen and World War I 2/5/2019 – 12/15/2019

• Carlos Rolon: Lost in Paradise current – 10/21/2019 • Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History current – 6/2/2019

SAMUEL P. HARN MUSEUM OF ART • I, Too Am America: Civil Rights Photographs by Steve Schapiro current – 3/31/2019 • The World to Come: Art in the Age of the Anthropocene current – 3/3/2019 • ReMaking History: Art in Time current – 6/23/2019 • Insights: Gifts from Robert and Nancy Magoon current – 6/23/2019 • The Great Catastrophe: Remembering WWI, 1914-1918 current – 2/3/2019 • Monsters and the Monstrous 1/22/2019 – 6/2/2019 • The Art of Pedro Pablo Oliva 3/2/2019 – 7/7/2019 • Art of Inquiry: Juried Exhibition 3/5/2019 – 7/7/2019 • Divergent Convergence: The Arts of Creativity, Discovery & Inquiry 3/31/2019 – 7/21/2019

UNIVERSITY GALLERIES • International Photography Exhibition current – 1/11/2019 • Guitar Art: Historic Innovation of an American Icon through Industrial Design, Art & Music current – 2/8/2019


• Pop Microscopy: l’arte al micrscopio 1/7/2019 – 2/15/2019


• Bulla Cubana II - Vanessa Vallejo 1/22/2019 – 3/22/2019

• Genome: Unlocking Life’s Code 10/13/2018 – 1/6/2019

• 2018-2019 FACC Annual Student Juried Exhibition 2/19/2019 – 2/28/2019

• Orlando Health: 100 Years of Caring 11/3/2018 – 3/3/2019

• Ligature 28 2/22/2019 – 3/15/2019 • MFA Thesis Candidates Exhibition I 3/19/2019 – 3/29/2019 • Na’amah - A Tribute to Nahum Benari - Hilla Ben Ari 3/25/2019 – 4/19/2019 • Sees the Dawn - Charlotte Kesl 4/1/2019 – 8/23/2019 • MFA Thesis Candidates Exhibition II 4/9/2019 – 4/19/2019

Central Florida • Shifting Gaze: A Reconstruction of The Black & Hispanic Body in Contemporary Art current – 1/13/2019 • The Unbridled Paintings of Lawrence Lebduska 1/25/2019 – 5/12/2019 ORLANDO MUSEUM OF ART


• Purvis Young and His Angels current – 3/3/2019

• Alice Aycock: Waltzing Matilda and Twin Vortexes current – TBA

• Louis Dewis: A Belgian Post-Impressionist 1/25/2019 – 5/5/2019 continued on page 36

Semi-Moist Watercolors Semi-Moist Metallics

Semi-Moist Tempera Tempera Cakes

Lino Grip

OCALA APPLETON MUSEUM OF ART • Art for the Afterlife: Chinese Funerary Objects current – TBA • Flourish: The Ceramic Artistry of Beth Garcia current – 1/13/2019 • La Diaspora: Keepers of Heritage closes current – 1/20/2019 • Myth, Mother, Muse: The Painting’s of Matthew Bennett current – 1/27/2019 • America’s Everglades Through the Lens of Clyde Butcher 2/2/2019 – 5/26/2019

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Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


Museum Happenings continued from page 35

MAITLAND ART AND HISTORY MUSEUMS MAITLAND • Indigo Waves current – 3/31/2019 • Maitland and African American Experiences 1/24/2019 – 5/12/2019

WINTER PARK CORNELL FINE ARTS MUSEUM • De La Torre Brothers: Rococolab 1/17/2019 – 5/12/2019 • The Place as Metaphor: Collection Conversations 1/17/2019 – 5/12/2019 • José A. Figueroa: A “Transitional Generation” 1/17/2019 – 4/7/2019 • Body Snatchers - Death in Culture 1/17/2019 – 4/7/2019 THE CHARLES HOSMER MORSE MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART • Nineteenth-Century American Landscapes current – 1/27/2019

• The Art Machine current – 1/27/2019 • Earth into Art – The Flowering of American Art Pottery current – 9/27/2020 • Iridescence in Glass and Pottery: A Celebration 2/12/2019 – TBA • Charles Hosmer Morse’s Arts and Crafts Study at Osceola Lodge 2/12/2019 – TBA

LAKELAND POLK MUSEUM OF ART • Conversing with Reality current – 1/13/2019 • EXILE: 50 Years of Cuban-American Exile Art from the Permanent Collection current – 1/13/2019 • Polk County Senior Exhibition 2018 current – 2/3/2019 • Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist current – 3/24/2019 • Art of the Ancient Americas current – 2/26/2026

• William Schaaf: The Way of the Equine 1/19/2019 – 6/9/2019 • Sun + Light 2/2/2019 – 5/19/2019 • Harrison School for the Arts 2/9/2019 – 3/10/2019 • Creative Youth 3/16/2019 – 4/21/2019 • Painted Pages: Illuminated Manuscripts 13th-18th Centuries 3/23/2019 – 5/25/2019

MELBOURNE FOOSANER ART MUSEUM • Derek Gores: Local Edition 11/17/2018 – 3/23/2019 • VISION 4/6/2019 – 5/25/2019


TAMPA TAMPA MUSEUM OF ART • Yayoi Kusama: LOVE IS CALLING current – 2/14/2019 • Season of Love current – 3/17/2019 • Robert Indiana: A Sculpture Retrospective current – 3/17/2019 • Oswaldo Vigas: Transformations 1/31/2019 – 5/27/2019

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JAMES MUSEUM • James Michaels: An American Pop Life current – 3/3/2019 MOREAN ART CENTER (CHIHULY + CENTER FOR CLAY) • Marjorie Dean Andruk at the Hermitage current – 3/9/2019 • Roles of Engagement 1/12/2019 – 2/22/2019 • Princess Smith: The Evolution of Self 1/12/2019 – 2/22/2019 • Norwood Viviano: Postindustrial current – 2/28/2019 • Drip current – 1/31/2019

36FAEA Ad_032918_r1.indd Fresh Paint1

Winter 2019

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Museum Happenings MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS


• Syd Solomon: Views from Above current – 1/20/2019


• Fairyland Lustre: The Darkly Magical World of Daisy Makeig-Jones current – 3/3/2019 • Jewels of the Imagination: Radiant Masterworks by Jean Schlumberger from the Mellon Collection current – 3/31/2019 • Drawn to Beauty: The Art and Atelier of Jean Schlumberger current – 3/10/2019 • Glow: The Hand-Painted Photographs of E. G. Barnhill 1/12/2019 – 4/7/2019 • A Feast for the Eyes: European Masterpieces from the Grasset Collection 3/23/2019 – 7/28/2019 SALVADOR DALI MUSEUM • Watercolors & Drawings from the Vault current – 3/17/2019 • Dreams of Dali in Virtual Reality current – 12/31/2022 • Student Surrealist Art Exhibition 2019: Pinellas County 1/12/2019 – 3/3/2019 • Magritte and Dali current – 5/19/2019

• Intermission: Art and Music from the Permanent Collection current – January 2019 • Philip Haas: The Four Seasons current – June 2019

• Liliana Porter: El hombre con el hacha y otras situaciones breves current – 9/29/2019 • Arthur Jafa: Love is the Message, the Message is Death current – 4/21/2019 • José Carlos Martinat: American Echo Chamber current – 1/26/2020

• Isabelle de Borchgrave: Fashioning Art from Paper February 2019 – May 2019

• Pedro Veves Marques: A Mordida current – 7/28/2019 THE FROST ART MUSEUM AT FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY


• Connectivity current – TBA

MIAMI PÉREZ ART MUSEUM MIAMI • Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980–83 | A Documentary Exhibition current – 2/17/2019 • Grids: A Selection of Paintings by Lynne Golob Gelfman current – 4/21/2019

• Relational Undercurrents current – 1/13/2019 THE LOWE ART MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI • Yousuf Karsh: American Portraits current – 1/20/2019 • Giampaolo Seguso: My Page Is Glass current – 1/27/2019

• Ebony G. Patterson . . . while the dew is still on the roses . . . current – 3/5/2019 • Hew Locke: For Those in Peril on the Sea current – 9/1/2019

• Dialogues: Studio Glass from the Florence and Robert Werner Collection current – 1/27/2019 • Elsie Kalstone: Imaginative Things current – 5/19/2019


continued on page 38

THE JOHN AND MABLE RINGLING MUSEUM OF ART • 250 Years of Circus in Print current – 1/14/2019

Turn It Up!

• Watercolors from the Permanent Collection current – 2/3/2019

Lesson Plan for Grades 3–12

Make a cell phone amplifier by mixing clay with a little bit of science.

• Cosco Fusco: Twilight current – 2/17/2019

This “modern megaphone” is great for broadcasting your favorite music so everyone can enjoy. It’s easy to do. Just build a clay cone, add fun details, cut a space for the cell phone to sit in, then glaze, fire, and turn up the volume!

• Woodblock Prints from Postwar Japan current – 5/5/2019 • Knights 2/3/2019 – 4/21/2019 • Interpolations: Artwork from the Ringling and Monda Collections 3/17/2019 – 9/8/2019 • Natasha Mazurka: Order Systems 3/17/2019 – 8/29/2019

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Winter 2019


Museum Happenings continued from page 37

WYNWOOD RUBELL FAMILY COLLECTION • Purvis Young current – 6/29/2019

• William J. Glackens and Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Affinities and Distinctions current – 5/19/2019

• New Acquisitions current – 6/29/2019



• Imagining Florida: History and Myth in the Sunshine State current – 3/24/2019

THE BASS • Paola Pivi - Art With a View current – 3/10/2019 • Aaron Curry - Tune Yer Head current – 4/21/2019


• Daniel Faust: Florida Photos from the 1980s current – 3/24/2019

• Odalis Valdivieso - Performing the Self and Other Selves current – 4/7/2019

• Michael Smith: Excuse Me!?!... I’m Looking for the “Fountain of Youth” current – 3/24/2019

• The Haas Brothers - Ferngully current – 4/21/2019


FT. LAUDERDALE NSU ART MUSEUM • Remember to React: 60 Years of Collecting current – 6/30/2019

NORTON MUSEUM OF ART • Nina Chanel Abney 2/9/2019 – 6/25/2019 • Going Public: Florida Collectors Celebrate the Norton 2/9/2019 – 6/4/2019

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Fresh Paint

Winter 2019

6/29/18 9:52 AM

• Out of the Box: Camera-less Photography 2/9/2019 – 6/18/2019 • Oldenburg and van Bruggen: The Typewriter Eraser, A Favored Form 2/9/2019 – 6/4/2019 • Modern Spontaneity: Ralph Norton’s Watercolor Collection 2/9/2019 – 5/7/2019 • Spotlight: Ralston Crawford Across Media 2/9/2019 – 5/14/2019 • Good Fortune to All: A Chinese Lantern Festival in 16-Century Nanjing 2/9/2019 – 6/4/2019 • WHO? A Brief History of Photography through Portraiture 2/9/2019 – 11/26/2019

Y Youth A Art M Month

Flag Design Competition Submit your students' designs for Florida's Youth Art Month Flag Design Competition by Friday, January 18th, 2019. Guidelines and submission instructions can be found at FAEA.org. Visit the FAEA website to learn about other ways to get involved with Youth Art Month in the classroom!

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Fresh Paint

Winter 2019


Mr. Brush



I’m so excited to have my own Facebook page! Check out all my travels and exciting news. I’ve even got FREE videos and lesson plans for my favorite teachers.

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