The Rationale for an
Interdisciplinary Music Program in Orchestra
by David J. Cruz
Have you considered how you might
disciplines. To best reach students and
tion of music with other disciplines”
provide a deeper understanding of the
provide a positive musical or vibrant
(p. 2). Additionally, the implementa-
music to your students or how you
experience, we should consider imple-
tion of an interdisciplinary approach
might promote a global and compre-
menting an interdisciplinary approach
may promote higher-level thinking,
hensive look beyond music perfor-
to music education.
collegiality, real-world application, transfer of learning, improved pro-
mance? Many music teachers tend to focus primarily on the final product
What is an interdisciplinary
ficiency, increased autonomy, and
and overlook the process’s importance.
increased initiative and motivation
Most of our students might not contin-
An interdisciplinary curriculum draws
(Ellis & Fouts, 2001). In summary, an
ue their formal music education at the
from various disciplines to encour-
interdisciplinary approach to music
collegiate level or become performers;
age diverse forms of knowing and
education brings exterior non-musi-
thus, the classroom experiences should
understanding, revealing social, his-
cal principles into the teaching of
lead to educationally vibrant experi-
torical, and aesthetic components of
musical concepts. An interdisciplinary
ences that students can recall through-
music-making (Barrett et al., 1997).
approach can turn into a large collabo-
out their lifetimes. Consider the pieces
The purpose of incorporating an
ration between various school depart-
you have connected with most; it is
interdisciplinary curriculum in music
ments or can easily manifest itself in
likely the director delved deeply into
education is to provide students with
expanding on a general background of
the historical and social background
meaningful experiences that allow stu-
the composer’s intent and background.
and made the composition relevant
dents to create connections and associ-
Regardless of the depth you choose
to you in preparation for the piece.
ations to real-world examples. Barrett
to take with each composition, I hope
Quality music has salient qualities that
(2001) explained that incorporating
you will recognize the value of this
facilitate this type of deep connection
an interdisciplinary approach allows
and allow students to make connec-
students to develop “deep understand-
tions outside of music and with other
ings on the intersection and interac-
Continued on page 14
August 2021