We can’t wait to see you back, face-to-face, January 12-15, 2022, in Tampa Important Dates
The FMEA Professional Development Conference is one of the largest music
(Subject to change)
education professional development events in the United States. In addition to approximately 250 clinic sessions and concerts, it is host to 22 all-state
Nov. 13, 2021 Hotel Room Cancelation Deadline: 5:00 pm
ensembles featuring Florida’s top band, orchestra, chorus, guitar, Orff, and popular music students conducted by world-class conductors and teachers.
Nov. 15, 2021 Hotels will charge your credit card a nonrefundable deposit for the first night of each room.
It is attended by more than 10,000 people, including secondary music
Dec. 12, 2021 Preregistration closes at midnight. Payment must be postmarked on or before December 4 if you are paying by check. Preregistration is by credit card only after December 5.
the all-state ensembles, students and professional musicians performing with
Dec. 17, 2021 All school lodging checks are due, payable to the hotel where reservations were made for you and/or your students.
« More than 2,800 music teachers and 200 administrators « More than 120 sessions, covering a variety of topics for all music educators,
Dec. 17, 2021 The final deadline for discounted hotel blocks. Unsold rooms in the FMEA blocks are released back to hotels.
14 F l o r i d a
Music Director
directors, elementary music teachers, music supervisors, college students, college music teachers, school administrators, K-12 students performing in
invited performing ensembles, exhibitors, and parents and family members of performing students.
So many reasons to participate:
« An exhibit hall with world-class exhibitors providing products and services for music educators and students
« Performances and mini-concerts from some of Florida’s top music with on-demand access to recordings after the conference
« Networking opportunities, college fair, awards ceremony, and other special programs